Price $4.00 Per Year. CONCOKD, N. C THURSDAY , DEC. 1, 1898. Single Copy 5 Cents. CAPT. JNO. .NEWELL DEAD. Was 82 Years of Age Ine tast of a Large Family leaves an Aged Widow and One Son. The yenerable Capt. John H Newell, of near Flowe's, died at his home Wednesday at 2 o'clock p.m., after an illness of three days. It was a going out of the lamp of life, a Joosing of the sil ver cord, a breaking of the golden bowl that contains in unity the immortal with the mortal. Capt. Newell had reached his 32nd year last August. He was the last to represent the family of Ne wells whose sire "William Newell, reared them on the spot where the captain lived and died. It will be seen that Capt. New ell was 45 years of age at the be ginning of the Confederate war, bat he commanded a company of reseryes that were once called out but did not get into battle. Capt. Newell leaves his aged wife and an only son, W. G. Xewell and family to mourn his departure. The funeral was conducted this (Thursday) at 1 p. m., at Boger's chapel by Kev. E. F. Brown, of Bethel M. E. church, and Kev. C. Miller, of Kocky River Presbyte rian church. The remains were interred at Boger's Chapel grave yard. - - r; lleard Ont at Eetbpage. The public school r of this dis trict has commenced with Mr. Neal Pope, of near Huntersville, as teacher. Rev. J P Kodgers and wife, of Mt. Airy, who have been visiting his father, Mr. S C Rodgers, re turned to Concord "Wednesday. We had quite a nice marriage in Bethpage church the 23rd of November by Rev. J F Pharr, the contracting parties being Mr. William C McKinley and Miss Mamie C Faggart. The groom came in leaning on the arm of Mr. Everett Brown, hile the bride was accompanied by her sister, Miss Julia Faggart. Miss Ger trude Lafferty was chosen to play the wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley have been en j oy- ing their honeymoon" by visiting relatives, and friends. A Weekly Reader. The Oanshter's Meeting-. The first Friday afternoon of every month is the regular time for tha meeting of the Dodson Bamseur Chapter of the . Daugh ters of the Confederacy. The meeting will bo held tomorrow at o o'clock at the home of Mrs. A B Young. Mrs. D B Coltrane, Sec. ?lrs. Wm. Baker Dead. Mrs. Baker, wife of Mr. G Wm. Baker, died early this (Thursday) morning of pneumonia at Cannon vifie. Mrs. Baker leaves a hus band and several children. The remains will be taken to Mt. Gil ead church Friday morning to be interred. Uneven Tempered Man. Tell a man he's level-headed and he'll feel flattered; tell him he's flat-headed and he'll hit you vith a club. Baltimore Life. OUR CUBAN FRIENDS AR RIVE. General Garcia ana Ills Delegation Reach Washington. Washington, Nov. 30. The ineiUDerS 01 tne Commission t ,.- I delegated tb visit the United States to discuss with officials oi xnis government the many rttnVlamn -.V "l, e a i . i I wuiuu uumroru DOin uoans ana Americans on the island, arrived in Washington this evening from New York, The commission is headed by General Calixto Garcia, the veteran soldier and leader, It is the present expectation nf ttanorol flornin on3 4.1. other commissioners to remain in Washington about 10 days. Tomorrow General Garcia will call upon Secretary of War Alger, but beyond that call no arrangements have been perfected for the movement of the commission. Wondeifal Invention. An uneducated colored youth in this county, named John Alston, has made an invention that mav entirely revolutionize the motive 90 power that propels machinery and do away with the use of steam pow er. This newly invented machine ry is propelled by condensed air, which can be used as a motor at very little expense and is more powerful than steam power. The model he has made is a self-pro pelling car, or, as he calls it, a horseless carriage. How the ma chinery is arranged is concealed irom view, by Deing boxea up or closed in one ead of the car. When the machinery is put in motion it Will keep going for an indefinite time. He ran it steadily at one time for a month.' He will have hid invention patented, Pittsboro Record. Note ofTbanhs. The family of W. C. Boyd hereby extend their heartfelt thanks to their many friends for v favors shown dminff the recent bereavements in their home. stui More Buildings. Besides the other building that -l 3 I 1 i is going on in uoncora ana inac has been heretofore noted, we no- tice that Mr. Jno. Creech, of Can- nonville, is having two nice cot- facrpq hnilfc on Pine street. A ffreat imorovement is being . Aa nn " T1r. . SIS. JJove'S resi- dence on Spring street 'next door to Mr. A. L. Sappenfield. Mrs, Ann Fink also intends having still anothei dwelling built on West Depot street after the one now being erected is finished. ?riA cv tlie Or an Ere Ta. Observer. 