'. , ' ... .' , . ,; . 5 ' j ...rj .. , ... : ., . ' y . I 1 . i i. : . ' 1 i ..'-" I -. I ' ..... , n Price $4.00 Per Year. CONCOKD, N. C , FRIDAY APRIL 14, 1899 WITH THE PKgSBYTEKS. I Keniembrinv the . Orphan Iter Cook Accepts Poplnr Tent Chnricc , Kev. Brown Npeaks of banners Elk Key. Arrwood Goes to lln. collections be obtained st the appointed time in June or earlier It was f MthfT de- 'if- ." - the - Sunday schools, - Single Copy 5 Onts BB. TRACY'S DEBUT. if possible: sired that Frank, voluntary Bboieties.and individuals who have pledced .' regular con- At the afternoon session of the Presbytery Thursday Kev. Arro- ti nies fortbU cohtribntiona and !V ib?D "d w7e" lege by the facalty, assarted Mr. Some Trouble Over at Kit. Pleasant. On .Thursday : morning: at Mt Pleasant a difficulty occurred in which student o! the col le ?e ard the interested parties. Mr. Clarence Led better, a von nor Baptist ohurch. It ia a .commpdi- man wh(l i,a diamissBd from oU A Catetiy. Effort Wit, Humor, Pathos, ttusio ana Canvas Heenes. Dr. Tracy made his debut in our town Thursday night in the BIG- JOB IN wood made ft report - as to tbul if possible to increase. filled. 1 Doubtless, as the dcctor Wesley Kenerly, inflicting a con- Sunday schools of the difierent " After .hat inl a eeeaiou thi. (Fn j d, many came to hear siderable wound on e latter J . . i J J.J!-5 . i .1 the "New Man." Well it was umA uw.u 5- churches. The ' report was both daJ) morning and some minor mat- interesting and encouraging. ! . It was recommended to the ters were attended to, the Presbytery head, though resultin&r in nothincr i.t r iL. j l I. ' wo going, lor iuo uuubur SArinna Mr ! LfidbAtW was adourned finallj. to meet this fall w very nteitaining. -He has a bonnd over to ' eo0rt on a $200 tl nnncnrdl hwrfc. Rfr i zeal and enthusiasm that warms bond: He Wthronch her rresbytery by the Synod through j,nrnment tlJ following resolutions the atm(eteM' aboat hIm 8nd he Thursday night on his way home Eev. Uranam tnat tne ab bath were . passed : lu!u m8 kUw Wltu ;BUU" ta Polkton. schools of the. different churches EesoWed, First, That the Presbjl W tnat we suspect mat use a fttA a rollection aom mft nr. terv Tm Welnif extend its thankk cJclone ? wlU draw Jon up to CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY W ilf month , of Jn for th to the pastor 'and members of the him aa the Totex or blow Take Laxative IBromo Quinine Tablets. benefit of the Barium Springs First church and of Gannon? Ule and clean, awaJ- orphanage. This recommenda tion was adopted. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. on each tablet, i also to t'4e members of all churohes H is versatile as a splendid in the community for their' hoapts stager and original as a genuine talit? to those who have spent these wit. His mimicry keeps the The church narratives were few jaV8 fiij happilv in the midst bf little folks well awake and ready handed in by the different ones this beautiful citj and within these for another laugh while the older, in their regular form. The re- Christian home circles. j stayed worshippers that would Dort showed its greatest defici- I Second, That we express our aps hardly alioV themselves to crack temDtin but ency in the holding of family preciatfon ofj th courtesies of the a smile in church ever and anon tbe fact that Halp8 Sareaparilla is worshiD ooutnernrvaij way na 10 ine aewspa una memawv muuigiug mo wortQ it8 weignt in gold. tf. : w .a ol ii I . i "r n"w"UB ua ' ua ' ,C1U Pure Plymouth Rock Sect. 13 J.L tTXlX LO ICtUDUlUDiCU KUCbH wu I 1 1 : . & I- . IJ -W i I. 1 1 J 1 A. a.1 I w 'w ' frorA tfs weight in gold! Look in the show-window at Fetzer's drug store and you will see this illus trated. The rich nugget from one of our Cabarrus mines is surely it is there to illustrate Mdn's Linen Cdllars Si Dozen four-ply Linen Collars, all high grade Collars, made by a good raanuiacturer of Troy, N. Y. They are the 15c. kind; some are soiled a little and i i - i . soma have another : I I ' mans name in them. All styles and sizes trom 14 to 18 at or tne Dusmess or ine rreBuvwrj. in tne aootor seems ovlv me me- r cn rr---. rk THfiav ft raU was fixtended to ! 