... - . , . ' 'J MANUFAOTUREKS OF Fi-ieG-inliams . Outin Cloths. Plaids; Sheeting and Sal Bas, Dealers in GENERAL MEROHADISE Biiversfof J COUNTRY: t PRODUCE o: all kind, and 4-foot wood -always wanted- best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion of all the goods we manufacture. ODELL'MFG. Co., . Concord N. a Cold' wave Coming. Pre are forit f uThn early ;nird catches the worm," bat the tard.. head cf the f.imily catch s r not. order .g if he doee ire I LLICO Prompt atte-ition.vFnll .Tveigb Free delivery. $4.252per ton ana up. CONCORD MARKET V. COTTON liARKliT. Corrected by Cani: ? & Fetzer Good middling.... 7 Middlings ............ ..... ...... G 80 Low middling ...... 6 .. ... b 15 b tains Corrected hv Whtf; 1' neon. ....... to 75 Sugar-cnr rd naius. Bulk meaia,sidfc'i:. . Beeswax.... Butter Chicken.. . . , Oorn. ..... ........... . . . Lard....... .......... ...........6 toT 20 ......... 10tol5 ....10to2U ...... ...... .45 ............ 15 7 Flour(Ncrth Carolina).... $2.50 ivieal .....60 Oats.......... ......... 35 Tallow 3tol f Primary, seo cmred in 15 to S5 dar Vo ny part of thebbtly. nter out.. It la. this Seconds f nnn?KS?fl naie cases and ciiaUene thTwMld fop a 5p?lu -00,00O capital WnwiESSw tlpnai gt&iT. AJtsolatejproof sent slalWoS fm?!1011- Addreti COOK REBlEiyverv? - .. . W T" 1 ; d km m mm M .J J f t . .V.UI n m I ail i warm w" - sj:..-vt t- . S.il TT -i H FJ tl Li U fl 11 . F.i Mi Wm J Lw Cf 3". Irr MucousPatchBS In mouth, Sora Throat Pica pies; Conner crnl kV,X? fi "?ac' tw.ai3U IWJU BL11I na.TA ftMTAa CONofijSstoAL. nonne Chnplaln Thankful tor the "No . Liquor" Resolution. Washington, Dac. 10. Key. Cowden, the bliud chaplain, referred in his ipvocaupa rt tha bill v passed yesterday forbiddiDg'-the cafe of lit quor in the capitol. "We thank toe, Oh Lord," said he, l thut rtMe -Houoe is no longer rf'sponsi b 1 e for: ? the: 11 q uar. traffic Mrirhin 4 the. h tils of the National capitol. Grant, we pray thee, that the bit! citified hre yesterday, will go .through thfi regular -dbanne.8 and speed ly become a law, never again to be repealed iu tne history of our nasion.'' - The conclusion of the prayer was 4r?eted with uu unusual dv inonstra iin. Hlf a hundred meniheie ap p!au iea vigbrouttly but Speaker tWd promptly suppressed the oat burf On motion of Mr, Dingley, the floor leader, it was , iereed that ; whe. the Hcue adjourned to-iay it be to meet on Monday. Thin was piivate bill dHj in the House and seven war claims, cur ryicg an aggregate of 18,407, were favorably acred upon by the com-, committee of the, whole 1 - Representative Boatner, of Louis iana, .introduced a bill increMsiog the salary of the Speaker of .tht House from $8,000 to $10,000, and of Senators and Representatives from $5,000 to $7 500. rl CUKE A tOLDlS OSE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggist', refund the moneytif it fails to cure.f 25c. nel4 Christmas Holiday Kates, The ho!ither: Railway annouiac CnrismaF and ;New War holiday raves 1896.7 at a very great reduc tion. Tickets to he fold between all actions of that company," within radius of iOO mills of actual selling point on December 22 to 25 inclu sive and Dtc. 3t, 1826 to January lsr, 1897 inclusive, &ya to return January 4th. For tbe . ceo rn modal! on of s?u dents attending pchools end colleges tickets will oe coid to thote dresent ing certificates from the i'riucipals or Presidents of tuch institutions on Dec. 16 to DtC 28'b, ir.clufivp, with final, limit of January '4th, 797 Call on any ngent of the Southern Railway for detailed information as to rates, Echedu let, bht'fcg chtcka. To Go Fistiins. Washingto2J, Dec. 10. Tie President will leave the city eoon for a few daya spooling in South Orel in a waters, , c.cctnnpamed by Capt. Robley Evantf, of the nary ; Oap't. Lambert, of the fifth iis;ht houee district ; Dr. Reilly, the Presi dent's pbvsiciar. Tbe? vili' take a lihtshouee tender for Georgetown, South Carolina, SandAV. A Good and