outhern ailway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT APRIL THJ3 11TH, 1899. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public : Trains leave Concord N. C V 5 52 A. M.-rNo 8, daily, for Rich mond; connects at Greensboro for Rileish and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, ths New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Slet p . ing Cars between New York and Aiken, SC., New' York and Tampa, Fla., and ' Norfolk to Charlotte - s 8;49 A. M No. 37, daily, Wash ington and Southwestern, limited for Atlanta,jBirmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points 4 South and Southwest. Through Pullman feleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, vestibuled coach, between 7 Washington and Atlanta. 10:00 A. M. No. 36, daily, for Wash ington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to NewYoik; Miama, Jacksonville to"New York: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South era Pacific Mondays and Thursdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Souti. Solid train, 'Rich mond to Atlanta. . 7:09 P. M. No. 12, daily, - for -: Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. . 8;51 P. M. -No T,. daily, from Rich uiond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8:51P.M. No 33, dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash . ington and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New. York; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibuled coach and dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No. 35, daily, foi Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullman sleeper New York to Naw Orleans. New York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta. Also PulLnan to iritft car Washington to San Francisco, viaNew Orleans Wednesday and b&tur Jay, r 9.45 P. M. No. 34, daily, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Cars between Aiken, S. C. and New York. Tampa, Fla, and New York and Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries sleepers Charlotte to Norfolk yia Greensboro. First sections of regular through or local freight trains car iy passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. ! Frank S. Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. and Genl. Man. Washington, D. 0. JohnM. Culp, Traffic Manager, Washington, D. C. W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, - Washington, D. C. Gowan Dasenbery, Local Agent, Concord, N. C. TAiTElES XI U ILtL IftJIIftT AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. VARRAHTED. PRICE 50 cts. " OXULTLK, ItXS., NOT. 16, 1833. HtnAttrta fr fit. Tallin. Mft. Gentlemen: We Bold last year, COO bottles of GROVE'S TA8TELESS CHIXi. TONIC and hava bought three ktoss already this year. In all omr ex perience OX 1 years, :n ujo uiu uuouicn. nays neyer sold an article thai gare such universal sotta - , in t7fMM .m.Iw ASSET, Cakb 4C0i AH dealers guarantee Groves Teste less Chill Tonio to cure chills, ' fever and malaria in all , its form? WANTED T& buy 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, fcr which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. alCtf. Concord Foundby Co, 1111 pi Last tall I sprained my left hip while handlicg some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on mid at first that it was a slight strain and would soon be well, opt it grw worse and the doctor shen said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tiied.it and one-half of a 50-cent oottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F A JBabcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by M L Marsh & Co., druggist. As rsmrprisinjj Druggist. Tfccio few men more " wide awake ''and enrerpnemg ' rban P B Fetser, wl? epares co pniiis to st care tLd Lsat of everything in hi linu f or hia tuauv cnatcmera. I'heT now, h&e th& valuable agenc.for Dr. KingV New Discovery for con jumption coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is pro ducing such a furor all oyer, the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely, cares Asthma . Bron chitis, hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular bize for 50 cents and $i. Gnaranteed to curt or pi ice refunded ODELL ifictubiiig coon H MASrFACTl'RERS OfH FINE Ginghams, Plaiels, I Sheeting, Salt Bags AND- Outing Cloths, DEALER IN General Merchandise BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind. o.. ; .