1 ML,., . . , 1UX ovw uu viPuu. aln t, nonVb. P..u. P0SIMITTBB8 APPOINTED l7JFZ?Z. ? ito th. audience some telline force PERSONAL POINTERS. Tent congregation. Ite v. Cook, For theWelcoming ExercisesToBeGiyen on the line , of his theme, tern- -Mr HL tL. . ! t 1 !, U0i;Ji.i Mati Thar Arriv flrtm-I ! " I aner . oewg maae , memper.oi tXI: PManoe- - . Chirlotte last this Presbytery, took charge of m-'''' """'J- ,The doctor's temperament ia trip. tne cauana staiea xnursaay m d.; AnmmiMAp. hit ouu" l'Utt,'! UA .uyuioo " " I Ml.. Pinrn Mil Ur nf Rowan Parks went over to night on a business bargain. iptit on t i - w xne IOiiOWinj cuuiiuiueeB uc , n y.! - uf f xuibs riureuuc iuiiirr, ui auwqu - ; ,-1 afternoon that he had decided to been apposed already b, Miu jin, county, pasd through hare today to accept tne same. nie Smith, the manager, to x, in centres. Nor'is he one of a very on ner way to mi, neasani. Rev. Brown sooke most com- the reception to be Riven the solders small class. ( This forms one of Mrs. Frank Patterson returned nlimentarv of the work now being n return home, which tme the -vr stron? pnmenTary oi ine woikdow Deing ;., - L-jf -s-v--. , 0.fc Manned bar room however well , - . - ; , , . ; A is nor iDonni 10 ua wu ombiubj - AU i, f spenaamg i J 4a i kept. There are those who are Mtr . h Prftshvtfirv to be allowed to 1 7- . ii ! . . .. J erly tried to resist tne tempiauon , -1. , . 1MB nopeu idbv lue F."r' and the doctor weUsaid.that wliile Judce AC Averv. of Moreanton , . . o , - t cents each. I : This is a great Collar They will be sale Friday . The early get the best cnlipit- Rnbnnrirftionn for Rome ftd- r names are ditions to be made. He was j wor jj ami allowed the privilege. J VI ! ! 4. 1 I - . . . amxea win asaisi in poe he would like to scratch out tne arrived nere last night to attend that the people will lend yes of all the blind tigers in Cob- the pre8oytery. He was the guest encouragement to tne worK. pie cora, no iiumr ux V"-" of Mr. Jn0. McDowell. rUrW ofl fn rhn oAQCirmfll f11m;J fVa mmmitttoi M. DrOQUCe tnO 6V11S WrOUKUl, UV iUO !l 9H1 I Vto.KAnm "ha Hlinri fiarrl - Miao forfrnrla Ti itrartw nnn r ttt r a H oh w ttt t T-i r rhot. I nM ri ran " J i I L ! i ' ' J : ! 5 I fill MM III1L nr II li llll Lll 1U1UCO u nTtrrn-n nAIMfT TfTIPP I I - " i i ; Ii . I . Ward 1-lVIrs. J B "Caldwell, chairnian. ftnTiatit.nteri who are as much n i . s .i w-mww- entitled to the term "aian" as any they had been kept neatly and satisfactorily with but very few exceptions. Rev. Arrowood informed the Presbytery that he had decided to accept a call;. -to Franklin church. j A popular meeting in the inter est of foreign missions was held Thursday night, consisting of talks by different ministers along this line. Miss Jessie Deaton, Mrs. Clay Blackwelder, " Manias Goodman, Dr. Smoot, ' Ri WillJohnson, Jilll Hartsell. Ward 2 -Iiss Lallan Hill, chairman. Miss Kate Means, Emily Gibson, i Mrs. Briimley, 'I iH " J&d. Hill, " Jno. Wadsworth, rth fumes by has been visiting at Davidson, is whiehto unnerve the peculiarly anfind;nif thp dav at the home of r'1 - " - " j Mrs. McConnell on Spring Btreet. Ckn m ill wAnvn n Vi aw Vinma a C. YtiYytx can be. . . l . The stereopticon pictures on the wove tonignt. canvass are verv pretty. Ice illustration of "Rock of Ages," "Nearer My God to Tnee," etc., while these good old soul stirring comers styles. HL . PARKS Company ''MP Dusenbury. Rev. Boy t, who has ' charge of Ward 3Mrs. W C Oorrell, chairman. jjj.lB3.tt.uu.it; xrubLcisuu, Mrs. J D Barrier, Geo. Brown. the Barium Springs Orphanage, was not present to make his re port, but Rev. J Rumple, D. DJ, presented some interesting facts to the Presbytery as to the con dition of the orphnnage. j He stated that ' through the liberality of Mrs. S P Lees, of New York City, a conyenient arid tasteful new- brick building for hoys has been erected, and is ready for occupation as soon as furnished. Itwill accommodate twenty-five boys, together with a matron and teacher. It