feK 'If 'Z: ' fri-tUfS Pi W n 5 - V: prira $100 Per Year. THE TERRIFIC STORM. i Hnnrtr"1 vessels oo Ashore nd j fljany HSore liives Lost in toe Bliz- ! !ftrd ofNinrty and Sanday. While the dry winas were ai- most lifting ua off our feet Satur-: dav night that only made, us draw i ip our wraps the closer and seek ; refuge in our good Warm rooms there was dire distress on our Northeastern coasts. From Pen obscot, Maine, to New London, Conn., the storm was terrific, and it is estimated that at least 100 yessela of various sizes went ashore. The loss of life is esti mated To be at least 140. The steamer Portland is miss 4 icg and it is greatly feared thati sha has gone down with 50 or 75 passengers. In New "York City the snow ras ten inches deep and the wind wis a hurricane. A number ol lives were lost by exposure, chiefly those though afflicted with the drink habit. The blizzard is said to bh the worst on the New England coast gince 1351. Business was greatly crippled. i Dispatches from Chicago say that even on the great lakes there was much damage to shipping. Ills Sew Same. Mr. W M Weddington called to say to The Standard this (Tuesday) morning that an event transpired at his home during the night that locates a new centre of attraction about his home, and and sounds not essentially joyful and yet musical., Everybody wears the air of gladness. It even affects him in a way never before experienced in that it seems to put a crown on his gradually frosting locks and clothes him with a new sense of pride. It has even attached a pew appellation to him. He does not know just yet how he shall take being called grand pa, but any way he is prepared to retaliate by saying, grand-son. SPAIN YIELDS To Oar Terms Th In Ks the Terms Hnrfi Bnt Can't Resist tlimitia Yet to Ajnst. ' - Spain has yielded to America's conditions, namely, the giving up o! Cuba, Porto Bica and the Phil ippines and receives for the latter $20,000,000. Only the minutia of the treaty now remain to be ad justed, when the Pans treaty commission will adjourn. It will require probably two weeks. The scene was quite pathetic hen the Spanish Commissioners entered with depression v depicted on their countenances and handed pain's reply, which brifly sum med meant that Spain thinks the United States too severe on ' her helpless foe. She looks upon the ?nns as very hard but she is in fto condition to do-otherwise than accept them. " ; Trie document was short and - the meeting brief. There was not, weyer, and further caveling or fading. w i- W 1 i JJ Ui w t.J -7- ThanbSfflTln ant. S Exercises at 51 1. Pleas- Thanksgiving exercises were held in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Thursday morning. After beautiful anthem ra lw the choiri Rev, Lynn preached a very able and pracUble sermon from the text, 'He hath not dealt so with any nation," found in the first clause of the twentieth verse of the one hundred and forty-sev- anHi pnni, Also at night the young people of the church rendered ..a public missionary exercise. The exercise was opened with solo by Miss Maggie Lynn, after which the ad- dress of wfilnnmo waRli vv Hr j. - -i rr, Master Gordon Bowers. The 'II . ' i . i exercise consisted ot songs and recitations. The address of the evening was delivered by Rev. Pmf SflrAr rf nollarro spoke for some time on "Why Children Eugage in Missionary Work." After President Scherer's ad dress, which was very Dractible and to the point, a very beautiful solo was rendered by Miss Maggie McAllister, also a recitation by Misses Agnes Cook and Lucile nn, The collection amounted to about 12. Much credit 13 due the efficient manager and presi- dent ot the society, Miss Blanche a TTrt A 1 1 1 cjf qt f fV -vl 1 ck-r f. rnori- nor in which the children per- formed their parts. In a word, the large audience felt that it was ood to have been present. M&y this little band always prosper and be a shining light' to its environments. A Visitor. Concord's tuensns Taken Again. To be handed in to the county commissioners, a census has been taken of the number of white and colored children in Concord, and the population of our city was also taken in addition. Jdr. Ohristenbury Holshouser was ap- pointed the census taker, and hasUnem without any provocation in completed his rounds. The popu- lation statistics show Concord to be gradually incrbasmg each year. The whole number of school chil- dren, including white and colored, amounts to 2,4981,989 whites and 509 