POK COIil), N. C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1898 Vol Whole No 1179 X-No. 2709 f blnn Dends Of Interest to Us, Too. t Thursday's Daily it was noted We take - the following news ; TheExperiment Station has just , tMr Jno.AShinn,. formerly a from the Stanly Enterprise : issued its report of 44 pages, convers ident of uannouvu'c, - . yuiumu iuuo lag iae worK tor tne year 517 and. reside . . , ...i.i Ma n? - . . rf. . . yipath in tne nospuai u -mmj-pur, unra-pany lor the first half of ia9R Tha P0lu 3 Wo si lparn that he mule home in disgust, and is now knlnmA i.nna;0. n.. Oipht3Cr.u " i i " w .-ii v,.w vwuoibio vi iiuo tciJui b ut Liic id Mr. omuu w iirecior, rogetner with the Uhiefs man. adous luree - v.i.y, -. i0t tne different D visions of the is an i.:a'vni .. v. 1 m . - I - - . - w w w u,7... ii, in he married Miss i ne lamuy. of Mr. H I Williams station and i8 ' mnni,,i h f IC - . , -n :u returned hero last. woaV TK . . . f.mif H rnbucKie, ot uauuuuvu.c, - . . unaex. to tne report ana to ? tne Sfei-r had become acquaintea uu.ugw.wuwru bullentions-of the Station issued a Ko,i horrnr. fn pa two or three years, and Aibe - An " - . 'tj. " marie la fflad tn h in that profession. J?or some An examination of the report m 1 p. . , . , Hon. R L Smith tpomvpH a fntal , . -. . ... r haa been m Daa neaica, . . t " " snows mat 16 regular bnlletins ot nth nonsumntion. Ue -,. - the Station were isaned. rp,latin to taiea . . . urea cot a little finnfnsfid . . .... . . ' bree sisters at this place, Mrs. - W. terta,zer ana.ysea, compost -making x- i- u xi- i . - compost peddlers, orchard, garden cratio he about his burvingCutchin 0j B . , under a majority of l,5i9, , , - ,. . . . H'cj. C Sides and Misses uessie and Le Sbinn. Mr. 8hinn seryed a while in the army during the recent war but war diecharged on account of his weak constitution. DON T WAIT Too Lxmg. The first chill of "Winter is the most Dangerous. o'c lie Assaulted Pawnee Bill. UiB a meaicmai plants. It seems that all does not go I This yclnme, it seems to us, would The remains were brought here 1 bo smoothly with the Pawnee Bill be of decided ineerest to onr intelli- i ii 1 .w .Ii rA rVf. rinw lf 4-Vin PlVianwAi anrrn. lafllHios Vila ovf 1 1 ai"B t Vt a Hoiirmmi orI Will Ua picauucu ou AiXb. vai i iu tuo uuociici oaja . - i wwtw twuioviu) wwujiuau rnel chorea Saturday morning at 10 "After the appearance here Tnursi that is absorbed with the cow end j3Cij day afternoon of Pawnee BilFs show the possibilities in her line, the poul- the chief tent mjin was discharged try lover and the etudentof onrfeas 1 - - '11 1 :1 jr,vcBHeaM wi. . and proceeded to even up matters tnered iriens that aweu among tne has been stated before, Dr. 5y attpmpting to aesanlt Pawnee trees and conspire with nature in all Vjctcr Means, who has been spend- Bill. He failed to inflict any dams her forms and methods to make man r., Li0re thhn a month here with Rge, however, and vras notarn stea, nanpy, tne orcnaraista ana ens gr- b-s brothers and sioter, was to go to as .Pawnee refased to remain here dener will fiad much to inyite pros Saa Francisco. He left for that until court tomorrow and appear Stable study and pleasant pasatime. ril- rhureday night, where he will against hitr. A postal card request addressed to Rationed at the Marine Head' Northcaroinm Apple,. the N. 0. Agricultural Experiment qiartera." Dr. Means has just fin- George E Boggs, of Havwood StatioD Raleigh, N. O., will secure H his three years service on the conntVj made an exhibit of apples at yoa the book. 8end for it. se3,b7ing been surgeon on the bats the AmericaI1 institute Fir in New Mrs. Ray, wifeTfCity Cierk A W t.tp Mama anu aucrwaius lIiC Vrt,V ,onfW Ra ?f.ntiH Raw: nf "Pinillav. O . fnnnri dtna. Do yon want a fine Cape, a marvel of beauty, at a low price- Buy your Winter Un- Some days ago a fine derwear TSTow. lot of plush came tons We have every' kind, so we could sell them Soit, Flexible Egyp- at cost of tian Ribbed cotton, cheap ones hae been Heavy Fine : Knit sold and now they rne Fleeced Back. Fine m rice from 6 50 to a Ribbed Cashmere. El- 25.00 Cape for 15.00 egant All Wool Switz One beauty, there are Conde suits- no two capes alike. We have the greatest variety. We They are 6f plain plfsii. can plesse you in good3. The prices cashed plush and VPry 17: 7 I: :r.' De::UBe elaborately trimmed in the newest designs. Detroit, ivad will now be given three I the first -oing fco ft New Yjrk mifce cartride on the Cesser in her puau vuu exhibiter. Of Mr. Boggs' exhibit son's room and not knowing what it We regret to ree Dr, Means again ac , . ..... ... ........ ?ive U3. 