i : gaily Standard rrrc Standard is puoiisned 1 rV day (Sunday, excepted) and Jeiiverea uy SATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : .infl vear.-- -$00 ,gix Dflontns-r . . . Tftree months.. i)ae month Single copy.. . , Tjte Weekly ; Standard is a four-page, eight-column paper. It fag a iafSer ciruuaiAxu n vaoarniH ttin any other paper. Price $1.00 !goc annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : 2 00 1.00 .35 .05 r etween iseaBeandheany ,cnean;. - Tifmt6r?nr!--..: jLuu; j. . dease, until you can procure Ayer s Saxsapariliatha. only re tyle bloqd:purmer. , old by kill Mruggsjs and dealers' invmediciiie. WkejaXeeryicem wat;tbe;Fir8tPra jomorrtiw, preaching in tHe morn, pg by the pastprvandnn? tnei even ih& J)Rev. R ;H !Parkeri the 2? Wndi Qhaaated to preach for Rev. V Alexander. pfisoNitPorNTEits. If there was a man at the Chicago convention that won more: elitter- 1DS sours thanThAnJRL inWt n ferma for regular advertisements haa-the man-Mr. iuitascia cham. pioning, cWiUianioj; ryn; dn?e out anAhear the man that- thrilled tnat august body. - 1 .ThuredaT afternoon rat "3 o'clock at $he home .of the bride near Rock v ruage, miss JLme,tyyhite, and Mr. Thomas Talbert were married. Mies White is the daughter of Mrs. Jane White. Bbthl are - popular voune people oi tne county. Uide known on application. !- - . II Address an communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, C. Arrival of. Trains. vfo iifroin Richmond! arrives at 11:17 a. m. " Atlanta " " 7:22 p: m. " Atlanta " " 9:35 a.' m. " New York " " 8:48 a. m J5 37 ' 6 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a.m, u 6 Southbound " " " 5:450. na Vns. 11 and 12 are the local trains betwi 9:OOp.m. m. etween Mrs. FrankLBnk; of Cannon ville. cfdiaioTid and Atlanta. Nos.35 and 36 are the WUO ha8 been Quite sick fnr a- Inntr fast mall trains between Atlanta and Washing- I " j j rn j 1. f wT 5 ? I3S5- 4 -o iu u: . j I time, fllfifl Hr riflV ni(tht ' P axr TT A Soestern vesuDuicu i.xmuea trains ana stop jyicUUllpUgh COndUCted the funeral gfc ivv- 0 Tne Ebb and Flow; of the Unman Tide at YnU Port, as.Seen Dy Oar heic(rW "-T-V ' llessrsWiU'Wowe' and Mose Newell spent today in the city: Miss Dora Thayer, of M t; Pleas ant, spent today at Mr. Joel Reed's. -Rev. J.R J ones, the Prohioition candidate: for Governor, returned to Greensboro this morning. Mrr W f H Skinner, the tinner, is at Cbiha Grove today lookiog iffter bis work at that place. 'Prohibition Candidate T - P Johnston v and little Miss - Annie Kiser returned to Salisbury this morning. ?v,; ; ' . Judge sET Boy kin, whp.has beari;inl thecifty j for 8$ viral weeks, leffertnis morhing fqr Clinton,- his home. " MissMsouri hlnW and Messrs. V K Lyles and Thomas Litiker4 - returned froni : Charlotte FH'day eveJigA :::'- Messrs Brown Simpson John Fulen wider,' Herbert " Miller and John Foil, students of North Caro lina College were in town today. - Mr. Ed. Misenheimer left this morning for AlbemarleV where he will be engaged on ' the finishing TO DAY lis Li 3 ONE CASE OF Latest Capes See FIRE INSO RANGE When in need 61 J'ire Lusui ance call and see or nite. We leproW sent only first-clai i GConie and For eign companies. ; Respect fully, .Woodh u i a IIaibxs MORRISON H. CALDWEL A-TTOBNIY AT LA.W CONCOBD. N. O Office in Morris building, epposits r Hon 88.' Our I $1:50 Capes FLOWER BUEBS' from from the house at'll- o'clock! today 1 touches on the new cotton mill. (fcaiuraayj, alter which the remains were conveyed to Mt. Gilead bury ing grounas. Lot 635 Double Storm Collar, Full Sweep. Correct Length, only 2.50. L.M. ARCHEY, M D. Physician and Surgeon. J Concord, N. O. OFFICE ; ST. CLOUD - ANNEX' 5 Ftir Ceil h to i i: The remarkable nu ruber of cures of gout and rheumatism which have folllowed the use of Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. point conclusely to the fact that this remedy comes nearer being Hon. Theo. F Kiuttz arrived in the city this morning and went out to Mt. Pleasant, where he delivered Latest Df 6 SS Patterns, a powerful speech at 1 o'clock. l v : . jj amasse . bt omme s rat n HEUDERSQIl & CO. pharmacy. Mr. Henry A Castor