Vol. XlI. No. 2736 CONCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 189?; Whole No 11131 NO BATTLE TO, EE POET Hut Movemeuts Mean Business Tlie First Expedition Hearing Cuba Tlie Second Contemplated L.ieuten ant Bine Makes a llnsardous Trip Around Santiago, lie Sees the Spanish Fleet The Marines Ilaye a Toiigb Time Sampson iVill Force an Euterance-Second Expedition to Start lor Manila Spain Xot Ready for reace. It cound not be expected that there would be any news today ot special warlike action; The iirst oxpetitionlo Cuba is now proba bly nearing its destination A decree of activity among Gen. Brooke's Corps at Chickamauga rectus to mean an early departure of a second expedition to the front.' It is unofficially stated that 15 of the best equipped xegi ments there are to go to Porto Rico. The marines at G u antanim o are having hard time ; of it. They nave buffered two, perhaps three, attacks from the Spanish guerril las. The attacks are made at m:. ht wuen our gunboats cannot do much to aid the marine?. They dare not attempt it in daylight. Thus far the marines have held back many times their numbers with the loss ot six 'men killed - 1 1 J - .1 TTTl .1 una a nuiu-uer wouuueu. vvnne they aro having rather a tough time thsro is little -faar that thev will not 1 able to hold the place till Gen. Shafter Arrives. , the.. score will be to pay. vipg in our war to recently begun is Lieutenant Victor' Blue,- of iSouth Caroliifa. - It was he who made a circuit around Santiago and settled the matter as to the presence of Cer vera's Beet in the bav. He Lvglled 70 miles m the circuit. The Vesuvius has joined Ad miral Sampson's fleet and there; is :AtIe doubt that its efficiency is to be tested soon rf ter Gen. Shafter's rocks' get into position,-' jfrhen- the Admiral evidently intends to force .id entrance into the harbor and lijpoco of Cervera. The second installment ot troops " ready to leave -San.-Francisco nA will probably sail Thursday for HanilaJj ' : ' . The Charleston,- with tho first -diticn of three transports,' it rs be tied, will arrive at Manila in GFTTING READY TO EIGHT, 'summer drawers, 121,709 cam c.w , 1 7 ' : J Pfti8n tats, 28,950 canyas- hats, Nome of the Things the Government ; JL n Q . , V ' Has Ione In a Monthaud a Half, j "2,884 legglUS, 105,288 paunchOS, They are many who wonder j 130,785 flannel shirts, 193,565 what the government has been j leather shoes, 300,399 cotton doing since war has been declar- stockins, 24,270 woolen stockings, ed and there is no little dissatis-f 24s830 hammocks, 8,125 . helmets, THIN GOODS FOR faction often expressed. It is next 3,820 mosquito bars, 2,000 head to impossible for the government 'nets, 6,006 common tents, and to give an adequate idea of what j 1,250 conical tents. This ought to interest the men. has been done and it is utterly impossible for it to convey an A larg;e number of batteries have been erected and various HOT WEATHER. COATS idea of the many environments defenses improved and' strength- r -- Hi e n !? r.t .- isf i .! .. 1 JLJt t.J O. c. i. that circumvent progress. In the setting forth by Secretary Alger we note that from the 14th of May or in less than a 0 ... month twelve miles of solid freight cars have been loaded with pro visions for the army. In these were 19,346,954 rations for troops and the weight was 64,346,952 pounds. Not being a war like na tion, there wero not many firms that could make advance sup plies, but the supply is now work ed up about to the demand. Looking forward to possible need tho government on the 21st of April, the date of the war, had about 20,000,000 small arm car tridges. Now we are getting nearly 700,000.-per day and the suddIy is adfetuate; .The old batteries, in the requiiir armv have been iven six cannons and caissons instead of four, Sixteen volunteer Lotteries have been sup- it least and the goy- BLACKALPACCA BLACK SICILLIAN BLACK BRILLIANTENE - REGULARS, - STOUTS - AND SLIMS. than regular price. Job lot of Mohair ened.. Search light?, submarine mines, pontoon material, tools and All at 33 Xer Cent leSS instruments have been provided for. Four hundred miles ot cable havft hfiRn dfilivprpd and 1 f 000 submarine mines have been COatS at One half their I : 1 l . placed in the harbors. lodJ. yaiue. : Those give but an imperfect Serge Coats and idea of what has been accomplish-! Coats and. "Vests ed in a: month and a half. ? At rv YOU FURNISR THE FEET E DO THE REST. f r- Thatc all we .sk ynn to do niah the ftet. W will not ' n thereof but wo wiH ro it tc $2 50 ' plied p: ill) Ci. i eminent can now comDaac e guns, caissons, Harness, ' etc., that it -needs;- Many "heavy, siege gans- with ihq shells needed have been placed. Smokeless and other powder is hcinrf supplied on de oiand. Bopid fire" guns with their amu&ition haye been sup plied. 