f i r - t n r t 3 jrnTTTT T. BARRIER & SOW"4 i Editors and Proprietors JAS. P. COOK, '"l , Editorial Correspondent. OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. -SHORT NE)V ,0ES. The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. ? BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : Ooe yenr. . . Six months . ...... . 200 -Three months.. 1.00 One month .... . . . . . . v; ; '5 Single codv. .V. . : . v 05 The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eignt-column paper. It ha3 a larger circulation in Cabarrup than any other paper. Price $1,00 psr annum, in. advance. HA h advertising rates V ' Terms for regular advertisemehls mad known on application. Address all communications to v THE STANDAllp;' Conc6rdi N. ti. t .Sheiiff Ellington, ; of JohD8on countv, is the first Xd settle witn the State for .'96 taxes. : . It is rumored that Hanna will be Secretary of" tFeNavy and" Dingley of the- Interior. ' yf' Vr'-'ir ' Atlanta sold city bonds at 100 5 8 last Tuesday. (- .;.. : : Chippewa Falls, Wis., is aluiost entirely desertedV The ice gorge continues and tn city is flooded i Dynamite is beiog used to ore k the jAm, but with? little eflfecn. ! , Work is being pushed ! on the Ulendon & Gulf liailroad. Chir lotte will be the- Souther n terminus. Fire partly1 destroyed Blenheim ace; the c iudry seat bf the Duke CONCORD, DEO 3 1898. The statement is made that there will be a ood (lel of opposition to the elfctioa of Mr. Thos, B Heed to the speakership of the House of the Fifty-fifth Cougre33. rlvhe state ment has probably little basis of truih. It is more, than likely that fhen the time came3 Mr, Reed will be re-elected without opposition at all. And yet he ought not to be. The power of the speaker is only second to that of the President him self. Reed hates McKinley, and wheli he hates he: is mean and i. "-...' ".- vicious He will, as Speaker, use his poition to t a wart McKinley'a, plans and to embarrass the adminis tation. Politici ins are a mean lot of devils, and vwhea .they cpaceiye antagoaiam to those teir own political household tL. . meaner thanwhen they are fighting men of the opposition party. McKinley de feated Reed for the Presidential nomination, and the latter is not the kind of person to forgive an offence like that. McKinley is right now a candidate for I the nomination! in 1900; so is Reed. It may be accepted s"a truth" that neither irgoing to dc anything to forward the fortunes of the other, and it is very certain that whenever within tha next' four years the opportunity presents itself Reed will pat his knife i i McEanly As Speaker he will have many opn jportunities to do so. It is desirable ihat Psident Mo- IKinley should have a Congress in both branches in,harrnony;y ith him,' nd that he should haye the nnre the presiding officer of the House as to the President of th;e Senate that is of less consequence, since this officer cannot shape legislation." The country wants to know what .McKinley arid , the Repnblipanst are; going to do with it, and wants them of Marlborough; who married Oou suelo Vanderbilt. There., are. ninetythree ban k3 m the State, of North Carolina. . Spain is having six ironclads and Lthree cruisers fit ed out as rapidly as possible. ' Gen. Diaz whs inaugurated Pres ident of Mexico yesterday, for the fifth consecutive trui. President CleeHnd want3 to re organize the Democratic party on the'-lines of the ladianapoiia plat-j form! ... 1 Kto b6 unfestrioied in the doing of ft," eyen by each other. It might not be to the best interest of the Repub lican party that Mr. McKinley and it Would have unobstru c ted dppor tunity to carry put their pledges to the people, but that is , what they ought to be allowed to do. There fore Reed should not be re-elected Speaker, and any other obstacle that stands in the way should be remoyed. Charlotte .Observer. Tt) C CUE ACOfiD in ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab le ts. