XII L No. 199 Vol. CHINA GROVE. coNcoiw, N. a, Saturday, December 12. i896 ( : Whole NO. 1.578: if, GrowthJ",rt I-rosperlty It Won derfo1 Volume of Trade Complete of Equipments A Good Place ,0 Live or to Visit. China Grove is located almost ouser, who is doin? and satisfactory business on a lim ited scaled Tbe RS WSechler store is occu Pied by the Patterson Manufac- WHISKEY J And Two Men Knage In a Fisticuff Xast Hlgnt.. - i . .... Two men and a "Jag of tanglefoot, turing Company, conducted nnH,r al1 from Stan,v that land of pos sum ana corn wniskey, were camped together in the lot back of Cannon's Store last niaht are rp. r r Wy ueM -u, ana tne name Patterson, and is doing a SaiiBbuiy- The location of the de- fair business but its best display oot when the North Carolina Rail- and most .vigorous efforts are rP. .ooA was built gave it existence, served for their beautiful now frequent potations 'from the . - - 1 I I i - 1- . f I f' v- !-: - . a store or two and a lew. families wulca iney expect to occu jy the r aia 3" 800Q warm . UP onrtU kiir,: I tirSt Of J flnnarv blood ()f t.hA mntl. flnri thov Kanan nrA nruuiicc vjk ouw uuDiucBB as -j v, J v L not caught by the towns on MJ" J M E:ldlemn & Son-in law , senss politics. One is a red-hot ttnt th nBr twr'audm- are ! thwr new brick Uemocrat, the other a Republican. 61 , "i Lv. .'Tv , IE "ra are not a whlt - Thev soon came to blows, but the . . a firnro hi r lr a no a t r dtq o I than- U.-,, 1 . I - ' Droou , rw. uufllU(388 pUi3ra and snare a fair nartinmanifl HUt A i!i motion vo. ...... 1 t . - ..w vf.auuu fh na urove grew meauuv on airuaage. , . - , i . , .vopwrtion of her cotton factorv 'D,fJonQ llie railraad we find the J ' f" " the ereCilOn CI lier LUUOn iaClOry. f itr - : c atiemnts rn demnliah P n.h nthr. hands, plete- took another drink, wrapped them 1 1 . OQB1Qe88 selves, iu their blankets,! and lay I 3j Cldllii - at ?ave an impetus to business that is It is filled with neat and modern time was called. They ehook pleasing to behold as the smiling furniture and adds to.the- complete, took another drink, wrapped pie faces of friends so dear. nesi of China Grove's I A. A. U -M. T LJL III t A. 1 I P 1M I I B U I I 7 I TT - V I Tiie town has now assumed fair iin,,w ty.nAa 1 m" down with the iue between them. proporuunauuu wcuuioauai wuam Mr. J M Winecoff is still in his a very few years there are four new old place of business and going on w;np hnu?e3. one neat and t- ln ' ma haPPy way of tafeing the LJIaJiJ 1 sw m I ,w Ttiw Discovery Saved HisUfo. Mr. ' Ciilloatte, Druggiss. at Beavervilie, 111., says: To pr. King's New jjiscovery I owe my (life. Was tals en with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but t i 3 ro j.u? l " VJ ' tractive cnurcu. auu uo uwemngs. Mr- a j Eddleman is filed in a It nor has a well established c6tton cosey little building aod eeliing iVfflnntaRtorv oi SDindies and UCCi i'uaa, eiu. oe aiBO naa a isninnmin n hnilHinc mfhrf K1 stable of eudid horses and i8 of no avail and was given , up and doin- a fair liyery business. v Mr. told I could nctlivo. Having Dr. and commodious 00 ieei oy ieei, j L Bostian is his competitor and Kind's New Discovery in my store I 2 Tories and so well pleased the placa is well supplied with sent for,a bottie and began its use . -. thft inve&tera ofcaDnal thatthev llvery accommodations. . and from the first -dose began to i AAui' '; Th3 China Groye Flopring Mill get better, and after usii3R ihree r " e-'Pja an enviable reputation aid bottles was ud and about I again. It al building o3o feet by 5 to contain ia a valuable complement to' the is worth its weight in gold. We 5000 more spindles. JLbe plant ;is town. j . , . won't keep store cr hojse without & VV iSolin nas few equals as aht Get a free trial at Jb'eizer's to b: equipped also with a ware No'doubt'abbut it we are better fixed to iDleasel -rou -in ClotHinlthaiiiweLhaYe ever beer 1 1 113 Men'sSiiits, latest and est. ' B Suits latest best. and best. Suit 1 s, ia'iiest . -j - 1 1 (-rr" or 1. . reuse oox-io ana a store uxo two old stand. lori, of the u. est up to date style, Dr. Trexler. assisted bv - i - " blacksmith and looks uaiural at-the hDug Store. Mrs, Burleyson Dead that ia really delightful, with an Laura- Efird Js conducting .the News reached the city, yesterday " ' ' ' lViUAft ivt.lri.oi rl t -r . A . . W .