1 1 I PRIMABIES HELD. I ;3r. (Uo. W. Means Carries Each Ward for nayor School Commis sioners Selected .from ach Ward and Two at tarjje Eyerytlilnar Xlar niuions. So far all is lovely in regard to the town election and all are -working, it seems, for the best interest of our town. The pri maries were held in the different wards "Wednesday night and the following names decided upon for the different offiicers. NO. 1 WARD. Mayor Geo. W Means. Aldermen L. D. Duyal and W.ROdell. "V I! School Commissioner Jno. B Sherrill at large B. E. Harris and Dr. D G Caldwell. Executive Committeeman Jno 13 Sherrill. NO-2 WARD. Ma of Geo. "W. Means. Aldermen D. F. Cannon and E. F. Coble. V H School Commissioners D. B. Goltrane at large Dr. D. G. Caldwell. I Executive Committeman-r-Jno. i. . . W.Cook. NO. 3 WARD. Mayor Geo. W. Means. Aldermen Chas. F. Ritchie and Geo. W. Brown. School Commissioner Jno. A. Gline-at large B. E. Harris and Dr. D. G. Caldwell. - Executive Committeeman Jno. K. Patterson! . ' ' NO. 4 WARD. Mayor Geo. W. Means. jj Aldermen Gr. T. Crowell and W.L.Bell. School Commissioner D. P. Dayvault. Executive Committeemen G. T. Crowell, D . P. Dayyault and M. L. Brown. As different wards selected different numbers of delegates;1 some having quite a number, we do not publish the names of delegates. - , It will be seen that each ward elected tone as a member of the town executive oommittee but in ward 4 there were three elected. Mr. Will Dayyault to Wed. Mr. Will Dayvault left today (Wednesday) for Troutman, where on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock he will be married to Miss Bettie Waugh, of that place, the ceremony taking place at the bride's homel It will be a quiet home wedding, only a few friends and relatives be ing present. Mr. Marvin Smoot and Mr. Garah Caldwell, both of whom are friends of the groom, ac mpanied Mr. Dayvault. The bride and groom will return here Thursday night, and for sev- tial days will be at the home oi ' Ir. Sffinnt T)nvffnnH Vmt will ennn WW J W 9 T WWW occupy the house next to the Pres byterian church, where Mr. Frank Goodson formerly lived. M Baekien'i Arnica Bnire The Best Salve in the world for Outa, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt gneum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped JwdB, Ohilblains, Corna and all okin Eruptions, and positively cures riles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give statief action or aoney refunded. Price 25 cents per tox For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug etore. THEY PLAY TONIGHT. The First Regiment's Hand Is Here I and Crowds Will near their Martial Tneir mnsie RanKs m-h I The barld whinh for rnnntJw I 4 , - ... , while on! narad nrl Hnrin. ,11 hours of the , day, .and which has inBDiredthouRanHrtnf nnnniA aQthAv would come out on dress parade at Raleigh, Jacksonville, Savannah i , !. . . , , and Cuba, is in Concord today and already Have the people, by the open air concert given before noon, been convinced that this is an ex- cellent band, and tickets are fast being sold. The band came in a special car this morning. They number thirty, including! Capt. L B Alexander, vi uu in YYim tuciu auu wuu waa au I adjatant. j The combinations are as louows: juarmets i. cornets 5, ww- , w. . w, baritone 1$ basses 2, drums 6, to- gether with cymbols. i Two Spaniards and one Cuban areamonthennmber, the Span- iards being performers on the coi- net and clarinet. ; The band ia under the direction of Mr. Chas. Coe, who performs on the saxophone. The concert will be given in the new Morris stables, where seats have been prepared to accammo-1 date a large number. The general! admisaion jfee is 35 cents reserved seats 50 cents. Children admitted for 25 cents. The concert will begin xicxeis on eai at ctidboub aruKt.. Ti. j t, ,.tj 8i re" -I :. 1 Superior Court WrlE. State vs. David Ury, assault I with deadly weapon. Judfi;e- ment suspended on payment of costs. 1 State vs. Bob Coltrane retail- me witnout license. jnoi pros entered. - ; State vs. Bud Shoe carrying a concealed weapon. Judgemenlrl suspended on payment of i the costs and recognized to appear ,E i, A - - . . , of f Ho noTt farm rf nnnrt T.n show good behavior. State yL Kobt. Go wan, larceny. Found guilty and sentenced to the chain gang for eight months. State vs. Abram Brown, retail- ing j without 1 license. Found guilty and4entence to chain gang for twelve months. ll RfafA va TTftnrv MfiVhor re - tailing without license. Found not guilty. State vs. Alex Harris, retailing wtnout license. ouauguuty uu sentenced to chain gang for twelve months. . State vs. Chas. Freeman, re- . taio v tailing without, license. Found 'I... : il ' TTI J - 1J. I -H AntflnnP.d to chain B . J xr.