E ELECTION LAW of not exceeding one; thousand dol lars, or imprieonment at hard labor, for a term not or both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court." 0 i tttVi i aVioll r?K I DTTf.RTTW AVownnci . . - f k commit -fraud, iegiBter or I fob comc voting, v & il tA nw maiiaI ft. Tf Qn rtnvnAn iilt. 1 gt! more i uu muoi r ""jvcuu uo i .emeugeu, That Work Disqualification f1"' .',, severe Frauds May nearv prove; h following are the provisions AN ARM LACERATE I). Clay Lowtler Deceives Injuries at a Cotton 6ln Tliatare Quite Serious, Clay Lowder, a young white man interested in the cotton gin an d saw millowned by JSafrit & Lowder, at the Gold Hill and Salisbury fork in No. 6 township, met with a teriots accident this (Monday) mornitig. I Bon. R. B. Lacy. T . The speech of Hon. R B Lacy on Saturday night was of that digni fied, conservative, unimpassioned, edifying class that it is wellto list, u to. While it was more particularly addressed to the laboring class it wa, not of the nature to make the tela Hons of capital and labor the lees congenial and pleasant. It was nc t oar privilege to hear the speech, but we are assured that it was a succtsp, a credit to himself and the cause he m,X Mdn soor any person who crime which excludes him from the He was handling the gin and in at- .. '' -i ff. II temntinor fn raisp flin Kmoof fn m ' 80 f ihf nllv r enrpfifintsr. :iiflfra v vote at auv election, i ouuiOKc. uo Biiaiiioe re r a - w , 1J1CS,"'. . I f- '..!... - . .11 t I ... . 2 . . I nninail "' ' I I Ofh.A fVl f V I a 'In O Tt I nrnn nnnnlili 1 11 V uillV-Oi au loiamouB I cv w "owcr auy questions m n wukud niii i ' - ! - ' ; . -- nod nnf: 1pr than 1 9. 1 relation to such alleored nnn intinn in the saw. P.nttinP off thrpft nf hio or fined not less than one but his answers to such questions fingers and badly lacerating his left I j niioTo at- fViA f.Rr.ra.Hnn nf I shall not be used against him in an arm un to theelbow Hia hand and fcnndrC- uuiiMB. .v . I ' r . . I jt . " duu , . . I ' . .-.- . 1. . m ' ' I !' . . . ... the court; and any registrar 01 prosecution ; out 11 any arm was cue ana jaggea oy.tne teetn f or any clerk or other efficer ptrson so convicted shall vote at of the saw for fully ten minutes bc- other employe, who shall make any election, Iwithout having been fore assistance reached him. Mas- T entry or copy, with intent to reaiorctl 10 we ngms or citizensnip, per carie irattersou neara tne , tern- V ! - -. 1 n' itafraua, snail I I nT5T.- 1 - -. - s p : p .Li!:."-- --!AF r Help TO anted rema.-. " $10 to $18 p - week to Men and .Women for easy home work. No books or canvaesing. No experi ence. Bona fide cfier. No catch Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrmani 213 South Sixth Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. c31 Kotlce. -' ' ry.: I J P Hurley has the old reliable Fenn Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. , They write the beet policy on earth.. The most desirable at the least cost. See the contract before taking insurance also fire and acci dent insurance. the same penalty. bee. 35. PERJURY, Knights of oldcrusaders who went tt -we. 4-Vi a wrtrl 1 rvii-1 ir.ni f;i be liable to n 8aa1 DQ gnilty of an infamous Uyiug screams of the young man a succeed unless they were in virile, hearty crime, and punished by fine not et" quarter of a mile away, he being at ceeding one thousand dollars, or bis ; grandfathers, Capt. Wm. imprisonment at hard labor, not et- Propst's Earle ran to the mill, V L Hail CU 1 w b u nuu suuii . . . . - . i u . -t-U I .,., rnpuy w yn.ucu prl80nment SeCj 55. for YOters, Bnaii uoguiuj u perjury, md fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand health. A man cannot face difficulties 11 his stomach isn't in good order. Dis ordered digestion will make a aluggisb coward ont of any man. It ; makes hia mind stagnant, and he cannot think AUTHORITY ... H. .! ?niciy enougn to.accompiisn anyuung. t makes his movements slow, and takes all of the map 'out of him. Every man . . i .