ose populist Speeches. The people were entertained Wednesday by Messrs. s Baily and Dockerj. Mp Bily spoVr first and Oned himself, to tne nnancial Mo3t of his speech wa3 0t netf to tho38 who Have heard the 1 A t lgcuesion3 aunng me campaign. We do not remember, though, to v'ave heard any one say before that j had dropped from a $52 per tective tariff but a reafconable ! rate to a' populist of Republican. Cald 1 ne was 8tron?lv af?ainnt ftm Kinley idea of a tariff. He Mc- well made a miserable effort in try- con i had ins to defend the resolution and hia been in the South American States party, but Mr. Sims finally squeezed ana tne islands of the West Iudiee, the admission from Caldwell that and he asked 41 Why don't you trade the resolution was strictly partisan. more with us' when they would say you charge us a tariff higher! than the price of our goods." ne declared his aversion to the Just what Mr. Sims means by his attack upon his party and the ot es who designed. the resolution, puzzles them Tery much. The fight is amusing and to the disinterested on- Republican natinnnl nlaHyml TTo - ffin-i I a 1-. j"""ui "i P'wr. T. Uked tbe money Pk in the Demo- lookers followers of the canvass He claiineu "r iuo xupu ice oratio D.atform. hnt tpfl A.. nf -vw.. , , ,, creaic iui mC . the Toptilist platform better, Democratic party, anu uitumea great wouM roQst Qn th p.!t)uli8fc - 5 i' ; SO he Mr Rinrifl waft. ARVftfl if ho wnnlrl limb I nnfe mn s an lndpnpnilpnt ranflirit.p - - -' r - - ! Sometimes u apparently d e a t man may be ro vived may be re suscitated. Some times it is oftet i hard to teli whether the mat is dead or alive. We hear of people who have oeea buried alive. A man must be cpm letely pead before ope should ot abandoned. It used to be true thai when a man found he had consump tion, he gave up immediately. Consump tion was considered a necessarily fatal dis ease. It was considered incurable. As soo as it developed enough so that a physiciar. could decide that it wa really consumption the "patient s considered as good as dead Years aero. r. Pierce found out that con- credit iur it. xx,0 till free Sliver W; realized, then he fn, Rheriff anH in nBron. h sumntion was not incurable, that it was not flrU vehement sua 13 requliar for WnnlH ratnr! f tt,a T?Jv,i;rt . """"VJ""6i "w necessarily fatal. He not only found thh ana yfc . .. , 1 4. hould return, to the Kepublican stated that he would let the public out, but he found out a way to cure con- hl3 prOUUUUianuuo tuau uia rHnka Ami wnrfc wliro f . I . . . . , . , , , , . A Kelp Wanted- -reraale. $10 to $18 per week .to Men and Women lor easy home work. No K8 or canvassing. no expeii- ence. oua nde cner. JNo caicn Send stamp, fdf work and jr rticn lars. E. Herrman, 213 Somh Sixth Street, Pniladelphia; Pa. c31 IVotiee. . J F Huiley has the old 'teliub s fenn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. They write the be?t policy on earlh. The most desirable at the; least cost.; See the contract before? taking iiisurance air 1 fire fnd ac; dent insurance. , logic. DCCKXllY S SPB.I.CH. Mr. Dockery was introduced as the Old War Horse of the Pee Dee. After some words of greeting to the people of Cabarrus he referred to the great money question. He said it was not a political question at all, that it had "been unwisely thrust into Dolitics. He declared himself a Republican as eyer. ranks and work wherever they pnt know what he intendeded doing on him, but nintu they endorsed free Friday next, October 30, in No. 11 neyer township..' wnen silver confound them. He wanted to be 1 Governor, but pressed he consented to run, and he hated liKe the'd 1 to be cheated IN SOCIETY'S REALM. Did Ton Ever See a Cake Walk? Those Tonne F61bs Who Er joyed the Un- nsnal Sighrt , out of the election as the Democrats had -done. . He addressed the few colored peo pie who he said had been told not to .1 .(.. go to hear him, and warned them NnTth Main street, their accom He only placed agatn8t voing for Daniel Russell piished daughter, Miss Mary Mont- a host of occas- At the palatial home of Judge and MrF.vW J Montgomery, on . 1. . . ? 