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cur?. 25c. . C f. f ach . i.u ntiEi rMATisMreiieref; by Dr. MUes' tlerve Plaster' A f'ul breath ir one of the great est afliictions that man or Woman can have. An affliction not only to tb mselves- biit. to those with whom ihJy come iu contact. A foul breath is a great discourager of affec tion. It would probably be more so if people only reahzd just what bad breath means. Bad breath is one of the sympfomg of constipa tion . ; So m e o f t n& a h e r sy m p to m a are ebur stomach, Iobs of appetite, 'sick and bilious headache, dizziness, heartburn, and diptress after eating. ; These thin3 mean indigestion. Ttiejrlead to dypepaia and worse things. Th-y all start with'consti- .pation, and constipation is inexcus.' able because it can be curedcured easily, quickly and permanently, by the use of Dr. Pierce's PieaBant Pellets. They give to nature j ust the little help that she needs. There is no case of biliousness, constipa tion, indigestion, "heartburn" or any of the rest of the night-mare breeding brood, that these little "Pellets" will not cure. . efpre ' Retiring'; ake. Ayer's Pills, and you .will sljjep better and wake in bettei condition for th day's work Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasapt and effect ual remedy for constipation biliousness, sick headache, and . all liver troubles. .ThQy. are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared , that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggfst for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is ' HE PILL THAT WILL, PEGIAL FO MM lit q lnoirKT hiiRiness. Tills lwnat we are domcr n o - , . , " " A'Uina glassware j uist uv. vui ways Deu while the iron is hot" in d hand to rx Outh way. and ;: m i 7 km r- . , fc-i w . l.j olHTS ton n2! o Pi 22 I -i? , -T- -n lift. J . Sn- PTJ r .AJ w i a W- Ba The only time a man needs a partner is wli i I - T 1 O c the last of JNovemoer in oraer to ger an asonnMIir , Christmas. trade. We haven't the room for these r00(i in order to show them off we had to pack any our u wftnr nnn hats and many other goods. Th will ,nf mnvft under two weeks. There ia whov, J &UQS ing a losing business. Our money will be idle and vouk0 o 'u00f;;ff hpn nhvpf frets fat This h nnf hnc.; cfc uii xii! -"V" . - o . " w " ,1-'1t'Ji!J'c;3l5 meht to get 'them' we will offer the following ? per ; centdf all the cash you spend in the china and glassware department. J U let tUCOn ;yuuo no luiD vju uui : oucivCiS 101 IWO WpoV will be a dead loss to ns. We can use all the cash -W ' laKe in up to ujeceuiutJi- itu, au uii tut? loss oi i Ue 10 cent, aiscounL wm mure man ue uuue oacK oy muvestino ? hi we Christmas goods. ;You haye first choice of the ooas and- or chance of saving 10 per cent on the goods yon will buv W anyway, we have out one price ana mat is marked in pi, figures, these are our best and only prices to either friend citytn n ron If h O TY1 0 n wll I k CQVflfJu QrHnlft TO C' 1 1 man navejit ior.ouuts biiupjy lueaua aatuug price and selK ing price 80 cents, and may be'60 cents in some cases. There is two conclusions to be drawn in such cases, one is the store is ashamed of their price of the goods or the ether is tW have marked them high enough to come down on them an! make their customers believe of air the thousands of peopl that live in Concord's territory they are the chosen wW money is worch more than any -one else's. Unless a mancaj sho you plainly where his part comes in you naturally pect him when he says he is going to do you a special fared in business. Senjd 21 cefatsan pafe-cent stamps to V" orld'e lDbp6nBar' Medical As iocJatiod, BuffaloN. Y.randTreceiye Dr. Pierce's 1008 'page" Common Sense Medical Adviser illustrated. -The Xandmark savant is asserted that the Eepablieans propose to spend $1,000,000 to re-elect Pritch ard to the United Stes Senat.j Hfiere?s a gobdo ileal of persuasiye I force in that amount of money and I u xcamsey can t cover tne amount it looks blue for him. Speciml Rata. jNorjth (rolina confejr iM. E church, South, KinstonV'N. 0., Dec a,,1896,:yricketa on ?sale l?ec. -7,, 8 and 9, limited Dec, 19th, $9.20 ropnclitrip.frpm Concord. - L.M. ARCHE Y, M B. I-! j Phvfiiman and Rnrornnn. . Concord, 0. OFFICE : ' ST. CLOUD ANNEX Wl D. Anthdn &io. PAINTERS, PLASTICOERS, VARNISH ERS AND PAPER' r" ' HANGERS. T -ALL J0BS:GUARANTEED. ) WE WANT YOUR WORK. Old furniture made t,W Innt ak' good