effect Arrival of Trains, The folio wing change of schedule took' after J. p. m. nov . io lesjtf . v-n 37 arrives at 8.4 a ra, . - -jl- " "10 40 am, ." u 0 " 9.02 pui, ; , 03 " 5.15 p m, (freight) NORTHBOUND. .4 r -5 tTkO of It "1 O a-rt iu uy am, 7 23 pm, " 902pm, "11.15 a m, (fretehrt ' rt rty j on x . - Xo. :;.)io,o afmoosiop only at Uaai loUe, Concord, Salisbury Greensboro olui Danville. - Passengers for local . 4.1- A A . )ints between mese stations will nave to excellent 13 (54 it rri . Uoodtd JohnstoaTdlS gre.; : Strpst cars were stopped in Char Jotte yesterday byty fail of the other trains.' PERSONAL POINTED The TEbb and G-ive more light than ordinary chimneys. ; PEICE 10 c, - iur tue snow on the ground on could almost imagine'it? was spring time. ; ; o;v; ftri - . Oaly about half the ohildrfln were at school todav Only one ' ? Bennett while snowballine uv,u,y vUuuuKea, one tnroueh an upper window at Johneon'a drug store. -V- - v . A certain popular young : cashier will take a trip to Peonsylvrnia next week He will have company on the return trip. Toe PhilaJoethian Society of the North Carolina College' at , Mt. Pleasant will give a book reception How of tii nrii mnn Ti&? a:lPoVCi Seen By our Reporter 2 : i i rtf Dorsey went lotto this -morning;'.: " - Buckler's Bie Show is in town 22 strong, stoping'atjthe St. Cloud. , a. w imams, ot; Salisbury, is in the city today. n ; ;( ' ' t : Squire :H C McAllister passed inrougn irom unina.Urove to hie home in Mt. Pleasant'yesterday. Rev, J iLWbarey, D. D., Revs J J Kamsey, of . Hickory' C M Liore. ol Monroe, and; Ruling Elder Hall were at Fplar Tent 3 esterday on Presbyurial business. Mrs. Wellington White, a re- AT- (EE WAEM J turned missionary whose husband was killed in a from China, thn city, and erland hall at railroad wreckj is in will spek at Sund 10:30 tomorrow. All interested in mi&eionary work are invited to be present. . ' 'I j; ' fn 8'S iDP.UG SI 1 Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LCJALS. The beautiful show. ; The horrid slop and f! eh. All trains were delayed this morn- 1 ho white barber ebon will add the third chair and also one of the best white barbers in the south next week. - : ; ; 1 ; : Now is the time to buy your holiday presents! Fifty engraved card3 and plates for SI 00. ; "iV A. S. & J. F. YorkeJ Sleighing-is good today and many of our young people are tak ing advantage of it. The stable men very considerately cut their rates to half the usual charges. -Notwithstanding the inclement weather, Quid's store was crowded ""sterday with ladies taking ad- r u:. 1 i j - 01 ui8 uuraiuuay pnuert. See hia change of ad. today, it will interest you. The saow has come ' The enow has come. The long looked for barber chair L01E & DICK Mi.- THE CEIE&P 'SIOBF. Headquarters. . . Tie . Fries .isfiiti' The famous North Carolina BLANKETS 10-4 11-4. Tis bound to cbme When yon see the crowa moving , our way Where tin whole public can get all of their wants supplied at the very lowest posjible price. No one doubts that, as it is ax conceded fact that this is the t Mr3. P M Morris id quite sick. Belford's Carnival which showed here last week, disbanded in Char lotte yesterday. 