J Vol. XI1L No. 192 BREVITIES. rls-Messeneer. CONCORD, NYfd., FRIDA.Y. DECEMBER 4. 1896. Whoeb.NO. 1,671 Tiie Show i The National Tod.cco Growers' . . , . uw co.trac iog prtiefl BuiklrV iwa. f. COD,en'.ion "111 copvsne in Ocala, "e ,n reCeiPlf e-iol. pUjedhto a Wrij good hoSe last Fla.Jan.12. "Mr knd Mr. R k -d a nRht' notwithstanding the inolem. It ismmored that Governoreleot T,onpi lh" "ra!'t)ert Sawge eot weather. The title of the play an eye on the Senator. ater'dS T W f 8in ' ? W- - ; Bunnie Savage MeienL to S r eh."f elUalcen and ad- A severe earthquake , , shook ' was Brevard Ervin Harris Wednesdav !""'r?rye,; i ThonS ply.. felt in Cairo, 111., Dec. 1. ' . Uta 16, 1896, at 12:30 o'clock, Pr ?at:?tf" P, . -U no Snort term of Congress will con- Vytwlan church, Danmore, Pa." "P bf-ere is not a stick in vene next Monday. . The bride-to-be is well known in e cornpany. The ma.io was es- . - Concord haviVrofi.,u:. pecially,tine,be orchestra being m Vice-Preaident Stevenson says in SSS"; charge! Prof. H L Blaker, a cde- an interview that the Dingley bill tarifiet -W:----. will not pass the Senate. , i f r v r Yoiirttefitlon i Mtail nliri .f u fl u e xxarna is me popular cashier f 7 i-T J ' " ""j at cannons x FetzerV There is ine cPag? or Paj tonignt irom - , . . years governed the Catholic church not a man in the county better or MEa8tpeto Dlease JOll in Clothm than We have 6Ver iniSorth Carolina, died in Wash- more favnrahlv Vnnwn fUn tw chancre was fixed noon for Batufan. Kr ' .. . , inton. D. U.. on last In pro a v. I - f. . -...i . I i u -.j: : 1 o j - oiuixorfno aBieningJfOUng DU81- tul J Acouo, irtjLiay auu me , auuieuue Greensboro and Wilmington foot- ness man, with a bright and prom- may expect a treat new and rare, ball teams will plav in Wilmington isine future. He nnmhr amnntr ' ' it . . . ... . , : s ... Bncklen'S Armcn bhit. nexc oaturuay. - ma uiouuu au wno.&now mm, ana h - UM- i - CauDoiis - & - It zers NoTdoubt'about itv we are better fixed to Men's Suits, latest and r H,nrv m,mA -ill J justly deserves in every Way the The Sa,'.in J01 v j - "... i , . . . - ; .- mnia. uraisfia. orea. iJifiers. salt test the seat of E C Duncan (Hep ), appinesa he has won. I Rheum; tever Sors, Tetterd Chappe e -i k i . . i I Mr. and Mrs. Harris will v?ait ovwt., iiU;ikt:., ii 01 Varmrev, 1U hUC uexi Vtenerai I . ' ,T "w I unuuo, ,yuuuiamo, uuiuq ttuu au i " I WashintOn. Philarlftlnhifl Nnm I RVin i RfiTntilftna fcnH InnaifirAlv nnr.o ' I York and other nnintjj in th ooot Piles or? no- nav reoui-ed. It is Senator Pritchard has gone to ftm, w;il rptnm n.. u . guaranteed , to dve stat Wilmington to . hav a conference thft 1at f Tnnliaf. ttf- k;.u monet refunded. Price 25 cents per k ' -n 44V,"1;1""3 fcl1"0 box For at PB Fetzer's Drug thftV Will Hfl flthnmotniho Ufn anrla . - -I B at the St. Cloud hotel. 1HE STANDARD extends eon. I Tlie Editor Quotes Scripture. gratulations in advance. Mr. Harris I If you are down with the blues, will leave Monday for Pennsyl- read the twenty-seventh rsalm. ii. in ere is a cmuy sensauon auout the heart,1 read the third chapter of: Revelation. If you don't 'now where to look for the mbnth's'-rent that is now dneireadhKifilrtyrRe with Goyernor-elect Russell. Convicts at the State prison at. tempted to poison their guards by giving them morphine in coffee. Warer is stillTising at Chippewa Falls, Wis., and the ice f orge is 18 feet high. to cure a cold in one day . . . .. t - - i Sharkey was badly hurt in the j Take laxative Bropo Quinine Tab- fight Wednesday, and tfitzaimmons r 4"1,i';u fcUC Best. Boys7 best. Suits, latest and i vania. Children's Suits, and best. latest Wefgnarantee tojsave-' you mone :.' may be arrrested if he does nbt im prove, soon , money if it fails' to cure, 25c. Brilliant Jtleieor. Many of the people who were on Forest lull's Xew Pastor Arrives; " - If th8 Stovepipe has fallen 4oW Rev. J O Arnold, the new pastor and thecook gone off in a pout, put for Forest Hill Methodist church, Up the pipe, wash your hands and arrived on Trstprriav'a fiVRninjr train. Ua. a . thorite rf - v - ' J J - O liUDU ICaU v v the streets at 8.20 o'clock last night He w&sinet at the depot by some of James. 'i , had their attention attracted to tlz the officers of the church and taken jj ydxi fiQd yourself losing con- paesage across ice nortuvveaieru t0 the parsonage where a beautiful fidenCe in men, read the thirteenth sKies oi a mewpr ot lmease urn- supper had been prepared by the hancy and ofjunusual size. It made ladies of the congregation. The a broad swep across the skies and parsonage had, been thoroughly reno its brilliancy was startling. In its Vated ' and the larders well filled 10 1111' IIS - AND CANNO'KfS & FETZER wake was a trail of sparks of a dull red, which were visible for a mo ment after the meteor bad van- ished. -Charlotte Observer, The young man who sat down so suddenly on the street this morning saw stars in road daylight, and he can still see the "dull red'' places but not in the firmament. chapter of Eirst Corinthians. ; If people pelt you hard with words, read the fifteenth chapter of John. -".'.!