t ' if ' M hi u t 0 tWar- . ' NT. qTC&j Single Co,n- 5 C,Hs ' J 'J , f ! , v , . -i . , i" ; ! 1 : - : , . I Mi i l1 J I ! ii: I'K ACE JSEEMS NEAU. .-..irii . r. rri, nnpectB ft re no w better1 ban ever 'or n11 pnrly peace in the Pln'ipiiK S. Another set of f0Djniif!sioners have been sent to .(jen. Otis and it is understood that tbe p neral'ef demands will be ?CCf pt'edv pipjatch,es;rs$y,r bpevcr;tliaUuj;naidovjs5broken . "l.U'ri nnH IS WPflniTKT ntPr rhf An EscaptMl Winston1. . -, " ! 4 T -... f night that r1 mirv phootin' affui occurred here, John KnoyJoi of 'SthVegro cbttvfdtg; tlH rrmman-Blaek 1 tnadd the chain gang. wben 'his e'ft&gti Atom This is'the ti me Policeman Boer Rhnt . , - . o- calamity, j h at he; h as, roiitfj or himself and the country, an!, fer Lest there be bad faith,or;aJ poesibility th at 4Uiy is .sou t ht our troops will not be ' idle bui will reconnoitre and be in readiness ta strike at anytime.' - I1 Gre it confidence is felt, how eveirtbat the war is pmctically over. " . :. )' ieis)nt on Hoiid ; - , ' . , The man', J W Wagoner, " who was arrested a week or two. for "running a retailingwhiskey t)usi-ij cess np about iiunalo mills on Sacday niht and who was sent to" jajltp, await court,has been tryiDg hard to get a bondsman, and has at last succeeded. His brother, o.1iyes.(,a Thomasyille, wenj on bqnd fpr $100.. whjcb bond was justified by the aid of another party. Mr. Wagonler is now,; lojose 4 and left here for Charlotte. at three negroet ancl jraiedl one'k siae;with' theWlet. : J ohn Knp' jyept from hLre to .Winstpn and wtiff arrested 'thfefar short whiln Suterwaids money, victed and for stialin some Kills Her Infant While Insan. iQ'Z ' s An avfal deed , was ; commijtted at Statesvilla .Wednesday, when the wife of J E Pdster, itf a fit fef insanity, cut the throat of her 16 months old baby and then at tempted tp cutrf fjt the razor did not cut the jugular vein. an.d she ; will, . recover The little Qbijld died alzqot Jnstantly. The mother beggedj . her husband when he came to her to kill her that, infant. D D Johpsorj, Jno. A (Sine A hf'Brohn; - Dr. R S Youbg, r fl A Hrtf I sjie- might ,dity.laei:J f j X a.B wner, Salisbnry Getting In Uer Bids. The solicting committee for bids for the erection of North Carolina College at Salisbury aye progressing somewhat. One man has donated $5pb and another ants tp giye $100 if ninety-nine others "give " the same amounti There has not been such a fine site donated at fealisbury as Con cord has already. tnablc to Attend His School.' Prof. ChasVD Cobb, of - Jeflfer son Academy has been quite gick with tonsilitis.- He is'grad-: Ually improving, and hopes to attend the duties of his school soon.-Greensboro Patriot: ; v Mr. Cobb is Known in our Conty; being a son-in-law of CaPt- Jonas Cook, of Mt. Pleas ant. - - For Over Ftlty Tears r8. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by liona of mothers fqr thir oiid rea while teething, with perfect suc 88 It soothes the child, softens he gttm8, allays all pain, cures wind ColiCi ana ia the best remedy for Olarrhoea, It will relieve the poor jttle offerer immediately. Sold by He- has ,nbw 7been cotf- eeliteneed 'toi their chain cand fbrirMelve Turin tha Aid -r " "II. .7 o o n as hi 'Qfip tpptie i s y com le it js: there he wfll.be brought-back here to world hisf regaining three our; county f C as sentenced in nine months far gjpablins and: iarryiDga "pistol, apA.wgrj;fjdlvto.inonths- i ; ..c w 1 We, the' 'untJerisigned,-recognizing the.-reat irnpoltDnce5 '6t secaring the location df 'lortfi'tJaroirna Col- i . 1 . 