If liifGiiig M MANUFACTURERS OF Fiie Ginghams Outing ulotjis , Plaids Sheeting and Sal Bas. - Dealers in MERCHADISE- Buvers of -COUNTRY: PRODUCE oi all kind, and 4-foot wood 'always wanted best prices for same. We invite arl insec- '' , - ' . tion ot all the goods we mannfactnre ODEliL'MFG-. Co,, Concord. N- C COKCOEJD MARKETS. COTT02T MABKET. V Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer, Good middling.;........ 730 Middlings ....7.15 Ijd'w miHdlmg M.. .7J 23ina .......,.... ! 6 gki PBODTJCE MAui ; f : Corrected bv Swm & White.E Bacon...i.... ........ ......i...... to 75 ugaKcured nams.... .. 12 to 14 Sulk meatBjSides. ................ 5 to ? Beeswax . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... 20 Butter ...... ...... ...... . 10tol5 Chicken.... ...:l..;:.10to2u oom.vv..:. ......:..;.r.!45 Eggs......... .: 12 Ird... ............. .- 7 Flour(North Carolina). ...1 82i Meal......... ......... I ..r..:..: V 45 Oats............;..V.:...;.,;....v35 Tallow . . 3to4 D, Anthiony &o. PAINTERS, PLASTieOERS, VARNISH ERS AND PAPER . HANGERS. . ALL' JOBS GUARANTEED. LWE WANT YOUR WOHS. Old furniture made to look as good as new. Mattresses: made' or renewed with perfect satisfaction' Upholsterintr a specialty. Seecusl W.D. Anthony & Co. d o26 w jl -' home forsame ncetinder same iraaikn- JtJ'l Prefer to come Jiere we wijlcoo. ' tract to iaVTaflmnrl f nrpatfrKrtllrL Ttei? on out, 16 Is tfaia Secondary, J5JDOOT; P.OISO we cruarantee to cure. W cniit mnD. rtr Ht baffled J the skill of thnwt eSptphyi! application. Address COOK RE3IEDY r vi , r .v k,(wu, iuu jstmnaye acnes and Unto roiaa iitiA ftrt 1 TV, CVTJL i V."s H vast w s b c urfl lTiiir ntcMAAIKi 1. 1T vt;. . nyrm Or CHRISTIAN POLITICS. Preached Ify iv Concord Minister Parties On tbe L,tiuor Trfllc. 0a Sunday night last Rev. J R Moose, pastor cf :B-jys' Chapel at Cannonville, preached a sermon on "Christian Politics." While he scathed both old parties on tbt liquojr business of the country, hib sermon, jwaa I not sensational. He preached f ro m E x od us 18:21. ' We publish a few extracts from his ser- mon. He began by eajing: 1c is the duty of j every man to vote. He owes this to In noa, nis country, und himself. Every man . . . . , r. t 1 sna j answer 10 jur.a vucc 48 for any otner act or nia nre. ne time is almost at hand wbrn we may vote, ana rwe snouiu consiuer wen before we vote bnail our votes oe cast for the good of the people or for the.benetit of our party r t The first question with many men n regard to a candidate is not "Does be fear God?" but is-he "a straight Democrat, Republican, or Populist, ' as the case may be. So it is the party and; not tbe principle at which many men are looking today. j I thank God that no man has a I ring in my e ose, an d . when he tries I to pot one there ! shall out-kick a I mule. T expect to vote as I beheye God would have me vote; and every I other! man should do the same. We near much about hard times, I and jwe. are, Jolcl, that the money I question is the big thing before the PeW?J9dy- et us look at Borne feff m P010; wifc Jon and sit op with, them. Since 1849 she United States has produced in both gqland-silver $3,310,186,769. which amount will ubout pay our l quor billjfor two years. r Do you elt$a? The tal j m??eJ ,of ,the world is 10,533,000,01-0, and veti the people , of the United States I spent all this amount for liquor from the time Cleveland went into omceini& to tne present time- We are told that the Sherman law brought on the panic of 1893, and yet all the money paid out for silver by the government during the ex. lotcuuc ui tup mw wouiu uut pay our liquor oius)x montns. r PeksionsJ From " - a r w the government paid $1,85,235,077, which sum would aooac pay our Jiqoor Eyery time we pay bill for 1895. one dollar lor penaiooa we spenu ior liquor, ao for liauor. r oince tne jate war tne-liquor . busw neas has killed not less than 1,860,- uuu ot our lenow oeings. Ana tn.y ttm uuw 81Ig Bt tne rae or vo,uuu etery year down into! a drunkard's grave and into a 'drunkard's hell. Arid our & : Pi hollowing Monej! MonejIl Monej!!! I ; Logs of Time It is estimated that. now. 'in the United States there ore not leas. than 1,300,000 men idle because of the liquor .traffic. . Who ever saw :a.confirmed tramp that did not drink ? s Close.the saloons and 8 top the . tramps. Tariff. AU the: tariff collected by the United Statts since 1789 till 1895 tamouhts' ;tb '$7,415,871509. This would pay our drink bill for albou t six iyear8. And. jet we. are t f d t h a f. til o f a r i flf 1 a to l a Vi o J . , ' t uu v7""u uePeflU8 on lu J-nere is now aooui 4if per capita lard and one; barrel of vinegar.1 Ab in thS United StateB, and in 1895 sbliitely the1 ohiyc bninjhredparts fti a.vbnf fiiia or namta nroa onont are the saddle and the 3&6rfiFa"h & we are old that the 'liquor is not a financial ques- tipd. f This $13.