pally Standard. I B Standard is published Ueryday (d and ay excepted) and delivered by carrier. . i BATES OP SUBSCRIPTION : 0Qe year. .4 00 , i ix months 2.00 Oae month. ..." .35 , Single copy.. .05 The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eigot-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus tbaa any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. ; ADVERTISING RATES : Terms for regular advertisements jjjade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, -v 3 XT n vuuuuru, in . u. ; Look at K L Craven coal ad. Lowe & Dick are selling under wear and shoes at remarkably low prices. See their advertisement. At his home Saturday night, Rev. J K jvi joss united in matrimony Mr. John R Gourley and Miss Lillie browell, both of Cannonvilie. The candidates began the regular county canvass today, at Rocky River, in No. 1 township, tomorrow thev will juiveiy umes will be had two weeks, while on Tent. ior ine next their rounds. A farmer told a Standard reporter it was as bard work to keep the colored laborer at work now as it would be to! do the work himsfllf He has suspended work on his farm until after the election. Rev. W M Robbins, who has been spending several week's in this city, preached a powerful sermon at Forest Hill Methodist church Sunday night. v We have hard many complimentary things said aoout it. .Between disease and the many uueap preparations wmcn are palmed off under the name of blood toa. os;37an4' 38 are the Washington and purifiers, take VOUr chanCOS with Southwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stOD 1 j - ,.T J uuco -?"b" uiaeaee, udiu you can procure Ayer's Sarsaparilla the only re liable blood purifier. Sold by all ui uggisio auu ueaiers in meaicme. 37 Arrival of. Trains. roitrtichmondi arrives at 11:17 a. m. LV3Kni Tl or fin - - - - TA aw -. Atlanta " " 7:22 p.m.: ,6; " Atlanta - - 9:35 a.m. New York " . " - 8:48 a. m " Atlanta " " o:oo cm. ' 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, 63 Southbound " " " 545 J. m. gas. 11 and 12 are the local trains between fifc-femond and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 6 are the fast mall trains between Atlanta and Washing- at Concord on signal. PERSONAL POINTERS. .... The Ebb and flow:: of the Unman Tide at Ybift Port, as;SeenKy Onr Reporter. ' Mr. .Burton Bennett sbent ves- ter day in Greensboro. - Mr. Luther Shirey was in Salis bury yesterday. Mr. W A Smith is in Charlotte this afternoon-. - ', Mr. John F Correll spent Sun day at Oonover with irsends. Mr. Robert Sappenfield came over from Charlotte yesterday and returned today. : Prof. P E Wright, principal of Ne well's 'High School was in the city last night. - Mr. ?Gus Harrsell spent Sunday at Mt. Pleasant with old folks at home. ' , . -': -y Mr. C L;Sims and sister. Miss Delia, spent Sunday with friends at Harrisburg. - - Miss Hester Wilkinson has gone; to Amity, in Iredell county, to spend a week with relatives. ; Mr. J y Stiller, who. has been visiting his family in this city for several days, returned to Columbia, S. C, this morning. 'Mr. R C Montgomery spent Sunday afternoon in Charlotte, hav ing made the trip there and back on his wheel. TO-DAY 3 ONE CASE OF - y Latest Capes FLOWER BULBS I A missionary festival was held at Round trip rates have been an. from PETER HE I1DER0 received to-day. mi DRUG STORE. Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran thorized for the following occasion: church Sunday night under , the auspices of the Woman's Homeland Agricultural: Fair, Raleigh, N. C; r oreign missionary society, i ne tickets on sal&. October 18, 19, 20 memDers renaerea an interesting and 23, at rate of one firstsclasa fare programmer ana a collection was crrbund trip, plus 50 bents for one taaen ior me cause. ; i r;oa,wVA r.rino. fa fnr The remarkable number of cures round trip $5. On October 21 and of cout and rheumatism which have 22, fare for round trip will be $3.30 folllowed the use of Ayer's Sarsa- pins 50 Cents for one. admission to parilla, point conclusely to the fact fair grounds.,; Continuous passage iaai inis remeav comes nearer oeingi uutu uircuuuuo. nuai num. uu& the epecifid for complaints of this et$ Oc'ober 26, 1896. nature than any other medicine in pharmacy. J There is no telling what the little cigarette can do when it gets a fair show. A I Williamsport, j Pa., boy has just been sent to the peniten tiary for rifling letters, his stealing propensity being caused by excess ive indulgence in cigarette smoking. See Our FIRE INSURANCE. Vhen in need oJ Kire lusuiance, call and see us, or vtite.