CONCORD, N. CM MONDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1896, FRIEND'. ehould begin with the original try, physical training and moral im provement, and cause a great reduc tion of the criminal classes." Mr, Griffith thinks agood law is one that was Dp t on the Maryland statute books two vears aso. giving to suspend sen- THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE. THE CONVICTS' uBi"zz? r M f both 8Da " T ' . , "n"e lour , ,he ,nter r social. The Farmer' Institute of Mt. It will be seen in the A'! P" considered . n..u .1 A atof c r. ... . - mum ay ouiiuoig iO rtlOriD tD&Il &S rle.sant, --"--J, u ., J Dted PW" Places of P"ot, and then, in met Not. 25, 1896. Commissioner """bropiat, Mr. G S Qr ffiih tk,t ..... . . - .. , . v-tvn...,,..',- oi ueiug piaces to learn more h wtterBou wa PBBnl,. ana . oy .u,nanas more youthf ol Uiclona habits, thev wnnlri hVn. bii request ev. ia u u .Bearer ian Virginia and South teachers -Qf habits of nseful I U a mafi n rr . nrifli 1 uftmlina KrfV I.I. ; i I . after which Mr. Patterson proceeded ack eye to the State: to organiz3 the Institute by asking He is making a tour of the South the audience to Belect a chairman an(i while in Atlanta told the Jour 8nd secretary. T A Moser, Esq. nal tnfc was ' working iu the in was elected chairman and 0 D Bar- tere8t f prison reform and for the . a . i. z l i iirrra ni .iah - r J m . 1 riDger, secretary, aner wnicn a com- iy&wuu vl eocieuea tor tne judges discretion ;mn rn nrnorit r r 1 rnu whb annninrat i k v f liiiiuii tu r.riini 7 t r nnun nan i iuhlco r ui-micu i ouimicu. lence in cases wnere young men are by the cheirman, which are : G E Mrv Griffith is . president of the arraigned for. first offenses; provided Ritchie, J W Jboil, K A vbmith and "wyiarm irrison Am Association, previous good qharacter is shown 15 irDy. i 'vi , iUC pruieUu0n oi and there are extenuating circum- Mr. Patterson then proceeded to uullurei1 ana lce industrial home stances. . I - - . I explain the law and maae some lm- Aur uoiorea gins. . Mr, Griffith has been engaged in poriant rciuttia.a uu tuts ouujt;ub ui 1 . "j" uuuu m me v lrginia i ims worK ov years ana is oo years farming aner wnicn me lnstuuie cuucuuaiy -co prisoners unaer oia. took recess to meet at 1 o'clock. years of age. In the South Carolina The afternoon session was called penitentiary he found 178 under 20 to order by . the president after years of age and in the North Caro -which the committee on programme ina penitentiary he found 473 pri3- leported the following subjects for loners under 20 In that prison, he diccuision, yiz: 1st, - Work of the found 99 under . 16 He thinks Agricultural' ' Department ; 2nd there should be reformatories for work of the Agricultural and . Me- he joung and that better influences chanical college: 3rd, How to keep should surround the older prisoners. oar hflls from washing away and our bottoms from be:Dg mined by being me," said Mr. Griffith, "that there covered with noor soil from the are iour necessary factors for the w.M.Brooksxaw suit. - Kills aa well &s bfiinp flooded : 4th. reformation of criminals--lat)or, ed- .Saturday was a busy day with C T?nnvntinr nrons r 5th. Stock raisn Ucation physical strength -and re- ATitts, Esquire. Mr. W M Brooks, i. i . .Lt I limnn.flnd thaaa nannnr Ka nrnnorlv I DrinClDal of GeOreeYllle aCademV. mg, incmaing . aairying; o&n, i v rwj . - ; . ;. , Ant)a . TToo i aeveionea m camn me. Labor aa a u mvm6 oMio.Sa,uoi v h .-ifiu- of commercial fertilizers. Whole NO.' 1M& me In Clothing - at -him- k - 's No doubt about if we are better fixed to olease you in Olothino- than we have : ever been. ; ' " . ;v-:;?"-. Men's Suits, latest aiid Best Bailcf iu$r ana Loan Sew Series. The seventeeth series of stock in the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association will be open for first payment Saturday, December 5tb, 1896. Call on the Secretary and Treasurer at Cannons & J'et- B pys Ibest. Suits late 3b audi Cliildren so Suits zer's store and subscribe. d4 J. P. Allison. President .v r s3 X- "My experience has convinced tr t wvx nH tw0 CLUUl UUb b. latest nhMnp.t frt fnV nattle : 7th. Use developed in camp life. Labor as a: nas oroogni snu against onmmprmalfi.rtiliK.ra. reform measure mnst be of a useful ".,.6; 'u'' " Dairying feein? called first, Prof, kind, tB teach the prisoner the. fRv??1 J . .1 v. . . fnwincr tn thft :lfk nf timn nn the F E limer, opened the subject and proper means, o.-.eii.Bnpporaxwr ( an - stioke at some leneth. after which aiscnarjje, ana at ine same umeic 1 r ------ - - . .1 . . . i . . i Tnfl rant wna nnnnnnpn nn Prof. B Irby, by request, made - i . i . t. :. InnaAn 4 Thia iq hoaf. rlnno in a non.lvtV ww v . or We'guarantee to save vou mone. 0 - FU1ISHI1GS, HATS AND CAPSJFOR EVERYBODY. T 1 4' til Satur- . .. A m i . . i uav. lycuciuuoi vy ci. j.l in urauueu few remarks on the subject. Pv oeak uoue ,u - . fln n(Krwstlnft rass nn of csked itentiary which is under careful su-l v , . T v. , , CANNONS & FETZSR much importance to the school I regulations pertaining to transfers from one district to another. Gave Policemen a Gnase. Saturday afternoon, just after the Many questions were' then by persons f ron the audience, which I pervision showed a deep interest in the work. "aucauon- is one oi me mam Prof. Irby having the floor, pro factors of reformation; neglected ceeded with some very interesting youth is the greatest cause of crime. rpmrtfl nn tho A crrmnltnral and m a criminal camp lb is lmpossioie I. . . 