Vol. Xl No. 2731 CON OOTID, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 9 1898 Whole No 11731 FOR THE SEAT OF WAR ITlftn afld wnnnHinrr 1 9. nftiavo T'hal " vuvtm A rtr VVU.U. .UV Snanish rpnnrf. nf ffcp win uen Sbafterand Ills Corps SMd to w " & w Have Embarked Wednesday nup. JTOUJipg, 01 1116 iexa8, 18 aD- ,,osetiiy For nantiaso The Troops solutely false. He's alright for more ConipslIJK me corps lsattie ai the ii iiantanamo Bay Tales of Santiago Itatlle Still Afloat. With all the censorship of war rpws it is not a secret that a con fiiderable force, probably 27,000 men, composing infantry, artillery and cavalry, engineer and signal corps, embarked Wednesday at Tampa and are on their way ovei the tropical rrprs fnr anma nnint of thft war arena. A private letter from a well known citizen of Concord, Mr. Paul Caldwell, indicates that their destiny is Porto Rico, bat the .London dis patches say plainly they are going distress to the Spaniards. "Uncle" Jtlactt Bost Dead. Hailing Mr. A W Boat as we saw him driving out of town with a coffin incased, we learned that ans other one of the good old-time cols ored men had ceased his faithful services on this earth to meet the rest that remains for the finally faithful. '-UDcle" Mack Boat, as he was callecT died Wednesday even ing on the lands of Mr. A W Bost, where he had been living for six years and held for himself the name of being faithful, upright, true, and fn SantiAcn da Onha. This seems i-i i - u t . in short a good man. It pleases ns the more likely from the fact that . & m the fleets have been apparently opening the way there for drcisive action. The ' following are the troops said to Jiave embarked ac cording to the London dispatch: Of the regular regiments the much to testify to the good quali ties of the old-time colored people, and when their labors cease we conn template with gladness a reward for them far above earth'fl richest boun tie?. 4 The deceased was about 68 year PERSONAL POINTER8. Mr. M J Freeman returned last night from a business trip. Judge Montgomery, and Messrs Mid Sminnimer Bar ;ga5irBS. W R Odell, Fred Odell and K L It's Picking Up Money raven returnea lasi mgnt from To "RllV ATlvthlTlP' Trinity college where they attended t m v ; o. T -t- the commencement exercises. ah iiiiD uui. Miss Isabel Elias, and brother. Yesterday we told, yon about Mr. LoaiP EHf 3, will arrive tonight a lofc of Zeiglers fine Oxford to visit Mrs. I KB Means. Thev are lies wnicn we nave been sell returning from Trinity college on their way to their home at Frank lin. '. ' - ' P- i , ' fancy Cakes Jam Up Fresh, In Cnton's Hall For the Benefit Onr Soldiers at Jacksonville, Fla. Vocal and Instrumental 31nslc and . Recitations. rilB1r u c-, Qld He reared a good large family. Sevenln, igntij,mntn, ienm, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Six- ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT teenth, Seventeenth, Twenty first, Twenty-second, Twenty fourth and Twenty fifth Of the volunteer regiments w Gnrflnxrrflt I lonignc in uaton's nail an en- New York, ThirtyN-econd tertainment will be giten for tbe Michigan, First and Fifth benefit of Company L. Ihe pro- Ohio, Second New York, First Sram Poises to be one that will District of Columbia; Fifth interest not only lovers of music but Maryland, One Hundred and a,so for lo?erB f fnn Fiftyseventh Indiana and'the The program will consist of ins Third Pennsylvania. ' strnmental music. voal music and The total infantry force is "citations. Drs. D D Johnson and 21,600 men. In addition there H 0 Herr.m8 wia reoite' aIso littls are a battalion of engineers, a MUa Jnlia Barrow- As for the Paft detachment of the signal ipantsin the mnsic, the yery best corps, five squadrons of cav alry, four batteries of light AT Ervin & Morrison QR0CER5 of our town will take oart. is sufficient as a drawing artillery, and two batteries of heavy artillery. General Shafter is in chief talent which card. The admission fee is 15 cents, or two tickets for a quarter. A large iommand of the force, which crowd Pd- is convoyed by the battleship Indiana and the gun boat Helena, with the training ship Bancroft as General Shafter' s floating home. VISITORS' NIGHT. Friday A lgbt's Meeting to Be Open . to Invited Friends of tne Ljceam. Friday night is the appointed night again for visitors to attend The transports are due at the meeting of the .Lyceum in their Santiago Friday night or Sat- hall over Srink & White's. Each nrrtn v morning, and a landing member of the Lyceum is allowed will be attempted onSaturday. andree8tef te invite five of bis This should be effected with- V1 " out difficulty, and no doub by Sunday or Monday, at the Debate f the pneation .Resolved, latest, the Stars and Stripes That an international Court of will float over Santiago de Arbitration Should Be Established Cuba. to Settle All Disputes Arising Be- Gen. Shafter it seems has had all tween Nations." The speakers on of Gen. Lee's corps encamped at the affirmative are Prof. E B Lewis Tampa transferred to him except and L