1 Ecnomical housewives will find it to their advantage to riad Can non & Fetzer's change of ad in to days paper. Van H Manning, of ' the United States Geological j Survey, is to marry.Miss Elizabeth Crabtree, tbe educated and accomplished daugh ter of W F Crabiree, one of the wealthy and influential natives of the Indian Territory. She is doubt less a charming Indian girl and love is freaky. j The Racket store has just opened up an extensive assortment ot glass and China ware, and in order to make room for more holiday goods Mr. Bostian will refund 10 per cent of all purchases made on this ware ftWB MM I CJou at -once hear the small dealers cry out REMOUALSLES, , CLOSING OUT, FIRM CHANGES, Etc See ns on Ladies' Wool Vests. you good. Stick a pm right there. u g. bascomeat the white barber shop. for the dext tQnd gee hig ad. iNow iec tne cirzens come anu givtj Pw!flfimpn tnrl. Th icnnnnt us a call. Come one, come all. sale. will eo oft on December 12. The Salisbury boys want to know rn. what is the matter with Concord called upon t0 determine whether goats are cattle. (Judge Clark ren dered the decision that, in that broader. sense in which the statute in question referred, the goat is ranked as cattle-and.that cruelty to the goat is a crime as well as' cruel- Silverware 50 cents on the 8 this week only. A. B. Cornell. Travel on the railroad is very "ghi j"t I10W. ; . Jewelry 50 cents on the 8 this ,Teck only. A. B. Correll. County oflicers will swipg corners next Monday. "Saw wood" and ueay abthing" ' 11 J3 yu X BV f-T M to-their posterity by the simple use BOARDERS WANTED AddIv of Aver's Sarsaparilla, the only to Mrs. Josie Fink. ' d5 ' blood -purifier admitted at the Chi- - - , ' ; ... lt '" , , cago World's Fair. Rabbit nhnsinp is the chief amuse- ... ment oh 'the streets to-duv. - r : i Cards are out announcing the, When they cant kWp up with, the pro cession they have to fall out ;of line. We. want to say, right here that we are hereto stay. , These peopie: are entirely too good to us for us to think of making a rhanep. Our sales this veir will dou- , CPiXX , dO ' hie previous years and it makes the mtrr chants jook very ugiy at us, wno nave 10 stand aroundrwith nothing to do, when lhe7 see the multitudes of trading people flock in and out of oar house. Investiaie very closely ail; prices that you pay wven you deal with these fake sales. We are rolling along having goods at prices that enable us to sell them at our small prolits and it is still under a great many cot sule prices. 'HEAVY YARD WIDF- SHEETING 5 cents per yatd. Heavy Plaids to any one that wants them 3 cents. Men's Undershirts 12 cents. Zephyrs, Wash Silks, Crochet L'ilks, in nice Hue of col ors. ..' Keep up wilh the croud and you will land at " JJEADQU AKT ERS, mm and Charlottp. Thev have been trying to arrange for a game of fool hall with the teams of these cities buo i hey don't show up. Salisbury World. The only inheritance many re- mm uu NOTICE TO CONSIGNEE?. ceive from their ancestors is impure ty o'any. other domestic animal blood. Fortunately, it is in every- embraced in .the term 4'and" other one's to transmit a cleaner neruage . , f n If you're in doubt whether your trouble is .indigestion or dyspepsia jt38t take a few doses of Simmons Liver Regulator it : will settler tpe whole question. s UI have tried A NEW LOT OF : , I- mnrriflaft i of Mips AEnes -Helene oimmons . liver reguiaior joi; Clerks at all thetbres were busy Rouec to ! Mri Luclan ; ;H Ha iris; Dyspepsia and --fand; n jtisttto is mominor shoveline Bnow. Ci j:Di:iuU, kq irhMnat ATiRa thing to relieve me. A' small dose -j-.v 1 o v;! ioli Vnnwn '"here and Ik after meals is sure to prevent 1l- It took two en&ines to get -the " Twis a dige8tion.