-firms" n . - . T" ' : r - ...... -1 -r V t. MANUFACTURERS OF Outin Cloths Plaids. Sheeting, and Sal Ba o-s. Dealers in GENERAL MERGHADISE " The makfu gbfW newspaper, i p these prpgresaite days, has become as much a business aa the maonftiC urfhfrftrwtcbrr, rpiariof-i and.is necessarily subic- to the same prac tical rules and business methods that cod troi an?t oberO business under THe t succeVsWl'newspaper is not a ' CONSERVATIVE r 4 ; h i. 0" BuversIofD COUNTRY: PRODUCE ' ot all kind , and 4-foot wood-always wanted-; best prices for same. We invite an insec uon ol all tlie goods we manufacture. ODELL'MFG. Co., Concord N. ci Cold wave Coming; i Pre are for it " ' 4iThH early ' bird catches the, worm;" bat tne tardy bead of tbel family catches a Bcolding if be doep not order - ' V . ' - ; CRill'S JELLICQ COAL Prompt attention.?? Fall weight.' Free delivery. $i.25 per ton and up CONCORD MARKETS. fXJOTTON MARKETr e- -r r Porrected by Car ucrc Fetzey r Good middling.... .....7 , Middlings v. .. ....... . .....6 80 taina b.15 FKODUCE "MAittiETi .; Correct ib8iiiK & White blicd, unreasoning "party organ, not an old fogy iasm , mosagrown with ytinidi.ty,bn$i;-tt frpsb, bright itaue, thUi dares to uttnr the truth, regard It-as of . the ourcry its utter Alice may "provoke; r that iil be controlled by no outside Influence, uo secret monopoly, iin ruiebty cor poration to influence its judgment and' direct its policy; that wi!l labor with, farneatness to wtkiotain the sway of virtue, and nil that i good over the public ximud; that sifways . keeps i'S columns clear aud free from kiiv thing -tht our vives nnd daughters febouiu not read, and in the midst of nil teuipcutioud -will always fefme to crook the hiugea uf the knee tnat thrift muy follow ' , . i- ' ' fawning.' - . ' ' ' - ' To produce a good paper requires the liberal patronage and gooU -.will of tne merchants .and . citizens in general, but it must ue ' remembered that i he newspaper busiue is the most reciprocal of all lined of trade.' It net only expects "life, but; gives i.; .. ' ; J , I. ... .-..1 ' ,' t -' out life in teturnr ' For the patron ae which it solicits and expects, it will carry trade to counters or buei-. ness houae in return. Its busmest and the people's each bS'ec.s and iaj affected by the other,. , Iu. appealing, thus to the; good peopJejuf a place for chejr sooscrip-f tlons.ano! tMiyerusing patronage the newspaper is not uohuumg bare fa vors, but it proposes uud uenrs return ail the patiunae it receives iu iueaa-' nrerwar flTliit;Jife88ed UG o, huaped np and runniug over. Exchange. la the Coniinitteo on lntt'rnnf VW BimetallUm. , P - Washington,? ffc cordance with the instructions of the Reubiican cancu this morning named, the . following Senators as the special committee of five to deviee legislation .for action by this session Jooking to an inter-: a tar v conference : Wal- U M V vr u m w w' cotr, chairman r: oar, Chandler, Carter, Gear. This ia regarded a conservatiye committee with a ma jority friendly to international bi. metallism. A canvass, has been made among the l)emocrats,?and Republicans say they have enough vite8 in sight to pass a bill in the interest of international bi-meta'.l. ism. Jupt tryja 10 i. box of Cascarete, the finest liver arid bowel regulator ever made.! ' r cube A tuiiU oxe day - i Take laxative Bromo Quinine 'tab: aruKRiBty lelund the ieib. Ail Aotlre.Iinlst)t. . There will be a regular meeting ofT Concord Knights uf Pythias, NoJ 51, tonight at 8 o'clock." Members especially requestdrL.oe; promjpt. .Election of officers. ?:V ?' L -,) (i. L. Patterson', 0. C. ' M. B. H AhTSELL, K. of K. and - v -C .x notice.; ' - tfmi crfitl' Sftft mn for 'WiWg..,f:if iinH and terms. Bdfrt icon tract e J. F. HUKLEY. : 1-acon ..... . . ; . : . t 75 . 4 Sngarcured ' h'ams . . . . . . ...... 12Jt.r-i4 Bulk meat3,sides. ............... 6 to? Beeswax ...... ......... . . .... i . . . 2( Butter .................. 10tol5 .Ghibkens. . ........ 10to2u -06m;.. . . . ..... ............... .......45 'Kggfl... ...... .15 Lard.... i .' 