1 J At himstit wnere ne couiu wiem tne gaid wag a dangerous, evil de- gomery, entertained swora tor iree BiiYer. ne aeqiarea sienlnSr man that would never for- friends Thursday night, the that the Republican party had oeen gjve an injury, but would indulge ion being a .cake walk. The par- the real friend to silver as he could his spite as lie had done iri calling ticipants in this novel amusement and would prove beyond the possi- the negr0ea sayages' and thieves and were:. Misses Calawayr .Emma bility of denial. He quoted ex other vile name8 and declared they White, Lizzie oung, Fannie tracts from speeches of many lead- trJ be allowed to vote. He Young, : Willie Bichmond, Salhe 1QK nepuoiicaus agaiobt tee ueuiuu . n- , fr - RnRSftu wnnlfi irwin, isajeiie xicuuiuuu, Bumption. He introduced his Golden Medical Discovery." The " Discovery " rill cure 08 per cent, of all cases of con sumption if it is taken according to direc tions. Consumption is a disease of th blood. It "i caused by impoverishment of the blood, and by the existence of disease . germs in the system. If the body is per fectly Strong and healthy, and the blood perfectly pure, germs are easily thrown off. If the body is weak, if the tissues are in capable of much resistance, the germs find a resting place and develop. That's the way consumption begins. . The 44 Golden Medical Discovery " searches out the germs, forces them out of the system and cures consumption and other kindred diseases of the throat, bron chia and lungs. No doubt about it, no q ues- tion about it. It has done it in hundreds and thousands of case. The "Discovery a sold at drug stores. ; - . The People's Common Sens Medical Adviser, in plain En glish, or Medicine Simplified bj R.V. Pierce, M. D. , Chief Consult inz Physician to the Invalids' Ho tei and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. 1008 pages, illustrated 680.000 conies sola at $1.50. Now sent, paper-bound, absolut Eii frek on receipt of 21 one-cent tamps to pay for mailing only Address the - Author, as abovcw The HorRan A Wrfjrht Gup nr. The guarantee of rhe "ecod li' " is broad enough to cover almcat an kind of ailments and to ehnsv the most exacting rider, but the line must be drawn somewherp, and Mor gan & Wright are tjymg 10 make it known to riders everywhere that tho guarantee does not cover . damages resulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. quick-repair the before putting U tool into ie puncture, and folJown g , the few other simple instructioris in tre." alogne, a permanei t repair can be made in" two minutes, at the road side, without removing the tip from the rim.' etization of silver in whose company not meet Quthrie or JVatson or any he was in Congress and showed that , , , . Republicanism had changed and not RPfi how huilAimr fan Ramseur, Molhe Dodson, Janie Richmond, -Nannie Cannon, Ida Walter L. Alain's Circas. For the above occasion at Salis. himself. He read from President Lincoln ia 1865 that while the rebellion was being closed in upon he saw with dread that corporations were tories would help the colored man. . , '. He said ithe' first vote 'Guthrie cast, was for Bishop Hood, whom he praised most highly and said when ever Bishon Hood was in his neieh- T "8 uv " . . . . T borhood he alwaye kept him in his s p ftld M, c . ?amjAia thft and wa hPiner crar,hfrpfi ITilO I . . - - I ! " . : o i i a l rt a l- i Dodson, Addie Cannon, Mary Mon- , ', vu'"" Bu , t, q. .ii Charlotte-Monday, October 26th, the gomery ; Messrs. Edgar B ShernU, Sotathern Hallway -will sell tickets C A Pamplin, Walter Thompson, R to Salisbury, at 90 cents and to K Blacky iloiland Thompson, R L Charlotte at 85 cents for the round-; Keeller, C L White, L M Marsh, trip. Tickets on - sale day ot the Ed F White and C R Montgomery performance, limited dayaf ter per- Mr. and Mrs. J P Allison, Mr. H lormaoce, d are . goou on e vcstiuuic naiuat laeecugao win please be prepared to make their .- ... Dr. MllesJin Pills are guaranteed to nj Headache in 20 minutes. "One cent a dose?' EVERYTHING- IS GOING- the hands of the few. It seemed prophecy then, it is reality now. .