n MANUFACTURERS OF , File G-ino-hams , ; , Outin Cloths. Plaids Sheeting - and Salt Bas. Dealers in . .;: . ...... . . . 4 GENERAL , MEROHADISE2 o- Buyers of COUNTRY; PRODUCE oi all kind, and 4-foot woodialways wanted- 'best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL'MFG. Co., Qoncord. N. O CHURCH DIRECTORY. L- St. Andrews Lutheran church pannpnville Rev-H. AMeCiiJJough pastor. Sunday . School at 9.30 a. $n every Sunday. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11. a. id., and regular service every Sunday night 'at 7:30 O'clock, excepting the first Sunday in each month. K O ! Forest Hill M . E. church, I South Rev. M. A. Smith, pastor. Preach ing at 11 a. uo, and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Prayer-meeting every Saturday at 7:30 p. in. The public cordially invited. Epworth League meeting at 7 p. m. Bay's Chapel, $fethodist Church- Rev. J. R. Moose, pastor. Sen ices at 11 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.4 : First Presbyterian church Rev. W. C. Alexander, Pastor, Preach- ingevery;Sunday at 11 a. m., and WJ p,. m. Sunday school; at 3 P- m. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night at 7:30 ' ' , Central Methodist Church Rev. R. H. Parker, pastor Services at 11 a, m. and 7:80 p m Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock, a m. Epworth League meeting at 7 p. m. ! I All Saints Episcopal church Rev J. C. Davis, rector. Morning service at ll?a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. PrayersJ Wednes day at 5 p. m Forest Hillfland Cannon ville Presbyterian charge, Rev. A K Pool, pastor. Services at Cannon- every Sunday ex It TVas 16 to S aud No Good. .: CI 1 M , m r 1 tnenn nima rflfnrnpri from nan eigh Tbursduy. The Populist exec utive committee did not. accept the proposition of the Democratic com- mi ttee la regard to com plete fusion ( A vote was taken, which stood 16 against to 2 in its favor. Unless we all put our shoulders together for the defeat.of Bill Rus sell, 'Brcse Hileman and Jim White and the rest of the Republican btate aDd County ticket, JNorth. Carolina and Cabarrus' county will suffer the humiliation of negro dom ination. Be up and at work. We will haye to "do" them. S For Infants and Children. TORIA limlle ' signature . CONCORD MARKETS. JCOTTON MAKKET.J 'L Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer. Cfood middling.......... 7.30 ir:jji: - juiuuunes y.lft Low middling 7 Etains ... .... 6 PBODUCE MAitJtETi Corrected bv Swm & White. Bacon.................... to 75 Sugarcured nams... 12 i to 14 ulk meat3,8ide8. to 7 , Beeswax...........'.. 7.. .20 Butter ........................i0tol5 Ohickei:5..i. .................... 10to20 Oorn.. ... .............45 : JJggS..'...... ...... ..12i Lard....... . 7 FlourfNorth Caroling ... i Meal....... 45 ate......... ...... ; 35 fallow . 55ic4 W. D, Anthony & Co. PAINTERS, PLASTieOERS, VARN1SHERS AND PAPER HANGERS. ALL JOBS.' GUARANTEED. , lE WAMT YOUR WORK Old furniture made to look as good as new. Mnffrooeo ii uT Vun perfect satisfaction. vxiuiaieriDjEr aspeciaJty. JSee us. W. D. Anthony & Co. do26 w jl . vine ii a. m., cept the 4th. Sunday in each month; t Forest Hill Chapel, Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m., preaching 8 p m. Every Sabbath. I . Baptist ChurchRev. J. J. ! Pay- seur, pastor, servicesCeverv Sundav at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 7;30 p. m. pxayermeetingeyf rySaturday at 7fc30 p. m,; bunday School ever? Sundav ?? m.lPublj6 prdiallj if Vited, t ; - V .. lYifllb SeformeA fcnurcn Rey B Frank Davis, pastor1. Preaching every Sunday Tat 11 to, Sunday school at 10 a. m.Y. P. SC. &t at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. JlSt. James Lutheran Church, Main street Rev. Chas. B. Miller, pastor, seryices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School 3 p. m., Luther Leaguellst and 3rd Sundays 4 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer 7:45, All are cordially invited. Trinity Refprmed Chapel West Corbin stretf, Hev B Frank Davis, pastor. Sunday echool at 3 p. m. F reaching at 4 p. m. All are cor dially invited to attend. Timely Topics, x ne iimes are not eo hard as some people make them but. Shows and entertainments go on just the same and they are patronized. Some people use toe old complaint of "hard times" to deceive their neigh bors, when it is not as hard as they make out. If they would quit talking so much about it and use toeir breath in trying to help up something, a better feeling would prevail Durham San. MI'IIIIIMIMIIllllllllllllllinMII)MllliMllllllinmm Mllll.lilllillUlllllllllMIII'lllllaMIIIIIIIMIMUIIIllllllllllll.llllilllllliUI11!"' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.miiiiiuiiini'imiiiiiiiiiiih'riiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiihiiiiniHi . AgetablePrcparationforAs sifnilating thelood andRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigeslioaChecrful- ness andRestContams neither OpmrivMorphme norMinraL Not NAug otic ' Scape aOldDrSAMDELEnVUKU 4bcSenna JttxklUSafa- Jtypermint . i Carbonate Solai ' ffZrmSeed '-' ' Garifud Sugar . Vuat&yrwv Fltrnri A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of , NEW VOHK. TOR Slind flow You Bet. ; People who are so ready to bet on the election now ouht to know that section 43, chapter 159, of the laws of 1895, says : "That any person who shall bet or wager any money; or other thing of vaioe,upen any election, held in this Stete, shall be guilty of a misde- meahor rib CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- iei8. ah druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Slasonlc Notice. A regular communication; of istokes Lodge No. 32 A E & A M, Monday night 7;30 sharp. Basis ness of importance and work in F C degree. By order of W M, R A Brower, Secretary. THAT the FAC-SIMILE OF IS ON-THE WRAPPER EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. OF EYEEY BOTTLE OP wrap ii I Oaatoria is put Tip in one-size bottles only, it is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to BeU you anyxmng eise on tee plea or promise that it ju as gooa" ana "win answer ever pose." -Seo that yon get 0-A-S-T-0.R.T r fimlle SUf sff? ,.J WfPP. - THE- GONGORD STAIBARD AKby Dr. Miles' Nerve PIastw- Dpoi pinsoei rimples. Copper florin Kfr?T?llroat out. It la this SeJbudirrB&boSWpnT yre guarantee to cnr wsJtSlz OlbON a& cases &!gt fa 95 Tire cannot cure. ThLa tuYLa f,or a baffled the skill of the S?st eSfS Jl? aiwa -clans. 5O0,00O citSf Shfn?2Snlphy81 ttonalfiiraotF. Absolute orSofa tocondi. irp? Xlasonlo Temple, XHICAG Offers to the busiaees public a re liable, per maueDt; conservative an d aceomodatiDgr AbnnKiDer inptitution. We fepJicityouribusiness with tbe aesurauce of hoijorable treatment at d duo appreciation of - your pat If we can eervp'vnr! t urw h'mo J? shall b glad to have you come uuu SCO UOi I ' LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. Vi Capital and Sult)lus'$70,000. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. ODteLL, PrW. K. L. GRAVEN Will keep in stock FO OR GRADES of Domestic Coal for Stoves, Grates, Furnaces and Shop nse. Hard and soft. Best Jellico Coal at $4.25 per ton and nnwarda See him before placing yonr orders. I JNOi R. ERWIN. -C A. MISENHEIMER ERWIN & M1SENREIMER ! -. . . - ! . I Physicians and Surgeons , Office Nrt. TTorf tt posite A2nd iPresby teriaDchurch, Charlotte. C- i Notes from the Organ. At the residence of tbe bride's father, Mr. John Yates, Mr. j Dqlph Mieenheitner and Miea Ida Yates were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on, Sandaj, Oct. 3, Rev. J C Denny officiating. - ' Mies' Effie Kluttz has gone to ro and has . entered ,the btate Normal for this session. . Mr. John Hartman and wife have moved on the Allison Bost farm. We welcome them. : r ; Mr. H A Crnee has been working at tne Jjatnhard t mills, doing some repairs on the wheat mill." Mr. Slongh wants everything in order wnen it rains; ' The Nickel Band, - the ladies of tbe W. H. & F. M. gocietv of Oran Church, tlibtribnted a number of nickels among the children last bunday, telling them "To occur, v till 1 come," The bhildren ' are to use these, to trde with them until some time after Christmas when they, will be called to give an account of their "stewardship" U'he pastor, ne v. u n uox, baa 1 offered a premium 10 me one who gams the mcst with his nickel. Every trade must be recorded, as some of our bova r guou ai traaing there will be quite a record. Misses Salhe A. and Lydie Fisher iui. x-.easant, were visiting last wee ac iir. u- M Jbisher's. Corn shuckings are the order of ine aay, or rather of the night. Oct. 15, 96. f vVhit, DAILY WEEKLY: Democratic - in principle, conservative - in - methods. Newsv but not sensational. Devoted to the interest of unity, harmony and progress. Its efforts and aims are to add to the 10-rs of theghome circle, the elevation of the am bitious, and aspirations of its readers. It would oladhr fill the mind! with leas- ant and-profitable thoughts, makino- life's burdens.hghter, its duties dearerl-Sits o mor- tunities more apparent. DO YOU TAKE IT ? ; ;.. ( . ... .... ., ' ' ,, ' ." : s. . - . Ii;not,.pleaseItrv it and ' see if " on don't sa- tHaLt THE STANDARD wtS times its cost tayou. . Publishers. ?