-79 per- capita spent fbrrliquor had J better been thrown into the' bottdm dE the dean than spentas it was. ; : The country would nave oeen mucn Decier on naa it - i- . : . . - . never been made, than have it spent been made, than have it spent asit.wa5.-5 'The Remedy. V 4,'il ( JViA.-? i. - Not a matter? of more money, but it is to spend what we haye in the right way. Any one can see mat n an tnis money, j , - . -'4 $1,200,000,000, had. been spent totlf .1 the necessities of life, that times ; would have been much better,. anMfsrlf ..h ithnn the farm products would now be selling at much better prices. It is not a matter of overproduction, bat a All . natter of underconsumption. he proof any one needs of this ;u JU3t to look at the half-fed and bait Clad millions in our land, who would buy, but after the drink bill is paid there is nothing left with which to buy food and clothing. A vote for either of the old parties is a vote for liquor. Did you get that ? There is not a legauzea liquor establishment in the United . . . ' s . II rotates oui wnat oue ot ine om parties is respoasioie tor. Ann you whC vote with either make up those parties ana are tnereiore responsive for these liquor establishments. There are' three parties in the field that Btand pledged for the protection of the l quor traffic, and one for its destruction for which , will lYote? Let us look at some of the men for whom we are asked to vote. Take Mr; McKinley; he is a Metho I Idist, and yet in violation of the rules of his church ne is a party and partner in the liqucr business , by renting his property for two saloons. Take Mr. Bryan; he is a Presby- terian, and they say he takes his Bible with him and pravs as he g0e8 And yet it is a: fact that be has declared that he is in favor of high license and opposed, to 'prohi bition. It is stated by a paper which he controlled that he made no ie88 tban forty-five arguments against prohibition in his. distract when he ran for Congress. Did you get that?- ' . . I am told that one of the men now running for Congress in this.district h.a Vippn fnlrnpl mitt nf hia VinrnVi f or drinkins,antL,et.we J as Christ tians are expected to voie for him to make our laws. Will we do it? ltiB all bosh to pray dne way tm& YOte another. Many preachers pray for the destruction of the- liquor traffic and then vote the same ticket that the saloon keeper votes, so that after thev are in the i box Gabriel could not tell them apart. looi to iayo All I ask is that you as a Chris for pensions; tian studv and prav over this matter M i and then vote as you will wish you Uaii I nf , it- io nnf wnv. nn will win, but what is my duty. I TTTlll TC?Tn l1lf th&nk the Lord I am not held re sponsible for the election off Joshua' Levering, but I am responsible for jU8t one vote a hn'n a As God's ei; van t -iwoe is me" dt I cry not against this .monster evil, for en I go before the jadge i am determined that my brother's blood onuii rr,,. ,onu " 1 Throusii the st. jlouIs Tornado. :Here is an illustration of the way the wiqd handled things during the "V "1" 10 -au uiicie, I owned m St. Louis, was struck by three barrels of syrup a tierce of .Jffi was found. : E ven if these: tires had I be 3n punctured , u nless severely toVn,:ahy one of ;the:h6les;hcbuld ue. Riders of these tiresr when i mey-nave a puncture, nee a only be I 1 1 . x - : i i. - , - uareiui to pump, as mucn . air as possible into the tire before insert ing the quick-repair tbel. Thd re pair can be naade in. ; two i miniates; at 'the roadside,' without taking the tire off the ri mi t i j Dr. Miles Pain P1123 cure Neuralgia. s S!o0 o'clock . w,- " ,onn(1 tne man diiine tor f . . au-tpA him to be Tom Vanderburg, r who : was mrJnniniT trv tHft nxm nf one Georee . Rnth m(m were tljder the . . ,. . . ' "iC ning to secure more booze, Vander- burg lost his purse, containing . a little more than $11. Vanderburg accused Sides of robbing him, but thA mnnev i could not be found in ncflftfis;nn nf sirl- Sides was VUV w , loose &nd Chief.Boger, with yanderburgj went to where the two i.n haH nraviouslv been sittine in rear of Df Smoot's office and found , rjurse and mouey lying in 