- AND youn man could be released from SS"- his perilous Situation. Mr. Lowder knieht. It is a matter of life and death, where Messrs Jake Barriuger and Robert Safrit were worsmg, and had the machinery stopped until the 0 REGISTRARS JUEGES. nor more iuu une .uuuuu s . j , . ! received a wouud on; his forehead just the same with him as it ,was with the dollars, and be imprisonett ai; nara - also. While the accident was a crusader, indigestion ana an tneim Ubor in penitentiary not less than election in each-ward andprecinct serious one, it ia not considered fatal, t1 twolnor more than five years." Sec. shall, respectively, possess full pow- . . purities in the body, forces them into the ? J I i J I ! a ; . VI af1 A arancrps 3o I . . i j I Mrs. Win Slow a Soothinc Svrnn haal Constitiation is one of the commonest treating prohibited. maintain order and enforce obe- been used for over fifty years by ills, and u .t n u , 4 dience to their lawful commands millions of mothers for their child' ?lsorders make people sick. Onct 3 Anve80n Who Shall treat. . . . I' , ullllluf .n? -or ineir cana- it. gets a firm hold on a man, it is most ' : J f. dnrinor HPflflionB irpsnpr.Hvplv. and ren while teethinc. with nrfflp.t snn- j;Sp'h tA nwrmmf it. Temtmrar? re. with either meat or drink, on any ... of;f; nU. cess. It soothes : the child. ofteba lief can be obtained in a thousand ways. L .. . . : I the jrnmai allavaall nain. r.nrpo wind There are medicines on the market that ou taice meni. that is a real It will relieve the Doorl remedv that vou don't have to keep on Pleasant Pellets. The "Pellets- are tiny, sugar-coated granules, mild and efficient in their action. They effect a permanent . cure.' Yon don't become a slave to their use, as with other pills. If you will send i one-cent stamps to covet cost of mailing on&, -wre will send you fbbb th most useful medical book extant. This is Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1 T7T,rHoi a hook of 1008 oaees. profusely llustrated, the great epense of preparing which Address, day of election, or on any day pre fions thereto, with an intent to in- ujnce the election, shall forfeit i . i jh it ana pay two ouuureu uuiiara. See. 40. l . : ' " ' INTIMIDATION. ." , I - ' j -v :4. "Any person who shall dis charge from employment, withdraw patronage from, or otherwise injure, I mit the person i offending to threaten, opf res3, or attempt to m I common jail of the county, for a for that purpose ;:8Dd if any person the gnl.ays all pain, cnre8 wmd t ahalfrof L to obey the lawf u co u,.l rS&lZSl mand of any such registrar or judge little sufferer immediately. Sold by taking forever. -Dr. . Pierce's of election, or, by disorderly conduct druggists in every part of the world, in their hearing or presence, shall Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure icfn.K- fhoi'. n and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth- . r . f . ing Syrup," and take no other kind. mg, tney may, uy au urucr iu win inor. PiompH hv their chairman, com-1 An Cnusnai sieht "ID""T J '. i 'The tlorgan A Wriebt Onarautee v. - " ' The guarantee of the "good tires" is broad enough to cover almost any kind of ailments and to satibfy tho most exacting rider, but the lins must be, drawn 80m whprH, ar d Mor gan & Wright are tiying to make it known to riders" every where that tha guarantee does not cover da mages resulting from the parHicg of anti- leak preparations m&ice the tire. By having as much at as possible in the M. & W. quick repair tiro ' before putting tt fool into tha puncture, and fol'wu g the few other simple instruction- in tbe cat alogue, a permanei.n repair cen ba made in two minuses, at the road side, without re ioving the tire from the rim. EVERYTHING IS GOING- AT COS C the I Feonle ?oin to and from the rail ni0n T?tiaHsh . book of 1008 pages, I . . . I Illustrated, the great expense of prepar D6- I roaa SiailOn W-aay BaW SOmetninp: I ha been covered by the ale of 680,000 copieg l . t t m -rvT- tjmidate, any qualified voter of this IriodL not exceeding thirty days and! that is irather out of theordinary worid'DUnsaryfe . . .. . I . . ? J . - . I . . 1 Ifain Btrcet. Bu-1& N. T. . State, because oi the vote sucn voter Uucn order shall be executed by any among tne maie memoers or tne mayor may not have cast in any I sheriff or constable, to whom j the Concord population. Joe bmoot, an jkction, shall be guilty of a misde-same shall be delivered, or if the industrious colored man was hard ;anor.7' Sec. 41, ' 1 sheriff or constable shall not be at worK at tne wasn tuo, wnne nis I !.' !' . l. I tnif nrn a offominff frt 'Vi f aaln ftl f bribehy. i present, or snau reiuse w aui, uj n , n ituuiu6 uw8v-w. 5. "Any person: who shall, at any other person who shall be dc- uj time before or alter an election, j r.