- We iepre sent only first-clat : Kome and For- eign companies. Respectfully, Woodh n e & Haijiis. $1.50 Gapes, Lot 635 Double Storm Collar, Full Sweep, Correct Length, ; Latest Dress Patterns, Damasse,Etomihes and CoatingJSerge desirablelstylisli and up-to-date. MORRISON H. CALDWEL ' A.TTOBNTY AT LA.W, CONCOBD, N. O' Office in Morris bunding, c pposite , . r . House. L. M. ARCHEY, M D. Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N. O. OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX- 5 Per Cent Per Month ; OR- 60 Per Cent. Per Year I - ON . - . i Investments both Large and Small WHEN KiDE WITH, ----- -i . - Th New York Investment Co. . ,' - - - " '.T - BROKERS IN " Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, v - NEW; YORK CITY. j . V v : P. S. People who desire to have a steady and ure income on v small or large investments end. for our explanatory, fre. I 5 cts per pair. 400' DOZEN Ladies Vest 9 121, 15, 20, 25 and. 50. Our 25 cent Vests haYe been re duced from 39 cents. How heavy was the frost this morning : The forecast calls for clear and warmer weather. The Best Corset on the Market, Sold by There are 100 day pupils at the Newell High School, and 56 board ers. A new dormitory is to be built, as more room is needed; A mili- lErpii1 tt .?ad Ould Mercantile Co. m It is said that the chestnut .crop The 8chool is p6r08pering beyond ii euuri mis year. . ; the greatest expectations bf the New Eighteen months ago we placed in our The next thine to do is to vote ellites. Charlotte Observer. stor? the line of R. & G. Corsets and ad- imugiuuu iB w vuto, Tertised them. The consequence was we now mat registration is tnrougn T , 5a ftnmmnn- fnr nnhrinln in nd. sold them, beeause they were the best. With. L.: iUr.f on. The R & G. Jhas been on the market for voiubo lux uiuiC FuF1AO, mw a number bf years, and there has been Mr. J P Ouerv is clerkine at G W wnat unusual 10 aaveruse ' mai . no a number of merchants in Concord for Viiifi TrAflsnrar ft Rd A more are desired. However Mr. several years, but .they did- not and lvw?tlfiriH fltnmninp- thft rountv Thompson informs us that the Con- would not handle the R. & G. Corset to estier is stumping tne county. f t for the fact that tney tQ jm. t r. m..Am nn,;i . u j . itate our line of goods, and the profit on -nl u fcUUAAU" T more u AVC" UUACDO uu" this line of goods is smaller than on other we will know how large liryan s der exceptional circumstances. ; lines of corsets. We would not mention Mr. Henry Gracber and daughter, WOTtf fnr a Thft orkTinwifidp-ft that t Rev. H A McCullough is quite I Miss Lottie Graeber, were among the we are the leaders in the best goods on sick at the home of Mr. M C Walter, mtmv from Rowan countv that the market, and hope the public will nn WW "nornt afrfiot. -Mrs. Walter. I ; fha nt.rr fnrlflv. Mr ftrjflhflr fullvaDDreciate the facts set forth and -who b also eick, is somewhatbetter. told a Standard reporter that some pMWl On Saturday last Ed. Fisher received a check for 2,000, the life hink wa He alg0 expressed insurance of her husband, who was . d Q d wishes for Cabarrus. a member of the Knights of Honor. "" & rnso d Underwear.: Shirts 15, 25, 40, 50 and $1 00, the best values on the market ; Pants to match. LADIES' UH ION SUITS. $1. 00 r and $1.75 Big Bargair s in Dress Goods. CHEAPEST ' STOCK OF SHOES in the city. When you want anything come and see us. . " km tiis am Sell Brothers' circus will be in to cube a cold in one dax Charlnttft nn Satnrrlav October 21. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- . A was here todav niacins lets. All 'druggists refund the lythographs in many of the ctore money if it fails to cure. 25c. windows. ' I Horses Xi.r. IX JX iiUUU. tUt) UUiOO UlUw, , o arnvea in tne city toaay wiw a wg We Have in Stock now the Rib at 50cl. 75c., $1 and $1.50, prices guaranteed. trade. We do riot try to sell the goad and Mules at Auction. - ; . Dodd, the hostler, will haye amvea in ine cuy louay wuu a - - i , - iit rim nf Wa-nd mnlflfl that will a Car loaa oi xiureca auu u . ip. ooa rArn-hRr that we are striving be sold at auction at CorFs stables J. Corl'a livery stables .on Wednea- to give the public, the best service we ttt.i j I, v. a u l-u i Innasiblv can.' We do not imitate any- bodv. and if there is anvthing good to be had on the market we furnish it to the i Mr. Robert Erwin, of Charlotte, to o'clock. Bain-or. shine, the stoi Miss Eunice Caldwell, daughter of must be sold. o!63t Mr. JE lam tCald well, pf HarnsDurg. h ; - - ; It Will be a; quiet affair. - : The Passing Hour. : ' The young man Sides, whose " Many an individual who pulls skull was crushed by a horse kick- through a severe illness owes more ing him, and who was brought to to the narse than to the doctor, save town and thought to be improving, . the point 0f money. not aoing so weu iuuajr. i u condition is critical. neonle 'of this town an inferior article because there is more money in it if we give the best. and get ready for tlie fall buying. This store lias not arrived a;t its present stage by change. There's no luck or speculation about this business ; it isn't the result of fortu nate circumstances but downright honest hard work work wherein your interests - as consumers have been carefully studN ied at every count and turn. If you don' t be lieve all this visit the store during the coming week. We? re going to officially open the Dress Goods1 Kid Gloves and Cloafc de partments.3 V LIE I WL iwm : - There is a difference -between nedl cines and medicines. , . -. - -Those of to-day. as a rule, differ from. liose of the past in many respects. ' V lHilly as eat is the difference be tween Dr. King's . . . and the rirdinarv medicines of to-v. Xt is unlike them in . , THESE IVE THincio: 1. It does not taste like a xnedi vine. It is as pleasant to take . lemonade and makes a most refresninff Idrink. , 2. It never nauseates the most 1 u the charm NOTICE-TOWN TAXES. - '- ." . ----- - The taxes f 6r the year 1896 are now due and the - book has been Voice culture is the fad of society , . . ..t i, women, who realize that in speak Dunaav at uenpre - , nff tlLevHose; mach ! of th uurca tne regular iuu uuuiuj uv rf service was held at 11 o'clock a. m. that they otherwise possess The pastor, Rev. J Q Wertz, was l it mav be news to flower-lovers ( placed in my hands for collection. assisted by Rev. M (j It benerer, n rntftnt nlante from All persons owing the same are irM; if jrt,f w nrnlina College, that they can protect plants irom y notified that uromnt Day- f T!" ;a mv f.nt!bv means ol a piece ol mos- fcwin be exoected. Call on me exercises were held and a coUeotioa qnit 0 nettU,g thrown over them, u ior ine cauHo ui uiicuuj . , -Town Tax. Uollector. work in foreign fields. -Several l - tf rere in attendance from this city, eaaaehe ,f delicate stomach. 'ta 3. It does not swap off one J- rTTAmct OTTTPC! ease lor anotner. aot.Bv.r SHOES, 'blUJDib. one form of disease in order to relieve, anotner as is so oixea wov. no aicouu ur The ytry best;' line in town Good shoes cheap, not cheap ; shoes, But trick Patterns for sale all 'the time. Fashion , sheets tree. Come one, eome all and seejour Goods. ill pap 4.J It contains opium in any form v and is always harmless even .wnen giveu w w -vr A Ho TT Am, 5. It aoes nou pawu""i cures it reacnea a nuwixx does to the hidden sources ol oiseas In the blood and removes tha cause. . xj , does this with an ease and power tha. nave never been equaled. 'm v For all trembles or the Blojd, Stot Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and forallforcs of ILLLAIiUI POISON It stands pre-eminent without a rival or a peer. - - -Br Bold toy druggist-, new xce. larff tie. 108 Soses. OnoDUar. 2lauJaetardJy cr THE ATUHTXCHraCAL C0 ATUTITA, (-li FLiZLR' DRUGSTORE.

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