39aily standard. JOHTT D. BARRIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors. JOOK, Editorial Correspondent. IN BRICK ROW. r. TivnARn ia rmhlished evcj uciy (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. - RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year . . - $4.00 Six months. . . ...... ... . . 2 00 '.Three months . .... ..... 1-00 'One month ............ . 35 Single copy. ........ ... . .05 i The Weekly Standard is a Sfour-page, eigbt-column paper. It has a lareer circulation in Cabarrup than any other paper. Price $1 .00 ;per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : ; , ,Terma for regular advertisements tinade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD. DKO. 'W 186. NEtVS JfOTEv. Atlanta's canoes will show a pop ulation of 85.000. A strike is threatened among Pennsylvania coal aiiner?. ; k Maceo's doctor Bays the Cuban general is dead enough this time. The House has passed a bill pro hibiting the sale of liquor ia the iNationol Capitol. Gen. J S Coxy, of "army" fame, Maj. O E Elliott, one of the best iaown turfmen in the South, is re parted dying at Nashville, Tenn. ' Mrs. Bryan will accompany, her husband oh hi- lecture tour. The Bank of Commerce ailed at "West Superior, Wis., yesterday. xne DanK is capiiaiizea ai vzwtw v The Executive Committee of the gold Democrats are in session at In--tlianapolis. The bill in the Georgia Legisla ture providing for State dispen saries has been laid aside till next e3rfion. Mark Hanna came very near feeing run over by a cable car in Washington last night. - 1 A 1 1 1 i. A uauiou Ljjia uaia uccu ocuv is fcring in the body of Maceo, the dead Cuban leader. Paper manufacturers have or framz-sA a trust and will onerate as s r -j one firm. It is claimed, that prices will not be advanced. Whitecappers near Dallas, Texas, are driving negro tenants from the :farm3. Queen Lil is in San Francisco on "her way to Washington and then -probably to London. Her mission, -she says, will in due time be made tncwn to the public. Surmiseis c i i : D : j Cleveland for restoration to her throne-. Broke the llccord. Is'ew York, Nov. 11. At , 10 k'clock the score of the eix day bi cycle race is: Hale,1456 miles; Fos ter,, 1428; Rice, 1416; Pading, 1417; Schoch, 1375; Taylor, 1362; Smith, 1350; Moore, 1343; Pierce, 1300; Ashinger, 1267. The previous world's . record for the eame' time is 1327 miles, made Schoch m 1S93. . ' The Electiotf In Jaekson. Dillsboro, N, C, Dec. 11. The -new election in Jackson for repre antatiye gives Ensley, Republican, from 50 to. 65 majority over Moore, Democrat. Much Republican bood le is said to have been spent from the outside. ; Considerable excitement prevails, and serious trouble was narrowly .averted at Sylva yesterday. News .and Observer. TO CUItEA COJCD IS ONE DAY "Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab; .lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 1 25c. Dr. Crowell with bis excellent microscope and his thoruogh ac qahiotance wjtji the late soieniific phenomena of disease germs is making val a able investigations and lays bare the tneimes to human life and health that the science of medicine fare fnst overcomiog. By his courtesy we viewed Friday in China'. throve the germs of con sumption magnified 1000 timfS. The ductcr takes tire'ac interest' in these investigations aurt may be ranked a& authority on tl U bostru e science. The Committee on Ways and Means are setuig about to tinker the tarilf bill. President Cleveland holda the reina yet but after the 4th of March the flood gates will probably be threw u wide open for tinff extremeti- e. Natural conse quences will ensue and another free coinage campaign will be ripened up for I9U0. Would it cuie the earache to pull an eye tooth. ' -n ' There is pl j y i n this world equal to the hppiien8 of mother hood. A woinVi'ri hf-alth is her dearest possess no. Good looks, good times, happiu e, love and its continuance, depiud on her health. Almost all of i he sickness of women is traceable dine ly or indirectly to some derangement of the organs distinctly feminine. Troubles of tl is kind are . of;en neglected be cause a" very r aiurai and proper modesty keep wunen away from poyeicians wbos insistence upon examination and lcal treatment is generally as uf-e-f-s as it com mon. Dr. Pierces Favi ' j Pre soripti('i wil do more for them than 90 dociurs in 100. It will do more than the hundredth doctor can uri lesa he prescribe it. It is a pre scription of Dr. R V Pierce, who lor 30 years has been chief consulting physician of the V orld r Dispensary flnd Invalids' Hotel, at BufTalo, N. Y. Seni 21 one c mt stamps to cover cost of mailing only, and get his great bok, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolutely free. Attempt at Rape. "At Mountain Island, on the Ca tawba