" vmwmn mm if ml ArrlTr.l of Train. The following change of schedule took .r . ftnr 1 d. m. Nov. I V iSQft- , pv u i. xxdvj u in L; li " ' "1040 a m, X" 9 u " 9.02 p m, 5.15 p m, (lic.sac NORTHBOUND. 1 l arrives at 617 a m, " 44 10 07 am. !: 44 " 7 2; rt P m. : , 9 03 pm, "11.15 a m, ffreicrhn :-5 3G, 37 and 33 stop only at Char. Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro 1( i inviJit;. i assengers rmnr nni lwimnn mn ever made. The re is. regulator peonlft nf T? well to A V W will do savs ho . """"Uior. tie torn but , 7 L C0Ck the bjt" cotoea to el hrrv,ihlDS n it - "J ' ' ! . . dd24 - T 1 w JACK iS&ECT.'nnlnro . Was flrraiorrt- v peiore 'Bqaira Hill Thumfavfor .a Uug car. from Mr. D H'lorv White's crib near Rocky R,ver anS in defan It Af eivi t. "'vtr, ana w v. m. t j i i n i l ' i ri m . I t i ... - "'"va a auiv will board with r. for lru'nl .Tannavi' ' e v"v-' wtunuua viiixiayeto tcj the other trains. Hai.ky P. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. One week till Christmas. - F: c. f U jxod well fed turkeys at Strieker &SonTs. ' - - " i Company G will drills to-night, as usual. ' of States vile, go to C B For fish and oysters Wagoner's. A barrel of unclaimed fish is ing sold out at the express office to day. ,v . ... . John Hill till tho V V court. .Mr- H AVettstein, of Marengo, 111 , und that Ayer's Pills, taker! when xiiat tymptoms ot la! grippe ap pear preveoi, further progress of hetee, and he has yet 10 find the first case where theso mils did not cure the malady. E very dose was effective. Little Clara Henry, who won the priztj iu Mrs. g.V Erwin's echool lor the greatest number of head marks in spelling, was made happy today in the presentation by her teacher of a beautiful book. Clara is a bright little girl and a general iavorite with her classmates. . No other remedy is so reliablp. in cases of sudden colds, or coughs, or for any and all derangements of the There will be a called meetini of SZ rS"". the fire company to-nieht at 7:S0 rX"'-,""13,:,.merlul mQ1?me w axivuucj gicau rejiei in consumption, even in ine aavanced stages of that disease. OCi For a clean shave, hair-cut and Miaiuuuu, iu vj v luunigomerv at PoioiK . ... FnrPHt Hilt jjiq . s vwiiwpuuuem oi me t orestilill. ddl8 Charlotte Observer says : "Republi- A new photograph gallery is just ??n papers are dec'arin that the being opened at Forest Hill by Mr RePubllcans and Populists must J L fctohe. ' wke entire charge of the State in- t , stitutions; that Russell takes this A Ladies gold watch far 815, the view and that 'no sentimental con- very thing for a Christmas present, sideration must stand in the wkv.' " A. J. OC J. U. IOEKE. ' f - Dpn't Tobacco Npltand Smoke Tour Handsome tiling is being placed " xifeAway. ' ia the entrance to the New South . If you want to quit tobacco us- Club rooms. ' ing easily and forever, be made r ; , ' well, strong, magnetic, full of new Jewelry and silverware are still life and vicor. takfl Na.Tn.Rfln t.h soing at the same cut prices at Uor- wonder-worker that makes weak rell'8. . PERSONAL POINTERS. r J G Warlick, of Charlotte, is in the city to-day. Mr. Char!e3 A Traylor, of Salis- "ury, is in tne.city. , Mr. J MGodbfiv, is fctopping at the St. Cloud. Mr. W R Marsh is registered at the St. Cloud to-day. m -Mrs. WG Boshamer i3 visiting in Charlotte. - ; Raymond, the little eon of Mr. WL Bell, is quite sick. Mr. Frank Robbins returned to Bessemer City this morning. . - iYj.r. vj xiin xLrwinwent over to Charlotte this morning. . Mr. W W Dry, of Mt. Pleasant. is in the city on buainess. Miss Alida White is at the Racket during, the holiday. Lewis Brawn cau be found at Dave & Boat's till after Christmas. W J Roberts, of Winston,'and W J Holmes, of Salisbury, are at the St. Cloud. j . ; r-Mr. D H Ridenbour and daugh ter, y Miss Irene, went to King's Mountain thia morning on a visit to relatives. . .