Arril of Train!. N nnwic change of schedule. took 'ta SOUTHBOUND. : . - " Hi 40 h m, - 9.02 p m, 9.7 h m, . c,7 -arrives 3") 63 4t 5.15 p uv (freight) southbound: , V 36 12 64 7so drives at 0 17 am, 4 rv "T a - . " 7 23 p ill, t " 9 02 pm, "11.15 a m,' (freight) i nn Li HM A M 1 4. PI U 0,n,nnrd. Salisbury, Ureensboro ..hp ,. - T l - jrs xak JSrot.c-?os.iv.l-r . me i.nt ii . i My duties as Sheriff of Cabarrus county, having tnis dv csed WcbVntiea I haye tried faithfully and hocedtly to perfortnahere rc r uwvuiug ciae lurme to co. no pQhlic duties for me, txc,ut to coU Jeftt the balance of PERSONAL. TOLn TEKS. th faxes 1 for aoyo 'The taxes fur..lS95 ; probably trore nearly all were collected the Ebb and Plow : or tbe Ilaman Tide at-.TliisPort, aa Seen fly Onr Reportftri Mr.'F P Hood, of Knoxville, js at the St. Could. ' 1 " HT! r n .. .- . -i t ' i -n- today. -. i - V Mr. W A Smith; is on a busi ness trip to Charlotte. .- R R Herd age, of Atlanta, was DICK. t bet wee a these stations "will "hay e to other trains. p. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. silverware 50 cents on the $ this veekonly. a. u, vorrell. q06 bale of cotton was, sold here today BOARDERS WAITED Apply toMrs. J03ie iinK Many birds were frozen by the Xtrecie cold last. nignu The coal men are doing a rush ing business. - v;'v;.""r;:f: "t" "Jewelry 50 cents on the 8 this eekoDly. ; A. B. Cobrell. - Sheriff Sims has an important notice to tax-pay era in another col umn. There are eighteen prisoners in the county jail, awaiting the next term of court. r ' 7 ' ".v All goods in . my store at actual ithatj usufil, . 8 till there were more i the city this morning. lneolventa than should-be,VtiencS I propose, if possible, to redrica the listjor. .1896. As. I am compelled to-work tor a support for mv tamilv and expect to leave Concord the first of. January, 4897. I moat earnestly request every tax payer to come at brce and settle same otherwise "I am compelled to cum e or send a xdeputy col lec tor, who wil 1 . mc3 1 pbsitiyely (yjherever the law will al ijw) j at tach cos t to your taxesr, If y ou can pay your taxes with, additional cost, most, assuredly you can Spay the tax without the' cos t and I cer tainly prefer your keeping the cost. l ftaKe this method: Of again giving you pubih notice that the law has been changed. ' Your taxes; are due Mr. J B Bailey, oi Richmond. was among the arrivals this: mom- lug. , ( Mr. M Tj Brown vrt-rtt i Salisbury on tne early - train this morning. 1 ': Mis3 Annie Burkhead returned this morning from a pleasant visit in and near Salisbury. -. i - Rev. J E L jWinecoff went down to Sharon this., .morning. where he will preach Sunday. Miss Edna Carroll, who has beenvon a visit to her hpniein Pop lar Tent,' was in thejeity today, re- Salisbury, World abd Mr Henry Williams, of Salisbury, were in the' city last night. ' L - " J W Petitt, of New York : E P Street, of BaltimoreL and P H Hame- WARM. THE HIP 'SMI; " Headquarters. r - I - - j Tis bound to come -when you see the crowa moving our way. . , vv nere iat whole public can get au ot ineir warns sui plied at tne very lowest posjioie prict. X4o one doubts tnat, as is a conccueu fact that this Is the ThB famous North; Carolina BLANKETS 10-4 11-4. betoe'rthe close oY the y i lin, of Richmond, were ampng; the propose,, as fast as possible; to ens Iglo tbdayT f h force the law is sufficient, ; .'.! Yours moat respectfully, . 1 v ' John A.-Sims, " 4 Tax Collector. Dec. Vth. ; : ' v dd7 A foul breath is one of the great est afflictions that a man or' woman can have. An affliction jnot? only to themselves, but'to those with whom they come in contact. Afoul , .. 3:A !. oreaxn is a great discourager ui auu- It ould probably be more Cheapest Store in Town, See us , on Ladies- Wool .Vests- you good. Stick a pin right there. tioh. To cuitE a cold in oif MY so if people only realized just what C03lfo. the remainder ofahl8w P,r Trrimmincer. without the money if it fails to care. . 