,v... " -y 6 J? $ I 3 fi iiiiiiHBiMMH ill fcletog 0. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams Outin Cloths i and Sal Bas. Dealers in , GENERAL . MEROHADISE o r V4. "Let Everybody 8inc.' With one hand the American To bacco Com pan j,' otherwise the cigar ette tr u 8t fak s a -million dollars y . ' . - -. : - ' " out of the pockets ' of the cnbacco- groweraof the country and itb theCotber; MrVl "& ington f Duke one of the members of the tro-, gives a hundreothonsand to Trinity College, add everybody throws up his nat and shouts, "On," what a phiUutnrojilst !" Maybe that is right. Many a man makes money by despoiling his neighbors and h'fiyer RY8:up a dollar of it fnr-any useful Spurpbeei snd so perhaps a neecf . of f SigeIVdVe: fiim Who r from one and divides with another. - 1 j 1 i. I J.bmmWMMIII jMIIII lw , , , " , , : Buvers of COUNTRY PRODUCE 6i all kmd, and 4-foot '- -' " . . V . . . i . 5 . ' v . i .- ' C. . i. i woodialways wanted best prices for same. We invite, an insec- tion ot all the goods we manufacture. 3DELL MFG. Co., Concord N. c. Cold -wave Coming. Pre are forlit; --Stateaville Landmark. - y .-v When bilious or costive, eat a Cas caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran teed, lOo, 25c. . r . - 4 i - Death fn No. 2. Mr. JohnlTaylor, of No, 2 town ship, died yea'terdajr at 1,30 o'clock, aged 78 years. Mr. Tayior hid been a long antt paHen t so ff erets from some chronic trouble, haying beeh confined for two months when deatp ckme to release him from his; suffer ins. The funeral took place to day at Rocky Ride church. There is! no ioy in vnis . world equal to the happiness of mother Kforl A woman's health' is 'her Hftafest DOEses8ion. God 'looks good times, happiness, love and its continuance, depand on herjiealth. Almost all of the sickness of womeu , is traceable directly or indirectly to some deranEemeut of the organ f ; distinctly feminine. Troubles ot this kind are often neglected -because a very natural and proper modesiy keeps women away, from physicians! whose insistence npon exarr- anon ana local ireaiujoui Fifteen Women U Hied. M umofii'Pej.An exp1o8Tbn occurred in Uremers mach factory at A8cha& QVurgBayana, last eVen- ingV?de&o1ishin tiibdii'dibg,'f kHl- in ? fit teen wptntri nd girjs and seriously injuring eeyen others Mias Mamie Bays has purchased the Charjotte Methodist, a,brilliant Wri ter and a gooff pap'er' may be e'x pect'pd utidr Otfer mah4agement.:---Ex. generally as useless as it ,is .com mon, prij Pierce's Favorite Prt eoriution wii ri more lor them t'br 90 doctors in 100. It will do more than the hut.redth doctor can un less he prescribes itV It' is a pre scription of Dr. R V Pierce, who for 30 years haB been' chief consultiDg uh vsician of the World's Dispensary and Invalids Hotel, at unaio, N. Y.J TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take1 laxati vVlSoHnVx ! iMneltf at if . ' All drubts rHur.d tne monev if it tails. to cure 25c. "The early J bird catches tbe worn," but the tardy? head of the family catche3 a scolding if he does not order CRIVEirS 4iLLIC0 tBIl. Prompt attention. Full weigh . Fiee deliyery. $425 per ton and u . CONCORD MARKKTb it I ' A ' ' j, - - .. . COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannoria'i& Fetzer Good middling.!.'. ; ...v.'7. , Middlings 6 80;. TLow' middling ; ......aF fitains .. . t).15 PH0DUC3 iTAKEl 4 hrlstinak OttlXday ItateH, The fcouthern RailwhV announces Christmas and JNew Yfar Holiday rates l$96 7 at Jvery gieat reduce uorii'' llcts tb be fcOid ; between h)1 Bttion8 of that company, wichm rudiub of b00 mills ot actual selling point" oh December 22 10 inclu Bive aLd Dtc 30, 1896 to January 1st, 1897 inclusive, good to return January 4th. lor .the accommodaiion of 8tu dents attending hchools and colleges tickets will be Eold to tbote dresent ing certificAtes H rom-th'e 'fiincipals or Presidents of such institutions on Dec. 16 