-x -v-k m Anil I . l1 fcJf- . .1' . M flnr!f, 4025 and a handsome office CUUUUi m MiuauwT aucuij. uu 0r tne ueain ot .iirs. Dunsuu, ip mL- Q Q c -hj-Jw"s ua F-- u& w.te ot Mr. loac Kurieysou, in pic. nt rrirlo Qrr? rnri tn thA p.ftf.Ar. hrnmpn ivnrt.hv rr ftrt anp.tatrc that I - ? .-. " r . 1. - - 'f - - I Mt. Dr. Ltrenn rrrj rahfttlt. fill TPllTfl would gray auy community. .t'".. J-, tww "v 'ThQ mm Von ftivoa onicriiri r-hv. nf ncrpv flnfl had hp.pn in coor health lae reputation of the town for , . d tM.ttefa.tinelv graces for ".nma time. The ltinersl will ' l 1 tarter trade is tnorougmy weu es- ttie clerical robes. ' Mtoniirt h.mfttv. . 1.. 1 .-.v-i . : j 1 .u... 1 n m: 1. rnu:! " .... J Mousaed and it pays aoout iu cents airs. j r vjime ib iiubieaa ul rcknr,! mnr fnr nttnn ' t.hnn Groye Hotel couittianaa a (00d 4 . pitronagn and the esteem and good BncKiens Armca arc oicer markets, we are oniyiempwu will nf h(. natron?: mha TW Ra., in Up ! world for 11 our readers 'of one little The ! F Patterson estate is being Cuts, Br.uiscB, Sores, Ulcer?, Salt pr- On last Mondav 1622 rab- adort.ed and rendered doubly valua- Rhe'r.m, Fever Sores, Tetterd Osar m . . I . .1 t - n .. . jr-i - . , . J ..II uu kJ Die dv tne opening up 01 aureus Hands, umioiame, cms auu &Ub 0 J which forms new and attractive ftl-m Rrtintiona. and positively cnrfcS t v: different merchants. . . KmiHmi inta pn, : nr nav reoui-ed. It ia Trie boaufful little St. Mark's ruaran teed to give stjatietaction or church is entirely too small for those m0nev refunded. Price 25 cents per church .oving people and is soon to D0X ?Qr aie &t P B Fetzer'a Drug ho a wintr built to the right and i store the left of the pulpit, forming a T shape that will place tne auuience 0 CVjRE A i 0ld lis ose dat Tne town is noted for chickens, iase laxative muuiu - -..V.c r. rhp hifr .;'-. fill " uiuiovo to ) mention the mercantile H:r;3 in rotation, beginning on 5:- ;:'-u',h end of town.. We first to W P Carpenter & Com with Mr. W G Patterson and rp Lion as company, carrying a tji did line of general merchan--.c", including millinery goods, F.gon3 and buggies, with man's boy; clothing as a specialty. ?i:-:-y.LiiVQ two buildings, and bear 'icVcces of prosperity. They buy 1 rely and handle many We guarantee to save vou'moiie. iHrnnnsTP nnin , nmaiiffiism HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. li CAN TO -T he -Wise,. Election returns are nothing compared to the re -nits yon receive by trading with Dry & Wadswort h who 'aio wide awake and uptosdate. People are ape to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly convinced of the , trntL ' ulness nnd correctness of what we say by calling at oncp. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody begins ning to look around for Santa Claus. Ilis head quarters this time are at thej which more an air of good be- money if it fails to cure. the 25c. "'3 0 v-o are informed, now exceeds that GI -; one firm in the previous hit toy of thtj town. . Mr. F W Boot is in his new brick seems to continue his , upward progress in trade. .kip W P Carpenter & Co.'s ' waildins and find the well ;d drug store of Dr. Ramsaur navior and marked improvement in UlUUCiiluuu tuo w.w ASK the rex-overca Struck it. . t- dyWiiesv bUious suf- . Ita kind hearted and hospitable jrtyir ,.1rt mo if lA Wft'1ilCP tO live feSCSSandague, the ' mercurial in or viit If there is one man more busy than all otherB 5b .China, Grove it is e I. r. F.R Graham. Concord's production, Mr. w J Swmk. He works with his might and when asleep is energetic about it. He treated us royally and we hope to go again J? diseased patient, how hey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell t sjyfvou Dvl taicirg Binauw Liver iRkgulator. A 0 T a.pi orcupies the Graham & '-;:;.?.n building. -He has a neat f c!i of general merchandise and Tha fao- einile dgaaturo For Infants and Children. A is 09 ererr vrappst. . t ea tew era cranes ot ibruiizej:?, , nj r Purrw t.hp Sunerior The ClieapeEt, Purest and I5e t F??nUy Medicine in the Worla I For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE; Cthc, Depres Son of Spirits, 'SOUR STOMACH Heartburn, etc.. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single,particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, butiS PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs hich an all-wise Providence has placed countnes where Uver Diseases most prevail. It wiU curs all Diseases caused by Derangement of tne Liver and Bowels. , . . i , . . , ... The SYMPTOMS.of Tiver Cpmplamt are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain m the Back, Sides or oints. often mistaken ; tor uneutnaim ; UHUdVU, v. -- , , ... - costive and lax; Heaaacne; xi j'ZClr painful sensation of having faded; to do ethmg ancrht to have been done; Dehility; IiOW Spiiai3J a thick, yellow appearance of ibe bkm and cotton eted, seed and bale cotton. D?al'has about, htm .an , attrac tlTe and efficient force -of salesmen of Tbom'Mr. J C Deaton, has dravn-th3 post office to this stand. The trade is increasing and is in every way encouraging. Mr. Deal 6bg the great neMofe'atto iu in the town is preparing td erect ce soon.- .tt wa nnmn'tn Mr. J 1j J3- Jir Court clerk of Lancaster county,; S. d, drowned himeliE last Wedneso day oy lumping from a raihoad trestle into the swollen creek b?low. His business was m good shape and no known cause for the rash deed seemed apparent rjave the facttbat he was defeated m tne late eiecuon frcm which time he seemed to suf fer pome glomminefifl. 1 K-es; a dry ougn, ouciiuus'v 7 rj .v.. Ecuiellmes many of these symptoms attend the j- ,-MW,.rvfew: but the Liv f.r, the largest organ,in thebody;is generally tibe at the disease. and it not iteguiaieu iu -"", j i nPiTH will ensue. ! The foUowing highly-estemed persons attest to the . r c .. 1 t7T7r REr.uiATOR : (Jen. vv. a. virtues kji oiwwu- -j ... Holt, Pres. Ga. S. V,R.R. Co : Rev J. R. Felder, w rs r-i T l' Cnnrtc AlVmnir fia l Master ferry, ua. voi. rw. ' . , . , sonTfeqheritTBibbCc,,; J.A. Butts. Bainbndge. t vv RnfL- Macon ' Ga.r v irzil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R, Jl. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. that for Dyspepsia,fc.liousness and Throbbmg Head ache, it is the-best meaicc wuuu - ' aave tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver - t i-. J them trave na more than tenv Dorary reUef ; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured MANCFACTURHU OHLT BY . J. H. CO.. Philadelphia, He says if you like comfort and ease bny one'of Dry & Wadsworth's Big Rocking Chairs or the LadW sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well aud rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Matv tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsome&t lounges. They have them at all prices from ?4t00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-tosdate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nice'v buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are low. "AIN'T IT THE TRUTH Yes sir, We have everything m the fnrnuare line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Ojir ;in JP oils, Ladies' Desks; Office Desks, Wardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a home pleasant and a wife happy. .Beginning from today d. during the holidays we propose t o r; ve' to eac. isH purchaser a nice and. useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, ;M usic Racks, Comb and 7 rash Shelf, Book Shelves, Coser Brackets, Medicine Casesi: W bat Nots This is no fake..r k Sure Go.'1 ; The piicea of ihe articles meantime are from 15 cents to 16,, .Thj value of the present will be goyerned by. the .amount of the cash purchase. These sales, will continue until the above mentioned articles have ail Keen given ' outotlome at once and get the choice presents; rv ' . .'V ;.;..; Yours to; Please;