Valuable Eooli. Q New. State Directory tor North Carolina in limited edition, price $5 tent postpaid." Order at once of Levi Branson, Raleigh, N. C. For Kent. Furnished rcomp, -pui table for gentlemen. Terms very reasonable. Apply at this efflcc. dl2 DO YOU WANT A i I h? ye now in stock in the. Mor ris building opposite ; the court house, vpice line pf and all .mC i of furniture, and more coniinK suit able for holiday presents and every aay use ana can sell it Igt? f anybody; . Uespectfully,-; J. T . Poundsi FIRE INSURANCE. .Whenin.lieed oi Fire Insni ance: caridefeiis,or write. Weepre. ijfwftrf t-claE v,Son e and For : : IRespcctfuIly, 1 . : movumm & Uuxis. ( r mmm. CHURCH DIRECTORY. St. Andrews Lutheran church Oannonyille ilev-EL A.McCu)lough pastor, j Sunday School at 9.30 a. m,, every Sunday. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 a m., and regular service every Sunday night at 7:00 o'clock, excepting the first . Sunday in each month, f' r First Presbyterian church Rev. W. C. Alexander, Pastor. Preach ing everyiSunday at 11 a. m., and 7:00 p. j m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night at 7:00 - All. Samts Episcopal church Rev J. C. Davis, rector. Morning service at 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prajers Wednes day at 5 p. m. Forest! Hill and Cannon ville Presbyterian charge,, Rev. A K Pool, pastor. ,. Services at Cannon ville 11 a. m., every Sunday ex cept the 4th Sunday in each month; at Forest Bill Chapel, Sabbath school, 9.30 a. m., preaching 7 p m. Every Sabbath. Baptist J ChurcL Rev. J. J. Pay seur, pastor, services every Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m, and 7:00 p. in. pi ayermeetiugeyerj Saturday at 7 00 p. m,; Sunday School drery Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Public cordially 11 vited. - Trinity lief ormed church Rey. B Frank Davi, pastor. Preaching every Sunday t;ll a. m. Sunday schoolat'lO a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. All are cordially invited. St. Jau.es Lntheran Church, Main street Rev.JJht:s. B. 51i'!er, pastor, seryices at 11 a. m. and -7:00 p. m., Sunday School 3 p. m., .Luther League lbt and 3rd Sundays 4 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer 7:00 All are cordially invited. Trinity Reformed Chapel Wet Corbin street, ev. B Frank Davis pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m, Teaching: at 4 p. - in. AU are cor dially invited to attend. Forest Hill M . E. church, South Rev. J. D. Arnold, pastor, Proaeh- ing at 11 a. ra, and 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 9;15 a. in. Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7:00 p. m, Tho public cordially invited. Epworth League meeting at 6 p. m, " Bay's Chapel, Methodist Church Rev. W. Ef McCah pastor. Ser- ices at ll,a. n). and 7:00 p. m. Suiiv day school at 9:30 a m. Central Methodifct Church Rev Ji E. Thonipscn, paster. Services at 11 a. m. and7:00 p m Sunday school at 3:03 o'clock, p m. Epworth League meeting fit 6 30 p. m. WitiowH have a hard time of it in this v.orld." "How so ?" "Hfcif their fccquaintr.nces think they grieve too- much and the other half think they don't grieve enough-" Notice. 1 can eave you morie3r oo y our in surance. Don't pay for more -than you get. See me for Fire, Life and Accident irieurance. Best contracts and t'irms. J. F. Hurley. c aotlce orseiztire. Notice id ; hereby 1 given of the seizure of the following property for violating the laws of the .Unked States, n?ar Albemarle on the" 18th of November, 189 6, and supposed to belong to Bob Kridef, to wit : 2 small mules, wagon and harness. Any person claiming said prop erty ' is hereby notified to make clai m in the form and manner . pre scribed by law to-the, undersigned at his office in Ashetille, N. C, within 30 days' f rbm date hereof or the same wi I bet, declared -forfeited to the , government of the United States. J);f: rtv9'v:: ; m vn. ; Samuel L. Rcgees, Collector j V ,q j -; JI j 5th' Dist. of NC; R. S. Haeris,"D,' O. , wd26 IT. M l-A riTT?