'ii. .i 1 .1.11 1 Ma.fnrtn .-i n nn or- Kali Avrl'o m rrtn a r MpfthumVai miipap Th a ftnbi'pct of to give mm careiui training as-weu. r ,l',4v.H8" , . , mt. l aa in a nftrminfnfc nrishn. with i tal kroup of voung men standing on the outside of the canvass, bent and de ermined on haying "fun," created considerable excitement when Henry Bo8t,,ohe of the party, out with his knife and ripped the canvass. This act of degradation infuriated the circus men and one of them chunked a rock at -Bost, when the latter made a break. for escape at a 240 gaic with his pal, Madison Hall, at his .heelJ "The two men were chasd-Hyi'the policeman and several hundred rother people fori several flocks, finally1 being over taken at the Jim'Long plane,- east of church street. Bost -submitted to .having done the cutting and the matter. Was adjusted by-V compro mise, Madison Hall, who THE- failla washing away and filling on aa in a permanent prison, with xta bottom land was then taKen up, and lacimies or norary, teacnerB anu ministers of the gospel. The phy sical strength of a prisoner is neces sary to his mental improvement. A weak, abused physical condition cannot be but antagonistic to an improved mental condition. "Religious training cannot have any great effect in criminals leased out, in camps, with: their pernicious environments. While surrounded with such influences, they will not realize the allcomforting poer of religion, but become more hardened and antagonistic to society. "The proper prison buildings, ,the careful management and treatment of criminals, facilities for teaching them how to work, with conscien- tious, religious and secular eaucai; tion, have more influence in ihe reformation of criminals and the nrflvpntion of crime than all the punishments ever devised. "The education and protection of children from the ignorant and die aipated classes is a study worthy all Christians, The children of today are the future depraved or respected citizens. They will either become a menace and expense to, society from neglect, or a supporter of the laws and a protection to the community through training. "Prevention has been held aaf sub oMiora tn thft renression: but, instead -fSSjP b Bo 11 UonU be considered the primary 17tf defensive function of society, and 'was discussed at considerable length by Prof. Irby, TbV question of d?ep plowing was then called for and Prof. F 15 Emery led oft in the discussion, followed by Prof. Irby and also by Commissioner Patter eon. This discussion brought forth many questions from the audience. Great interest was ' manifested among tne attendance. Commis sioner Patterson then gave some practical ideas aa to the use of com mercial fertilizers, v. "its , analysis, ?alue, etc, He was followed by Prof. Irby. ' The work of the day now being over, the farmers present proceeded to organize a Farmers' Club at onQe bj electing the present chairman ana secretary. A committee was appointed on organization, consist- in? of Prnf. TT T .T T.udwiff. Geo. E Ritchie and W N Misenheimer. The meeting then adjourned, ' sub ject to the call of the chairman at St. Jnhn'fl Aorricnltnral Hall Thus ended a yery profitable,' as well as sociable, meeting of the represent tative faamers of eastern Cabarrus. C. D. Baebingeb, Sec'y. r crRE aToiVih owe day Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if U fails to cure. 25c. m!4 CONCORD STANDARD i DAILY & WEEKLY. De nocraictjin principle, conservativeJin'methoJsr. Newsy bntnot sensational. Devoted to thej i) teres t ofjunity, harmony and progress. .'-..-. - ' ;t ' - ' ' ' ' 1 Its effects and aims are to add to the Joys of the home-circle, the elevation of the ambitious and; v aspirations of its readers. Tf frTolTfill1 a .-miiirl with TilfiflsaTit, anfl TTnfl tahl V part in the cutting, but who ran . n , Jm m - , , . . with Boat, was arrested on suspicion thoughts,- making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its and on being searched, a pistol was found on his person. In default of opportunities more apparent. a $50 bond he was sent to jail. DO YOU TAKE IT? .X i Boat and Hall were -chums and are both from No. 11 township. Bnrletl Saturday Afternoon Without 'Ceremony. ; ; ' -' I The mangled remains of Mrs. Lizzie Bonds, whose terrible death occurred on the" railroad Saturday at noon, were buriedtat the Presby terian cemetery at 5 o'clock bn that day. The unfortunate ' woman's relatives turned the corpse over to Messrs. Dry & Wadaworth, thei un dertakers, who conducted the , bur ial without ceremoriyr ! 4 If not please try it and see' if you don't say that THR ...-.":..:.'.. ' . . . . STANDARD. is worth many, timesits cost to you. " ." ... -i . - . . i.. J. D. BikRRIBB & SOK V Publisliers:

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