i iMMMBManBllTlnTfwTllllli I t i 1 51 I. t'4 0 ' umwi - TTZ . I 1 " rT11 XT A flH VH LLJUJU.- -1 MANY LIVES LOST. I'a Hallrod W.ecklfear BlrmluK' ! - linm, Ala. . ..n.Hno- Kens Items nnd Personals- Christmas has come and gone and - . i . v i ; VkAAW Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 28 One tQe hearts that have been I of the moat disastrous wrecks in the madft glad for ; the fact that - Santa' history of Southern railroads hap- has slighted no' one! The oened 36 mil eY south of . here yes- churches in town and sur- terday morning'ar 7:30' o'clock in r)uadinK C0Untry have had mbst MANUFACTURERS OF woich 23 persons were killed out, e,eut tree3 ail loaded wiih sacks iltllMMUII iiiiiiiiHiiiniitiMui'iiilimiimmiMiim'tiiMimiMtiw. Frie Giniiams Outuv Cloths Plaids Sheeting right aad ten others. injured, two of lf i l r,n a whom will die. The ill-fated train was a Louis-' ville Nashville accommodation, which runs from here to Blpcton, a o-oH al-Ttaofe- distance of 40 miles. The train Dealers in GENERAL ' MERCHADISE : 0 Buvers of j COUNTRY; PRODUCE ot all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted- best . prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all--tlie goods! we manufacture. ODELL MFG-. Co., - Concord N. C- Cold w a,ve Coming. Pre we for it; "The early bird catcheb the worm," bot tbe tardy; head of the family catches a scolding if he does not order Cffl'S-JfllICO COM. Prnrnnt attention. Full weight. Free delivery. $4.25 per ton'and up peer Frank White an 4 Conductor A P flnnnell. 1 ; ' Fcur miles north of B'octon the entire train,' made up of an engine, baggage and two pass3Uger cornea. crashed tbrougn me wmgc. ,uV long 'and 120 feet high, into the I Cahaba river. A rail had beehre- moved from the track and when tbe engine struck this 360 feet of the bridge gave, way aud went aown with the train. ; lmmeaiaieiy took fire, the water being only about three feet deepand be fore snfficienhelpf could besecnrea, many tfnf ortbnate passengera and trainmen, who were pinioned under the debris, were burned to death. n earnitiatioir of , the bridge shows-that' the Spikes on " one side had been drawn fr a rail lengtr, ,v,;v, ;rlinQtP(l that a r.tU ws VrU'vi- luuivwvv moved out of places to deliberately wreck the train. The story that three men robbed the dead ana aying, as told by one of the sur vivors, has not yet been confirmed. But the railroad officials are no sure it was the work of train wreck ers and an army of detectives are working oq the cae. The exact number who perished will never be known, bun it ib thought that it will rech 35. To cap the climax, one ot the re ! lief trains which left here ran into the rear endof the working train which was stopped about 150 feet from the bridge, and came rjer orantrpi. etc. Thfi decorations at Mt. Z on were especially beautiful and we haye no dou tit but that Miss Grace anunen- berger, whose father is pastorof flaid church, had much to do with i . i the designing. At our own ciiurcn in China Grove we had no decora tions, but 250 children, whose nam. s are on the Sunday School books, wrt nde haopv with presentB, dolii from the Sunday School and their respective teachers. One of the beat evidences oi a town'd progrrsa ishe attendance ,of thA monle nt church and Sunday! v w w ST Si School and we are glad to note that China Grove i8 rapidly tbrowing tff her old ways and putting ou "w- We have hd one of the quicHest Xmas' since the town had. begun to grow, not even o e drunken man was to be seen on our streets . Di. and Mrs. Stevens, of Enoch ville. and Rev; and Mra. Miller, i w - . spent Xmaa eve with Mrs. I Frank Patterson, j : Miss Jennie Patterson,' one of. the eaohers in the graaed school ht Concord, is at home "spending the holidayd with home folic. Misa.Jliila Belle Spirey, also one otvonuuruoi , - - - - . . - . teachers, accompanua ser. miss Shirey left