It is Easy to Catch a Cold, But not so easy to get over it, unless yon try onr SYRUP OF WHITE PINE, for coughs, colds and brons chitis. It is inyaluable. It is pleasant to take, aad contains nothing but harmless ingredi ents. It will cure a cold so q trick that it will not giye you time to realize that you have caught it. Gibson's Drag ta. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Gino-hams! - Outino- Cloths, Plaids Sheeting and Sal Bas Dealers m GENERAL MER HADISE -o Buvers: of -T- COUNTRY PRODUCE ol all kind J and 4-toot wood always wanted- est xrices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the oods we manuiacture. OUELL MFG. Co CJonnorri "NT. P. ?i y TTS ' tiv ir rz: .V.: J. At i o r-l 4 f J v . - I"! Mailastuni? k Spanish Fleet Demolished And the fight continues to wax warm. News comes in by telegram and every mail brines us erlorious news of Victory. The latest news is with our immence stock of Dry Goods and Notions. We are pre pared to offer them at prices to money saving custom, that will do you as much good as to hear of Spain beine wiped off the face of the earth For the laest Novelties in thin Summer Dress Goods, Organdies, Lawns, etc., we hpve fchem. For the prettiest line of Shirt Waist Goods in Silk and Cotton we cannot be excelled. For the latest and most popular Skirt Goods we are strictly in it. See our Canvass Cloth, " " Black Mohair 50 inch. " 4 4 Satin Duchess 27in, .'. Brocade Silk's24 in. w i- vuu i-o -uvsuujr uj a ruiu uoi For the best fitting Corset buy Thompsons Glove fitting ; we have them. For Sash Bibbon pee us. For tne prettiest and cheapest line of Millinery don't fail to see our line. For a real good Suit of Clothes at (uwiicuu k.xji3o vt o vau OUlfa liliCJ juJo t fastidious. . I Ti' i mo T . IT . v xiii.jLo. nais; ow in tnis line we are headquarters. For a No. 1 Umbrella or Parasol we are upstoi-date in style and prices. For the handsomest line of Neck wear you cannot afford to miss fcee mg our line. For daintiest and prettiest line of Fans iust come and feast your eyes I Now don't forget that we have the goods to offer you at BOT 10M PRICES and all we ask. of 'you is come and see us and we will please yen. D. P. Davvaull & Bra. P. S. And don't Forget that we handfe the McCall Patterns. Cheapest and best in the world . PATT SW IS ; HEADQUARTERS i FOU M GROCERIES. We are better prepared this season than eyer to please the public with BARGAINS IN B AGGING and TIES Corn, Oats, Rye, Ship Stuff Flour, &c. We carry the largest stock or Nnnff, Tobacco, Candles, Soda, Canned Goods, Soap, Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Oil, Molasses" Heats, Potash, Tinware, Slatctaes, Etc. in the country, and can give von , w some startling prices. We will buy your Cotton, Eggs, Corn, PEAS, FLOUR, ETC. We are also agents for the ii Spach" Wagon. Will sell a factory prices. Di Wholesale acdRlietail Grocer. Concord, W. 0. PHONE NO. 27. i "vvv 1 1 JsrrrvELY cure ALLXtrvou XKwoFailinff Mam- ry, xmpotency. Bleep Ieiwneaa, etc- caused tT Abase or other zeemaa nnt? fiTJS. TSITS PTvrTtit t ""BuiBaa or marriage. tj&ZrufttlFi?, lMlty and Consumption if ?tlTiS,-I,- mediate finprovet mt r:i t won- eui otner rail Tn. FPon hTin tha genuine AJax Tablets. They nlIrzJS """"wnuBna win cure you. We civs rdos S2Sw-2S?01 2SdhJS?,W- .Price wU UIOipS For sale in Concord. N. 0.. by J P Gibson, Druggist. W. ran v.llsabetli College Commencement ; PROGRAMME. Sermon before the Senior Cla83 Sunday, June 12th, in S:J Mark's Lutheraa church, at 11 oslock, a. m., by Re?. A.GVoight, D ,D, of Newberry, S. O. ' I Aujaual sermon unday, Jane 12th, in St. Mark's Lutheran church an 8 o'clock p. m., hy Rev. J 0 Moser, 0 D, of Hickory, N" 0, 8nb ject. iiife." Address before the literary socie ties Monday, Jane 13th, in the College chapel at 8 o'clock p. m., by Hon . Theo. F Kluttz, of Salis bury, N. 0., subject: "Some Great Women." (Oalischenic Drill). Commencement exercises in Col- lege Cbapel June 14th, 10 o'clock a. m.. address bv Rev. Robsrt 0 7 " Holland, D D, pastor of St. Mark's, and chaplain of the college. Award- inz of medals, diatinctions. etc w W (Music). Concert and reception Tuesday, June 14th, in College chapel and parlors at 8 o'clock p. m. Art exhibit Monday afternoon and Tueaday. A Kollce for tnePnblie. It is the duty of every citizen : to see to it that the health of the town is protected. The attention of the public is directed to the following ordinance which has been a law for many years in Cod cord, viz: Ordinance No. 20: Anv owner. leaser or renter of anv nremises or lot upon which there is a privy or hog pen within the corporate limits of said town, suffering said privy or nog pen to become offensive in smell shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tnreoi snail oe nnea ?z(J or im prisoned for ten days. The ordinance will be enforced and the policemen are instructed to report all such places not kept in a sanitary condition. - These places should be cleaned and covered with dry dirt at least twice every week. Respectfully, J. L. Crowell, Mayor. One flnndred and Eleven. Mr. J R Biggers, of No. 9 town ship, informs ns that he has two black Minorcas which he purchased about the middle of . February, and since that time until now the two together have laid 111 eggs. a . ""X -ft uae Minute Cough Cure is the best preparation I have ever sold or used and can't eay to much in it3 praise." L M Kpnnnn Mor. cnant, Urtell. tfa.J p Gibson. w u V -4 A " Mothers! The discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirelv avoided . WineofCardui rel ieves exv pectant moth ers. It gives t eto the gen ital organs, and puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings Joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. fx.oo per bottle. For advice ki cases requfrfnr special nooga. Tenn. Brs. LOUIS A HALE, of Jefferson. 