to Dec. 28 h, iLclueive, with final limit of January 4th, '97. Call on any agent of the Southern Railway for detailed information as to rates, schedulesi baggage chtcke. Send 21oue-cent stamps to cover cost of ruailittg- only, and get his great booki Tne Peoples Common 8enee Medical Adviser, absolutely free.. '" ' -in '. ' ' - - , How's Ibis fur nosKishness? j JiDKifer, of Fingeiybtanly coun ty, butcnered two hogs recently that were 6 months and-23 days olo that weighed re8pectively 219 and 230 pouiids ' M:: W Sities2 comes jub 1 with two 10 montlis weighing respec 326 and jkl6? j We - didrnotlearn what stojk they were of but we .are sutHelJwewnfOVof theibreedtfaatl can unuK Biop- iTom a jug : TiTllllIHt.t;iMHIimilltl''IHIIIilMllltli'l:lul-""IIIUi...ltl"UI.'1'r. cge tablcPrcparatlonfor As similating the Food andReg uta ting truz StQmachs,andBowei5 oil Prowote3THgcsfion,Checrful ness andResLContains neither Opiurn,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. J2a tf(MI!rSAMUELP2TCmi Pumpkm Seed jfbcJenna , JtocAtlleSaksr dnu&SeecL , Hpperrnint - Jti CarbanateSoaat )rormSecd ' Chyrifitd Soger . It&itoysrvez- tftarert Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa-' UO u ,o u uro iu ukit ii , u in 1 1 wwit Worms Convulsions .revensn ness and Loss OF SLEEP. - J T - - - " " TacSindle Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. 5 THAT THE FAC-SIMILE 1. IS OK THE ER . OF EVERY BOTT3LE OF WRAPP A II ill iji unsold :Oa8toriaja put ' up in one-sue bottles only. It . is i'ot sold In l)nlk. .Don't allow anyone to sell you anything alseT'on' tne plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose." 3-See that yon get C-A-S-T-0-S-I-A. 1 J kmCfJJt 'W7 ' z ..f-... ,in- -rMi mi Vif llow Is Till!. Oircr t SOUTHERN; RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT A.IU LINE.) FIltS'T AND SECOlD DIVISIONS. - iStr.? Schedule effective Nov., 15,-1896. This condensed Schedule is -published as information only and is subject to change without notice to the public; MmY UUIIUUI11 D,0 YpITAVANT A 'inn8fiTiiK' nil. lUilSIS IUSIL. haVew itoVkaihUie ' "iftor ris buitdi ng -voJjjbite'rtriV'': court house, a nice line of and ja3t -grades of iuxiiftifriabd:more' comiriffVuit. able forJhoiidayipreBentsuiul eiery a ay-use anai-canjri? iij asjifi: .as f ybod. Correct bv Swin K Jt White- iiaconJ.:..!.. ' to 75 I ugarcured name... ........... IS 3 to 1 4 Bulk meat3,sides. 6 to 7 Peeswax....ui.uu.w...u..7..20 Bntteri....i..i. ...10tol5 I hickens.. ....... ...... .........10to20 tornvv.. .45 : JP"ggSM5 ... ' .'.'.. .. k 4 15 I ad. . 7 FlouY(NoVth Carolina): ....;....$2:50 Meal, eo Oata .35 Tallow ..... .......... M... ... 3to4 Reepectfufl? J. T . Pounds. - " ' - - ' - . I ' - 1 . . A- ' .. . On receipt of tnl cents, cash or stamps, a!genercU8i saijiple will ".be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and HayiFever Cure (Ely's Cream j xaimj Buxncieni raraemonsiraie us great merits. Full size 50 cts. kA ely brothers 56 Warren St., iNewYorkCily. Af frienidjadvisebVjne to try .Ely's Cream Bkim and after dsing itsix weeks 1 lelieve' myself cured! of cataTrrh. rlt is" Va ; most valuable remedy-ljpseph Stewart, 624 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn,. .Y. Cascaret8 stimblate liver, kidneys, and bowels. -NeVersickeb, weaken or gripe. 10c. RICHMOND. TO CHARLIfE. " ; "y i Z : lieiiSpeeti; iiutce,; call andiie us, br' VriteWe-ie'pr sent only first&iatsVipn-ei andfFor r eign companies. r : Wooin.p.ii& Uai.bis. i -v r., Prinxary, Seo naarx.orTer cured In 15 o $5liayflL Toucan be tretcd'ai ty. If yonrefrto(moiie-wwiirwri. tract to na.vTft.fl httrtfti (soivfhA-w.vRiw . enry, tnybartof tblwdy, Hair or Eyebrows talii we o?ano' Thli4liBea has kv ctan. C500.0QO aiitaL behind CSV nnmndL tlonai firuaraaty. A be o lute proofs sent ftn I i,,mi9 pecuuaary liLunn ynisnt te cases and eballene-A thn wn.iri uonaifirnar&Dxy. AD6oltepro application. Addrees COOK I ' - Physfcian andurKeonW; office": ' str giwiUD :kmM Twlnkle,jtwinkle little sV j - - - HowrI-wonder .wbo jou are- I'm behind; a hat so taP a : . ;I :citM M tie slaaalH - -rChjcago Times-Herald. j w- in i ni. i . ';V ' . 