river, day before yesterday a negro named , Farrar attempted to commit rape upon a seventeen year old girl, a Miss Underwood. A number of school children happened to be near and frustrated the aU tempt. The negro escaped, but is likely to find trouble if he is caught, Charlotte News. Cure For Ileadacti. As a rflinedy for all forms of Headach Electric Bittere has proved to be the very best. It , effects a permanent, cure and the moat dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to ts influence. Wo urgo all who are afflicied to procure a be ale, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitbal constipation Elec trie Bitters cure3 by giving the needed tone to the bowletr, acd few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once, jFifty cents and $1.00 at Fetzer'o Drug Store. Supreme Court. , Cases heard'yestrday ; Mcllfcancy vs. Railroad, argued by Bur well, Walter and Cansler for plaintiff ; Bason and Keerans for defendant. Mayes V3. Railroad, argued b) Jones and Tillett for plaintilf ; Ba eon and Keerans for defendant. Mallonee vs. Railroad, argued by Barwell, Walker and Cansler for plaih'Jff; Geo. F Bason for defend ant. 8immons Y3. Allisoni argued by Bnrwell for plaintiff ; Keerans for defendant. News and Observer. Agttatter That Sboultl Have Unrt At tention In tbe Campaign. A correspondent of the Progress ive Farmer dwells upon the fact brought out by the Raleigh News and Observer, that the State print ing, under reform, has cost $15,000 more within the past two yeara than it had ever cost in any previous two years, and that freight and express age are to be added, to thisU The correspondent recites, in addition, that a quantity of the Stafe work hnd bien'Ut"to iticbmond, Va., to be oru, thus working injustice to homn prill tersrand adds that "This is not ooljy'ur.jus;, but disgraceful; and moie egpecially so as bo'h the Populist and Republican parties pose us the friend to the working people, acd h people - have so regarded th?ui." It always appeared to us thtt it would have been a good sobenie for the Democrats to bao developed such little matters a3 these during the recent campaign and brought them to the attention of tbe people; but yon can't fuse with foiks and etill talk obout them. Exchange. The Gizittfc Jeaica that at a point near L3.tKaville a few days ago there were three blockade liquor vagous, and a telegram was sent to a revenue officer nt Greensboro to come at once and apprehend the illicit ven ders. No officer came in response, but instead a telegram was received from Greensboro, Btating thit, the officer himself was so'Urunk that he could not be put on the, train. Fifty Years Ago. This is the stamp that the letter bor Which carried the story far and wid Of certain cure for the loathsome sore That bubbled op from the tainted tide Of the blood below. And 'twas Ayer's nam -And his sarsaparilla, that all now. know, that was just beginning: its fight of fame "With its cures of 50 years ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the j original sarsaparilla. It has behind it a record for cures unequalled by any blood puri fying compound. It is tho only sarsaparilla honored by a medal at the World's Fair of 1893.! Others imitate tho remedy ; they can't imitate the record : j5d Years of Cures. i - ms Mum. The Southern Stock Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Greensboro. N. 0., is backed by many of the wealthiest and best nnanciers of North Carolina. It paid last season a dividend of 20 per cent to its policy holders and is in better shape than ever before. KEEP .YOUr MONEY AT HOME Concord agency in Lore building; on West; Depot street. : f G. G. RICHMOND, THOS. W. SMITH. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. !5The Southern Express Company will sell, at public auction, at D. P. Day vault's store, fcr charges, about three hundred freight packa. . 5, being on hand six months and over, on Saturday, January 9th, 1897, commencing at 10 o'clock a n.. 1 tl . m . uniess cauea ior, cnarges paiaor otnei vvise d.i posed of before day ct ssle. D. P. DAY VAULT, Agent. SO. M. SADDLER, Superintende.it.' j8 L. T. HARTSELL, AXTOHNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. Pronapt attention given to s all hnsiness. Office in Morris building opposite coort house. ''',. ' . 1 .' . - JN0. R. ERWIN. C A- MISENHEIMER ERWIN & M1SENHEIMERJ Physicianand Surgeons Office No. 8. Harty buildiner, opt posite I 2nd Presbyterian church. Charlotte, N. a- rn - - 1 iji RACKET S 7 ' . Well, the offer of 10 per cent, moved the OMna and Glassware, The money we took in by this special order is already invested in more Christmas goods and oh the way. We expect $800 or $1,000 worth of Christmas goods in, in time for Christmas, but will not have anymore China. Come and see us; we Very Respectfully, st i