dJ&jl.l.y Q baAV6U i com 8buck!rg and that a roW among iFHiND BARKIER & SON, the negroes ensued, Ouom nfaj " jiiaiiors aim riuiioi-yii" tempt tuuc tvK4fi;,"v J v . - promiscuously gajheirea,!3 but "pro- .hiaitonai vur-oFwu.i nrietv biwqu8 t,nutufc-.oiuic.w- snlta will TiOt 'admit or it it is OF HOE IN BlllCK - ROW: fiTA'niiin.,.i8-" puoiisnea every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : $400 One year . Six months... . Three months.. One month Single copy. . The Weekly Standard 200 1.00 .35 .05 is a generally cheaper to gue money wages' to get" work done than to give whiskey as is abundantly " proven m the sequel to-this deplorable efuuv A second lesson should ba c ply impressed, that that detestable way of cursing a man when we amer with him is 'extremely provoking and much allowance she uld bt made if it m .ts with more than A-A - . . four-page, eight-column paper. 11 moderate punishment, if more than uas & iarger uuyuiavty- r-r-rr mm3 pr, te h Dnia hment ever is or can than any other paper, rnce ox vn . f AnvF.RTisiNG RATES: v 1U8 to oe regreuea lua. A-4. rr Wnlr d vfirtiRement8 was given, end it is equally deplora X. Dl IXIO v.x ii 5, .1 . ... i nu 'iDown on application. bie that cursing is thought m oe a all communications to WflTr nf flvfncnnff :a real or ianciea V Fifty Years: Ago. This is the way itwas botiud to look When grandfather had his "picter took." These were the shadow's cast before The coming of Conjurer Daguerre And his art ; like a girl in a pinafore Borne day to bloom to a goddess fair. -Men certainly were not as black, we knott As they pictured them, 50 years ago. fPrTn tUL Racket THE STANDARD, Concord , N. C. wrong. Ayer's 5iarsa parilla mm OON(JURD, NOV., 81898. V il Y 1 o jtt li s W EA R? Tlic Iileal IMiiacea. James L. Fruncis, Alderman, CLicaso says : I rt gard JJr. King s jStw Discovery ea id yal Panacea ff nnnohti. fVilrit. and Ijunff :Com Itvr. wf plaints, having usod it in my family i . 1 formerlT. but it is palD!far the lastfav yt-ava, to tno cxciu- 2lly nd aboclanglj iddulged in sion , 6f pbysicUisv presoriptionB yet. You need but to have your Rev. Jobu BurguF,Keokuk, Iowa, ears uuatop;ei wi hpar sone pobr, wrires: I have been a minister of deluded creature unng the power of the Methodist Episcopal church for u i4.u Uo. io i,ipcH in 50 years or mor and have never v, 1 . ... , found any thiug so bene jiqial,:or that urofaniuff the name of Hlm whom - , 'nlJ . fta nr' reason and common sense wouia Kin2s New Discovery. Try this direct him to adore e A praise, and Ideal Cough Kemedy now. Trial justly provoking mighty Qod Bottles free at Jf eszer s urug atore who gives him every breath he iiSau Autheat Veated Fact breathes, when we all know by -nu- that there are 6ut few diseases that inerous instances of sudden death, have not a cure in some herb na- that when the Divine aid is with- ture's own medicine. . The, Indians -drawn all living beings must yield and all untutored races have bad to death's dread realities. ' knowledge of this from their mcip What man would for a moment iencv- Rbeumitiem, the greatest fipeak disrespectfullv io or of one emy to mahkind,is never found tnoment to inflict' upon "him the severest punishment? began to make hew men, just a3 the new pictures of men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted the camera with skins made clean from blotch And blemish, because they had purified the bipod with Ayer s Sarsaparina. it Is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it; Otners Imitate the remedy ; tnoy s&nt imitate the record : 50 Years of Cures -FOR Our Lady Customers Who wish presents of their own handiwork. 1? n r 4 9 While all know that this ' habit offense to all well trained characters, in point of politeness, not to say Christianity, and renders the conscience guilty to such a de gree that it is impossible for its -victim to grow better morally or spiritually it is indulged m as if it were not a. crime. We naturally watch for and ex pect other erimes against morality &nd fidelity in those who shock us with this unprofitable and offensive liabit, Why do it?' No ''swearer would like to be accused by any one else of such unmanliness, such puny weaknesi as not to be , able to control himself iid la a' man that can do or not do a little thing like that..' : : ;. -f riid Men boast of 'their manhood and pride themselves in being abler to rule others and yet come down to tho humiliating-confession that they know they, ought not to and yet they dq swear and" often say they can't help it. At the same time if 3ome one speaks disrespectfully of them they are ready torn extreme