1! CON COlll), N. C, PRI D A Yv DECEMBER 11. 1896. OURMEROHAiNTb. Give Them lonr Pntronage Daring . Holidays, Every patriotic citizen, who de sires to see our beautif ul little city ero v a?.d prosper, our business spread out and increase in all. lines, snould remember tjiai the fery beet ,way to accotopiish this is to patrc Diz) your home nierch ants. J u s t EOw the holiday trade is opening up, everjbod has a little money laid aside to maVe Christmas presents to gladden the heart of some-friend or loved one during these ioyous days. However small this sum may be, let it be spent with pur ownmerchants, who give employment to so manyof oar joung people, and who deserve our patronage by. reason! of ; the fact that they have endeavored; to lay in stocks of Xmas goods to please all classes Dd suit all purses. You can get., just as nice a present for your wife, your child or your best right here in Concord as you can anywhere, and the mere fact that yon seud to a distance for your Xmaa goods does not make . them one whit better. Oar . merchants. BRYAN'S TOUR Whole NO. 1.577 les NORTH OAROLfNA CONFER-" . .i . Fj izsll, T H M T Plyier, Will Embrace Fifty Principal Cltl Will Pay in m ex' 1 Atlavta ri. TV W. Dake f ve Trinity Collie $100,- - eu tf. ne ltlU- OOO Women Admitted. erary for the lecture tour, of Hon. Today's Charlotte Observer, in a William J Bryan, though not nosr- special from Kington, savs: ' tively fixed, Js practically arranged; Conference met at. 9 o'clock." Mr. Alexander Couistock, who has After devotional, exercises business entire chorge of arranging the tour, was resumed, Dr. W W Smith, of nas spent a busy weekof it at his fche board of education of the Meth headquarters in the Kimball house odist Episcopal church. South, was It has been -. definitely decided to introduced. i begin the tour from thia city. AM B 0 Thompson, R H Willis and lanta has the honor of hearing1 Mf. A Z Groves, of the Durham and Bryau a initial lecture. Ii ia prob Albert Barnes, of the Washington able that the tabernacle will bvi used district, were admitted on trial. for the purpose, though this has not S A Cotton, R T Wye he and Ru been decided upon definitely . fua Bradley were elected deacons. The opening lecture will be deliv- Edwin Kelly was located at his ered here cn the night " of January own request, on account of poor 5th. Mr. Bryan will come to At- bealth. lanta direct from his home in Lin- D N Cayinees, J H coin, Neb. -; Sutton,. W A Jenkins, . From Atlanta Mr. Bryan will go J P Pate, J L Ramley, S T Moyle, to Nashville, and then, in all prob- J W Wallace, H E Tripp and A L ability, to the following citie3, un- Of mond were elected elders, lesa, tt liere, is some unexpected change JuJKendll a8ke.dv for re-admis-in the arjangemente: , 1 i sion into theYconference, but grave 'U Memphis,. . Little i Rock,"i Dallas, cfeagbejng rnde aajrjst his cha Austin, San Antonib; Houston: New ater a leii & thy Siscusaiori f ol lo 'wed, have laid , in , unusually . - extensive OrIean, MomMeirmingham, Jaci- particjjpte in by miniltera and Jay- holiday stocK3.,anu, no aer.au. gon?il, Savannah. Charleston, An- men, and he.wns not readmitted. what line your taste may run, you gnsta, Columbia, Richmond; touisi Fifth;8trcetlchurJ;ii; Wilmington, can be euited here well as else- yille, EvaLSvilTerStr'rouis;! carries S large debt,; out 'is "in better apolie, CincinntijoJibwijeel- c0"?: now hanj;or year A in, Pitt-slmtf Va8hingtoj, i5alti- resolution wasojpted jrtquesting more, Albany, JtJnltalo, Cleveland, ai irDm tn Detroit , Qhicaiip,. .Milwaukee, St. sion, fornoogh money, to;meet th l'AU When biliouB or costive, eat a Cae-1 Aitv caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran- ?;r-r ,,,v . nV rHmmi teed, 10a,- 25c - V - ; Portland, 8aa.FranpifC?; street improvement. 'To quj&stioaalfejtarib fStBS5 iWM neighborhood jpf the depot on the r&eiMr0 illP old plank road;, or WestCorbin iepit ,to --MV -street,' and it willeoon be one ofrtbe contract, were ricivate: but; -from' xe- agreement of the Conference to ac beat streets Jn jthe city. The liin I liable eoiirceait is learned hat cejDt hit proposijtron. -bevond the rolled mills has been cut! mnih 'heralded mess renortof $501 ' -M4rrtMnrk? down eeveral feet and "th dirt irow. OOO for fifty "lectnrea Vis iwlo'wr0ie! ElotWjBitter8;.igar medidin th,re18 being dinriboted in rionS mark. Mr. Bryan get8 more than SIlnh?& parts of the city, where improve I thj3 The figure is such a 'handsome 1 languid exhausted feeling prevails. menta are mp.t needed, Manyfrog one than Mr.ryamanjdis uuuub auu uiuu uuico oio 1 pomteu aumirera uiaj lae buluc uuup i alterative is ienSi A; prompc; use oi inland our streets will dq ii shape; before winter gets, in commi8sioriera are doin sr some good their defeated r but not yanqniahed counteracting and freeing ttfe system , . t al:. . ..i J. j from the malarr poison. f Headache ana umeiy wors in ims uup. , cnampioo , wiu uave rucu BU indigestion, constipation, dizziness ,am T I kmnnnt Almost taual to the vearlv yields to Electric Bitters. 50o and The Facts That poctorV ?,. , : , frfnnpntW rhanse of air and WJT y " i store. climate to those suflering from'ca- States. 