Saturday eyenmg for bau Hbury to meet her sister. Miss Carpenter, of Newton, is viaitintr her sister, Mrs. Corriher, Miss. Belle Eddleman is visiting in Albemarle. ' Rev. Leroy Beaton is visiting friends and re' at i yes here. v Mies JenUe Cook, the highly ac- complisaed music teacher at the ,;r.m m inn- cgetablcPrcparationfor As similating UieToodauRegu ting the Stomachs andBowels oi FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF 32 its :t..'j&- Tin ai? g T)p tion.Chcetfulr : a Dc r.nntams neitner UW3a"ultt"'l'vv -"j, 4 Opium,Mcrphiric norlfineral. JJOT NARC OTIC. sr. IS ON THI Pumpkin deed" Jlx.Scnna ( JtocAelle Sails - JYppermint JiiCsr&onztcSodi& farm Seed -Ctitnfied Sugxr livilijyntcN' rt&y&i . . -r i. TrrffrJr Prr r.nn?tiDa- ,ioW:sourStoiDach.D1arrhoea. p ! Vss aMLOSS Or Ljt. , lt . . ... . ' ' : OF EYEEY . BOTTLE Ot Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. pi Bff EXACT C01 11 111 It. M K nmt-f-rAa 1a Tint tit in OTie-siie "bottles only. It s not sold in l)ulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anytMng else on xne pica puui w4. is "Inst as" pood" and "will answer every p. pose." bee tnai yon y-a.-w-A-v-.--. - . i ' - ' " ' llll I I I I I I II I I II i u m ' i m w l .a. m ' rwTiBMONT AIH I TNE ) FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS. Schedule effective .Nov. 15,. 1896. , . : This condensed . Schedules inf?rfttl0n " suV ject to change without notice to the public. BICHMOND TO CgAELlTE. Eastern Tisae. Female Seminary at Mt. Pleasant,, is XiV ichmuuti knocking it in on top of thr burn ing train. gCubans s i'l believe that General Maceo is alive. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY TdVa lantivft T5rnmo Oninine Tab- letB. All druggists reiuna me monev if Tt'faits tocure. l25c. ml4 OOKCQBD MAKLET&. " - COTTON MABKET. Corrected: by Cannons &etzer Good miadling............ -rvvA'.: Middling ...... Low middling 6 PEOD0CE MAxtKKI Uorrected.bv Swin & Vnue. '''C:....;.;....;. ...... to -7 Sugar ur eu nams v?v. . . ... : . 1 o 4 Batter v.C:.. ...:..v:.sv. ..'-' 10 15 OhiokeE3....:..vr - " 1 ft Oorn..... mj9 w 1 1 must. haveoni taxes' by the 14' of January.' 'I. will' have to sectle wth thejbown onttn.atdate. I hope all persons owing the same. wjilf call ill . -Vv.. r.rm Iauu ocifnc pwjwju ,T.?i.r """- . pelted l'q Vdvpftisf'il not; pid by. and save costs'.'- J.X. Bogek, . Tow.n Tax .Coilector. Oct.15, tf ' ' !"f : DO YOU WANT. A visiting Misses Jennie and. .Bttie Patterson. Rev. Wertz preached an excellent sermon last night at at. Mars .s, anu to add to "the beauty of theser vices durin ihe collection. Mjs3,.Cook sang a solo, "Flee As a Bird': which was tnos't -beautifully rendered to the delight of the largo audience assembled.! Among the many nice present on t h e Am a8 tree vaa uiuu a o jr dangling upon a string tor Key Messrs: Preston Sims and Guy Melchor have "gone to Trou t'mans on huntine" expedition, , i iithi !-iri ; RlimsauV m giye a re ception this'evening, complimentary to the v9itmg young- ladies of "the Lown I Miss Ethel Patterson attended the Xmas tree at Grace. ; CiPR0v0ST," Dec- 28, '96! ; ':':t: - Amelia Cotfrt.HouBe nuraevn'o : . Keyeville B.nith Boston Keidsville , Greensboro HiKh Point Salisbury rimicord " Ar Charlotte . &r Spartan DUTg y Ar At ! anta rcn. timej No. 11 Dady. 2 DO; am ".a-24-am- t '3 Wam.. 6J0 am, 8 10 am 8 37aiu 9 45 am 10 40 am ' 11 r uil,-- 3 id pm 4 20 pm .9 30 pm 4 i No. 35 I : I No. 37 I 1 '(""J" LMOT I I I ti3pm 7 37 pmS 8 50 pm,: 9 27jpin 30:00pm 12 116 am 1 20 am 5 10 am .5 50. am 6 25 am 7 05 am ( 7 27 am 817 am f;8 48am y "zo am 11 37 am 12 28 pm 3 55 pm No. 9' J)ai!v. 12 m 119pm 1 lopru ' n i n No. 15 -d4!,Pm Daily. '5 05um . 5 53 pm 6 55. pm -G 55 pm 7 2l pm 7 21 pa 8 25 pm! 8 25 pm 902 pn ' . 