6a.. sits When I first took Wins of Cardui xre bsd been married three years, but eonld not have any children. RIna months later I had a fine girl baby." directions, aoaresa, riYinr eympioms. the " Ladles' Advisory pepartment1 Wa Chiftanooea Medicmd Co.. Cnattx- AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS 'OUR RIGHT TO v THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " C ASTORIA," AND . PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts was the originator of "CASTOR I A," the same Wat has borne and does now bear ysrf str . 071 vy the fac-simile signature oj - Cyfvc&c wrapper. This is the original "CASTOR I A" whieH has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it the kind you have always bought 'fr on the and has the signature of wran- per. No one has authority rn. n j. n . ..7 vvntuur vvrripany, oj wuwib unas. n. riuimer is rresiaenz March 24, 1898. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more oennies on it the in- gredients of which even he does not know. " The Kind Ton Have Always Bought 51 BEARS THE Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMK CENTAUR COUMNY, TT MURRAY OTRCCT, NEW YORK CITY.' Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fetzer's drug store and get a trial bottle free. Rsg ular size50j. and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. S M Gearv, Pierson. M "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salv "ii curing more piles here todav thpn all other remedies combined. It cures eczema and all other skin diseases.0 J P Gibson. , S E Parker. Sharon. Win "I have tried DeWitt'a Witnh HatpI Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two minutes. I con sider DeWitt's Witch HflZfil Slr the greatest pile cure on the market." J P Gibson. TheGRAElpli0KE v The most fascinating inren- - 11 4-V. A r rt. , 1 J to entertain. It requires no skill to operate it and repro duce the music of bands, or- ; chestfas. vocalists or instni. j.J mental soloists. There ia , . - jiac xv jwi au even- ino; s entertainment nt hom or fnthocnQi u enng You can sinr or tnlk to it and it will reproduce immediately and as nftpn c a your song or words. "vcucu Other- so-called talking machines reproduce inonnances. On the Granhol phone you can easily make and instantly 'reprSSS records of the voice, or any sound Twp ce stantlv awakens tiPwff?: US it con- x-vucnon, are clear and brilliant, BnotODlioiiBS are 'snliiinriin' "J"'clcl'anairscnarmlspiror Edteon and Macdoi aid OnrPff Bell Columbia Phonograph 'Co. DEPT.ZO, 110 "R "Rolf. . . New Yn.t u Baltimore, Md. f fiiiladelDhift. W-. d&w a5 OT AL1 tk -m ... whf . 0 AY. but What w?, AT, that tells thTs ofitemerir ?e8' cess. Bernernber Ol L from me to use my name except 7. rr rn j 7. tl. -7 r SIGNATURE OF 61 Si As tax collector for the town of Concord and by order of the CoiBr mieeioners for the town of Concord nd by auihority cf the laws oi North Carolina, Acts 1897, Chapter 169, and Private Chapter 119 of the iaws 1879, I will se)l at the Court House doer in Concord, N. C, on Mondavi the 6ih day of June, 1898 the follow np tracts of land and town lors in the town of Concord for the tf.xea due thereon, viz : Ward No. 1. n 1 4 nouses on spring st, I vacant lot on Fetzer st., A M Cook owner, tax ij- 7 acres between Jno. Bulla and raiK rod, Miss Rosa Misenheimer owner, tax 2 21 8 acres on railroad, Wm. MiseD- heimer owner, tax 2 10 Ward No. 2 Residence on Fourth st,', 1 J M Iisk owner, tax 4 5 Ward 4. Lot on Happy Hill, Zin Crump owner, tax 92 Lot on Loan st-, Wm. J Harris ownr, tax 3 15 Lot on Depot st.t Nat Harris owner, tax 54T Lot in Love Town, Jess a Koontz owner, tax - 2 56 Lot in Love Town, Jemima Kenedy Owi er. tflT i !- Lot in Coleburg, Giles Miller owner. tax 351 Lot in rear X C Stricken?, AM Shu man ownr, tax 77 Lot in Love Town, Alice Still owner. tax 39 Lot in Love Town, Catherine Turn er owner, tax 39 JNO. K. PATTERSON, Town Tax Collect . - PHotographed. Iromlif HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man GREAT. , S Pllfso ?avEEDY,Produces -'the above rwtf Varicocele reervous Debility. Impotent?; losses V lmg Memory. Stops all drains ar.-l Sty and Tc? eTTCT-s of 5 outh- " wards. off JCin A" Vouthful Vigor, . a man fnr W M a zc 10 snrken organs, and ft'.s Si? vest Do?vSi?eSSp?' miage. Easily carrier! in. bv iSSf l-iCn PTC 6 Boxes bylfn Pri? Cfl PTC 6 Box Pari M. L. Marsb cord, N. C. SCP Jones, Milesburp, F v writes, 4I hare used DeWitt's Ut ile Early Risers ever since thty were introduced here and must Fay 1 have never used any pills in jny lamily during forty years of hoes keeping that gave such satisfactory re??ii9 88 a laxative or cathartic77 J P Gibson. JUIOOD'S .:as over ana over atiii r v, el bv its cure wben ail ct.V . fajii. mri

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