Saily standard., .JOHN D. BABRIEK& SON, Editors and Proprietors Editorial Correspondent. OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivereu py carriers. BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year. .......... . .$1.00 Six months.......4...... 2 00 Three months.. . ...... 100 One month. . ........... .35, . Single codv..,. . ..... .... .05 - The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price SI 00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Term3for regular advertisements made Iniowrj onapplication. , Address all communication 8 to THE STANDARD, t, Concord, N. C CONCORD. DEC. 19, Irtli. A WHOLESALE LYNCH1NQ. :A Father and One JSou Hans By n Hob, and the othrr Sun feliot The i'roctorsf runes. RUSSELLVILLE, Ky , DC. 18. Dink and Arch Proctor, father and son, were taktu from - jii at 2 o'clock this morning and bnnged to a cedar tree j ist ouisidn of the town, and Bill Proctor, another son, was shot and killed in his cell. A mob of about 100 men broke into the jail about 1:30 o'clock this morning by Mattering down the doors with sledge hammers. The jailer was forced 'to give up the cell keys. The Proctors were up, as they had been warned the day before of what was to come. Bill Proctor swore he would not leave his cell alive,lai.d, as he was a pow erful man and ha?d to handle, one of the mob shot him with a pistol; Immediately afterwards a charge of buckshot was fired at him and aa he fell a volley of pistol shots were -fired. About thirty "balls entered his body. After Proctor was down a man entered the cell, and placing a pistol at the head of the fallen man, pulled the trigger, and thus died the most dangerous man in -Logan county. The mob then took Dink Proctor and his son, Arch, out of their cells and bound their hands, after the jailer had made an unheeded plea for mercy for the father The mob, which had now increased to 200 men,- escorted the prisoners to a three-limbed cedar tree on the Nashville road and strung the father and eon up s:de by side. Their bodies were cut down this morning. The mob came from Adaviile, and they cut alLthe telegraph wires leading from that point in order to prevent notice being given -of their coming. Mrs. Proctor, wife of Dink and mother of Arch and Bill, was asleep in a hotel here when the lynching took place. She had come to attend the examining trial today v and Arch begged the mob pitifully to be al lowed to see his mother before he was hanged, but' his request was refused. Arch Proctor killed one Aaron, - and he and Dink were charged with -conspiring to have the Criftons skilled. Bill Proctor was one of the four men who were charged with haneine Ed. Trauchber about two J ears ago. He has killed several men, and has been on trial for his .'life four times, but always escaped -on trial, and this fact caused the mob tor take the law, into its own hands in the present case. Dink has always been a quiet fellow and this is the first time he has been in trouble. The general public ap proved the killing of Bill and Arch, 'but thought Dink should have been Heft alone. Great crowds are visit ing the dead bodies T-ttnelUen's Arniea naiye The Beat Balye in the world for v Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Eheum, Fever Borea, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Ernptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or inionev refunded. Price 25 cents per box Epr'eale at P B Fetzer's Drue BOOKKEEPER SHOT DOWN. Probably a Fatal Assault By a Crnnben Janitor. . What will probably prove to be a fatal shooting occurred in Charlotte yesterday, the following account of which is taken from the Observer : Mr. W 6 Lake, book-keeper for the Singer Sewing Machine Com pany, in this city, was shot down at his desk in the company's office, in tne Hunt block, at .1:15 o'clock yes terday afternoon by Mr, L j Kirfc, janitor of the city hall. Kirk, it appears, had no particular grievance against ,Mr. Like, He was incensed because a sewing machine upon which he owe an unpaid balance, had, been BeiZ3d aud taken from his home, and he had gone into the of rice on the hunt of Mr. T B Man gum, who is in cnarge ot that de partment of the Singer' buatnesd id this city. Mr. Mau um was not in Kirk go, into a cou veraation with iLe book-fceepei,. uniL- at er passing: a few vordp dicw a uvolver and shot him. Kirk mu .i.;raer the in liueoce of iiqoor. ArCr shooting Mr. Lake he went aoro-a the street to the city hall, a-.iti, b inding his pistol ' t an cffiotT, 1j rem&rked : i nave killed v iun over there, poiDtiug towaid. iue Hunt .block. He then went iu u ;e city clerk's office and c osed ttif door. The of ficers tounu hiuj waiting there. rhey iok hii do ni into the sta tion hou Mid looke i him in a cs 1. The weopon ueed i of the ouii-Jor pattern, double action, and carries a 38 calibre ball. A Cnief Orr re ceived it i rota Kirk, all. the chamb ers were loaded except the one con taining the exploded shell, and upon that the hammer-res red. 