4 TO CUItE ACOLD IS ONE PAY Takb laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets.' i Ail druggists . refund the money if it fails, to cure, ii 25c. ? . ' ' ' ''..., , ' .. .' . --V Eastern Tisae. No." 11 . 1 ' No .V36V r - No . -.;: ., ; .-'j : .Paily.; , LLJailv.t L2 Dai JLv r.ichinuna , . , . ( 2 00 am ' 12 m Amelia; Court House1 ; ; 119pm ; BurKevilIe 324 a n No. S7 115pm Keysville v I 3 9 m , Daily.- i 2 35pm S-in th Boston 1 ' - ' : ' . -- - 15 3 9 Pm JLanville 615 am 6 3U pm 5. 50 am Daily. 5 05pm - Keidsville ; : ;; 1 -; ! H : 6 25 am . 5 53pm Greensboio 8 10 am ; 7 37 pm : "7 05 am 6 55 pm G55pm High Poir t . 8 37. am - 7 27 am 7 21 pin 7 21 pm Salisbury ' 9 & am" 8 50 pm 8 17 am 8 25 pm 8 25pm : Concord 10 40 Pm j , 9 27 pm 8 48 am 2pm Ar Charlotte , ' 1130 am' JO pm! 9 25 am 1 :pni Ar Spartanburg ' 3 15 pin 12 26 am: 11 37 am Greenville - 4 20 pm ,1 1 20 am 12 28 pm Ar Atlanta fcen. t.ime(J R3Q pm 1 . 5 10 am ; 3 55 pm CHARLOTTE TO ITOHjttOIsD. A CJooI anil Valuable Bdolc. ; :.iNewfV State Birectory" for North ClinaliK limitebl edition, price 85 sent postpaid. Ordef.iat once of : : 'XEVtf iBRAKSON," d&wapll : ., V... Kaleigh, N. C. - Tfje Xext Fire 7 y May be at your house. Have yon any insurance? ;;If ' not ybn liiad' best get some at once., ' Don't fail to protect your home. 4 : - ; h i jSee JF'Hurley. b A r pAi i ALL, JOBSIGUARANTEEDi i j ?f? 4 imftUr . f jnTS CRnAH !?AI.M is a post tire cure. Apply faita ttf postrlls. It U quickly absorbed. 60 eentsstPrerrieUorbTmail:aamtleal(VhvTriftlL CAOO, ILL, . " i gLTSBOTHgRS, W Warrea 6W, Wcw York City. tt)ld? iurniturem"ade' to look as good as. new. ee us ANTHONY Go d 036 w jl ; Eastern Time. Juv Atlanta (cen. timk; Greenville xjv '6n'ariotte Concord : Salisbury ; High Point Greensboro V Eeidf-ville Danville J Hbuth Boston KeysviHe ; BurkeviJle , r u A meha Court House Ar Richtnonrt Nr. 12 'f'i-i -..J 50 am: f 2 31pm- X3;47pm:J eio.pm 7 22 pm? 8 10 pniv 9 lG'pm?, 9 52jpm . 12 30 am 1 43 am 3.06 am r 3 55 aai . .4 8CaC 6 f jml. No: 35 iDaily. No ' 12 0 ua ,,5 30 pm 11 50" pm $ 5 .40 am 6 42am 6.18 pm 9 30 am ' ;8S0 pm 10 07 am: f 9 02bm 10 47 am 9 S3 nai No- li Dailv. lliOmi -. J. ' ; v ' -. 1 50 pm : f r i ;01 44 . pr 12 00 Nt 5 40 m 6 17 am 7 10 am 818 am 8 50 am 9 30 am 1 50 pm 2 ' pm 4 pm 4 47 pm 5 24 pm 6 40 pm No. T 710 ye 85 v SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. . , , ; Nos. S7 and 33, Washington'! Southwestern Limited. Solid? Vestib'' 1'rain between New Yoik and AtlaWa, 1 Cdmposed of Pullman Drawing Koom -Sleeping Cars (nrmmum Pullj?ari"rafe$i.00 ; no -extra fare). First-class Vestibuleu day coach between WashGnv andrtla ita. Through sleeping cars between New York and New Orleans, New Yorkjhd Memphjs, NewYoik, Asheyiile api Hot Springs, New York and Tampa, and Ricl mond and Au.?usLa. Southern rail way aming ear between Greensboro and! MontKbmeTy.H ioik ana v.nauanooca, Siiroa&h BelmaEale?' h,.Gxeensloio Salisbury, Ht Springs and Knoxyille. Through day coaches and' Pullman drawm--rooni sleeping cars. ' : ; : ' x1- ' ' . -Through tickets on sale at priricipalstation-vO-all points. For rates o... mation apply to any asert of the Company. Generhl Superintendent, - i. Traniclf aaager,' . :," 'ieral Passenger A, v - j l300Pa. Ave.j Washington; Dv C. Given Away Free -. i ;To advertise duf goods we?Tfill Jt2bi.J J- 9 $tta!iaj; soliifele; enbci f mdeV ax. Tallow ami ceut ciffarsne &oldrinand h1!8 . F.O.B. wrvcry- one? BenaiDfff nsinifct I aCmU " x ress..:.H:.0 , . -u.it more, W ;Killer toevery ones eendingT nsifftrjJ ?cehta to : pay packinV&rid1 lihitA- Address; Peeler Axdeesdk-Mediciot Co . LockJEox 1. .Kernersyille, N. O 801 Fidelity B Jiiding. d&w.ia