'Willi Saily Standard, bituetaliitiin for toe United Hiates Ipearance was app lauded as vocij er- Conservative people and Amer ica has more coneervatism than .JTHTTW TV "R A "RRTT.R Rr. SOTT. Editors and Proprietors.- Europeans thjnk wti'xe alarmed ; at P. COOK, : . ; " rrv r,7 " r thV charac&r; b the followers of OFFICE IN; BRICK ROW. additional to the l one favoring free to leap at once to free silver coinage, 'ously as the jparchtd condition .of the throat would allow, bat re- f rained from submitting anv re y. :. v t' ... .'. " marks until the foregotnz ,re30lu tions were put into effect, lint tt was a great victory for the tummy. KATES OF. SUBSCRIPTION :. One year :. ... . . .V. . . . J .$400 "f he ' Standard ia nublished Tha th Unit tavpr oi. retracing in aue course and w,ith caref ul'regard to the national honor the steps-taken in the demons etization of diver until . both gold and silver shall be admitted to free m - ' r m ,ir uuiuttgo ub ne ratio 10 go i, ann The Weekly. Standard i& a - . X , ' bur-page, eigntolum?paper. It d?;e ?tV1I,5 money of the h&a a'larger circulation jh Cabarrup wbrldr and the measure of yalues of wU uy v,.tr4 -pFw. AuW i.w th6 world is a proposition which :Tnr Annum in n H o n no .1 Six months. . . . . . .... . Three months. 1 . . . . . .'. Or3 month i.. . . . . . fiiogle copy.. . . . . . . . . . 200 1.00 .35 .05. I Sharkey got $10,000 and a ter qbie thrashing. "The doctors are takiDg gogd care,; bfihim and; may gei bim ut of.bed: soon. Fitzaim uions ia not hurt by anything but the verdict that gave the money to the thrashed man and is abb to , go raving about. '" ' ' . I . advertising rates : . i 1 . - ' i t c 13 for regular advertise adft known on application Address all communications to THE STANDARD. . r-CoiicuVdrNrC.. COM CORD, DEO. 4, 1896. BDIETTAMSJI NECU. :T5flr Jinnnm in nrlonnna . . -. . . . ' ' - ... ... .- Term3fbr regular advertisements "l1" W?t Proposi ,o tnnwn rt aioi' " tion alone could be fairlv nreaenteri to them, even without further de 'bate. -I r;, . : . iu buuu ujnvictions entertainea by a C vast m: irity- of 'American voters committed to bimetalliemV the friends ofpuch a monetary sys tem may - cot fitipo t ly appeal. The Th WasniDgton rost, iua cable Hue8tlOD notor ioar vears, nor letter from London, prints advance yefc a decade. It may take as copy of an important article written long to remonetiz silver as . it hss hj Hon, William E Chandler, Sena- ken to realize the paralyzing in- inr from New Hamp.nir for this fluence of demonetization. But the December issue of-The National fact that 6,000,000 out of 13,000 000 Review, the conservative monthly, .'Americjin voters have given their iu which he disc asses the late elec hallo to for the wild project of ims 4ion from the Republican stand mediate' free coinage of silver by:the SPECIAL FOB THL WEXT TF The only time a man needs a Dartnpr k t, . a losing business. This iwtat we ire doing on chn g tL-hi m r hairnn in h rf. 7 i r o n o nH i - JiriK zt . . w,"v aa uaj javw uauuiuu uum way We had t v. China .'a'nd1 cneiasu 01 govern oer in order to eret an nr; . Christmas trade. We haven' t the room fn ,or out in order to show them off we had to pack away our Dd wear and hats and manv other innrl 'V,rc ,Vt1. . un(ier- -uconrage is principal" object; i8t to united, States alone shows that the European bimetallists to question is one which' must be com- REVISKD EDITION, continue their propaganaa. - prcmieea am adj listed in some way. A The Review, commenting edi- The advocates of .gold monomet- -L5z5 orially upon the election of Mtijor allism are crying out that the silver JIcKmley, dogmatically asserts that ,e8:yA-M. Ae- bope, but 'unless the Republican party settles nofc really b-live, that., this Is. the silver question before 1900 there true Never was it more important will be nobhiog lef c of that party ?r. bimetallists to ekert themselves. -Cter 1900," 1 I Mr. McKinley is pledged by his own Senator Chandler's t. fcle is in wos to co-operation with ns " :.;drt aa follows ' . 4tEnrerean hiniftHalliflfn tipaH nnf KliPVA faf tV,Q ih-a irs The European; countries which j, . u i. , . borer on the English Channel are ..'ley and Hobart by overwhelming anf?n , , . - . , . . .. 