costs the people -nothing except the furnishing.. There is a pressing need for another; building there a home for the superintendent and his fanaily. The brick for the building ?are on the ground, thesite selected, and it is hoped that the necessary amount be speedilv collected. . There are now one hundred orphans at the home, and it will soon be ready to accommodate twenty-five more. The funds in the treasury are now small and it is urged that the bvmnn were being sunsr or while causes were made for the lecture f to dilate on them were truly grana and it was like bathing the de voted soul in seas of heavenly rest or illuminating it with the light about the celestial throne. Several animated pictures were shown that were quite satisfactory, especially that of the heaving bil lows of tne stormy ocean as it dashed up the frothy sprays on the beach. , We must not allow to pass untouched the duet sung by Rev. and Mrs. Bauche, "Will Ypu Be Washed in the Blood of the Lamb." The audience was held in the grasp of the most atten tive delight at its unique render- It is Icertaiuiy gratifying to the ing. public to know of one concern in The Power of the Appetite is the land who are not, afraid to be tbe subject for tonight. The generous to tne neeay ana. suuer- meeting will open with canvas ing. jiThe proprietors of Dr. King's scenes promptly at 8 o'clock. iNew jJiscovery iuj. uuBuiupuuu, Green Mountain Tlaple Syrup. Jno. K Patterson, Phillip Correll, Noah Correll. Ward 4,j-Mrs. J A Sims, chairman. . . Miss Ola Hamilton, Mrs. Elliott, iBnchanan, fElam King, Locke Parish, Fannie Young. Miss Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. ' - . Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents . per can f Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 I We Must Wash -I - We iriay live withont m'nsic, J X poetry and art, 1 J vife may live wiidoud conscience, may live without heart, J We may! live without lovers: live !t without hope, But civilized women cannot' without soap. We may fades live t We may live wilhout books, what is knowledge but sorrow. T live without beauty, it & on the morrow. - f We may live witnout law jsuits; indictments are quashins, . a X But where is the ne who caja live , V - - v Concord Steam Laundry fc D j f Works. Patronize the t ' oL.'.i. r i ... a. dv senainsT us vour omriBi oi- -v lars, Ouffs, Lace Curtains, Blank-, 4 T ets, waists, OKirts, duus anu an Woolen .Goods. j '- RTTrRTR T"RE"D "PiRTlTil. 4 'Phone Ho 2. & Millions Civen Away. I " " I To . . A . : - -1 : 1..- - H i We extend a WELCOME and ash that while in Coughs and Colds, havegiveh away . oeTien million trial bottleof this Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup has greatfmedicine; and have the satis- been used for over fifty years by faction-of knowing it has absolutely miHi0na of mothers for their child- cured thousands oi nopeiess cases. ren bUe teething, with perfect euc- AStUma. uroncuiwa, xxuaiecuceo . i i. C At.- f rnt... ' i ChesUnd Lungs are surely cured the gume, allays all pain, cures wind of Furniture to be found in JT orth parolina. We buy in by iti I Call at P. B. Fetzefs drug colic, and is ,the best remedy for CAR LOTS for SPOT CASE and we Cfin give you prices store! and get a trial bottle free. Reg- Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor that will convince you that we are at the head of the rrr : fnnAiA nttie sunerer lmmeaiawiy. cum uj vrocession i our city y ou make make the FUEJITURE STORE of BELL), IIjiRRIS & COMPANYl Headquarters. We . . ,1 . j I tt77 Alo -nl dm ni-o i-vt. lira i. thrmi.tih. thn hfiftf, fttnnJfi tVio ! Thrnfit I CeSS. It BOOtneS me CDlia, BOIWDB wmi ciwyii'tavoM 1 uivvWVs . guaranteed, or price refunded. ' B . W . : i WANTED An experienced houSekeeper. Apply to (Mrs. M C Dusenbury, at St. Clouldf hotel. ' druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-five eents a bottle. ; Be sere and aak for Mrs. WiuBlows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. Come and See us and you will do us good . Bell, Harris & Qompary. ! 1 ' I ; iv i ' - iff- ! i A 1 - V