Saily Standasa. JOHN D. BARRIER & SON, ' Editors and Proprietors, J AS. P. COOK, , . Editorial Correspondent. , OFtfJLUE IN BH1CK ROW. The Standard is published " every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION! Oue year. . . $ 29 , - Six montDe . 200 . : Threo months. . . . . . . . . . .100 One month . . : . .-. . ........ 35 - Single copy.. . . . . . . : . . . .05 The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eignt-coluinn paper. It has a lareer circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price 81.00 per annum, in advance. V ADVERTISING RATES : Terms for regular advertisements roach known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, CocconU N. C. CONOURD. NOV.; 27, 1896. TflELCTHKB iS I.ADIEM. Without encjurwinc; imbecility or lack of ma.iou!ine jelfreiiincj, noblp woman, ai vaya proviDg ner self worrhY of the homage she re ceiyes at the ha:id of true manhood, knows how to com-i to the relief just when it is .needed Aad .plaj3 her part in roll of untarnished goodness in ways that more and more con vince us that we could not get alonp without her. The ladies of St. Jimes proved their skill in managing their feast on Tuesday night and Wednesday noon hi a way that, netted to their geneTOU8 patrons a feast good things for the body and a social re past for the mind and spirit in a social way, hi e they realized about $40 net that will afford freedom from much anxious care in the. we.'l strained congregation.- Honor to our noble women ! - The great football game of Char lotte yesterday seems to have been a success, viewing- it from several standpoints. It was most vigorous ly contested and victory was very adroitly achieved by the Charlotte team. Financially, too, it was a success, leaving some surplus over expenditures. It was also not a failure in casuality if reported cor rectly by eye witnesses. One at least, has little to glory over while nursing himself of injuries sustain ed. It is well that the strength, dexterity and courage of the race he Kept up to ideal American manhood but when we sse the not infrequent results of an essentially rough and hazardous game, we shrink from encouraging the modes that are fought with so much danger. When duty calls danger should be con sidered only as far. as it does not circu m vent a faithful discharge thereof, but amusements may well be discouraged that so frequently bring pain and grief and disqualify young men for the very life service that athletic sports are intended to prepare them for. ; ' Again we hear of the drunken judge. The Burnsville Eagle says that in the midst of a murder case J udge Norwood became so drunk v that h9 had to dismiss court, and a man on each side of him helped him to his hotel. ' What a blot on pur civilization and a mockery of our courts, that we tolerate such a shame as a drunken judge to defend the peace and dignity of the State. If i . m uuo nwu in m giup ui an ir resistible demon, he should in a sober moment yiedd his place to some one who would not brine: reproach upon the lofty profession. ' - SEVERE BUT JUST. Twenty.d&bt Anarchists Condemned - to Death and 06 to L.lfe Service. Barcelona, Nov. 24 The Attor ney General, who is personally con ducting the pro&ecntion of the pris oners who are under arrest for con nection with the bomb-throwing in a crowded street while a religious procession , was passing on June 7 last, has announced that 28 of the prisoners sentenced to death and 56 condemned to penal servi tude for life. Great precautions wifl be taken against disturbances when the sentences are published. The court will sit in the vault of the fortress of Mont Juich' and only the military and the attorneys will be admitted. -The crime was one of the moat fiendish outrages com mitted by anarchists in the last few years. The usual religious observ ances of the feast of Corpus Christ! were being observed and thouaands of people lined toe rareets to witness ! the procession on it3 way to the an cient church of Smia Maria del Mir. Just as the j.rocession was entering the church a bomb was exploded in' ths cronl, killing a di zsn people outright, and wound ing 50 others, some of whom died from their inj m. It eem3 Uk a li wer' placed on the grave of Boa. Charles R Crisp, thtt hia son Charges R. is to fill his unexpired time in Cougress. The son is but 26 years old but is said to display many of the marked char acteristics of his father. Loose clothes and downy cushions bring only a negative 6ort of com fort to the woman who is suffering with some disease or derangement of the organs distinctly feminine. Some clothes and some positions make the pain and the discomfort seem less. Perhaps the nerves are most affected and this in turn dis turbs the digestion. Nothing will ever completely relieve but a radi cal cure. The start of so-called female complaints" may ba a very slight thing indeed. It may be