5 sofferlng from a blockade of traflSc, . ... w .a. bj reason of an extensive strike, of -neutlv secede-to the single, gold dock laborer. It is oftentimes tanaara. xne bryan proposition really amazing to think that capital jwas soon seen by the American and labor cannot get together long vuiers to oe simpiy mat tne United enougn;to realiza their, reciprocal States should adopt, silver mono- importance. Won Id that1- the old tnetallism ; should deliberately give fable which the wise Roman philos- -up all attempts to keep gold and PPDer reiatea for the mutual bene silver at a parity ; should send fifc ot the Plebeians and Patricians . , ' of the seven-hilled city, could be -old to a premium and . thereby hn ij-;: I make it merchandise merely, and in a Realizing sense." There is a 3UUU,u ua8e au American prices on wonderful lesson in that old f able of silver only. It can hardly be con- the tummy and the members. . The -siaerea upon reflection oy any true hands, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and i)imetalli8t that such action on our throat decided to starve the tummy - part would have helped the cause of oat because they themselves had bimetallism in any country of the febe drudgery of life's duties to en world. dure, while the tummy's programme It is true that the Brvanites called consisted merely in enjoying, three -themselves bimetallists, and that meals a ay. So the hands refused y, mouij.uiaiD a suiie UUU IOTK, tne wear and hats and manv other broodsi TVioc iji.-j ncle will not more under two weeks.' Thr i wi,. .... y "i3 iog a losing business. Our . money will be idle and vbn w a A'settine hen nvr trt fat " tks t v.. . yon Klow . o io:uyb MUS1Q6SS cn want TJaitners on china" and classw!iTo niTr '. 5" wf Iment to get them we will offer the following lnduee" For the next tendays we wiU refund per cent, of all the cash you spend in theohi and glass-ware department. ; To let these goods lie idle on our shelves for iwn , will be a dead loss to us. We can use all the cash take innp to l)eoember.l2th, so. all the loss of (he to ? cent.discount will.more than be ade-back by reinvesting Christmas' goods. Yon- have first, m,. t i k RflJ I O O fl-flTB chance of 8aviu 10 Per 9en t on the goods you wil 1 b vuJ flip LWrfil anyway. We have bnt one Drice tKo v.v lat 1 figures, these are our best and qnly prices to either friend S w .- uu ojou aruuie is worth SI hnt tr man haveit for 80c ts simply means asking price $1 and llU ing price 80 cents, and may be 60. cents' in some cases? s two conclusions to be drawn in such cases, one is the stw is ashamed of their price of the goods or the other is t f. have marked lUem high, enough to come down on them S maketheir customers believe of all the thousands of people that hye in Concord's territorv thev i. 1 ,l'le money is worch more:than any one.lse. aman show you, plainly where his rart comes in you natural , nslnes?6" " t0 d the man got very wet. The wetting gave him a cold. The cold, neglected," developed to a cough. The cough sent him to a bed of sickness. A dose of Ayers j Cherry Pectoral, taken at the -start, would have nipped the cold in the bud, and saved the, sickness, suffering, and expense. The household remedy for colds, coughs, and all lurig. troubles ia Cherry I tPectoral, 'CHIN A WARE CUPS AND SAUCERS. STATIONERY. Rn3 for the MCutebook. ioo pages tics J. C Ayer Co.. 1,0 IrcH, Mau, 7 .... S m o 5 r. ,..v lly . r I ITT PI 0) -a 1 VJl if- on pi 3 r, , . ' . . . , Special job of fine note panor German china 4 eta to 25 opntH bnf.h rlir, on,i ny yir Japanese china5 cents to 23 cents, per pound ;,Tnin paper for foreign We have nice after oinoer cuds and mail 10 tnt rr t j saucers at 10 cents that we sold At. cilaS ntfl. rLC peH" 25 cents last .'year. - ; age 3 centsti nanU . Child A B G plates at 5 and 10 EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT cents. Bre8d and hnttnr nlflfoa K . : cents up. Dinner nlates 10 cents ' Emhrnir?Ai.ir .. (each. Cake plates 18 cents up to for 1 cent; Best Fib silk assorted Uo cent ones that are worth SI 50 h i t ti . . I " - " vo Li" i oiioiLi. worm elsewhere. Jelly or olive plates 12 5 cents elsewhArp. rWn; 'n o cents up Brownie plate, cup and cents per skein; Colored linen floss ! saucers 20 cents for the three pieces; 20 cents dzen Turkey red or blue ' . cotton 5 cents dozen; Shaded cro- D I S H Fl S ' chet cotton 4 cents per ball of 200. , ' ; yardr.Gold embroidery 3 centR per ALL NICELY DECORATED. skeirii Stamped.Duck Table Covers ' . " : Jlth fringe 40 cents ; Feather boas ' Bone 5 cents: Bowls 10 in M m. ?P cQtsi Feather Collerettes 19 ctf : China mugs 3 cents up; Shaving 18 Ladies capes $1.30 to $5 00; Child- uoutc, isqu-ngures D'to 20 cents- " UU1 l5,J- Individual cream and sugar sets id Wi8 - - ollne worfch 10 to 15cts Mr. Bryan in his recent outcry from avail O 1 rrrrt rrrt 1 . 