-J'; '.' . V; Four-foot Wood always Wanted-gBest Price for same. ...O.... .... We inyite an inspection of all thergoods ... we manufacture ... 3iU Maanlatoii Ooncord N. c. so YEARS "EXPERIENCE D fcw-HT4 Designs Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whetherih lnyention is probably patentable. Communica tion stnetly confidential. Handbook on Patenta eent free. Oldest agency for secnriii patent. Patents taken through Mnnn & C recRiV. tpteiol notice, without charge the 8 Scientific Jftnerlcan. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Term s 1 3 SiMtftJW118'1- Sold by all newsdealers! blUHfl & C0.361Bway, fgW Ynrlr - Bracca Office. 625 F SU Wahinton, 1). G. " i 2 I I A 4 Thinks the Japs Will Fight Us. . One T. L. Haas, who has lived in Japan for the last 25 years but is now in Washington predicts that Japan will be in war with the United States with in a few years. He says the Japs do , not really like the "Yankees" and since they whipped China they greatly overestimate their power. Mr. Haas thinks the difficulties lead -ing to hostilities will arise from Japanese treatment of American citizens. For Over FJ-ty lexers M r.v WisHlcw'e Sootmrr 6yrup. b?.s been used , for over fifty jeriM tj oiiliiona of mothers for ther c&:ild- r?,:j while -tef shin'g, &tfh perfect aco ci3d. it goothen the chiJd, softrb tbf uras. allaTe si I pain, cures wind colic,' find ie the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. It vill relieye the; peer 4Htle euflerer lrnujedifitely. Boldbj druggists in every part of the TTcrld Tft-:y 5ve tents a boUlp.- Be SFre ana .ask for "Wis. Winsloe Pootb ixxB Bjrup,"' aad take no other kinA Court Calendar. Concord, N. a, Jaly 5, 1899. At a meeting: of the members of the Concord Bar, held this the 5th day of July, 1899, in the office o the Clerk of the Snpenor -Court, the following Calendar of civil cases wa9 agreed upon, and witnesses will take notice that they need not attend Court until the day set for the trial of the cases in which they are to testify: Fkiday, JuiiY 28 Fibst Week. No. 20. L. J. Curlee vs. Western Union Telegraph Co. No. 5. P. M. Morris ys. S. M. Staf ford. No. 12. R. W. Safrit: by next friend, Jackson Safrit vs. C. L. Nussman. No. 16. Paul J. Kluttz vs. R. W. Bafrit and others. Saturday. July 29 J'iust Week. No. 30. A. B. Nelson vs. - Allie Nelson. No. 32 Mollie Ellis y. Satn Ellis. Manie F. Davis : vs. J, Mack Davis. -Monday, July 31 Second Week. No, 17. State oh the Relation of Emma B. Lafferty and husband. J. S. Lafferty vs. J. F. Goodman, Administrator, and others. No. 18. D. L. Bradford vs. J. R. Wal lace. No. 20. Mary G. Barfinger vs. J. L. Choat & Co. ' Tuesday, August 1 Second Week. No. 22. Chas. A. Myers ys. Concord Lumber Co. No. 23. H. C. Lefler vs. G. W. Patter son Mfg. Co. . ' x No. 24. Chas. A. Fisher f vs. r Alfred Litaker. No. 25. Geo. E. Fisher " Vs; Alfred Litaker. - Wednesday, August 2 Second Week No. 11. M. Oglesby ys. W. W, Burley- son Administrator of R. B. Semons. No. 13. Martha J. Culp vs. M. Oglesby. No 27. D. B. McCurdy, Ex., . vs. Calvin McCurdy. ; No. 21. R. E. Gray vs. S. M. Stafford, Thubsday, August 3 Second Week -No. 28. P. M. Moms & Son vs. Ham met Montgomery. No. 29. Dove &.Bost vs. George Murr. No. 33. M. D. Schubert vs. Coleman Mfg. Co. No. 34. R. W. Safrit & Co. vs. Con-. cord Telephone Co. No. 35. Sol Iievy vs. P R Motley. No, 6. Ida J. Martin and others vs. E. Li, x isner. No. 31. P. M. Morrisvs. D.N, Bennett. Fbtday, August 4 Second Week. All motions will ba YiPArrl nn PnMovr unless the casAs on triA nfiril shall be completed on Thursday in time for the call of the Motion Docket and Summons Docket. All cases on the ciyil docket not named in this list or caienaar are continued; but it is agreed that a motion may be made in any ciyil cases wnen me motion drvirot. is reacnea. Jno. M. Cook, - Clerk Superior Court. THE UNIVERSITY of NORTH CAROLINA Widest' patronage, and fullest equip ment in its history. Faculty, 38; Stu dentstj493; 3 Academic Courses,l3 Elec tive Courses, 3 Professional Schools in Law, Medicine!, and Pharmacy. New buildings and water works, splendid Libraries, Laboratories, etc. Advanced classes open to women, Tuition, $60 a year; board$8 a month Ample opportunity for self helD. Schol arships and loans for the needv. Free tuition for , teachers. Summer School for teachers. 