saw; an ac- Round trip rates have been " au thorized for. the following occasion: Account of North Carolina State the epecific for complaints ; of this Agricultural Fair, Raleigh N.' C. nature than any other medicine in "CKets on saie uctooer lb, iy, ana Mo, at rate or one nretsclasa fare fcr round trip, pi as 50 cents for one firlrrnRSinn tn fair orrnnTiilfl farfi fnr count in The Standard, telling: of round trip $5'. On October 21 and a pereuu uweaing 10 aeam irom ine 22, fare for round trip will be $3 30 uu c auu BttBu iu Biupuo uow plQ8 5q centa for one admission to oi diooq irom me nose, cora tne nt- i:r arnnnjfl tie finger, with a common sewing thread on the side from which the bood flows and let it j remain around the finger for a short while. He says that it will certainly stop the nose from bleeding. I , for Sim- and OoatingiSerge desirablelstylisli andiipo-daAe. - : . . I, mm iair grounds, uontiuuous passage in both directions. Final limit tick eta October 26, 1896. received to-day. m DRUG STORE. A good recommendation mon8 Liver Regulator is, that it is purely vegetable and strongly tonid i TTrmv p nArnnxr lnnoi vonn Then too, it is better than pills be- powder and with no griping, while mh 0 P'pct HnrsAt o-n th ft (mar taffi wet n va nannmi nr nil.l C.f . uuCOu xaauo i0 Simmon's Liver Regulator a very merous. : safe and valuable family medicine." The registration books have rf- Rev. J M Rollins, Fairfield, Va 5 cts per pair. ; ' OR- II) Pet CeokPer tor Guaranteed to All Investors i.v. J v.:p:n . . Investments both Large and Small. ' ; . .WHEN DE WITH . ; Thft New York In vestment Co. -BROKERS IN - Stocks, Bonds, - Grain and Cotton 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, . 4 : : KEW; YORK CITY j - : Z S. People who desire to 'have .a steady and jure income on small or large investments end for our explanatory, fre. II For Ladies, 1,03 and $1.75 ' ' i '' ; ' ' Skirt Flannel 12 h and 18c. ; Look for our Pattern Dresses at $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. 1 Market, Sold, by , ''''' ' ' ":'' Ould Mercantile Co. Uink Morrison. Jrowi). Blue, Green, Ked, etc., at 50 and 75c yard. Sample Carpet 20g piece. Eighteen months ago we placed in our store the line of R&- G. Corsets and ad yertised them. The consequence.was we sold them because they were the best. The R & G. has been on the market for a number of years, and there has been a number of merchants in Concord for several years, but they did not and would not handle the R. & G. Corset to day but for the fact that they try to im m '. caved many new names today. We M N B Broughton, Democratic will endeavor to give the list of new iaate for the House in Wake, registrations Monday. charges on the stump that the pub- Mr. Henry Ritz was out today lie printing is costing the State 65, after intense suffering for several 000 per year more than under weeks with typhoid fever, tne Democratic rule and that the pnnt mamps and erysipelas enough to ers are actually paid less wages. , Mr. kill an ordinary man. Broughton ought to be an authority Odell Cleaver and Lindsay Dry wards fc Broughton did the public tisline of goods is smaller than on other were before Mayor Morrison this printing prior to the meeting of the lines of corsets. We would not mention afternoon for an assault upon: 0 C tusion ! Legislature. Statesville the above if it was not a ejrand adyertise- Semoan and Charles Semoan. The Landmark.! ment lor us,, iney acanowieage mat t .ej eo u i we are the leaders in the best goods on buu, By making the convicts cook, and the market, and hope the public will v The law office of MrvW G Means buy(og supplies directhenthe 5 Las been removed to the room , in cost of guarding and . feeding them the pe0ple who were forced to handle the new King building over Ritz's. is less than to keep them in idleness them. ' - Mr. C M Sappenneld has rented the in jail under the old system.. The rr C3 1 rooms vacated by Mr. Means and jail fees for August, under the old ; vyG Jtlave 111 btOCJ will conduct a first-class restaurant, system amounted to $228 30. The ' J . -m , ' . : it- . n rTTT Trio . . . r r.nst ot KeeDine xne convicts on me jjlv vv uiiw uev. A k r ool wisnes ihe - -nf- rr ftsol- rf nnavrl. nl!11 CUWU gnug,. wuumub wd . 