-"lVr T : pLycikir and Sureebii: i V Opncordo; " OFFICE : ST, CLOUD ANNEX ;,1 ' ffnniiiiiMimtMitiilllllllllliiliiiuilimilllHiiliiliitHUJiittmHM ttitnitt'ini.iMntit.imoohipi""!"!'""1"1'1"""""11"1'"'1"'"'''11 cecfeblcPrcparatioiiforAs- similating thcFoodandRegula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion,ChecrfiuV hess and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphiue : itor jGneraL Not Narc otic. Pumpkin Setl" Jlx.Scnna JiochtUe Salts sfrUse Seed . Jppermtnt ' ft CarbonatbSo&& , flfamSced - . Clarified Sugar . . Wuifcrpreei f 'lavan A pcrfec t Remedy f o r Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ticss andLosS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of vNEW YORK.' -.-w..;,.,...,-.,., , , i i, EXACT. COPY" OF WRAPPER. (PIEDMONT AIR LIN FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. . Schedule effective Nov. 15, This condensed Schedule is published as subject to change without notice to the public RICHMOND Eastern Time. No. 11 No. 35 - No. 9 " " , ' ' DI?; Daily. " ; Dai'iv. Ijv iwichoiv Ltl 2 00 am . 12 m Amelia Court House : 1 19pm lurjKevdlo 324 am No. 37 115 pru Ke-ysviHe.. f 3 59 am Daisy. . 2 35 p,n South Boflion -- " ' - -' ; . , . . . : ' 15 3 49 h'u , ianviiie 15 am 6 3u pm 5 60 am Daily. UO . iu Reidsville ; , 6 25 am " jo 53pn Greensboro 8 10 am 7 37 pm 7 05 am 6 55 pm V; 5) i Hih Point 8 37 Kin 7 27 am 7 J1 uru :7 21 i Salisbury 9 i cm 8 50 pm 8 17 am 8 ?r) rm k' - Concord 1040am 9 27 pm f 8 48 am . 'ji Ar Charlotte 1130 am 10 00 pm 9 25 am j .u Ar Spartanburg 3 15 pm 12 26 am 11 37 am j Greenville 4 20 pm 120 am 12 28 om i Atlanta fopT). time) 9 SO pru 5 10 am I 3 55 pm ; CHARLOTTE TO RICHMOND. ( E isternTime. No. 12' N; 36 , No r No. h Pa;i. JLJlY Di. D 'V ! iv Ar.x'ttiita (cen. time) 7 50 am 11 50 pm 12 00 m ! Greenvill 2 31 pm 5 40 am 5 30 pm j hv SoRrtqT.bnr 3 47 nm g42 m 6 18 nm 77T L,v unariocto 6 4o"prT "3(7 am 8 30 pm TIk " - Concord 7 22 pm 10 07 am f 9 02 om 6 17 am Salisbury 8 10 pm 10 47 am 9 36 pm 7 10 am 7 10 ir. High Point 916 pm g 18 pm Greensboro 9 52 pm 12 10 pm 01 41 pr- P -Q am ,850am Reidsvdle 10 39 pm 9 30 'im I Danville 12 30 am 1 50 pm 12 00 Nt 150 pm houth Boston 1 43 am 2 i mn Keyville 3 06 am 4 p : Burkeville 3 55 am 4 47 pm ; Amelia Court House 4 36 am 5 24 om ! Ar Richm-r , 6 CO nm 6 40 om 1 xr o, 00 SLEEPING xw0. 01 m 00, w asnmston and J ram between New lork and At.lantn S'eeninsr Cara7Tn-inimnm immum.Pul nian rate uay coacn oetween -1 . -1 . , JNew iotk and Hot SDrinsrs. way a. nine car between flrpqiwn fokd r?S?3 N?Jfolk an f tUnooga Lmited. So.id train bcU. sTeepfng cfr? d YiHe. , Through day coacb'js and Pnllmon h, . t; rS VC 0n Sale at Princmal.stations to all poiuts. For rt mation applv to anir fiDPnt. rf the MGREENr VJ.M.rC. W A TURK Genera Superintendent. TmiiyJ r SS. V,: 1300 Pa. Ave.,tVVashington;D..C. Given Away Free . To advertise our goodslwe will give; away, abaolntelv frpo- - of nve-cent cigars,onc gold rinr and a nample- bottle i ,of Pp1o.'fl iA; J rJ auu postage; Pbir AKDEioxMEDiiNi Ca ! nftntj. to nav noiV?Mi . THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE op- IS ON THS WRAPPE OF EVEEY BOTTLE O wmm- "Oastoxia is put up in cue-size bottles nly. It is not sold in -bulk. Don't allow anyone to- sell you anything .else xa tte plea or promise :t is "just as good" and "will answer every pose." -See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-E-M, The fao- signature! of sr. RAILWAY T: E.) 1896. i a formation only aud TO CHARL 1 ViS, CAR SERVfCE. Southwestern nnmn x ,n, : .tS . Pnrn $2.00 ; no extra fare). Firt-class V . .:. r j f a .1 i lAJl the, Hides, Wax, Tallow and eT8 we nan vet. Will buv F. 0. youjr :sbipping,point. Qaote us your .i. . . r..n - T t v uyj. pea o 1 prices, i . :THE SHIPPERS' PRODUCE 00, :tl r : . Baltimore, iuu- 801 Fidelity Building; d&w ra THAT E TV

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