25.. are eour stomach', loss of appetite, aid of dog or gun,-bagged 22 rab- company u, Attention : V 8ick and bilious headache, dizziness. bits yesterday, m two hours. . . . 0n account 0f the disagreeable artourn ana aiSiredB aiter ug. . ..... I . . r. ... . i l nese xnines uieuu luuitconuu, If you wish to make a nice pres-1 weather, Companj tr will not meet They lead to dyspepsia and worse CJou at once hear the small - dealers cry out REM0U7VL SALES, CLOSING OUT, , ' . FIRM CHANGES, Etc ... , '- ; " .: When they cant keep up with the pro cession v thev have to fallout !of line. -We want to say right here thai we ate hereto stay. These people are entirely too good to us for us to think of making ' y.V.r, finr'aolo. llltQ UAUT 'Will dOll a tuaiib. vwijouiu j . fc n rl n ble previous years and it makes the mer- .UttUlB 1UUJ VCtjr ugijr o u, . v . stand around with notnin? to ao, wueu thev seethe multitudes of trading people flock in and out of our house. - IfiveBti-cate very;cio3eiy an prices mat, you pay wen you deal with these fake sales " We r are . foiling-. along buying o'6d at prices that- enable "'us to sell taem. at our smau pruuis auu 10 ..-- undera great many cpbt ssie prices. .... HE IVY YARD WIDE SHE ETIN G. 5 cents per. y aid. Heavy Plaids to any one that wants tnem- a cenis. blvu a Undershirts 12 cents Zephyrs, Wali Silks, Crochet Lilks, in nice line of "col ors. .. . ' r , ' . U Keep up with the crowd and you will land at ....- , mi : tt, va have a lot of sterling " Roods j tonlght By order of ill liJ VUiWU' - A. J. & J. F. YpRKE. Mr. J A Nawton, of this cUy v re moved his family-to Gastonia this morning. They will work' in the cotton mills at that place. W A Caldwell, Oapt. J W Hamilton, 1st Serg't. ' ' . Notice, 'BLnis-its., ''' '' There will be a regular meeting: of Concord Kriishta of Pythias, Ho. 51. tonierht at 8 o'clock. Members holiday presents. Fifty engraved eapeu any h :w -X" carda and plates for SI 00. , - - ; PattersoK, 0. O. A r Sr. .T. F. Yorke. M. B.;Hartsell, K. of It., and b. The Board of Aldermen of Salis bury at a meeting Thursday night, things. They all start with consti pation, and constipation is inexcus able because it can be cured cured easilv. auicklv and permanently, - . T-.I by the use ol Dr. f ierce's neasanx Pflllets. Thev eive to nature just 1 - V - -i . m the little help that she needs. I nere i L!l.' ri .- nnh t-v "i is no case oi uiu-usucw, wuDia- tion, indigestion, heartburn" or nnv of the rest of the night-mare breeding brood, that these little "Pellets' will not cure. ; A forecast of ; the President's Send 21 ceots one cent? starrrps bury at a meeting Thursday night, a loreu , - ? to World's DiRpensarv Medical As took steps looking to the purchase message to Congress indicates tnai gociaUon;Buffar,o: Nfy4 and receiye tKo tuotof ronrlrs for .the citV. - - l. Ml f.ttnv on nUimftt.nm to SDaiD. -rs .-.-.- irno . r.r-Vrtri Ul uuu iiuvyi iv .w J I lltl Will ICllUl HU hiwiuii- ' I I If r IPrPH H i VVVJCj ' L)C&3 V V UUI uui w vi Mr. E W Edwards and Miss Min- giving her a fixed time in which to Sen8e Medical Adviser illustrated. n FrfiH7 united id marriage nnnnn er Cuba if she is aoie xo uo cju, Thursday night at 8 o'clock, at -the r.. iDterference A NEW LOT OF JJEADQUARTEKS, Lit I ninn CAPES, bride's home at Canhonville, Rev. J J Payseur officiating. N ' ; ; The white barber shop will add the third chair and also one of the best white barbers in the south ae:t week. ' - -; '.'..7.--- ' ' The remains of Miss Craig Gaddy, who died at Forest Hill Wednes day nitrht. were shiDDed to Nor wood this morning and; will be in- i l t " Z A m r a r 1 terred at Uoncora cnurcn, iu aubuu countv Thft nor nse 'was attended by Mr. R L Gaddy, brother of the deceased. . 