-S S Parkins, . S&arbn, :u.,i u.Ank lo.f ninKt -i .r verv DODUlar.. Mr. xiarrH 1a h. ujuh , , .. . , j? ' : J GAEES All goods in my store at factual -cost for the remainder of thisr weefo. , ; a:JK CioRBEt ; a man s iicen8 ,aaa uwu -tthifth .W fidwards acnd Ga. Its the best medici ne to - aid b!igeston?r-r J 3 Biack, . , ,pancan , Arizona. -. . ; JACKETS Concord, N C, Dec. i, 1S96. The Southern Express Company .will sell, at public auction, at P. Day vault's store, for' charges, about tnree nunarea ireignc pacKajr j, beine on .hand six months and over, on Saturday, January oth, 1897, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. unless canea ior, cnarges paia or omerwise uis posed of before day of sale , O. M. SADDLER, Superintendent. ; jyS L. T. HARTSELL, A-IXOUNEY-AX-sLAW, w CONCORD, - M ;- N : C. Prompt attention given to ' all basiness. Office. in i Morris b'ailding opposite coart honse. h clklany families areTwithout Woc and wood! haalerswifl not be able :to get in;iorevleral 6tif. Work oh the ! new cotton mill at 'China OrojnaS Has been .snspended on accodnt' 6f tne weather. Mayor jMorrtton's little ; daughter, Estelle, ' who ,has been Jujte .ck witn iever, ls reporaa. . z a adrantaee "his idr-Health ha' the samt. adyntag overvdlfceato- The Iaw of NatuU fx people tdneaitn Whathealc Natur halta t9 cu thetn. WNatyre'a Uf IstherxWejW f - , 1 . just in from New York, The very latest style. -Eyery one a bargain. tCome at once and see them. . . . ; , We want, particularly to call vour attention 10 our Laides and Children. UIL1Q i 4. iRun their business in the inj tres,t their, pa irons, noli in -SHOES- Tired and troken down womtn will find that DR. KIIIG'S IIOYa They are known as Long GEnuETUER a priceless Kxmcaa Wearers." Every one wh,o blessine to them. It rives appetite, "roate. run: a'-businesd successfully. trie:tliem come; back when in brings restful, refreshing sleep" aids v..i$8iM&& When you hear burMcompeiK peed of another pair. Our J!f1!.,4:. -J .m ,,v ,r-,i-v-i rnrff.flrvinp trkh.- iuhv must iw y mmuvm . . wuwvm v - r-rf .0 ; : : ; 1 -.1 n'-, m Ai 1 . .. . - fe.ltPUUthe interest of their ,;competi- ' NatSTYwac2vj tors. We do not neea any rHdSwfiVdr advice from iTjeoDle, who can' t rSiiP jSfSSfS Hurt by the prices we are not be .excelled Try them the strength and puts disease and giving e publics At the and be conyinced. ; - piin t0 fl;ght. For, ; ; 1 u wjt mm w m ww n n a v rirr m j ilia 1 j x . 1 . . - ; a i i 1 1 1 w 1 w 11 - - - a i v m w jk -m v n - . . . U J: ii?Aii f?ft th Places ;ta l!? u r 1 u ra 1 www rMH nn eau . t , - - m - - - ' wpini p nniinn r?o The l6of Mimea to lSSJ IineoI Ladies' and ents': take great pleasure, in show bor-haypjm .fflRS! u!:: ' ; ing our goods - . ANT) QUILTS Come to seeSus A Nice Line of KID GLOVES Just Received. Including all menstrual and woml a a o 1 n ra -a tt ra ra n a n ra a- n mi 1 uiii it 1 - a l. . iij iiu ju w www C41. V V4.CIA.J. V U.VI.X&Jg W V 14. X I w7 " ; stocts: ,in, all-its line. Will both locally and internally. U h emphatically r in mat Cltyt .... u-- -r- 7 r ZZXZZTn for that disease; nea Annthfir prand triumDhlfor:inedi- IJXitheU-T? cat science in store for early practt- igiSZSgtt cal realisation is inoculation tat ty- SSSsssiS phoid fever. .Itis hppedto ,be.put fSSSai into practice soon, ; , - MSiS ocromia jb one ui yr. "r: kedhd bottie i aa. .. j va i . . j .1 a m wo i on cvaa . . - r ; I began, to ieejj coatrn, so i. zo i - onrl Mnflnmn-I Ukeanewwomau. Itaraahalf iiULUUXa. OUiawaviuu, cuv w I a third bottle aiux l . . s tiYn foro ft.hta TRfmitS ' Ol ': BUruiuxt. was comv.jj ---- Acer's SarsaparlUa -eradicates this TKK80D, and restores, tO ine Uiuuu, - Mry St., HandltonOnt, Can. ohe elements of life and health. - - - - -.- ' - a t a i mankind. "'Chronic dWmRESlS&j gone. at, cpr -prices. eVerOffereai'-: 1 " ' Best lvalues . . . oas - sm taoie ior theweathjer. F.uli line of 6apesiidl Jackets," Come id see -us; EWe' make prices and others try jtOjfQllowi but (can't J - V. UOGACl'S OTteo Pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, .arge bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. KVanufactur only by ' 1 THE ATLANTA CBEUICAL CO., Atl, C: , XXZ 70B 13 1 &GE SOOXs BAXLS3 rcxr F2 ZIIL'S DRUG SI OBI 1