945pm CHARLOTTE TO RICHMOND. Eastern Titne. LiV Atlanta (cen.. time ) , rirppinviile Xiv Softrtquburg Daily.. No- 36 I hayejiioyf rinstock Inhe Mor ris building opposite the court house, a nice lineof and1 all' grades nf Im-nitiira and mnrft ffmin?' suit- Latd........;-- .-;2 50 able foiioMarefehtt'-and'every Meal........ ....... ;t-7;v: K-'r-r - Oats ...v..i'-- rallow.......v .35 . All th Hides,. Wax, Tallow:and Egg-bn prr ATe paying to- USy H .4. Dry Flint Hides Ury eau Green- 4tw Glue Wax -Tallow T?nnn Only, toe iJreagaucuuu.,iv. the' aioVe priced AVnttausJ THESHIPPERS PRVMii 10 cts 5 " 2ru 16 " Respectfully, -TfOW ijv Cnariottu Concord, , Salisbury- High foint Greensboro Reidf. ville 5 Danville South Boston Key t ville a TYVniin I Innrt House 1 il UJL v Ar Richraonn 7 50 am 2 31 pmA 3 47 pm 6 40pto '7 22 pm-; 8 10 pm 9 16' pm 9 52 pm 10 39 pm 12 30 am 1 43 iiii ,3 06 am 3 55 ftm. 4 36:am-J 6 00 ami 1150 pm 5.40 am 6 42am fa 9 30-4im' lOOam' ia47am 12 10 pm 50 pm , No. 33 Diilv. No- h 12 00 m, 5 30 pm ig18 pm . 850 pm; f 9 02 nm , 9 3G pm 0144! pm 12 00 Nt 5 40. urn 6 17 am 7 10 am 8 18 am 8 50 am 9 30 Jim 150 pm 2 53 pm 4: Vm 5 47 pm i 6 24 pm 6 40 vva So. 15- 7 1 'ajra Sllpt 18 scam- A 1! a For Infents ani Children. Solid? VoUMg - el: aimila sig&aturs c: o.'t T(TmrVA.rfi A "R? RP.Ti.VfCB. . . . Li ftMt r (T7PUI Hill UlillllV' . Kll J r'? JrZL V o.ri a ti fisjt A". Composed. .ot ruum .. - ibm, SepiDg Cars (minimum Pullman rate2 0U ; no "" cars day coach. between Washington;; 6 Aben'ffi;. Sew Tork and yew Orleans, New ork. anMem Southem ru , e.r, ivtt vv or,rl Tmra. andRichmond and Angus SE'sS NOTES. way dining car between Ueen8Doro ana cepinfif cars uc- . T yi?rtfl 5& ftTid 36: United States Past lad. ,Putoan siett d Augusta. New YorkJitlanta New York and Jacksonville anavi- between JC& 16. Norfolk and Chatt.n : ' - - : r f 'plk and Chattanooea, through . - -v w av x o,a o-nri ttti ay ville.. Through day! coacnes . fire last night ' v h - ' Through tickets on Pale at principal stations ton , moTinn imTiiv ill hiiv nt tub -jr .-, -.m . ft i l tlary JBLOOO tOISON permaaen'jy IcurcdlnlStoSa days. You can be treats as I home for same price anler same gnaxan- LBVI cy. li you preir to come nero we coa HJ.iZzy tract topay railroad f areandhotcibilJs.co! csary, iodide potash aad Btlll bave aches uncj pains, Mucoxub matches in month. Sore Throat, Plmplefr, Copper Colored Spots Ulcers on - 15altini0re J1P , 3ifl.T4 WSOCnJO coital MKcd onr uncca-n i i.' t ' ' i tior.ai fmaranty. Absolute proofs seiit Bealed oo S01 Fidelity BJ"Q,D& pplic:.tton. Address COOK. REMEDY CO- spplicntion. Aooress vuuu. ujsmkuj. c 10? Xa0O2o Tecaple. CHICAGO. ILL General asse: e last nisnt. Througn ticKeis on ?ai ptiiivipc Dyr . " . , . . ?. rhation anulv to any aeent bf the Company; - - . TTrRTr Sangnilly, a natural zea nieri- J . wf h. GREEN, , i Ll5.el. "'- General can citizen, chWd witri cnaplracy General Superintendei c. against the bpaaisA government, nas j r - Q -pnA oeen Beuwuuw yf V V .T"" ? Given Avar Free i, . - - JVL 1-1 IDJaU VV 1' . Jdhnlpriw To advertise omr gdsJjwUM h . K0 SA of Lynchhnrg, Va4, has mystenopsly giye a-way, absolutely, iree, ope uuf lar ' - ' - of fiyPrcent cigar8,pnegpld ringand ' ' 4A . . .. al pample bottle bf Feelers. mn 1 PrifioneramlFaYettevillevjailiBet KfltefkfeWeVBendmg ire $Seffrcell3a8t -Friday- night; bents: tbay" packing and tpoata'gey in thrfipbFdf esdarjing, and the jail i Address,- - f ' U , C r-f oCPiiroVetf'and thevl PEELER AKOEBSLQHlMlpXpJE Co. UilLUC urai wg, i .. ' pemhing. Lock Box 1. Kner8yille, N. 0 IF 1 U M V - nimui U AJL bVI w w v I 111 V 1 w - ' "J " , i. I. . - T ' AiA :-'r - oj: nye-cenc cjgars,pne wgi?"v: , KTAD ;. ninnl. uicavM... roi0 Knfrt - Hotel- nfFvo iaaroi.-;; trains. , vjr, uses-meet .au ; Jg9 promptly DfaU kinds .furnisneP i'LIVEBY.FKEDANP di au kuiu . - . - Tjorses pts reasonahle; prices, wo Breedeff,tf always on hand for fa . ..: '?'!.. ; ;-. v.4-s-s4

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