as new. See us. v -MA '-n . i . Offers Jo athe .business; 'pnUio .a: .r" liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating "banf'infititutidnf We solicit your :busiriess: with A the assurance .qf ': hojQorable .ttpatmen t and due appreciation of your pal' Jf ;mpan 8er,ve.yovL at. any t iime, we sha.ll be glad;to;have you come and 6ee us. - 1 ' " .' ' 1 . - ; LIBERAt : ACeOMMdi) ATI ON S F TO' CUSTOMERS.' v 3 Gat)itaUndSyIlus$7p,00p. vD.B; COLTR AiGashiey J j;$L ODELLPres. I ' - '- ' i ii ' ; . , Iat Xotice Town Taes 1 must have y our taxes by the 1st of JHukf 1 : iiii : hat to tti irith the town bn that "date. TE6ne alj persons owing the same will : call ad settle at once IriWilPha comn belled to advertise ii not paid fry that ttimel I hope you S?ill settle and. save "coBta. J. hi Boqek, V rf r Town Tax Collector, Oct. 15, tf ; W. D; Anthony & Co. do26 wl ( Pfotectyoilt Ideas; they may brlncr yoo. wealth, Si",higtn' ' c;,for tbe Pri0 offer ad Hit of tW? Hundred inventions wan tart- ' COPVnifiuro IT I Fotlnformataon and free Handbook write to i IrJSP & CO.-S6i.BBOiJWAT. York. V Oldest tjureirr for securing paints la America! t Every paten, taken out byus.! brought before the public by a notice given free oX charge in the fnfcttf tft$ jtai$m CHINAWAEE CUPS ' AND SAUCERS. German china 4 eta to 25 cents. Japanese china 5 cents to 23 csnts. We have nice after dinner cups and saucers at 10 cents that we sold at 25 cents last Jy ear. ,1 . PLATES. ' ' C h ild A B G plates" at 5 and 10 cents. Bread add hatter plates 5 cents up. Dinner plates 10 cents each. Cake plates 18 gents up to 98 cent ones that' are worth 3150 elsewhere. Jelly or olive' plates 12 cents up. Brownie piate, cup and saucers 20 cents for the three pieces. DISHES. 1 ' 5 ALL NICELY' DECORATE! J y Bone 5 cents; Bowls 10 to '55 'cis China mugs 3 cents up; Shaving 1$ centenBisdurfigures S-to- 20 cents; Individual crea,m nd Jiugar. Bets 10 centspwithchini 9S cents; Tea Bts containing tea potv sugar; cf earn- and wo V cups and assorted fr6K75 cents'' 'do wn:vTea I&clH Vasefrom iO cents to $2 48 each;; Fprcalain timbrella stands ?3; Lamps and' glassware to arrive fibOfr witt cludedtlir the 8recial Liscotlrit; $ !;irt I i We have , about threes times ab we had lr.3t year. , ' Giobe 2 to tcer nnkker chiefs 15 to 25 cenl; Waste paper 20 cents; Lunch 10 to 15 "cents; Large bloee hampefa 88 eta to '1.44; Laquere trays 20 cents; Paper nap kins 15 ceht3 per hundred. STATIONERY Special job of fine note paper Doin piaiu ana ruiea, at is cen per pound ; Tain paper for foreie: mail 10 cents per quire; Lead pen cue 6 cents per dozen; Ink or mce age 3 cents; steel pens 2 cents dozen, good. EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT v.-: . . y Embroidery eilk at two ekeic ' ' ' i T ri'i ii i.; ior i.ceni; riest ino buk, assoro brands at 3 cents par skein, wor 5 cents "else where; Oatiiningjsilk cents per skein: Colored' linen lit cents dezen: Turkey red or -bin Vl . - ni ' I 1 . cotton o cents dozen: bnaaea cr. chet'eotton cents per ball of yaras; uoia emoroiaery o ceuio skein; Stamped Dock Table Cover With fringe4 40 cents: Feather bo 65 cents'Featner CdllereUes 19c(4 Tvi?w iti Qh 'tri1 ftm- Child rehsCloaks-ali wool; at $1.25; M at'7f cehtfir 'Remnants of Pnn Kfon HRKi. TroVita1-ir Wnrth 25 CCD 1 'dtlciAi 'Remnants of Fnjfe sDenimwOrth 25 cents at 'law Remnants of Colored Cotton ri nel lpr BkirtslWorth 10 to 8J to-10: : center Cotton Eiderdow' 7i cents periyard; Blanke' e perpair -np;rfiome-made Conwjj $1,25; Crib Counterpanes 48 W ;3J cents;: Twenty-nine inch coWj stripes, same styies as nia' i' ctsjight colored Oatinjr aU cjJ Ail WqolJted flannel lofts ap, inchWack Storm Serge 20 centsK yara; a iuu une ui v. --ji bilfe Windsor l' s ;rlD sateen winasor lies A rldk Mnfr nf -Albums, BOO other Christmas goods on tne MouBe i: trap's at 5 cents. Very Respectfully: ? Largest clrculatloa of any sclentlflo paper In th world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent xnaa should be without it. Weekly. ft3jO a rear; $1.50 six months. Address, CO. E23. 3d roaawayj new rorx City- . i - ' t ; si i 0 i . r

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