-'' If you are getting : discouraged about vour business, read the one or Mr. Arnold enters immediately hundred and twenty-sixth' Pcsalm upon his work, conducting prayer and the fourth chapter of Galatians, meeting tomorrow night and preach- verses 7 to 9. THE- with the necessaries of life snffi cient to last for some time. CONCORD STANDARD ing Sunday at the usual honrs. CASTOR ! A Coldest Yet. Seventeer aboze zaro ! That is where the mercury stood at 7 o'clock this morning. The snow that melted yesterday is ice today. Wherever water stood last night ice was found thi3 morning. The roads are full of it and horaea can not null even a' small load. r - f- For Infants and Children. If you are all out of sorts, raed the twelfth cnapterjof Hebrews. If you find yourself losing confi dence in your Christian profession, read the fifty-third j chapter of Isa iah. Green Cave Spring Hustler. WEEKLY. Tts fae- Is es at Impromptu Dance. The young seniu.-y folk who tended the show last night enjoyed a delightful impromptu dance after The pond below the depot is frozen tbe performance. 1'he hall was over and the boys will have an op beared of chairs, and to tns spien portunity to enjoy skating by to- id music of ;Backler'a orchestra, morrow. , a number of couples were sooa on the floor enioying to the fullest ex tent this delightful pastime. --7 - ." . -. - '-i , . t 2llilM CIcrIt Sims. Sheriff Sims?, of Cabarrus, will be hief clerk in the office of Auditor- elect Hal Ayer. This fact has been ; ASK x2 rccoyerea dvsDeDtics. bilious suf- - Z A ' ferers, victinis of fever 'and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite: they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World ! - For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres-. sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This uririvaled remedy is; warranted x6t to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, PURELY VEGETABLE, , containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It wiU cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the liver and IJowela. ! .. tl CVMPTOM5 of T?vr romnlamt are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth; ?am in the Back, bides or often mistaken tor wieumansm wmi te: Dowels alternately Kotice. t n onrftvnn monev on vour in 1 -- . - - i I.Wo nnran rtTm?B'PATJnAr11Y lOr BUUIO BnMnM iJdtl t DaV l'T II1UIO i-uau &tnm-Mh: Loss of Aooeti . e iUn u . Gmo -fn'r "r?irp LiQ and costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Mem', with a t me but at the request of the you get. Sse mo tor Mre, llq anu co sensation of having failed to do something ' y' 0lT s.- " V 0r:f AonMfint insurance. Best COntraCtS hich aueht to have been done; Debility; Low Sher ff mention was not made nf it. Accident insurant ttttrtey mr'A thick, yeiio appearance of the skin and n uiouwuu, , , and terms. J.i.UURLbY. Eves : a dry Cough, often" mistakea for Consumption. tment 18 DUta juou y , - r Sometimes many of these symptoms attend tne r mi m- r i I jr nthrs wrv tu hnt tne livek. uic 14101 appoin reward for services rendered, for he aided A.yer materially in securing the nomination for Auditor; He is in every way fitted for he office to hich he has been appointed, and the Sheriff carries with him in his new field the best wishes of hosts of friends of all parties in. this county. Mr. Sims will go to Raleigh about the 1st of January, but will not re haoye his family for eonpo time. For Sale. , ... Domestic v-ng mschine, in per f.ct order only J$10 00. Second hand split bottom' chairs, only 25 cents. Apply at this office. d!2 For Rent. ' Furnished rooms, : suitable tor eeorleinen. Terms jery reasonable. f Apply t this office. v dl organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great" suffering, wretch edness and DEATH will ensue. The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R..R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder. PerrC", Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son. Esq.,Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J.A. Butts, Bambndge. Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R.; Hon. Alexander H.Stephens. We have tested its virtues- personally, and kno- that for j5pepsia, B.liousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best tnedicine the world ever saw. We cavf. tried forty other remedies before Siaimoas Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us lucre than tern. Erary relief: the Regulator not only relieved, but cured ." Ed. Telegraph and Messenger, Macok, G manuvactcreu oxly by . ; , . ' J, II. ZEHilN & CO.. Philadelphia. p- D-ocraictin principle, cons ervative' in methods. ' . Newsy but not sensational. Devoted to the ?Ttere3t ofunity, harmony and progress. Its effects and aims are to add to the Joys of the home circle, the elevation of the ambitious and aspirations of its readers. ' It wonld gladliilKthe mindwith peasant and profitably thoughts, making life'sburdens lighter, its duties dearer, its opportunities more apparent. - DO YOUT AKE IT ? -7" - ' ' ' ' -"" " ' ' - -,-"" ' ... - , - r If notjipkase; trv it and see if you don'tsay that THE STANDARD isworthmanytimesits'costy on. J.S D.osBARR,IBE & SON, Publishers. . V -f.