'Twas the poorest turkey that escaped being eaten on Thanks giving day. No person is excluded from heaven or happiness simply on account of poverty. Many a chip of the old block is but a chip of the old blockhead, and therefore nothing to be proud of. Mostly women attended the snake show in New York. Back ;i fVia rrorrion nf Eden all the women of that day did the same. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. D B Coltrane went to Nor- wood this morning on business. Mr. Norman Shaw returned here tnia morning. Mips "TCthfll Pftttfirflnr, TAinrnd to China Grove last night. Mr. B F Rogeres returned home last night from a business trip. Migs Lelia Cooki of Mt Pleas. ant, ia spending today with Mrs Jas. P Cook. She will return home tomorrow evening. Mr. Jake Newell arrived he this morning from Chapel Hill, having been called home by the 4eatn of his grandfather, Capt, Jno. M JNeWell. Just Lin NEW LOT OF Peaches Prunes Pears Apricots Figs Date3 Raisins Currants Citron, Orange Peel and Mountain Buck Wheat. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 Twent-First Series ' CONCORD PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Books are now open for subscriptions to the 21st series stock of Concord Per petual Building and Loan Association. Call on the Secretary or Treasurer at Cabarrus Saving Bank and subscribe. Flrst payment due December 5, 1898. jno. Jr. Allison, jtrres. H I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treaa. Easy Divorce iu Bnrmab. When a Burmese husband and wife decide to separate, the woman goes out and buys two little candles of equal length, which are made especially ior tnis use. one ormga I . t 1.111 I . i -t r-i 1 ? tnem tlome- ne aoa ner niiBDana sit d.own. on the floor- PIacif ?. candies between tnem, ana ngni them simultaneously. One candle stands for her, the other for him. m 1 11 A f - a xoe one wnose canaie goes oui nrsi rises and goes out of the house for- ever, with nothing but what he or she may nave on. The one whose candle has survived the longer . , i.i "me, even oy a secona, tases every- '"'"K- ou u.v f the property, if one can call that i BacBiica' Arnica ReiTe. The Best Salve in the world for Onto, Bruises, JSores, Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S tin Eruptions, and poEitively cure Piles or no pay required It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev: refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzei-'s Drug store A baby is a joy to its mother, a pride to its father, a charge to its nurse, a soul to the clergyman who baptizes it, a new biological specimen to the physician, a new customer to the merchant, and a nuisance to everybody else. Mill and Shop News. AH persons indebted to Dr Archey by account will please set tie same at once. ' W G Means. Ladies' Misses' AND Childrens' Storm Kubbers. est Grade. J ust received Cannon & Fetzer Company. COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US 1 Give us your ear and we will tell yofilthe reason ivhij FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it bij day, xv e dream of it by night- Our highest imbition in a business waylisto give the good -people of Concord and country for mileslaround the advantage of a FURNI' TURF STORE FXCFLLED BY JVOjYF and EQUALL ED by few in JVorth Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests buyers. We have the, BEST STOCIi.. the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- Welhaiik our friends for the splendid trade given us in the vasU We hopn, by close attentiou to your interest tamerit it in the future Dont fail to see those handsome (t Golden Oalos". Come and see uSf WewiUldoyou Good- ' . - ; . j Bell, Harris & Comphy. - T : t .o U OPENED : A BIG- LINE OF SAMPLE NOTION Such as Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, gloves Neckwear, . Hosiery, Towels, Belts, Purses, etc., from the cheap est to the Tery best, all to go at first ccst. Come and see what we have for the holi day season. H I PARKS 1 CO.