- It was asserted by good authority that 50 men in New. York could in 24 boars stop the wheels of progress .'in every important industry in the land... - He ridiculed the apsertion that' in the da j s cf greenback currency that inflation-had reached a point that bad rendered it a question. He asked who ever heard of loo much icflaucn of money ? He strongly denounced the calling iu of much of the greenbacks and of i33uing bonds for thlm whose inter est was to be paid in current money whxh was afterward changed to read coin. He asserted emphatically that the act of '73 was surreptitiously gotten through unaware to President Grant3 J G Blaine and James A Garfield rs to it3 effects to demonetize silver. H3 held up McKinley in the bad light of denouncing President Cleve laud about lowering the price of emvthiner but monev and now - . . at McKiDley is on the same line. He said he knew McKinley per sonally and like him, but that he did not have back-bone enough to roll over in a mud hole. He touched up "Jeter" and quoted him as say ing I am in favor of silver and be heve it should be restored to its former dignity. - He had changed like if by miracle, but the speaker thought it was not by miracle but by an old cooter like Mark- HahnsT He said if free coinage is not good bow was it good six months ago when Pritchard and his followers were setting the woods on fire for it in. the Western part of the State. He said he was fn favor of a pro- C A TORI For Infants and Children. -;- . . I I Vi faa-linila Mr. Sims anil tbe KcsoIuUon it oa every The resolution drawn up and roted by the conference commit tees ct t ue l opunat auu xtepuui cp.n partiss of this county, wnicn oy . . i i - - . v,e nay is the mopt parti??n, c lis.- Much praise is given ii nrating scheme that has ever gomery as a hostess - . I 1 1 J 1 A l.T bc?n ceSAi-iiea ana pieaeiiieu iu tiif public tas caused Mr. Sims and other memosra or n;s parry to uisa-- lfita A11 druesista s v j w c zjy wfire the iudees, and at the con- . i elusion of the walk it was decided that Mr. Walter R Thompson and Miss Sallie Erwin were the most graceful, and "took the cake." Prof. R LKeeslerand Mies Mary Mon. gomery won the booby prize a pit. Miss Isabelle Richmond got the penny, and the ring fell to the lot oi Mr. Ed. F White. Dr. and Mrs. W C Houston, Mr and Mrs. L D Coltrane and Mrs. J B Sherrill were also present. Th,e entertainment waa a decided snc and w?- highly enjoyable. M-2 ?.T- ' : own change for aboe tickets. AT C O S V AT fl. B. CORRELL j". fev - Clolliing - at - Gannon m s - & - Fe! refund the o-rAP. the 'Sheriff claiminsr the reso- mnrmv if it fails to cure. 25c. 14 3 - ' : ' i I -WW-wr ki tion as a direct :thrust at him. The No doubt about it: we are better fixed .1:6- Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- miedJSS yUU ill OIUUU Lll limii-WtJ IlfclVtJ CVt?r resolution reads : "The, conference committee demands that no Populist or Republican can be elected to any office who will not - enthusiastically Work for the co-operation ticket and who will refuse to give employment to members of the Populist and Re publican parties when he has it in his power to do so, but gives said employmenr to members of oppos ing parties,' The resolution is signed by M H H Caldwell, J B White, M L Buchanan J W Boger and W O Coleman. At the district school house in S&ot r. Ballet Throiiffh H is Foot. j Thursday afternoon Masters Thomas C Johnston and Fred Ross were handling a flobert riflo thr t jreas out of fix at Morris & Son's hardware store, when Master Fred was shot Thorn ; had the gun in his hand! and wr" sighting at a cer tain spot on a barrel .r ' a target and at the instance he .pulled .the trig ger Fred raised his loot between the muzzle of the gun and ba:rel. The bullet penetrated the foot near the ii ttlo nne. -:rhe"ihiurv is panful but not serious. l i o " f been.- en s Suits , latest and Best Boys' SuitSj latest and! best. AMI t 1 ' ' ' 1 5 i 1 J v uniioren s suits, laxes No. 4 township Thursday a fiery Baeklen's Arnica aarre. The Best Sal ve in the world for discussion took place betwen Sher- Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt iff Sims and Morrison Caldwell.: Rheum, Fever bores, 'J'ettertt unappe ' J- w fKk-rpflnlntinTi Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all aims BayB .uv H"""-gkin Eruptions, and positively cures I intended as a thrust at him beoaoBeJo . F i he employed Montgomery & CrowelJ, gnaHnteed to? give statisf action or Cemocrats, as his attorneys, when a m0ner ref undedf , Price 5,-centa per Populist lawyer was available, and box 'For sale at P.B Fetzer's lJrug that he gave employment to Mr, M store : - . V;. " r ' M Gillon, a Democrat, in preference 'm Pain Pills etop Headache. and best We : guarantee to rave yormone. 0UUTS t.. CANNON FETZER

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