'J3 juio nam una uuwu uluwu i ecjojed by a number of our people, as he always seemed jovial and en- if price and goods are not right we give the money back. Cannon & Fetzer Company. taming. Doustoton-Hlx Nuptials. From the Wilkesb jro Chronicle we learn that Mr. Robert L Dongh- "Mr "Geo. E who made The cartridge exploded and" three - , sach a fine display of North Carolina fingers wen blown off one hand apples iast fall, also had an exhibit and two off another. She- wajrun of a small namber; of varieties. It conscious for a short time, and when i3 interesting to notice the great dif- she recovered and was asked what ference between the growth of the caused the explosion, she said lt was varieties there and of the same va- a hairpin and a woman's curiosity. inn enH MrB TTlT. Tiff MlE3 LlillV Strieker, were married Wednesday rieties in the North. Maay of them Datham Daily Son. morning at the home of the bride m one wuuiu umuij "W5Ui, cj PERSONAL POINTERS. Wilkeeboro. Mr. Doughton , we are so much '-larger, often more learn is a brother to ExLieutenant highly colored, and sometimes grow- Mrs. P B Means is spending to Governor R A Doughton. He is a ing of such different Bhape as not to day in Salisbury with friends. prosperous merchant and cattle I resemble at ail the types with which Superintendent Ryder and dealer of Laurel Springs. The Chronicle says of Mrs. Hix: "She is one of the best and most intelligent and attractive women we ever saw. She is kind and pleasing to all alike and her 'affable and attractive man ners have made her a favorite of all." She will eive up her business in we are familiar. It has been said Walton were here this morning, by some authorities that the region consulting about railroad matters. in which Mr. Boggs is growing his Mr. Robt. Wheeler haa fruit is undoubtedly the best -pple- to Kings Mountain to spend 1 crowincr section m thia country to- oral days. day. However this may be, it cer tainly is a good one as evidenced by gone sev A FRESH SUPPLY Oif Vilkesboro and make her home at fch9 proauct Laurel Springs. Marriages Northwest of Here. On Wednesday afternoon Rev Pharr will marry Mr. Wm. C McKmdley and Miss Mamie C Fag By special request Mr. B6ggs sent the exhibit to Cornell Univer aity. Professor Saunders wrote him: "The cppJes arrived in fice condition. They are magnificent! CHEESE WAFERS gart. Miss Faggart is a daughter of A paa no jut jou uuu cuc" Mr. Press 51 Faggart and is a sister apples in your bata. ft Mr. Arthur Faggart, of this place. Both parties live in No. 4 township. - ' On Thanksgiving Day at Mill Bridge there will be a marrine too. The pai ties are Mr. I O Griffin acd Mica Matie . Sloan. Miss Sloan is incT7n by a number of people here, toeg often visited her friend, Miss aaie Burkhead. ' " Just as re-presented, at manufacturers ct. a Seal Cape bargain; Nothing ever showed in Concord like them . Yoa should see them to appreciate their value, w e are show ing some, very nanaso m collerettes m electric Seals, etc., at 7.50, 10.00, 12,50 andl5.00 H: L. PARKS S CO. TaKlngr Her at Her Word. "I am ready to go today, to morrow, this minute, any time, praise the Lord." Thus spoke Mrs. Fannie Walker yesterday at the Good Way Mission, 619 East Fifth street, following a call for experiences by "the R?v. B P And Cakes- Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5, It would Eeeui to afford-some hope that Oapt. Dreyfus may get gome relief yet, as he is to get the chance to speak for himself: When forgery be resorted tq to establish 8udt, a fair minded world is reedy 10 a3cribe innocence . If gtillty at all the foul methods used against htn should react for his release. THsd Friends B Crawford, a Free Methodist preacher por thirty years Tutts Pills have who bad conducted the noon l--.r.rzu-:KA'' prOVen l UlCbSjmg W tucm v aim, Are truly the sick man s friend : -A' Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa Hon and all kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILI.S fl ABSOLUTE SUBE, ! services at the little chapel. As th9 words "praise the Lord" fell from Mrs. Walker's lips she resumed her chair. A look of in tense, satisfaction came into her eyes. Before the minister could call for a testimony Mrs. Walker wa3 heard to grasp, her head set tled on her breast and ; she was dead. Mrs. Walker was 40 years old. Kansas City Ti ma. COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US ! Give us your ear and we will tell yon the reason why FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it hy day, we dream of it byniht. Our highest inibiiion in, a bvsiness way is'to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FTJRNI TURE STORE EXCELLED Bl NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots -for spot cash from the best f actories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests buyers. We have the BES1 STOCK, the best prices that has ever been our plea eur 3 to offer ovr customers- We lliank our frieizds for the splendid trade given ua in the vast- We hop, by close atteniiou to your inters t to merit it in the future- . Dont fail to see those handsome "Golden Oaks' Come and see us, we will do you Good- rfea3ac7i4 hbO Neuralgia c' - llll PAIN PILLS. OneoenaeaaQ Belli" Harris Cbmpa

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