Vol. XI1L No, 190 CONCOUD, N. C.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1896. FIRST TASTE OF RUSSELLISM ' i" a Dying CondlHo Mr. M A -liitc Man Insulted, Arrested and Tried Facta Time by a Ifcgto, Macon, N. 0., Nov. ; 29. The white people of .this county have leceiitlj had another B Hartsell. the nonnlar ticket agent at the depot, received a telegram this morning calling him to, the bedside of his father, in Shel by, who ia said tn Wi Ai .example of condition.. 3 Mr Hrtaell ut, Jv KneEelliEm and negro supremacy, mornmg train, and it is hoped will About three weeks ago John M reach home before the end comes. Coif man, of Churchill, in this Mr. Hartsell has the evmnath nf 1 :.U. J l T . I - - tT J ..: CDnnty, was gruiyxuBuiuuuyJonn many friends in Concord. Milan, colored, in consequence of WDICU O MA VUHIUWU lUiUlCUiUlCIJ knocked the negro down with his Wben does a justice of the peace's fist. Ssyeral days ago the negro term of office begin, and when made complaint to John Wright, a 8honld he justify? Will some of colored justice of the peace, a ware ur lawyers please give the public rant for the arrest of J M Coleman some information on this mooted was issued and a negro deputized to question. rJrtd it Mr. Coleman was arrested CCi, A Prize Iloer. bv the negro constable, anoV carried Five monthg ag0 Mr. A j Black. to a negro store lor trial. Mr John filackwelder bought, from his son a M Coleman is a young man of most p excellent character is. universa ly Today Mr. Blackwelder popular, and is a Christian gentle and this 0ne netted him 515 pounds man .engaged m the mercantile of pork. At the present market business at onurcniii. ne . is tne price it would bring about $31, all eon of Capt. W (x Coleman, for- of which goes to show that there i merly a member of the board of considerably more money in raising commiseioners ot thia county. line hogs than there is in cotton. is the second case of this kind which has occurred in this county in the last six weeks. And yet this is reform. . ' . ' -. . Confidence Restored. . An evidence., of confidence in the business prosperity of the country ia the fact that gold is being brought forth from its hiding1 places and seeking the channels of distribution. On last Friday; Cannon's factory and the Cabarrus Mills both pid off their hundreds of em d loves in the yellow metal, and yesterday the same coin was very largely used in meeting the pay rolls Vat OdelFs Mills. V. Whole NO. 1,5G0 N MV 10 Clolfling - at - Gannon si- I - fc For Sale; ;.;':-V:"?; ''' Domesficjeevfng machine, in per f'Ct order only" $10 00. Second hand split bottom chairs, only 25 cents. Apply at this office. - dl2 No doubt about it we are better fixed to olease you in Clothin than we have: ever been. 4 " , B Been Promoted. " Rev. A J Kodgera, col., who has been with us but a short while as pastor of Zion .Hill congregation, but who in the time gave indications of ore than the ordinary ability of preachers of hia race, has been pro moted to the , office of : presiding elder in - the ; Alabama' confereriC-. i oc4" Men's Suits, latest and - m. ,,,.,. '..'.....;;. est. oys' Suits, latest and B New Oats. J M Burrage, who lives ' near Odeirs factory, is progreesiye in;all things, and especially so in farming. Budgets From Mt. Pleasant. He has now a field of oats almott Messrs. Monroe, Miller, Peeler, two feet high, and fully headed Pless and Phillips spent a few days He says he don't ask you to take his at their respectiye homes. They word for this statement, but come have all returned to their post of and see for yourself. Ant it . J 1 The IdeAl PanaeA Two of our college sports, a senior James JL. Francis, AJderrnan, and a sub fresh; spent Sued iy and Chicago eaya : I regard Dr. King's Sunday night in Concord. We JSew Discovery aa an Ideal Panacea . , - for Coughs, Colds and. Lunc; Gomn would not be far wrong if we were . . . , . ,-.r. - . 5L . - plaintB, having used it m my family to say that the greater part of their for the last five years, to the exclu time was spent near Cannonville. sion of physiciana'sprescriptions Misses Addie Boger and Lena or other preperations. Stevens have returned to the'- Semi Rev. John Burgus,Keokuk, Iowfi, i a i. wrires: I have been a minister of nary, after spending several days at the Methoaist Episcopal church for. me 50 years or' more, and have never Mis3 Addie Patterson, after hav- found anything so beneficial, or that ing scent Thanksgiving at her home s&ve me such speedy relief as JDr, in Concord, returned Sunday even ing. L CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Children'sa Suits', and best. latest simila slgaatnrs -- "I ' .r'-. ,!:.,;...;. ,v.,-"' "... Is ca every WeSguarahtee to save ou mone. Mi88 Ella Barnhardt has not re turned yet from her Thanksgiving visit home. It is said that a certain sport, who holds his head, on one side will not walk by the Seminary for that reason King's New Discovery. Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feszer's Drug Store. this The Cold Wave. According to '.' promise of the Weather ' Bureau, 'the cold wave came in on echednle time, and by 6 o'clock yesterday evening the mer curv beean to take a dron. and at 6 John Lyrely is sick in college at thla morning had reached 27 degrees, time. Jtle has tne cnills. nothing more. a stiff breeze '-blowing from the north- Drs, P A Barrier and C H Barn- east. Indications are that it will hardt, assisted by Dr. Young, of probably snow tonight. Concord, performed a successful surgical operation on Mr. Snly R.n T- 1 . a 1 m i . . 1 r-ucuiasji.j! riuay. meycuiuuuge , A1 drUggi8t8 rPfund ti e .1 cancer from his side.. money if it fails to cure. 25c. the public exercise given by the Cnildren's Misionarv society taid o.Beat. Kiankegiying night was both., en- The remains of Mrs. Mary Black tertaining and - interesting. The welder were interred today (Tue 3"oun? people, under the instruction day) at Tainity church, in No. 4. of Miss Jennie Cookacquitted Col. L A Black welder, son of de tbemselves very creditably. The ceased, came in this morning from ttoney laised by the chilnfen dur- Atlanta, where he had been on a iag the vear, together with the col- visit when notified of his mother's death. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved Items from Knssmqii. .Little Miss Mary Nussman, of Nussman, happened wltb-quite a painfui accident, while playing with some mashin ery. ' Her hpnd be came entangled in eoime tvheel's and was badly cut and'brnfsecK v Miss Maggie BoBt of No; 7, is at tending echojoi at the Nussman school hoube. " -V.:". Will Clayton, of No. 8, was acci dently shot in the left side while bird hunting last week. The wound is not 8eri pus. We are informed by prominent parties that No. 7 will ;lose two of her most charming young ladies in the near future. ' '. . Mrs. J Earn heard t, of Gold nill, who had the misfortune to ; break her leg a few week&ago, is much DATS - AWQ - FURWIS ICS. V HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. CANNONS & FETZER THE- CONCORD STANDARD TO CURE A COLD IS CSE DAT improved. Lilack. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious sut ferers, victims of fever and &gaet the . mercurial diseased patient, how ihey, recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Rkgulator. . action, amounted to nearly thirty Antony. Bntlllii anU Loan New Series. ' . The seventeeth series of stock in oan Association will be open for f8t payment Saturday, December 5tbi 1896. Call on the Secretary ad Treasurer at Cannons & Fet or's etore and subscribe; J. P. Allison, President a-1. Woodhouse. Sec'tv and Treas. ones. Bacttlen's Arnica aire. The Best Salve in tke world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles ' or no' pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at JP B Fetzer! Drng store, Tlie Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World t ; RJI-ons attacks: SICK HEADACHE. Colic. Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH; Heartburn, etc. . This unrivaled retaey is .warranted not to contain a single fijtrticle of Mercury, or any. mineral substance, but is . ' :AV ," ' ' " PURELY VEGETABLE, : containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has "placed in - countries where Liver Diseases most "prevail. 'lit 'will" cure aU Diseases caused by. Derangement : of . the Liver and Bowels. " t - , The SYMPTOMS of river Complaint are a bitter . or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or oints. often mistaken-for, .Rheumatism: &oui tomacli; Loss of Appetite; tJoweis alternately costive and lax; Headache; Los of Memory, with a painful sensation of . having, failed to do something which aught to have been done; DebiHty; Low Spirits ; -a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eye?; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption.- Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, greal suffering, wretch edness and DJSATJI will "ensue., The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of JSiMitOKS Live Rkgulator: Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, pa.; C. Master son, Esq.iheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, Ga. Rev. J. W. Barke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W, R. R. ; Hon.,Aleicander H.Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia., Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw, V. cave tried forty other remedies -before Simmons Liver Regulator, ana none of them gave u more than tem porary relief : the Reeularor not only relieved, but cured s.' En. Telegraph and Messenger, Macoh, G . - i ........ . i . . . -. V MANUFACTtTRXD OWliT VT ' , i " J.U.ZETLIK & COh Ph2adelphfis,:ta. 11 ."" , " , 1 1 .. .'.'.- '- in. fiDiea'jrvsti trtttm are g cutranxeea to rw - DAILY .& WEEKLY. Democraictjin principle, conservativejin methods. ' Newsy bntnot sensational. Devoted to tnejpterest of unity, harmony and. progress. - . ".. . . s ' :. " i Its effects and aims are to add to the Joys of tne home circle, the elevation of the ambitious and. ... ' .. aspirations of its readers. . - - . It would gladly2filljthe-mind with pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its opportunities more apparent. DO YOU TAKE IT? If not phase try it and see'if you don't say that THE STANDARD is worth many, timeslits'cos.t to you. - : - . ' ... " : . : ' . . J i ; : r ':: . ;. ; . ' ; ' ' " -. , - " . D. BAHIilBR & SQKT, PuTblisliers. f v. 0. (N V - t , t ' '. 'Mi - !i 't V s . V ; T i I - -t