'The feeling in the community is one of pity. The tragedy was so unpre?oked. eb cruel and so heart less as to profoundly stir the town. The wounded .mat.' father is named J B Lske, and hv-s at columbus, Ga. He has b?en telegraphed for. The last examination made by the doctors last niht showed . Mr. Lak's temperature to be 101, and poise 120. At 2 o'clock this morn inp Mr. Lake was resting easier and appeared to be more comfortable, bis symptoms at that hour being considered more favorable. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. Kitig's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found-the very best results' follow its use ; that he would hot be without it, if procurable. G.'A. Dykeman, Drug- gist, Catskill, N. Y. , says that Dr. Kind's New Dlscovery-s undoubt edly the best cough remedy; ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why no' try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles Jree at Fet zer's Drug store. Kegular size 50c. and 81.00. Hydrophobia Feared. Huntington, W. Va., Dec. 18. James Testament, fifty .-f our years old and wealthy, is in Jail here, haying been incarcerated this morrm ing to await developments. During early life he was badly lacerated by a dog and as his actions were pecu liar today, hydrophobia is feared. Physicians claim, however, he is temporarily demented. The case is being watched with much interest Almost everyr man in' America has some digestive trouble. When men meet, the greeting usually is, "Well, how are you" That de velops health talk. The man who has no bowel or stomach trouble is almost a curiosity. Trouble is men take no care of themselves. They eat as though they had copper stomachs and hp wels of brass. ?By and by, overworked nature rehels. Then come headaches, nervousness. bad blood, liver and kidney trou- Dies. ut. rierce's Pleasant Pellets famish help for constipation and torpid liver, sick and bilious head ache, dizziness, sour stomach, loss of appetite, indigestion, or-dyspepsia, windy belchings, uheartburn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver stomach apd bowels. Accept np substitute. 2 Unes'PainlHlUi are giaarantee3 to stop eocZacftelnSO minutes "One cent & dose Dots from China Grove, Eii Kennedy, col., one of Brown's mason s, ) is wan ted for violating ah ordinance prohibiting any one from 8 winging on to trains while in mo tion. While working on top of $ the tnili he . spied .the officer coming, and .vitnout any hesitancy he took to the wo ds. Mr. Arthur Patterson and sister, Mies Ethel, spent last night iwith friends, in Mt Pleasant. - Mr. JfW Cannon, President of the Patterson Manufacturing Co , came in on thfc -early traini We vre al ways glad to welcome him to our little linage. . Mr. "Bus" Bron will soon have all the brick work on the new mill finished jhe wa9 op this morning get ting a hump on the boys. We were glkd to see your estetmed townsman, Mr. J no. K Patterson up a fewvdays ago visiting bid ac quaintances. ' ' Miss Pauline Thorn arrived last evenine 1 from Salem Academy, to n S . .. mm - spend the holidays with home folks. Our Sunday Schools expect to have a large Christmas tree on Christmas eve 'Pbovost." Beautiful eye grow dull anddla As the swift years steal away. Beautifn j, willowy forms eo slim Xose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to spare1 ' ' . ' Who wears youth's coronal beautlUl hair.- Preserve Your Hair i ' and yqu preserve your youth. MA woman is as old as she looks,? says the -world. No woman looks as old as she ia If horj hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of si Ayer'S Hair Vigor. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 1 Concord.-N. C.t Dec. i, j3o6. The Sftntfiprtl PtHTOCC rnmnonil .mrlll 1 1 public auction, at D. P. Dayvault's store, for cudrges, auoui inree nunarea ireignt , packages, beinef1 on hahd six month; anH rvtr -n (;itnrHi,t January 9th: 1897, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m uuicss laueq ior, cnarges paia or otnerwise dis posed of beilore day of sale. , ,r .,L D P. DA Y VAULT, Agent. O. M. SADDX.ER, Superintendent.. jy8 L. T.- HARTSELL ATTOKNEY-AT-LA.W, CONCORD, -. - N C. Prompt attention given to all business,! Office in Morris bnildinsr opposite botirt honse. JN0. R. ERWIN. C A. MISENHEIMER ERW IN & MISENHEIMER i Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 8- Hftriv hniWirjor- nrt oosite 2nd Prfisbvtiari&n nrinrnh Charlotte. a Iast Notice Town Taxes. - 1 must have vour taxes by the 1st of January I will have to settle with the town on that date. I hone all persons owincr the eame will call and settle at once. I will , be comn pelled to advertise, it not paid bj that time. I hope ton will settle and save! costs. J. LBogeb. ' I Town Tax Collector. Oct. 15, tf " INSURANCE, When in heed oj Fire Inspiance, can ana see us, or ivnte. we re pre sent only flrst-clat 9 Some and For eign companies . Bespctfulljv The ) r Well, the offer of China and Glassware. in by this special order is already invested in more Christmas goods and on the way. We expect $800 or 1,000 worth, of Christmas goods in, in time for Christmas, but will not have any more China. Come and see us; we can save you money. Sesp KET ST ORE v. 10 per cent, moved the The money we took ectfully,