1 t lege in our mitfad hereby call a masa mpe'ing of our "citizens to be held in tha CDnrt4hobae tonight at 8 o'clock for the j purpose I of diEcussing tbe, matter and ofiVormujatinff nlana for action. Geofge Wflana, Mayor. t w-ii oaeii J W Canlion ritirtrt y D'feCoHran4 D P)afrauit, E!am Kin, W a Means, Joe jAChtsoN hange Detli With Resignation. J'e Jackson was; banged Thurfl- dny in Charlotte I for assault on Minnie Brown, near Crof t, ia that" county, last September. ' The pe uunariry id inis ca?e is tna; Jack son wa reRig&ed, j cool and :-fairly" cbperful ; while protesting his inno cnce fa the last. Indted, ss reports ed,;J ckson acted and ppoke a one wonjd who actually was inncc?nt. ;.The finding of the court, hoever; i was tbat he wa3 the raau and his J philosoDhical way of' treating the muter seems ue 1 amkinp aa it ia commendable and j convirfcihg that there may' have been an error in the finding. ; ' ' I ' " you'll have to ft r VII J D Barrier, W C Corjell, O B Miller! 1 i Tomorrow a S ateIIolf day - J ft .f f Tomorrow! being the 20th of Ms(y, a; Stateholday the Cabar rus Savings-ikank wjill be closed. The building! anil loan business will receive 1 attention as usual, ! - . 1 however. The ancient' belieya that rheumatism was the work of a dimon within a man, Any one who hs had an attack of scia tic ors Inflammatory rheumatism wijl aree that the! infliction is damoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been clailuedjthat Chamberlaints, Pain Balm wond cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony! vtdj tne truth of this statement. One application relieves the Pain, and this quick reliet which it afifords is alone worfh many times its cost. Por sale tv M. L. Viarsh & Co. 1 Several soldiers vho went through the fight at Santiago fainted at Co-?. lumbus, Ohio the other day wheti they were being vaccinated. Ex. v If troubled with! rheumatism, give Chamberlaip's PainjBalm atrial. twill not cost you a tent j if it does no good. One applicaion .will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains! and hruises in one third the time jxeqiiired by any other treatment! ' Cuts, j burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and olherlswellings are quick- curea Dy-: applying iu -iivcxjr wwp fBggiata in every part of the world, Atentv-fi :uu ask for "Mrs. WinslowstffoothVf- I Prifce. 25 and 50 cts. M li ? 8J'rup.4 wad'lalreEno cthk kind. 'Marsh Clitus With celebrities. "Geod morninsf, Mr. Aguin- aldo !" , . ; 5 "Morning ! but excuse? me, I'm busy running." i "It is reported that you want o sue for peace ?" ; "Well, I would like to . get a chanqe to sit down and talk it all over with" somebody." 1 'Do you think terms could be arranged, Mr. Aguinaldo ?" f "I woulnn't care so much about that part of it, but I could get my second wind. 1 "What is yourf 'cross-connlry recorfl fiow;:Mr. Acuiiialdd. ' f "Well, with a running start Pye Covered a niflefin three miritrtes, ftatf "'I .can dogtrbt it all day, iougK, aVa' pretty "fast'icilp.'1! expect to mate j areat deal 6f money of a six-days-eb-as-you-please some time in the muddy future. 11 1 - , 'iV hat (id you think of wireless telegraphy? , "It dosen t interest me at all. What T want some 1 gemus to do is io inveiit some fightless Ameri cans so that I may enjoy a runless rest. Pardon me; J tli eres Briga dier General Funston coming down the pike with fireworks " in pis whiskers and he s yelling like a circus calliope. I am wanted in the next county. Good morningl" Good morning, Mr. Aguinaldo!" True to tne Scent. The well trained blood hound is doubtless of great value ,in tracing leg bailjcriminals. Anotl er ye instance is. noted j from Chata- 1 1 nooga, Teen., Where Jesse Haffley an 18-year old negro boy assaulted Miss Bessie Sparks and "escaped He left his shoes and the dog took the I scent from them and soon haclV'his ' teetn in Hafiiy's lee. H first tried to exonerate himself ; but