colored. The whole pop- ulation of Concord is shown to be 7,1565,348 whites and 1,808 col- ored. Our population in 1896 did not reach7,000,but we are now well started on the road to 8,000, which we will reach soon. Tomorrow Rt. Andrews Day. Tomorrow beiDg the 30 ch day of November, which is St. An drews Day, and reverenced by the Episcopal church, there will be services in" All Saints Episcopal church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock and tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The Holy Com munion will be given in tomorrow morning's exercise?. Baeblen'B Arnica aiTs The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore3, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Stin Eruptions, and positively curea Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give otatisf action or monev refundsd. Price 25 cents per hoz For sala at P B Eetzer's Drug store,' CONCORD, N. C, TUES:A, NOV. 29, PERSONAL POINTERS. -Photographer Z E Scott ep3nt yeterday here. Rev. J J Payeeur is ' visiting here Mrs. Fred Stephens came over from Charlotte last night to visit relatives here. Mr. Arthur Shealy returned hrome last night vieit his ?ather Mr. WP Shealy. Shealy Mr. J W Cannon and wife and three children went to' Charlotte this morning. Miss Daisy McDonald returned to Charlotte this morning, after penning a wnne witn Mrs. b J rowe' owe accompanwa ner T ' 1. to Ubarlotte. Mr. Geo. W Brown returned nome from Salisbury ihla morning. Mrs. Urown did not return with hioron account of the critical con dition of Mr. Jno. Vrbie. Verv little hopes are entertained for Mr. Verble's restoration. Just Jin NEW LOT OF Prunes Peaches Vwrn Apricota Figs Raisms Currants CitroD, Orange Pfcl and Mountain Buck Wheat. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 Some Very Sbainefnl Condncl. On Sunday afternoon three white men were seen on .Spring street and afterwards found on the COrner at the Litaker buildinc. gom0 one jn their crowd was teara to cursQ a lady of our town after they had passed her. They afterwards came in sight of Eev. Logan (col.) and his wife. Then they commenced to curse and abuse the least. The matter has partly been investigated, and the names 0f the three persons have been obtained. If possible the guilty one whichever it is, will suffer a penalty, as such conduct should nofc he tolerated, makiDg it unsafe for a lady to walk along upon our streets. As for their cursicg Bev. Logan, we deem it nothing more than just to say that there is not a colored man in Concord who i has the esteem of the best of our neonle more than this man. and when one acts as he does the peo a .1 ple will be in favor of the prose cution ot such characters as those that were on the streets Sunday afternoon. Tlae Pyfnians Have a Function To Hlgbt. Only the members of the Knights of Pythias will enjoy a banquet and addrssss3 tonight. Grand: Chancellor Franklin, of Charlotte, together with Messrs. Summey and Jordan, of that place, will address the members of the lodge. After this part of the program i$ finished, all will repair to the St, Cloud hotel where birds on toast and oysters will be served. Two members will be taken through the first rank. 1898. Tj Ladies' isses AND cMldrens' btorm ers. JBest Grade. J ust received Cannon & Fetzer Company. ubb COTTON CUTS NO ICE" WITH US Give us your ear and we will tell yoZihe reason why. FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it bj$ day, we dream of it by night . Our highest imbitzon in a business way is to give the good -people of Concord and, country for miles around the advantage of a FURNI TURE STORE EXCELLED Bl NONE and EQUaLL- ED by few in North Carolina J -f- . it i jsuymg in car cots ror spot in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests bwers. We have the BEST STOCK . the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- We llzanh our friends for the splendid trade given us in the vast We hope, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future JDont fail to see those handsome (t Golden Oalcs." Comer and see us, we ivill do you Good- Bell,-' Harris'-& Compaoy; Single Copy 5vCents T j )i op: 1 H LINE EM 3 Ah., 4 NO I Such as Suspenders Handkerchiefs, gloves Neckwear, Hosiery Towels, Belts, Purses, etc., from the cheap -est to the very best, all to go at first cost . Come and see what we have for the holi day seasons HL S k I casn rrom me aesr jaewnes - f n it T ' i s r - . AM i ' l V 1 S i i ? i - h N