7 Flour(North Carolina)....!' $250 Meal. ..60 Oats.....................,............. .35 Tallow ...3to4 If 1 115 rs tract to pay railroad f axeandhotclbiUs 'iarr IOOO POISON pieraaSiS jErefr f o come fcera re srj U eon! fcci! Reared iri 15 to5 days. Youcanbetreitted'p' homeior same price under same ffarauit ,. iwrjiadiae potash, atd.stiirtiavaReTs"! A vrt. iy.s;puni cheers or . ay part of the rfaody, XIair or Eyebrow faliir Zum Jfci IW9 Secondary, JBI-OOO POISON ; re euarnted to enre. We aollclfc the most obsti4 cate;casea and cnaUenis tneorld for ci so we cannot cure. This disease basntlvniT k baffled the skill of the most emin.isfriHxrCi. Clans; S500,00O capital behind our nncondl 4 ttonal gnaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed ot. I oppllcatlon. Address COOK REMEDY CfiJ I A B1RG1 5111 FURillTUBE. 1 nave now in Block in the uor ris ;buili-ng.r pppofiite the , court nouBev a nice Jjn tof nrd all . radB ftf r n i t u rec a n d mo re com in suit abj'e for holiday .repents nrd evi ry day ib and rn f-ell it as low ae kny body . Kepptctfu 11 y; ';; .; ' is a Watch a Deadly IVeapon. In a maiiitrate's court ytterday two mill operati?ea were arraigned for a fight." They.- su omitted and were fined $3 each;. The efficer who uide the Urrebt wa3 considerably dupgusteil aa a poiiit was involved that he wanted to have passed iapon, namely : N "Is watch a deadly weapon ?" It seems tbax as the two men coie together, a bi silver atch dropped frQm the pocket .of one of them. The other picked np r he watch and 4 beat , the owner, . over the, head ith it. Tre watch was rntned for all titue, nnd the owner's head was -koockecl..' bnt of repair. .The. officer was eurioaa to have 'this' part of the fracas put in Evidence, but the case brins: snbmittV'd,' the magistrate did net have a chance to consider that 7 pnique feature. Charlotte Observer.; . :'--S ii i Why is jit, arbne man ij and decrerjit at 5, and another, nale and Bearfy ai'$0? ltdebeb.dk im tn wwmi Ofteri a man's body gets out of 1re4 pairs-ther trouble grows until HTays: bim oot.in bed. Whenever aiman -1C I , .litii'iaiMiiliiilii'iiiihi.Mu)iiiu'i''iii.'i.ii'iii;ii:iinl.hi!Hiiui niulll vVge (ablcPrcparatiohfor As similatiag UieFoodatidRegula- ting the StoEmchsaiidBowels oT Promotes Digcstion,CheeTful' 'aess andRet.Contains neither Opiurrl.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jeofOMI!rSZl4UELPlIUIER Pumpkin Seed' JlxSama - JiotAeUeSafc Anrse ec& ftppemunt - Clf'nficd. Siirjerr . . ,.'f -Winteyreuv Flarar. , "Ancrfect Remedy forConstipa- tioa:Sour Stoiaach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jevensh- ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. f ; racSiniile Signature of I I II .1 i I Mil 1 " - " 1 " EXAC3itC0Pr OF RAPPER. Sac-simile SIGNATURE -OF IS ON THE WRAP OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Castorfa ia put up in oue-size tottles only. It is not sold in lulk. . l)on't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on tne plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every p-r-pose." 3See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. LLaJX 6767 SOUTHERN JEl AIL WAY. i " 1. : . ; fPIEDMONli AIB LlNE.V ' . ; . nFIRST, SEGbNp 'DIVISIONS. . :i '.Vj'.sYv . Schedule enTectiV Novb 15, 1896. This condensed. Schedule is .published as information only and i3 subject to change witboutr notice to the public. Ar t pattern Airne, money if itiaii to cure. 25c. m14Vnim qui.ini.oea,. wneneveraiman - uVT -; ; . lfeea that be 18, nqt; as wellr8ikbe. J- Pourici without fenercy and - without; vital-. iJ0 whenever the, finds thxttaihe?; losing weight and that bis odj.n&ry work gives him undue fatigue, " he, needsr. Pierce's-Golden Medical! Di8coveryr.v If he keeps oq (working with his .liver, .inactive -and hie blood impnrerrrhetkjeepshisiierveB and bis body under a cQUStaut ner yprj straiqf . He will. nQtiba hearty Wbfa be is, old. The uolpen Med-; jcal Di?covery"xure8 many ep:ca)jed aieeaees, uecause nearly ail, 111 pees eprirjgsirqm the eame rtbingTrrbad digestioi) and con seq pent , impure, blood, 1be DiscoveryV makes, the; appetite good the digestion strong, assimilation easy, and the blood rich and pure. Christmas Holiday Bates, ' ....... The Southern Kail wav ' annonnc: r Christmas and jNew 'Year holiday rates. 