1 ' The chartering of transport ships has! been effected readily except on the Pacific where much delav was unavoida'do be cause it took loDger for some of the ships voyages. to get iiito Part more.. - - .! il Dow'ov ' will have little iiet the Eurrendor ol anila'.wlicn-troops arrive, to. en :o Liui to protect the city ybfet the indignant insurgents, v.ill be in the nature of a relief the Americans come, for the . i lch commander has offered a ..u for the head of the insur-:-t leader and the Spaniard -..ct expect to keep his head if -;lls into the hands of the insur- -1tC-Iit. "l.e liequpnt reports that Spain " ready to sue for peace are as 'tcn denied- We think the truth L it is that Spain is rather too onzed to consider her own welfare and she dreads revolution homo as much as defeat away -'om home. T Hfr t - lnakes Tm'? ch-, he-Jthy i r.ianeiic are Hood fees pi from Forty-one such yes sels have been chartered on the Atlantic coast and they had to be fitted up for soldiers and animals. Supplies of coal and water too wore no nnall item oi expense and care. The contracts for moving troops were taken at from 1 to 1 12 cents per mile and the service was done quickly and with few accidehis. A whole train of ten tourist, sleeper cars' with kitchen and dining room cars has been secured with headquarters at Tampa purely for hospital pur poses for removing the sick to places desirable and beneficial. The army has been brought up to 126 regiments of infantry; 34 regiments, battalions or troops of cavalry ; 20 batteries of artillery. Some .of the things purchased by the quartermaster's depart ment out of the very long list were, 8,810 cavalry horses, 12, 802 draft mules, 2,109 pack mules, 500 small mules, 1,500 small horses, 4,090 wagons, 425 ambu lances, 17,052 single harness, 1,500 saddles and bridles, 1,479 pack saddles, 3,100 halters, sl,575 artillery horses, and 544 'draft horses for siege train, 106,382 1 blankets, 123,128 blouses, 25,739 canvas coats and trousers, od,obd canton flannel drawers, 123,900 Extra length coats ; for preachers and oth er Professional men. Its bad economy to wear yoiir high priced heavy suit in this sweltering weather. ! One days wear in this -Mfs McLinn, one ofbe ter v. rA vxt BatEth coih; win -4jMfi? injures a nice suit tonight 5vvr6 a rhyiiiiore xnan a. weens her frienl5;?9 Connie Clra? : Wear i 11 OT di 11 a-T v ea"clier ;. .4 PERSONA! POINTERS ' -titv G Garrison, of Besse raervHing a?; the home of her fatherIrD B Coltr- r o Mr. Auley Mcllae, of Mt. Gilead, Montgomery county, was in our cltv todav. era "AT j V A, " . v.- -'3 "X f. Attorriev John L RftIiiD of, foalisbary, arrid city )- X Oil Can DC mOPB COIii Tuesday eenin.?:'. I Mr; UtnHeman' : TnTtn'Wp' o-f- lrc:c ,4- - a! till very mTi;idy; ;jo iu ' ibitjuoit i . y We hfi?e every thirg in 0&fcrh except your feet. can 'candid :ttc' for solicitor."; Mis? Fan 'PlrAdsn,. x,l 7 Cannon. ill Jul, KJ9 lotte, arrived y: fJ. . i k J k 1 I - T ' - . i AQSiie iifcDizsr. uas. to nave j 1 .V . w 0 Aa oence of eatihfaction ia .wcrtfc a -urn of talk, ritief&j'tiu-n ;aoc with cvir; ir of we aeil. 1 CO v IS Ilk .i J1 lies it 5" but willinot arrive until Thurcday Crash SllitS $2,00 Up. e. furnishers. Frssh H " I- ? ; i" t- ts s.-j' Milieu ciii iii KSf 1MO. QR0CER5- - iVici-C OUu Ui. in civ iOU.i,0:, . Hot, Stuff, ' . AT V I - To The People. Living;. In Concord'G-barrns Conntv ! and -Forty Miles Around a a h You are. hereby comn?nced to repot t at ii act earlier to: ti:t How We ?ay,ror iSie War. j The nsw r.ar. revenue bill v?in pan at nuny s-piace teat win. re i mma no or our .-pst. 03 v-.hi day. Snroo will pay on one lurary and 0.ce on another, and the only v?ay tbaToid the tas; 3" to have nothing and obtain no hin. Yon niuat take lets her or psy more for it. The scma wzj with tobacco, v E-3e"r paj3 one dollar ex tra ner barrel. Chewing and smo - kine tobacco costa 12' cents pound more. Oigara cost yoa more unless you sinoke a worse one., Ci garettes cost one dollar per thousand mere. Tea coats 10 cents a pound more. Stamps; will have to be affixed to all papers relating to real estate traosactions conveyances deeds, leases, agreements or contracts, mortgages, trust deeds and powers of attorney. Wall street will catch it on sjI1? ing stocks and bonds. The pro dnce and cotton exchanges get eff with 1 cent on the $100. Bank checks will require a "stamp. FmrniitHfe IHiotase of Belfl Harris &: C-omnnoasnY. 'And inspect "'the 'harvosomcst line of Bod. -Re? Oak, V alnut, Mahogany, bird's Eye Maple ' : ' ' ! , and Gxirley Bircc; Ever shown in Concord. Parlor Shits, Ward Robs, China C!ceta .... ' Side Boards Extension Tables, Parlor Tables, Hat Racks, Eapel? r- i , v . creens, Hocking Chairs, Diners and Comnicn Chairy, Beds, Brc?ci Bureaus, Wash Stands, Picture Frames and everything to be found ir. a fit st Class furniture store. - LOW PRICE: Col. : Com oi and fur WHEN IN NEED OPJANYTHING IN THE -.UNDEE-TAKING DEPARTMENT DCN'T FAIL TC C ALL ON BELL --ear . Store 'Phone is'

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