24 instructors. 147s stn dents. Total enrollment 645. For cata- logue address. president;alderman. v;. Chapel Hill, N. C.? U m Hood arsapariilrt, wuich givfid them pure blood, a rooil aip?t?to at-1-jsqw and liecded CiTi1' El uj,j .iihi iImA '.ii-"lriii'?iiiinMi TTuiiiMHiwrnHtimiiHirHiHiiHtjinfinumiuiHiiiiMiiiiutiimiiiiiiiiiiHTTTSiflvx m m i j . , ; . . i ; , n s i 1 1 1 f H 1 1 1 ' H : 1 1 1 ' Itn t UH I n n r; it m i : n iidi i ii li i , 1 1 1 1 ' I inl'Ui I l,i:li'.l!ii'tl-ltii::iiti.iMmi;ni:(,l...it llihil. j'li.'.i.i,: h Vegetable Prqjarallonfor As similating lisToodandRegula ling th2 Stomachs andBoels of PromotEsDigcsUoaChceiful ness andSestContains neither Opium, 'Morphine norHlnral. Not Nabcotic. y t I TterpeofCianrSAK t Pumpkin Seal" dlxJenna. Seed lifjpermmt IhiMrianaCtSoIw . ffamJeed - Apcrf ect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour S tomach .Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish uess cndLoss OF SLEEP 'YacSicnBe Signature cf mWYOEK. EXACT COPr OF WBAEPEB. A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Books, Iowa, Dec. 14. No tongue can tell what I have endured in the past ten years with my monthly sick ness. While suffering untold agony, a friend called and recommended Wine of Cardui. I sent for a bottle, and Ohl what relief. After the first dose I began to feel better and have had no pain since. MBS. GRACE LAMPHEHE. Tut; Wine of Cardui not only cures but It acts AT ONCE. Here b ar case: of ten years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stepped the pain. .The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs.. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result. It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the Wine cures the source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A; woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex aminations are largely things of the UOIEr AOYISSIf BEPARTMEIT. j .For ad rice in cases requiring special 1 olrecUons, address, giTing symptoms, XOICISX CO, Chattanooga, Tenn. I Druggists sell Large Just Received One Car Load ot Wagons at Ritchie Hardware Co. Old Hickory Next to the Backet Store. For Infants and Children The Kind You Urnm Always Bough! Bears the Signatox of Am fW' Kin XF You Hav Always Bought, THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY? past the obnoxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardui is the only perf ectly saf and sure vegetable Wine made to-day for the cure of " female troubles . Bottles for $1.00. THE STATE NORMAL. - and INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE- " OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to ToncR vcomen thorough liter ary, classical, scientific and industrial?- edncation ana special pedagogical tra:n& ing . Annual expenses $90 ta $130? fosr non-residents of the State $150. Facnlyr of 30 members. More than 400 regnJaar students. Has matriculated about t?iX& students, representing every conaty Z2&. the State except one. Practice and Ob servation School of abont 250 pnpib To seenre board in dormitories, all fre tuition applications should be made be fore August 1 Uorrespondence invited from those do siring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other inf ormatibsi, address, - President Mm. 0rce,"""S'.c- Red need Railroad Rates For the occasions mentioned be low the Southern will sell tickets a . the following reduced rates : V International convention of Bap- tist Young People's Union o America, at Richmocd, from July -13 to 16 Tickets on sale 11 12ndv, 13, with limit to 31st. Price S&G&t. To Chapel Hill aqd return 64 20, ,. account of University of North Car olina summer school. Tickets on . le June 17 to July 10; limit July:-20ih. u

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