1896-1' at a verv;STeat revJuc tion., .Tickets to ne -.eoid between all 8t,tti'on8 of that comj3anv, within r f d iu 8 of 3 0 0 mills ofac tn a I sel i ng point on December 22 to ;25 incla " rr '.ii . qouth Bowton JDahville ' nyidsViir - - ' tUreeneboro Hieh Boint 'Sahabury ' Na 11 .jt-: : 1. NASAL , C'AT A-RR is. a . : , LOCAIx DISEASI. and is the result of colds and sudderi climatic - '. ' .hanves. This f em.edy does not jconlaih mercury or any other injurious drug. hOATARRH COLD SN HEAD ELY'S CBEAM BALM Opens and clcus theks Nasal Passages,-Allays rain and Inflammation, Heals and Protects the Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Is quickly absorbed. Giyes re lief at once. 50 cents .at druggists or. by irail; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 WarrenlStreet, New York. FIRE INSURANCE. sive and Dec 30, 1886 to January 1st, 1897 inclusive, good to return January 4 tn. , , iFor the accornmodaiion of stu dents attending schools and colleges tickets will be gold to those drcsent ing, certificates- from the Fiincipals or ; Presidents 4of'fiuch institutions on Dec. 16 to 1 Dec; 28th, inclusive, with final limit, of January 4th, '97. Uall on any iagenfc of .--.'the Southern Railway for derailedinformation as to rates, echedulee baggage checks. i' COM n ix dee fcieftd of Fire T' Ftiiaiice. t jLj . 1 1 - m - or vviue. w jppre To offset f the,, report that Gen. Maceo was? -killed in battle recently the Press Visitor of the 9th says he is- "rrnchUe,f- - . , .. . , ti- nt only first -claf Ron e ai d For eign compani.AF. IBespe ctf ully, , W60DH )U K & llAIiElS. New Stale Directcry.-'forliorth Carolina fu limited fditiobr price 85 sent postpaid. Order at once of Levi Branson, ? Kaleigh, N. C. ' C 4 a ru . "324! . ArCharlottG Ar Spartanburg - 'i victim t ?9oalii iQ40am 11 30pru v 3 15 r4 20PhlM Na 35 Dailv. i 6 30'iiiv j7 37 Umv itf80'prnr ' aT.pnl 30 00 pm 12 26 am 120 am- 5 10 am 5 50'ani 6 25 am ;7 05am " lT am f 8 48 am 9 25 am 11 37 am 12.2&pm 3 55 pm Nq, 9 Mo.15 ' Daily. 6 55 pm 7 21 pm 8 25 pm 12 m ll?pnl 1'15'pm 2 Mm 3 49 pm 5 05 om 553 pin 6 55 pm 7 2lpm 8 25 pm ' )2pm 945 pm CHARLOTTE TO, RlOHiiOND. . Eastern Time. No. 12 Daily yj 4 Lv Atlanta (cen. time)! : :ureenviiie Lv RoarUnburer Lv Charlotte Concord .Salisbury High Point Greensboro Reidville Danville South Boston Keytville - Burkeville Amelia Court House Ar IiiohtPTH r , 7 50 am 2i;phx4 47. ritni 6 40 pmt 7 22 pm; 810 pm1 9 16 pm 9 52 pm 10 39 pm 12 30 am 1 43 am , 3 06 am ' 3 55 am 4 36 am 6 00 am INo36 D - 11 5om 5-40 am 6 42 m 9 30aiu 10 07 am 10 47 anr 1210 pm 1 50 pm 12 00 m 5.30 pm 6 18 pro 8 30 Dm I 9 02 pm 9 36 pm 01 44 pm 12 00Nt No. li r.ilv. 5 40 am 6 17 am 710 am 8 18 am 8 50 am 9 30 am 1 50 pm 2 53 pm 4 pm 4 47 pm 5 24 p in 6 40 vm No. 16 710 am 813aar 8 50 am T S! aav coacn between Wftshinortnn ,o -a nn. mi,.. i . - , iiu . iiiiouia. xmuuu sieeniLitr ; o . r, - , r' w Aum ana Mempms, JMew 10: ., Asnevmu Hot Springs, JMew lork and Tampa; and Bichmond r ;d Augusta. SoutLera r.i' way dining car between Greensboro and Montgomery. ktpw vS;2ifSd f' nite( States Fast Mail. Puliman slcepirg cars bet v.-, tAS H ainJ5' Tew, 0 and Jacksonville and CbailDtte and Augusta.. fnSrr! 16. "No folk and Chattanooga Limited. SoMd tr?m be.w(i:i Xo Hnf qnL JH11?' gSma-Raleigli, Greensboro, Salisbury, A.i skepfng cfrs Knoxville- Through day coaches and Pullman dra: - : . rr,ntroih VCketS 011 bM l P"ncipal stations to all points. For rates oi ir.'r matioh apply to anv agent of the Company. . VV. IT. GREEN, J. M. CULP W A TURK ' General Superintendent. Traffic Manager, ' General Pass.mrcr A ISOOPa. Ave. Washington.'DC. ' ft GlTen Away Free " ..v ." il 1 .To advertise our goods'" we will give away, absolutely , free, one bgx of five-cent cigars,one ffbld ring and'. a,Pample bottle of Peeler's -Eain cents to pay packing and postage; Address, ' Peeler Anderson Medicike Co Lcck Eoi 1 Kernertyille, C J. -AH tbe Uides, Wax, Tallow and Eggd we j can get. ' Will buy F. 0. B. yoUr shipping point. Quote us yoar cheapest prices. ' a THE ";SflI'PPjBB8! PBODUCE CO, 801 Fidelity Bjilding. .r V I

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