-j Crooks Lippard, who has been attending Catawba College at New ton, has returned home for the holi days. Y Capt. White returned to his uuuio iu nanoue toaay alter a visit of several days to his son-in- law, Mr. Cx M Lore. MERRY CHRISTMAS tot n (X DICK Happy. Notice,IinisIits. There will be a regular meeting of Concord Knights off Pvthias, No. 51, tonigru at 8 o'clock. Members especially rtqueatedjtc he prompt. Ci. L. Patterson, O. C. M. B. Haiitsell, K. of R. and S. New line of Zephyr, about 50 shades. ' ' $1.00 muffs for 24 cents. Heavy 4-4 sheeting 5 cents. . Heavy Piaids S cents. Stamped Linens. Silk. Handkerchiefs for Christmas presents. ' Mi In order toldol'tiiei correct Lathing make useful presents, some thing that can be used from day to day, al ways a happy r6 minder, :V-r Don't fail to sfee- our Rugs, Curtains, Tbw- ,f0Dnda.uapprec If we can serve you at any time we shall be slid to have you ccinj and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. Offers to the business public a re liable, permanent, confeervative and accomodating1 b&nKiu . inf-t)tntion We solicit your business with thd a88urnco of honorable treatment iation of your pat CAST0R1A els, Chenille and Dam ask Curtains. White Quilts 85 cents to Special prices on Rugs. Don't miss our Handkerchief Sale. For Infants and i Children: Till fao- men strong. Many gain ten pounds Nura Chief Boger is something of a hog l'V!? IH- ,400'000 cured- tt . , j:5 I rJuv JSo-lo-Uao from vnnr nwn raiser loo. nis two pqtieaiers.- Iu j " u -n rnonths old, weighed 6ll pounds. SfiTSSK Mr. J F Day vault eays he can al- Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi ways feel the change when he cago or New York. r butchers Uncle Sandy's beeves. d26 Mr Daui7iA. Miu'er wedded. -Kiah Murr is to ba married on The many friends of Mr. Daniel up a idbi. ine name oi tneu Miller, on the Eastern side of uiiuc-tu-ue ia. wiinneia ay request. j 1 ' GapitaI and;SulpIus$70 000. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. ODELL, Pres. lit Suiso-.. 5.6 - Mr. J W Marshall, a Statesville merchant, assigned Thursday. Lia bilities about $1,500 ; stock valued at 62,500. . mSfd HAS NO EQUAL, jast in from New York. The Cabarrus, will be pleased to learn that he was married' on .Wednesday night the 16th. Mr, Miller won for a bride Miss Carrie, the daugh ter nf T?pw W A WnnrL Tha wpd- roor Maceo, the- newspaper coi-L: i.-,n: respondents have resurrected him UU1 wn a again, and have him well and happy couple took a bridal tour to hearty, with 5,000 men at his back. New Orleans and probably Texas, The May Davennort ' Comnanv. which showed here a week ago, went to pieces in Henderson, N. C. The female members of the troupe nave located there. The negro who stole a bale of cc ton from Mr. Shakespeare Harris tome time ago was captured Thurs day in Mooresville and the cotton recovered. WANTED.Sale8men to handle Lubriitine Oils. GreasesVand SDe- cialtiea as a side line. Liberal terms i to reliable parties. Address the A KTimmins Oil Co., Cleveland, O. ddl8 OQ A NEW LOT OF o n in op su - if) it 1 1-. . on 4 a Id. it OB"o C7 a O CAPES, if) u d o r A" I JACKETS On OnrAiiri rw-T orkrv a in fVlO proceedings the prospective transfer t&jSga!5ffS?2S5 on the wife's healtl oftener than on an other one considera tion. An ailinar wo man i a source of discontent to herself and a burden and dtair noon her hus band. Women bj taking more interest in