'ot e corner of a coal box. When Sides was in the Mayor's qC9j thinking that he would be apflrnbed. em Dtied his Dockets upon Lfae table and the many little things brousht to view were similar to what is often found in the pockets 0f tbe small boy. There .were : Five rusty nails, one pint of whiskey, one purse, six peunies, -two leather strings, three fiah hooks, one box of gun caps, one salt:cellai, one-pepper box, one brass ring, four buttons, I one spool, a knife, one bandanna, one wbistle,.some tobacco, matqhes, one ..puff button, -a hprn.; button- just here tbere was a Qommotipn,oq the outside and we left. Sides is a man of about fifty years. It Hay Do asSIacti for fon. Mi. Fred Hijler, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years,; with- severe pains in his back and also , that his bladder was affected. He triqd many , so. called; kidney cures; but without any good result. About a year ago he bagan use of Electric Bitters and f ound , relief at once. Electric Bitters is especial,y . adapts ed , to . cure. all. Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost i in ant relief. Onetrial vf ill will .pjpye our statement. , Price 50c and $h 00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Barney Lloyd, of Charleston, nW; Va , is the last surviving member of thelgrahd jary which, - in 1859, in dicted John Brown for invasion and inciting insurrection. . lllllllf ni'Uiiiiiauiiiii'iiniiiiiiiiir'iuiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililMl,iiiiUiintiillilii gc tablePrcparatipn Jpr As; similating uWo6dandRegula- ling the Stomachs andBowls oJT I :Eromotes;Bigesfion,Chcer ness and Bit.Containsrieither, Opiurfr,Morphine nor MhieraL iNOT. XAKC OTIC. if Kuxpe oTOldlJrSAK ' fb&avuf . . fiockOU&Jts- IXvpumont i CarbonateSQZm.ay ft arm Seed -Ctarilwi'Sugitr- . Apdfecr Remedy forCohsCfia ' tioii; SpuT-Stomach.Diahrhoia Worms ,ConvulsibnsTevefisti ! nessandLoss OF SLEEfe ; , Pac Simile Signature , of ,. NEWYOBK. i 'j , EXACT COPT OF WAPPEO, , C -i -rA flit MnnAT. T f -- , ... : . .... . '' " ' , ; continual: irritation to hisdyspenti , ,i""o; i .'J j ill an is . njcuu.. me T00t of' nine-tenths' of the sickneps nf and a large proportion of the sick ness oi wuiuer:. it can be cured easily, naturally and quickly. ture is cunHiauwy worKing aa hard as sbe;can throw off impurities, and to iorce out poisonous reiuse roattpr vy nen.inere.is an impediment Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets set' the wheels, working again without any trouble. They assist nature in a gentle,.' healthful, ' efficient way " There is nothing violent about their action, and yet it is just a& certain as is it were twice as violent" You do not become a slave ta their use." ' They, are difihrent and better than any other pill for the cure of constipation, headache and kindred derangements. Almost all druggists understand-this; and are conscientious enough to tell you so. The druggist who tries to eell you a substitute is not a safe man from whom to buy medicine. Send 21 cents in one-cent stamps to World's Dispensary. Medical , Association, Buffalo, N. Yv, and receive Dr! Pierce's lOOS page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illus trated. CJiyen -,Away Free , To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely tree, one bos of five-cent cigars,one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer Lto -every one -sending os fifty cents to pay packing and po3tage. Address, Peeler A nderson; Medicine Co. Lock Boxf 1, Kerner8vi)le, N. O Cal9 Asbeyllle 'tSedom ana Gomar j " rah; of the; State." Evangelist Fife is stirring things in Asheville. He said in a recent sermon : : "The town here is going to hell while-the chur-ch of God is asleep, I do jiqti beheye another - revival ser vice will ever be held in Asheville. Before that time comes I believs that God will come to claim His own. Abbeville Is the . Sodom and Gomorrah pf North Carolina and almost of the entire South. I be lieve that bad it not been for a lit tle band of Christians your town would have been swept off the ear t h ?x TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Brpmo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ml4 FACtSIMILE SIGNATURE OF: -IS . ON THE 0P EYEEY BOTTLE OF Oastorla la put up la oue-klze bottles only. I fsjnot sold in bulk. -Don't allow anyona to sell yin anting tlia oa the plea 3t ai - good " and " will answer every pur- See that you get 0-AS-T-O-E-I-A. is oa yr siis&tars every wrapper. r -. .. ; THAT: THE lmmm j. 7(7 - sr