resentment, and know not that no one can be so offensive toward his fellow men as the swearer is to his Creator ? jWe would not ' magnify swearing above all crimes, but most other crimes injure oiIy their devo tees while swearing poisons all the moral atmoBpherci aroand it Valid contaminates all - who are 1 not well fixed in their . bearing ; against it. Again we ask why do men swear ? the first ! warrling of its 'presencef , the child of nature goes to the j woods and there-digB up au herb which he industrially uses until the enemy disperses and disappears. The secret of this herb and its curative powers are becoming known to the whites who are effecting cures little short of the miraculous. Cases of twenty years standing have been perma nently cured and when taken in the early stages it completely eradicates the disease from the system. The name of this herb, and directions 01 N o m ra3 'rr in 3 o Ml mmm m I 1 j rn tr 5- . oQfiirars rpmnants of the finest quality of Drapery Sats een made at 12 cents yard, ? These goods retail at 25 cents per yard regular. They make beautiful quilts, sea tidi lamberqums, pillows or screens. 9i5 Trnrrls Tftmnants of Printed Silk oline, including the very stylish Persian effects worth 10 to 15 cents yard, going at 7i. cents yard. y - V j v 67 yards remnants of printed Denims worth 25 cents yard at 15 cents yard. : Iast Notice--Town Taxes! We also have some special bargains in double faced Cotton Skirting worth 15c at 10c yard. These goods are ex- T mn'of Viqtto vnnr farea lnxr fhft 1 frn liAnw 51Tir! will malcft an ftltfiftllftnt SKirt. ior preparing; it in uuuvt;uiBut nf jo nri; I will have to settle form, will be mailed you upon re- with the to wi on that 'date. I hope ceipt of ,'50 cents, which -barelv all persons owing tne same win can - - - i . . . . t - m . u r ana settle avonce.. a win oa com U1CCM3 tUC CAUCUOD V aUVClMulULi 1 . t JJ U - " i, .- .--I - "r"";.". -.'. We will have a full line of Christmas goods. They are coming in now. we aireaay nave a nne'oi Japanese i that far surpasses anything' we' ve : ever had before. Yase3 20c to $.4U eacn. 48 inch Black Storm Serge at 20c yard. j.uc ucxM io uuwiurty.cBicycijuiut;. that time. .1 hope you; will settle store. '- Address B. C Jennings, edi and save costs. J. L. Bogeb, , tor Herald. DunlaD. Ia. " . V J WM, S Town Tax Collector. Jf. S. Preserve the above address Oct. 15 tf as the local will not appear in this paper again. ! ; 1 J - ' L. HARTSELL T; ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, WfllSttEY AlfD CtJUSIMG. Two moral 8 may well be ; drawn from the Cleveland homicide.; , : 5 (The wrreapondenf f rom Balieibury io the Charlotte ObserYer says that A frrnl hrftflth ia nnn of thft orrftftt est amictions that a man or woman A -kt pi p n ' Tvt P can have. An affliction not only MiN VvjxlJ, ; . in t.n thftmBAlvfiH hnt. t.n thnRA with I ' Pmmnfj 'ftf.fpntinn orivfin ' to all w w ww wMMrf w w ww w , A V, J W www w Vw V W O ( whom they come in contact. Afoul business; Office in Morris building urea til is a gruttu uiauuiirager uiuuu-1 opposite COUrc.nouse. an if nftnnlft nnlv rftflli7.fld iiifit what special Rates. hfir hrAath rnfiann' "RaH hrfiatK ifli ''"Nrnrfh flftrnllna : P.nnffirenCA M. E nnA of thfl Hvmntnms nf '4?,nnRtina-I v,r.v. Cah VtWaf J f X UUU1UU) UUUUU) U,lUSbVU a V., J-V-. tion.,T Somp of the other eymptoms 9fch 1896 Tickets on sale Dec. 7, are sour stomach, loss of appetite, 9 im-u cnJ sick and bilious headache, dizziness, 8 and 9, limited Dec. 19th, S9.20 heartburn and distress after eating, round trip trom Uencora. IVl AM A - ' il W WM WM M W ! w nn I in - mwMw mmm They lead to dyspepsia ,and worse . . xiYxy-. ? 5.,a Havme been dulv annointed and able because ifoaa be cdred-onrec( quahfied sole executor of the last easily, quickly and permanently, ana uwwmen. 01 yoi. uona l- nan At 1 . MfAVAA'a. K fiaeonr UUIUJIIUUUI , .WVUVUGVUI. HU , UWUWMW uy iiuo uD ui ii.v .iww .coou .1. a T J Pellets. Theygive'to natureUust holding claims againstsaid deceas- is no case of biliousness, constipa- them to the undersigned duly au- any of the. test of the night-mare 47 NovemjMnlior.this no- kAi;n. k.AA 4-v.a- , vAn n.iiA iLicu.wiii ua uitsau UH a iuai lu Lumr eaid deceased; are : T notified that "Pellets" will not cure. Send21 cents in one-cent stamps to World's DisDensarv Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y., and receiye ur. Jfierce'8 lUua page Common Bensa"Medical AdviRAr. illnst.ratA. BBSPECTFULLY, 0 s t i prompt payment is expected. , JONAS COOK, Executor of last will of John Shim ; poch, deceased. I ' This November 27th, 1896. r.-t r i " r t-" ' '7