their own phys ical condition would lav the best founda. . ... tion. for marnea nap- n n a a a and evert other hanoineSb. More than half the suffenne which sap the energies and sours the disposition of women is directly traceable to some disor riistinctlv feminine. Tnerg " "rrt:rrtf Vrh troubles : they an Lo-aWv cured bv Dr. Pierce's favorite THE TKY TH EM. of certain real estate mentioned y terday as likely tp take place to day has not yet been effected. Concord Presbytery to-day dis solved the relations of R V Lancpa t with the church at Rocky River, en rment can oossibly do. By restoring health and strength to this most impoxi part of the feminine constitution, the TrQrM-intion'' eives new tone and erv to all the rest of the body. . zLl 5r fflner eeolv interesting and m ln nTI 1 II 1 1 1 1 lIV. W r -w .fSTw TVr K v7 Pierce. Chief Consult and grf-ed him a letter of dis- tag; Phvsician of the Invalids' HMel sfeal to Wilmington Presbytery, f&cal in - T Per Januarv Jst. and in nrilAr to do 80 - . 1 r a nn iir- nuui.w - a. The entirA iitnP.V nf lAwelrv. 8lN nyT with directions for home -uuorj 181, ana in oraer W u Meless rlocal treatment," so uicaucu j vnn no'. - useietl The book contains the 1 wu auyining m uur ofcw mou; . --pi . ation of human 4r much leB3 than cost.) A. B. COEBEIiL. Monroe i? to have a military 6i IHls Gin, We want everybody to have a pleasant arid profitable Christmas. You j can make many of your friends feel that men and women do not live for eelf alone by) purfehasing from us some of our nice and useful 'Xmas gifts We would suggest to you that you com bine common sense and useful ness in making your gifts, sup pose you give y bur friends some of the following gifts which will be highly appre ciated: - 1! A nice Table Cloth, A dozen Linen Doylies, A dozen Linen Handkerchiefs, A nice Silk Hankerchief, ; dozen Hermsdorf Hose, put up one-half dozen in a box. A Nice Scarf, 1 A nice Velvet Rug, A nice Moquette Rug, A nice Feather Boa,; and many other things too numerous to mention. Give us a call and Bee what we have. 1 ; . very latest style. Every one a bargain. Come at once and see them. We want, particularly to mm m . m . call vour attention i to our Laides and Children. -SHOES- . ,"..'0 They are known as "Lonp; Wearers." Every one who tries them come back when in need T of another pair. Our line of Children Shoes -can not be excelled. Try Ihem and be 'convinced. A'Nice Line o EID GKLOVES LITTL WES i Are the joy and sunlight of! our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give themnasWus doses. You can overcome their gables with Dr King's Royal Germstuer. They all like to take it because ;t does . not taste like a medicine. but like a lemonade. ; It cures colic Just Received. J in young children overcomes all We are daily .'adding Jto our bowel troubles, gives good digestion, stocfc in all its J line. Will and quiet, healthful sleep. . As a tonic for weak children and ASir, mn conies were sola teen enrolled and a weU attended Ss ,gSnof hJfl mot: . i ii : vfW a new free edition -""'. , r "",ub was neia in me wuni --," oonT wiui)e8enioojomj'y" P0US8 last Tnesdey evening. An- SWne wo wiu d to a. wo, "ther meeting will be held tonlgh'i &J?ttX$T met iitu "f" i.Mn;: riia THE BARGAIN MERCHANTS. take great pleasure iiv'show' mg our goods. Come to seeius as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. - v. .-' - '4- - - . - . nquirer. ill g'!,MBIOT. EJSbld by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar Manufactured only by . r ila Atlanta Cbeiskal Co., Mania, Ga.' ' : ITiite for 1S-Pcq Booic, SAlIed Frw

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