1 ; v . : j , , The snow has come The snow has come. The long looked for barber chair bas come at the white barber shop. Now let the citizens come and give us a call. Come one, come all. The onlv inheritance many re ceive from' their ancestors is impure must and will be enacted by this government. JACKETS Perhaps th '?,rw Woman ' will Special Rutes. North Carolina confereac. M. E church, South, Kinston, N. O., Dec. 9th, 1896. ; Tickets onf sale Dec. 7, 8 and .9, limited Dec, 19th, ?9.20 be a stronger wo round trip from ytncora. tnan- than the old , one. Certainly, Last Notice-Town laxes. fresh air and the l must havtf your taxes by the 1st S muil.te: " .L ""A. WTh call your attention to .. - - I 1 1 -. nmmiY f h Q QUTTIP be comN NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. Concord, N. C, Dec i, 1896. The Soathern Express Company will sell, at public auction, at D. P. Day vault's store, lor charges, aoout tnree nunureu u-igm F -.--, W.n civ n.nnt hs and over, on Saturday, January 9th, i897, commencing at 100 clock a. m. unless caiiea ior, cnarges paiu ui uuiw- t nosed of before day of sale .... ... P . yD. P.' 13 AY VAULT, Agent., O. M SADDLER, Superintendent. - ., jyS L. T. HARTSELL, AT TO Kjn K x -AT-1 a. vv , CONCORD, - - N C. Prnmot attention eiven to all business. Office in Morris building I opposite court house, inst in from New York, The vftrv latest style. Every one a barerain. Come at once and - j spft them. We want, particularly to firtfintion to our a great nerve tome aIld settle atonce. I; will be com- ; ; 4! v vV if aonm-rbe. hi ueired to advertise it npt paid f by j condition to take it, -n gettle PTL M J-f O A healthy woman uiim.u.uic. J v7' iJ J.Vnc . J -..r,fo v . - J Ti' KOOEtt. can avoiu u.ia&v. 1 auu. eavc liuow v v 1 , ; ..f She can 'avoid; tne ? Town Tat Collector. Tnev ; are Known as ; v V f . " ' S ' I -nrr . i. XT' ---. -M-r-r Ana nrnr. seemingly almost A r-V tf inevitable ' weak- UCt. 10. n ness" of ner sex u she pursues the proper-hygieni methods. Th Fame methods wih illilP Wearers." Every one who tries them come back when in Tired and broken down worhen will find that DH. KIHG'S ROYflJL -BEBQ'ETOEB is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite,- lOQUETTE ; rnt rnre her 11 sue 1 -r -r-- r a t T - be" already sick; C1J AM) K T ihi . ' , viirtion. in con-n-X.x'i- .-..v-. blood. Fortunately, it is ihT every! . f -...-4 : Viot- hAt-itaffe -11 lipln etect acure J.Sn LT U ; Amwe orlc.Tr Justthink of it. Rugs made but of liliDMICIlIlPtT to $1.50 per yard i "hp sold in rus& 1- a.rds long fringed for 1 ner rug. Every- ftndv set one. 'rney are going to move- lis need of another pair. Oar brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids line of Children Shoes can digestion, tones the nerves, builds up not b8 excelled. ' rry iaeiu afld be conyinced. blood-puiifier admitted at the Chi- ;JessioU stron, fi2eSo Lici Baiiuauuu. auj uoii r-- .1 Wpc-ri-Dtion is uesigneu. iuu .Wn ... ir'bnAwn-fn demand Tonte.Preripuon 6 oix -r - ommenuea jui.umj. - ' n u ni 1 1 . .. .4 , - -x-i k 'CPT f 11 iiix cljli- JJ&M" I! X-, -TPtlV 1TT1UU V-XA --o any deserved praise at ..our U should boueehold fe ons in emergencies are meniux dealing Medicine,-. atures fappended tft alL that. 11 1 UerfecUweii women usually found in an almanac: ior i ng Je? " aSd pain of par-! iOrth Carolinians. . Kon were much lessened an w feuriuou vtAI. entirely obviated. Scrofula is one of the most fatal many cases, auu should hi mong the ecourges whioh af ict " a-gLSjSaf iSSS2 mankind. Chronic sores, oapoo-y rMrf'jrSSaptofi 1 . . - - v. r- 1 . -xr u o j " numors. . 1 bcusc A" "-" "., address on rcvciu. , 7. emaciation, and consump; o Ayer's Sarsaparilla eradicates - vxiw ion, are .. . -..MtaUKillintIi poison, and restores, -to the:wooa, wEbft Olr ai te will tba strength and puts; disease and pain 'to night. For - ftiALiE TROliSLSS including all menstrual and womk We are daily adding to our gt-uities, it has no superior used stool- in all its line. ivv m Jj- and internally. It b , A Nice Line or KID QLOYES Just ing our goods. Come to see us IBil. .-.-" TfiE BARGAIN MERCHANTS." emphatically : Pleasant to take as lemonadje, and harmless at all times. New package, .arge bottle, 108 Doses; One Dollar. Sold by druggists. NUnuf acting only by THE ATLANTA CUEUICAL CO.', Mub, Gi. -ttti iba is-i ios noei aaim re2- ihe elements of life and health

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