6uiu- TIIMIIE! STANDARD tO State tnat mere Will . , Uaaa aUrxT xnA nthar be no services at Forest Hill Pres- ex enses during the month of Sep bytenan church tonight or tpmor- teiber wa8 $H4.11. Score one in row and that no service wiube favor of !working roads iby convict uBiu ai yannouvmw, uoiuft laorMonroe Enquirer. iiuie 10 preacn. at 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50, prices guaranteed. I Lassen the Purse Etrisj and get ready for the fall buying. This store has not arrived at its present stage by change. There' s no luck or speculation about this business ; it isn't the result of fortu nate circumstances, but downright honest hard work work wherein your interests as consumers have been carefully studs ied at every count and turn. If you don' t be -lieve all this visit the store during the. coming week. W e' re going to officially open the Dress Goods : Kid Gloves and Cloafc dev partmentsij LOWE & DICK IIG'S If' ROYAL 6EHTUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, SO delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest' favor with aU who know it best, as the great est of all rcedical remedies for botb sexes, of aU ages and in all conditions. fwnm. MTDP. A rtfl f.T I TV flWR HAY. . Dr WhUoViPAH nf Salishnrv. at . ' , i ' . A :: i mi Please remember that we are striving f l Tl" ' r f rW TaKe laxative uromo quinine J-a to give the pubUc the best service we he late health conference at Char- . An druggists refund the SSmv can?. We do not imitate aav- lowo reaa a paper ana gave iubuiu- m0ney if it fails to cure. 25c. bddy, and if there is anything good to be CS indicating the danger OI dnnK- , , u had on the market we furnish it to the ing milk from cows that were in the i i d -: trade. , We do not try to sell the good habit Of taking unwholesome food ; Pple of this town an infer or. article QTTn ftTTOTHS and drinlr f Maj. Guthrie recently said : because there is more money m it if we OJaLIJJlij OXXVyJJiO. "When vou see one of these little se me uesi. If there 'u to be any biggest and p0pulist county committees fan best speech of the campaign it will njng about howling for fusion with be tonight by Hon. Theo. F Kiuttz, Republican gold-bags, you can bet oaLisDury, tne elector oi mo r la8t aoilar that ne'fl got MarK Hanna s money m nis pocKets. It is well to keep this in mind these days. News and Observer. Congressional district. Come out acid hear him and learn to like biin ityou donlt already. Mr. C JDeaton, an experienced and practical printer, presented the 'fitet issue ' of his' advertising sheet NOTICE-TOWN TAXES. Wanted; ' ' MptV to rjreDare for - examination The taxes for the year 1896 are now due and the book has' been The very best, line in town- Good shoes cheap, not cheap shoes, But trick Pat terns, for sale all the time. Fashion sheets tree. Come one, eome all and seeour Goods. way. It is a neat 4-column 4-page ior ui it-ima ah nArflnnR nWmW ,.!, aamo nra I n Tper, and is quite an addition to uoucof OTnment ov tT, the riAw ftntorrriflfts of this hustline information aoout an, ku"uu;ui ;i. kQ rii 1 vl! tewn. His paper will be known as positions and examinations free, of at my roffice in the town hall, oppo. be Advertiser and will be pub- National Correspondence Institute, site c6Urt house, j. l. Bogeb, Ufihfl Atrortr RqtnrHav. .We wisn Dpnt O. b wasningwD, v.v. Town Tax uouector. Mmeacce ' ' ol6 lwk . i ' Oct. 15th,;i896. in in. MIT WILL DO FOR YOU. - 'i . - .... lUlUgiwiouAPPETlTL Itwill give jcu restful refreshing SLEEP. . U will stirhulats your DIGESTION. will restore jour NERVOUS EHERGY. . II wni put jour KIDNEYS In perfect crdsr. IlKill purify your E!cod. ' It win change jour weakness Into STR2KGTH. H will bring jou out of sickness to HEALTH. tf tJEW PACKAGE, LARGE BOTTLE, 10$ DOSES ONE DOIJLAB. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ;'' MAHIWACTUBBD ONLY BY 6 Atlanta Chemical Co., itlanla, Ga. WSIIX FOB 48-PAGE SOUS. TTftTTTTD TEZS. FMZEKS T R TIG SI ORE.

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