came! down to straight contession. The sheriff 11 ' j spintea mm away anu saveu nim from the usual late for the usu provocation i; r, , Singular cause of Deatb. Prof. Wm. Hale! of McEorae, New York,' died suddenly Wednes day under His great ; singular; circumstances. merits were recognized and he was offered ! the professor - ship of Materia Medica in Cornell e3icaf salary of $10,00Q, He was.greatlyi delighted With;itjaaihisJemoyQnjdeyl6ped a dormant trouble r of the heart whlctr. proye'd fatahiil A Horse Thief ( vplared. Chief of' iWcb1 Meredith, of Monrok arfeifteci'2 li nlSt'o ' last man Was riding a good bky mare and had Ja S'et'of rVnrglar tools Oh uio Kiotouu. iu iiurs uas ueen 1. ah vertlsed ahdlljef man is : -jin 1 ai rnsoner' W property 'will e kept until iMay 2Sfh;unTess. there aio uriuer ( the Eoquirer. are further deveionrofinta. ms Some Big c otton Mills. The new cotton mill 1 '-,1 I, u ATTENTION 'ARENTS! ' 4 " We haye a -full line of little Gent's Shoes, just the thing for your boy. like, men's tShoes and are ma'de M i Wear lie old time they to be built It .Columbial. C, is q have 104,0q0pindlesrbut wUULU stiigSck 8,009,05 t jojheileath Bek mater- reJzer jmils a qreenpjitv ?wuch is the largest in the South. A $30,000 atasonfe Temple. 1 The corner stone for a $50,000 'j It ! ' Masonic temple ws lajd in Wilmongton Thursday, the 18th. (pol.'J Carr made the oration of the day; The ceremonies were very elaborate it is said. This will be the .finest Masonicbuild- ing in tne State. 1 . I i. " i 1 ; : " PERSONA L POINTERS. makeup nd will : stand" J&e knocks. The hard leathers are of tan and black .vici, also ftan Mies Camilie Hunt, of Lexing ton, is the guest of Mrs. Dasehbury at the St. Cloud. ' ' t C ? l If ' TTI 1 . IT . ' miss jmriamrou, or iNewtot 13 expected here next week to visi Mrs. T Urowell. j , -Aieesrs. v;oa?. vvazonsr ana it spending the J.L'C Black welder are afternoon in Charlotte. ';" I ' r " i Miss Margaret Cannon weijt harlotte this morning. Ste attend the german to be 6yer to gdes'td ni . 9 iven there tonight. t - V j r ! ' FIRST- 1 - - T j- - - - Russian" calf.' v Tlie prices are 1125, SI.48 and SI. 98. They are just ?the Shoes you are looini2;ior.drop m and seeSthem.- & PARKS i t: , .4 i 1 . I. r Cpmpany. ' PINEAPPLES- - IN TODAY AT " ' " s ; 1 . . . f ' .1 ' S. J.ERWIWS. Five Days Trial a i l j - - - ToJOur Ciistbmrsl- Off -account of the extra work and expense required to keep and collect small acs counts, we lirive decided 'to adopt a Cash System, beginning June 1. lor tlie convenience of those who prefer it, we will sell, : at a discount of 5 per cent., cou pon books in denominations of $1100 and up. We believe this will" prove highly- satis factory ainly more ana ,ceri convenient to you We solicit your patronage and promise to $.0 our utmost to please you. Our work is equal to the best. The above- will - be strictly enforced. Respectfully, Concord sjeai Laundry SrDye forts 1C E illdennonr, J 81 Pnrcoll, Proprietor. i Manager. Pnonii Jo. 2. Knirl s If paired free. Free. If you don't like her don't buy her. Saves your carpet, saves your back. And that saves your costs. OUT American Queen. We are having quite a rush ' these days on goods bought before the RISE. you need anything in the ii i Furniture CURE A'COLD IN ONE DAY -Take LaxativeiBroiao..Qainine -Tablets. 'Agised6ney .if ltTaUs to ictccer. 25fl-heitseimin haaulj. B. Q. tm U on each.taWet. 3 f -1 M -:OR- House Furnishing; Goods you had best come quick. tilLyoucan't rest, at prices that will make you laugh m . cguv londuie avome i and ee us. 3 t I. ' f ' M .-. . 1 k i i 1 4 St 1 I" i.j, f '4 si SA 14 . it fj M 4 1 -I 0 i if7t Aft'1:- 1 7 i 1 - .,' '-.4-'; ; i

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