1 ' J iV . i . - , .. , . jt8 oinavo uvcnuuaeu ine tanip illS temnnrarv nnlitmal pnfnmimonf . r . o tauit", .M tfle earfl declinedt0 hear the dinne addresses not the Democrats, nor uoli 1,11' j .1. , , . Dell, tne mouth locked the door and the Ponnlisfcs. nor thfl npnnlp hnf. ha ... 4 , - ,Tf---' r-- threw thP kflv awav fW" fonfl rr.i i . . ' - -himtftl!i'Rf-' Thifl linnrowr ; 0 ; -' V' ttt ; j ,vu yners co me uusiness public a :':re- bimaaliists This, however is a fused to grind, and the throat liaWe, permanent, conservative and -sheer affectation. No Bryan orator hny f,0 omiil: m.. accomodating banking institution. or wrifpr h Mnnjrr A . "Mvug. xney vve solicit your business with the p-v v- soon naa tne tummy in the agonies assurance 01 ? honorable treatment -the adoption of thjp policy the im- of starvation, but the throat bean ld!Je aPPreoiaiio ,of your pat mediate unlimiteojfree coinage of to pch, the teeth to drpp out, the If we can serve you at any timei llillil Ian E cents up,' with china traV '9.4V;, os ,'. J , V u w tW cents; 1 ea seta containing tea not ouSax, wtjam ana two cups and saucers 60:eentV to ;$i;85; Pitchers assorted from 75 cents down; Tea Pota cents to .45 centp; Toast eiiis;- v ases irorri 10 cents ra T . - x."uu a uruo.ain umDrei.'a pa sianas 5?d; Lamps and glassware to i I Jlrritro Orvrr nr?ll 1 2. 1 .1 ir. .uuu nrjii uo laciuaeapn the special discount. V We have about three times much china, porcelain, gla?i, etc. as we had last year. ; . : silver, by the United States would send gold to a prem.ium and keep it there for any definite period. Surely :that would be silver monometallism, and can it be. contended that silver ' monometallism is any better step ;.i)ing stone to bimetallism than gold tmohometalli8tn ? 1 , ha 1 supposed hat. ; it was, generally agreed ; by thdnghtful and rational bimetallists that eyery where that it would not help, but rather hinder the cause of mouth to paralyze the ears to an , we hall be glad to have you come j , i .- 7 , , Zr ana see us; , dear, the eyes to go blind, and thp i--. haW to shrink into th Rh!l ' LIBERAL eCOMMODATIONS hands tc shrink into the shape of the skeleton bone. They held a caucus with all haste, and unani mously ado;:4 1 resolutions declare ing that it was breakfast, dinner and supper time right now. The voice feebly proposeed an amendment, ad ding the words "and also lunch." which was accepted without debat The tummy was then invited to ad dress the conyention, and on its ap- TO CUSTOMERS. Gapital and;SuI)Ius$70t000. ' D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. . , J. M. ODELL; Pres. l:m archey, m d. Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N.-O. JFFICE3: ST CLOUD ANNEX B;AS'MEiT;S. 1 Globe 2 to 10 chiefs 15 to 25 cent&; Waste paper 0 cents: Lnnnh in r i k h Laree close hamnoro Sfi vi. 20 ieate' PaP nap! fine 15 cents Der hnnHroi " - " at 7i cents: Rem Satteen for Drapery; worth 25 cents at 12J cents; -Remnants of Printed Denim, worth 25 cents at 15 cruL, Remnants of Colored Cotton Flan nel for skirts worth 10 to 15 cents at 8J to 10 cents; Cotton Eiderdown 7i cents per yard;: Blankets 48 cts per pair upj JEiome-made Comforts $1.25: Crib CduntfirnanPfl 4S opntfa. full sizsd well assorted; gingham 3J cents; Twenty-hine inch cotton stripes, same stvlp.Pi as al am an no at 5 cents per vard: 8i pnt. Ontincr at 5 cts, light colored Outing at 4 cent; All Wool Red Fla 48 inch Black Storm Serge 20 cents per vara; a lull line of Hosiery and Silk iWindsor T fps .10 rpntfl ur: Sateen Windsor Ties 5 cent?; Clu nouse lies,8ilk 10 cents, cotton o and8cents; Silk Shield Bows 5c. A nic9 lot of Albums, Books and other .Christmas goods on the road, tylousa traps at 5 cents. Yei'-y Eespectfully? est i en. j

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