D Duval . On the negative . I . .. -r TT.i-.11 J the Geergia and the Florida regi- are Attorneys iiUtner nariseu anu county on june 3, 1898, the follow- Morrison Caldwell. Lfr. iJetzer as t for violation of Inter- ing at $1.50, U 75 and4 $2.00 that we MARK DOWN to $1.30. Call for lot No, 1 at $1.00. Today we put out two more lots. 25 pairs of Ladies' Low Shoes, Oxford Ties and Strap Sandals. Shoes that sold for $1.25 and 1.50, We make these lot No. 2 and they go at 75c. Still another and a "worser" one for us and a better one for you. About 50 pairs of Ladies' Low Shoes, mostly Oxford Ties that were $1 00 $1.50 and $200. They must go and we put them out as lot No. 3 at 50c. You can find in these lots high grade, good style Shoes nice enough for your best foot wear. You can find 1 good, soft comfortable everyday 1- YOU FURNIS3 THKFEEF WE DO THE REST. That's all we sk you to do fi nish tbe ffet. We will not cslj -3c tbe rest but we will do it el) for $2 50 Gone to the Marriace. Mrs. J W Cannon, Miss Nannie Shoes. "-.-, . Canton and Messrs. Frank and Ars Our loss is from 50c. to chey Cannon left this morning for $1.50 a pair on them. Your n 1 . 1 a a. 1 : t (Tom 1 a in YWAtiAtifinn Oaiisoury 10 aneuu xne marriHu iu- tuuuiuuu. night of Mr. D F Cannon to Miss Ella Brown. Only a few invited friends and the close relatives will be be p esent. Rev. J Rumple will perform the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Alexander, of the First Presby terian church here. After the cere mony the bride and groom will leave for Niagara Falls and northern cities . First come, first choice. "T . . ion can picK up money here. Cannon & Fetzer Company. v.-v.; ,0 f to IX V We have everything except your feet. in Osfcrdi An ounce of satisfaction is TFOrtL a ton of talk. Satisfaction gcec with every pair of shoes we sell.' Respectfully, Dry Miller, Shoe Furnishers. Has Very Probably Sailed, It is very probable that Mr. Paul Caldwell, son of Mr. Denson Cald well, of this place, who is steward in the Fif'-h Maryland Guards, has sailed for Santiago. The last letter received from him by his paren s here indicated that he was liable to leave any time soon, and nothing has been heard from him since. For the last while he has been stationed at Tampa. General Order No; nog. To The People Living In Concord, Cabarrus Counfc and Forty Miles Around. The Colored Company, Captain Hood is drilling his coU ored company these nights. They received new drums a few days ago. The company still lacks about five men to complete its required num her A letter was received some days ago from Jas. H Young, telling them to hold their men in tact, as they are liable to be called upon at any time. notice of Selinre. Saized at Crumps Ferry, Anson Attention ! You are hereby commanded to report at once, if not earlier to ito S? -.Bell, Harris & Compaq . And inspect the handsomest line of Bed Room Sets in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Bird's Eye Maple and Curley Birdfc, Ever shown in Concord. Parlor Suits, Ward Robes, China CIosa ments. Dispatches from 'Cape Haytien been appointedjssayisn cay that it is rumored that a sharp in tne &wim. . battle occurred at Caimarera Tuess Quite a number of our boys were day at 5 o'clock by the attack of five "in the swim" Wednesday, night American war vessels. This point back at the Reid pond bu; soon is some 75 miles east of Santiago, got out when they heard the shots of It is said that the fleet forced an en- some blank shells, fired by some trance into Guantonamo bay and mischievous boys. One boy, they the toWn was threatened, theSpan- "iV SglK isn commanaer ordering u uurucu cover his body. rather than allow it to fall into tne hands of the Americans. Piace-j-Ooncord jail. Time, Snn- Renorte Htill flftat with regard to day night, May 29th. "Boys, be the Santiago bombardment Monday, careful there, . you'll get the wrong It is by Spanish authority that a negro." Voice from upstairs-' 'I'm not the one. i n mo uuc wuu ovuio the flour." - .. . Side Boards Extension Tahlfis. Parlor Tables. Hat "Rants. "Fatpft:-- laws or the unitea : ' ' Fnreens. !Roftkincr,rjhairff. T)iners anrl flnmmnn Pihairs. Rorls Dt?ww ebell struck the Spanish ship Keina Mercedes, killing the captain and 26 J mg property nal Eevenue States: One lshorse wagon, 1 black lion, 1 -pair of harnesa, 1 bed qaM Bureaus, Wash Stands, Picture Frames and everything to be found 3a and a water DucKec. jne exira nar- ness collar. a fiist Class furniture store. Notice is hereby given to all par ties claiming, to meke claim for the said property in the manner and form prescribed by law to the under signed in his office at Asheyille, N. 0., within 30 days from date or the same will be forfeited to the govern ment of the United States. This, May 9, 1898. H 8 Habkins, Collector, . Per J M Roberts, D. C. LOW PRICE! "Col. Commainicliira WHEN IN. NEED OPJAN YTHIN Q IN THE UNIwfeg TAKING DEPARTMENT DC N'T FAIL TO CALL ON3E2a i i . Residence 'Pnone-go. j g Store -Phone

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