- rrancr ior twelve rnoutua. I State vJ. Amos Hearne, Mose TCirk and Jas. Boss, affray. Hearne and Boss fined 15 apice THE BEST PRESCEIPTION t OK and each tq pay one-third of the j OHHiLS cost Boss fined $10 and One- and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste 7. . V . j. w Iass flhill Tonic. Never fails to cure: loa. " a t ooaII lwwjThen why experiment with worthless State vs. Aaron BusseU, larceny f- Price 50 xsents. Your Of oil irom rne wareuuuoo ui Standard ! Oil Co.. near depot. Found guilty but not sentenced yet TKa noaa rxrlt ArAin Mr. & athaniel Shooting pi Mr. uno. namorou araa nnntwTifid until the July terml of court on account of the absenc . i fi. WW OI one ujl uo.piuwjf """" CONCOKU, N. 0., WEDft ES DA APRIL iie Loncorn insuinte. I It is only proper that a few exr planatory statements be made now, -relative to. the proposed educational enterprise; for Con- cord for the benefit of all inter- pfltPfl No effort will be soard to have the building sufficiently completed .lfi Number. and tnn mtA J . iu, , most hearty welcome to the young i , , ' " . men a women who are anxious to obtam a ' nigker education, ne two principles of co-educa- tion and non-sectarianism will characterize the, institute from the first, The present purpbse of the institute will be to thoroughly .-I. . the baat collaiea. emDha. pxcaio ita DIUUDU19 lui LlIU JU.U1UX sizi he c)a8sical 8cientific;a nd i onnrRP: ,N - . . , , . Y" tv a" tAiW muw- cal Apartment such as to oiler the oest possioie aciyantages, vocal and instrumental at minimum cost. ne business and commercial course will receive special atten- tion . and equipment, giving to those who desire it, good ad van t- ages to obtain a thorough busi- ness training. Believing stronsdy in the lm- portance of thorough work, in the education of the child, a primary and graded department will be I T T M A W M AAWWWA ' W W W W UAiM ren will be received. The organization of the indus- trial department is already being effected , the object ot which is to afford remenerative employment for needy and worthy students in whisk they can work from two to lour nours per aay anus inus largely meet the expense for ob- taining an education. we tnorougniy realize mat we .1 . . - ... ... are at tne begmmng oi a no mtie tmdertaking-one that will neces- sitate an earnest persevering effort, I i ; " out wiin ine neany co-operauuu of all lovers or higher- education in Concord we may enjoy such an educational work in our midst as will make glad many hearts an(i characterize1 our time hon- 1 0red city as an educational center of large radiating influence Bespeaking a .most hearty co 1 ooeration in so worthy an under- taking, we are very sincerly J . H. iiiippard. The Hogfflshest of All. The Rooky. Mount Argonaut sayg Mn John sharped of Sharpsburg, recently slaughs " . x, fered his bie hog, which g" . WeigneQ pCUUUB. XU1B1 the bifferest we have heard of , in the State money nacK u n iauo wcuxe. ANNOUNCEMENT. T 1 liATfihv announce myself a can- j,- Convention. f u Geobqb W. Meaks. i fjFpjjy pmr oaa oeota 26, 1899 A Sberlfl- Killed Moonshiners shot and killed Sheriff Dawson, of Coke Co,, Tenn , on the 21st as he and a jposse were making a raid. I Money Hakes tbe Mare Go. I A Brooklyn negress has re ,cently fallen heir to $75,000 and hashad to unchain the dog to keep away the impe cunious iounts and noac. counts, are the words we read in the Wilmingtpn Star. This goes to show that the" crowd of moneynworshippers are in creasing, and the tendency is to take in Anything, white or black, true or false, good or bad; anything so it has money. Money is the only god some people Worship,: and yet e talk abput the heathen ana tneir laois; juurnana sun. r-J r PERSON A L POINTERS. , Miss Emily Gibson went up to Salisbury yesterday evening to attend the Gregory Overman mar- riage, which;, takes place this even- ing in the Methodist church there. Mrs. R E Gibson and - Miss Julia McGruder went to Salisbury this morning to attend the mar- riage of Miss Mareery Overman this evening to Mr. Gregory. Fine FLORIDA BEANS and CABBAGE just received at S. J. ERVIN'S. ;Free,PlIls Send your address to BL E. Buck I 1 I lan & Co.v Chicago, and get a free gample bo's of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits These pills are easy in action and aio particularly effect- ive in the cure of Constipation and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c. per box. Sold by P B Fetzer. p300000000C We have just boueht out Money TV STOVE HOUSE! at a PRICE. Eeady CASH does the work. List to select from. Everyone is acquainted with our Famous Line of Star Leader, Iron King:, Times, Happy Times, South Land, Elmo and others. We bought to sell. Giye us a look. We will do the rest. . : - . i . ' :. Bell, Harris & Company. Have you seen our- TIRED MAN'S CHAIR ? Single Copy 5 Cents LHj The season oi the ypar is approaching when a maD is looking for son.ething fakcy and knobby or soine thing neat and modest in a comfortable - - R T We have fully pre pared for your s'lirt wants. We have any and. every thing m silk fronts, puff bosoms, stiff bnsoms, etc., that your shirt fancy might call for. Drop in and get some shirt ideas. All sizes in Scriyens Drawers, 75 cents.1 1 1 j Company. A Laundry 5ong. Tell us not in Dionrnfnr j'r b Be you girl 6r be you boy, That we will fail to pleas? to If you'll patjronize the Coaword. Enjoyment, pot disco mf or tt Gives our work in every Ana ws aim tnat ecn raiorrow Finds it better than today . Work that perhaps ar.otbr Seeing, he would fain exnsim, uh. my poorly wasn a r , ut: ; ri You did not I'remember the ttzizc !" Think about jour Lautdi wortc that It gives pleasure witht nt alloy ; Peace, contentment and -if faction Have the pairon3 of the Concord. i V Then let us yonr work be doing, Oar plant ofj methods are the nest. Send or 'phone and we will call, And the Cot cord will do the rest. Concori Steam LMilry & Dye forts i Phone No. 2. Shins Repaireq Free Talhs ! X - w w s H r a n ran Kin.