-.-. uther directly or indirectly, give or election, in writing, and the keeper promise to give, an money, prop- of such jail shall receive the person erty or reward, to any elector, or to so committed, and safely keep him anvcountvor district, in order to be elected or to procure any other n tne commitment. ; person to be elected a member of the AT fli B ICS tt ach: w &r.VH xie r. ! for such time as shall be mentioned 19 k FELON IEBr and Datientlv upon the questions of the, day. You all know what to take, j You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator receive, or agree to receive, any euch bribe, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." Sec. 42. BETTING. 6. "Any person who shall bet or SILVER OR GOLD. Better than either is a healthy liver. ! If the liver is 0. K. the man is O K His blood is kept Dure, his digestion perfect, and he I I v.uwu .J U wlVVbvU M UV MV - i , - . II. ' : . - , . , 11. general assembly, or to any office Under the laws ot JNortn uaronna can enjoy lite ana act intemgenuy under the laws of this State, shall e ionowmg crimH m .um u forfeit and pay four hundred dol- "eq - " to .to any person who shall sue for Abduction of children and; con same, and shall be guilty 0f a cy for the aoduction of children, demeanor; and any person who abortion, . accessories to felonies, mamg Or BeiHUg auuuwawu w poisonoua liqttnrs, arson and other wilful bnrnings, bigamy,- bribery, burglary and breaking in a j house with intent to commit an infamous crime.', intent to commit burglary, aj?er any money, of other thing of Wina ftn a selling offices, castration, lalue, upon any election held in this maimingj injury to live stoclf, con State, shall be guilty of a misde- ceaiing birth of child, duelling, em- eanor." Sec, 43. bezzlement, false lights near the illegal registration. I QAaahnrfi- f alse pretense, f orgery and 7- "Any person who shall cause nnnnfprfeiting. murder andl man- 5 procure his name to be registered siaUghter, incest, larceny, receiving more than one election ward orl .. troods' marriage between precinct, or shall cause or procure. whitea and negroes, perjury,! subor 8ame, or that of any other per- rii nation of perjury, and allbffenses to be registered: - knowing that I that are -'infamous, or done;in sec- In. Clotbiog Vat -Cpis - . - lekrs- 1 Bei or the person whose name he has procured to be registered, is not en tled to vote in the ward or pre cinct wherein such registration is at the ensuing election to be d therein, or who shall falsely donate any registered voter, shall guilty of a crim3 infamous by the !aws of the State, and shall be puns ished for every such offence by a fine recy and malice, or with deceit and intent to'defraud" malicious injury to railroads, Shooting or throwing into cars, locomotives or trains, rape, assault with intent to commit rape, rebellion against the fctate. r Vigilance, in Charlotte News DAT .OCHRE ACOIiDW ONE Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund -the ;.-.- u foi-ia tn cure. 25c ml4 UlUU-J i- -w M in i ' Noldoubt about it; we are better fixed to -olease you in OlothingfBthan we have ever EG U tATO been. Men's Suits latest and Best. For years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It Is and always has been put up only by J. H. Zellin & Co. Take none but the genuine. ,It has the Red Z on the front of the wrapper, and j nothing else is the same, and nothing so good.. V oys best. Suits, latest- and Ohildren'sD Suits, latest Given Away Free To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one- box of five-cent cigars,one gold ring and a sample bottle of 1 PeelerV Pain Killer to every one sending us fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, Peelbr Andehson Mediciite Co. f ;LockEo ,lgemcrsyillet N. CJ and best guarantee to save yourmone. -:ib-isi HATS -AND -CAPS FORiEVERYBODY. I CAJSJ N O N S & FETZER .-f v: 1

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