1 This amount will place Mr. tarrh proof that catarrh is a local Bryan, who is now a poor man, ) in and climatic disease. Therefore, 8Ufficiently independent circami ua!ec -r .an leave bom and busv es io enable him to devotehis neFs, you should use Ely's Cream , - . . . , . B,iJ. j: vo coot .ri'mft- and labor to the cnerisnea ci the disease, it etlects msiani re lief ard a satisfactory cure after I Iff Intel's. where. Patronize jour npme insit tione, keep what money you have at home, and it will eventually come back to you. f . - . No doubtabout it we are better fixed to nleasel ou in Glothin ithanwe Ifhave ever fir ens est. Suits, latest and B oys best. Suits, latest and' 4 Ghildren'si! Suits, and best. latest n .guarantee, to save voumone. S. " .1 ! i -:t. I IV; 1 . ' rf. short continuance. JSoxmercury rlcr injurious drug is contained in the Balm. CONCORD labor to cause of bi-metallism. Press Vis itor. - . .. FOR EVERYBODY. MmHlt sal 'i!fcv( .f'f fa;;, v i i - I -r m ru i.i i : ti'trri' QAM jSJONS FEXZ R E W ORD' TO ;THE W ISE1 I ' 11 'l " ""'p 1 1 I I Election returns renothinff compared to the re snits you receive by IrMirig with Dry & Wadwortlt; who jare, wide awake an ptb4clate. t Pepplee apt to beiietesvllat tliey,see.;and ther dub'tingThoTnases cat fceic-n of thet . f ru tbfiilness, qnd corche8fl(ptwliait; wej say by calling at one. JTis only iiewjfiaytinXm begin ning to look around for Santa Clans. His head quarters tins time are at theji afMiicife CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. v Fnvorite Tolnt With Commercial Men. TxavclinK men never give Con- eord the go-by. This.is a favorite crpln place with all the knights of i ho 'rip, not only because of the splendid "hotel facilities our town aurJf, but becausa they never fa:l Utan order, and from six to a fea of theses genial fellows are v'ihr ua overy day. JThey like the clever people of Concord, and fay they are made to feel at home aongst us, and again they all Rgr?5Q with us that our little , city has more pretty girls to the pquare foot than any to wn in the. State. TO CURE A COLD IN OHE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- All druggists refund the oney if it fails to cure. 25c. Tha fao ilmila ciguatera ef vrappsr. iobo's Best." The old dummy passenger coach, which has stood on the siaetrack ac the depot until it ha fallen into decay, is being used just now as a lodging house by the many tramps who are. seeking a congenial clime m.the Sunny South, in it are , an improvised stoye and beds of straw, land Weary Waggles make3 himself 0mfortable here, without fear cf interruption by the police, and lays himself down to rest and dream of . ( , He Gat It Up. ' "Papa, don't fishes nave legs ?" ttThey do not,'' answered papi. 4i Why don't they, papa ?" "Because fishes swim r and don' require legs.'Viv ;, r-i--L-h ' The'gmiill boy was v silent for a few minutes and papa forgot about his question. Then he said : "Papa, ducks have le s don't they?" ; , "Yes,"" - "Then why don't fishe3 have legs if ducks do ? Or, why den't ducks not have less if fianes don't?" - - i Papagave it up THE TRUTH Pearson's Week Bncitlen's Arnica haire, The Best Saive in the world for Cuts,- - Braises. iSorep, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever bores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, PCorns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles jot no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to J give statief action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. a" land where work is no more and; For Rent. I be may foreyer bask in eternal sunshine. v Dr. MUes' Pain Pllla stop Headache. Furnished room?, suitable for gen tlemen. Terms very reasonable. Apply at' this effico. . d!2 He says if you like comfort and ease liuy oneof Dry & Wadsworth'd Big cooking Chairs or tii: Ladi&' sizes for your wife. Or if you wantto sleep well and rest easy buy; one of, the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses,' best in the world, or one of the handsomest lounges. They have them at all prices from S4,00 to $25,. and to make your parlor look up-tosdate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are low.. AIN'T lT Ys sir, Wet have everything in the fnrniture line. Chairs of all' "description?. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictt res, Window Shades, . Cur tain Polls; -Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes, Sideboards, China C'ts and everything to make a home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from , today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of fnr niture, consisting of Hat K icks- Music Backs, Comb and I ush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots,t etc. i- This is no fake, Sore Oo.,r The pi ices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to 6. , -The value of the present will be governed by the amount of the cash -purchase. These sales willr continue until the above mentioned articles have all been given out. Come at once and get the choice present s-i 1 "vti ; - : x Yours to Please B1W v: r , 7