that in the beginning some small hygenic measures would stop the trouble. Certainly at this time, a little bit of the right medicine would stop it, ' When the trouble becomes worse, it is harder to cure, but still it can be cured. Dr. Pierce s Favo rite Prescription will positively cure any trouble of this character. It may be absolutely relied upon. It affords lasting relief to a woman whose natural modesty has kept her from consulting a physician. Send 21 cents in one cent stamps to World's Dispensary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Yara receive Dr. Pierces 1008 page "Common Sense Medical Adviser," profusely illustrated. -tat's Surprise. John Kernel tells of an Irishman wno went to a aentjet c to nave a tooth extracted. The dentist told his assistant to get behind the chair, and at the proper time jab a pin in the patient's leg, so that the pain there would distract attention from the greater agony in his jaw. Tooth pull and pin stab came to gether, and the Irishman, with a howl of anguish, turned a dob ble somersault, r "Oh, murther !" he yelled ; "I didn t know the roots was - so fur down ! "London Figaro.. Notice. I can save you money on your in surance. Don't pay for more than you get. See me for Fire, Life and Accident insurance. Best contracf and terms. j J. F. Hurley. For Sale. A nice farm of 107 acres 3 miles east of Davidson, on Concord road, good water, fine orchard, and splen did locality. Terms to suit pur chaser. " Call on or address 7 J. Lee Sloan, Jr., d26 v Davidson, N. C. P. Mlles'lVin Pills Te guaranteed to stop UetulachelnX) minutes. "One cent a dose? , - ' ' Bo Y6u Use It? It's the best thing for tha hair under : ail circumstances. Just , as no man by taking thought can add an inch .to his stature, so no preparation, can make hair. 'The utmost that can be done is, to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and; just as a desert will' blossom under rain- so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your: hail to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigosv a v n in 11 - . S--TI mmm O Kff t-3 m m m tff, rz. Or ft iViJiir'.BB 533 U 9 BT3 ' itM n l m-m 6 pi Iast Notices-Town Taxes. I must have your taxes by of January. I will have to settle with the town on that date. I hope all persons owing the same will call and rattle at once. I will be corns pel led to advertise if not paid by that time. ) I hope you will settle and gave costs. J. L. Bogek, i Town Tax Collector. Oct. 15,.tfi L. T. HARTSELL, 5 ATTGRNEY-AT-LA.W, CONGORD, -v N C. Prompt attention given -to all buaineea. Office in Morris building opposite court house, ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed and q ualified sole executor of 'the last will and testament of- Col. John Shimpocb, deceased, all ' persons holding claims against said , deceas ed, are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned duly au thenticated on or before the 28th day oi November, 1897, or this no tice will be plead as a bar to their recoyery. Also all persons owing said deceased aie notified that prompt payment is expected, JONAS COOK, Executor of last will of John Shim pocb, deceased. r This November 27th, 1896. Special Rates. 7 v North Carolina conference M. E church, South, Kinston, N. C, Dec. 9fch, 1896. " Tickets on sale Dec. 7, S and 9, limited" Dec. 19th,' 9.20 round trip from, Concord. (Ml ' '.;.SW.. - t The' Racket Ladies' Capes, 95c to $5, Pound Sheeting 12 1-2 c. Pound Calico 2Qc. Infants' Hoods and Caps 18c to $1.25 Yard wide Floor Oil Cloth 25c yard. Blue, (ray, and Blue with white stripe Ducking at 6 l-4c yard. 25 pieces of Silk Velvet ana' Flash, worth 75c to $1.50 a yd; , 50' CENTS, ' 21 pieces of Velveteen, worth 30 to '40 cents a yard, tc go at 25 CENTS. : a " 27 pieces of Silk for Shirt Waists, Triminings etc., fiom v 25 to 75c a Yard. Unbleached Sheeting, in lengths of 6 yards and under, at 12i CENTS' PER JPOUNI). Men's Laundered colored shirts 128 . cts. Club house ties 51 cents up. Sox4 cents to 40 cts. Ladies black hose 4 cents'to 371 cents. Ladies 35 inch Hermsdorf Opera hose 35 cents. - Ladies white, collars 10 cent, cuffs 18 cts Ladies silvered or black bone shirt waist buttons 5 cts per doz. Ladies black silk watch guards 10 cts. Chair seats 3 to 5 4 cts each. Wire hair brushes 8 cents. r: Royal talcum pow der;at 3 for 25 cents. ; Handkerchiefs' to 37a cts each. 1 ct Menslcaps 10 pents, hatsN23 cts.up. Stop. I? Two papers needles for 1 cent, or better dues 1 cent. ' Sewing machine oil 5 cts per bottle. Towels 4 cts up. Shaving brushes 3 cts up. Garter elastic 2 cts per yard up. White tape 1 ct per roll. Hooks and Ts 2 doz. for i -cent, improved 1 cent per dozen. The best colored spool cotton made at 21 cents. Tooth brushes" 2 -cts Shoe blacking llcent ' ...... up. Six-dozenlshirt'DUX-tons for 1 cent. Three lead: pencils for 1 cent: Combs 3 centslm- st i V';