23.: affect Junel2, ub&9. NORTHBOUND. ii 0 rrtTnioi trnM-. Mr. Herbert' Barrier, of Sal is- Mr J. fTerhprt. TTrvwroii Tfledfiowtn-g cbnge of schedule took ynrv Rnotif Stand lioro Ttrifh PJioi-Wa his parents. ' this morning. He spent Sunday .The Cabarrus mills are closed & down today, on account of the tTZJT'liS. inspection of the boilers. , MissLillie Cook has returned p&: ."e Tf weeks at Salisbury, and Greene- : ?w&co1"; H f a feth?r - Jr , the young man, Clarence LedJ uutwx, wuu atttiiiuea scnooi at Mr. Fletcher Smith left Sun-1 Mt. Pleasant during the last dav nierht. after SDehdin a-while session. 7 -J CJ 7 X 7 here at the home of Mr.'M L. - No, rrivea&t a m, 34 " 709 pin, " 2.00 a m (lreigi t) SOUTHBOUND. ir'Ho. 37 arrives ' at 8 49 a m,'(lflag) - n 1123 a m, 7 " " 8 51pni, ;85 9.2b pm, (flag) - S? " 7. ID u m, " 61 " " 849 a pi, (freight) "No.'So. when running ahead of No. 7, Brown. flagged if necessary for through travel -south, of charlotte, and ia stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 38 stops regularly for iseellgers for Salisbury, High Point, 'Greensboro, Reidsville, Danville and i principal stations between Danyille and 'A'ashington. No. 37 stops for pas- -sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyund, and to take on pas reager8 for regular stopping places ' aoutof Newt lis. No. 33 stops to let 3ff passengers from regular stopping of IN e wells and to umoieir, Underwear. Mr. Guy Barrier left Sunday night for Yorkville, ,S. C, after spending two days here with his mother. - Mr. W. B. Cole, superin tendent of the Cabarrus mills, spent Sunday at his homo in Rockingham. ' . WANTED Position as book- irirJjiiAPs finnkh of Newella and tn IaUa nn ?ftsaengers for regular stopping places, keeper or. selesman. Graduate Lynchburg or beyond. of best business college. Apply fu0VrV aAVraPIor at this office. division Charlotte to Augusta and ind Florida, reached through Columbia home from Goldsboro after spend ".Augusta ing a while with his daughter, os. i, o n ana w are the local trains Mrs p Robbins. iuia connec i ai ssansDury wim irains oi Dr. J. P. Gibson has returned Miss Laura Hartsell, of Golds boro, who has; been spending a while at Mr; J. L. Hartsell's, has gone to JLnncoln Lithia springs to speiiu ct wmie. one will pro D ably return to. this place before returning home. TELEPHONE NO. 71. FOUNDER 1843. Mr. H..M. Weir has returned after spending several weeks at Asheville. -. Durinsr his vacation he Jias been unwell, but is grad- lot Of uaiXLj i cuupuiaiiu liuw. XI tJ Will begin worli at the store of H. . . Parks & Co. Saturday. The lawn party last Saturday night given by the Junior Order of United American Mechanics -m r S41 . TTT on Mr. unas; vv agoners lawn We invested heavily gained a doint for you by so doing. Quan tity is a factor in bringing down prices. We are going to close out 23-cTT) SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." "Why ny a medium grae or more like Jlyi cheap Piano when you can secure uiie woi Id-renowned STIKPF for the tsme price. Used by tbe greatest Ma- fanfi and a bezinner should have fts 7 2Lne an instrument as an Artist. Sold iiiract from the 'AUTOKY. lou can -aflfard to buv the STIEFF and it is the SB EST. Vlrine Tuning.; ..... .'Phone 196. Chas. M, Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, BHltimorr. Bid. - factory TSranch Wareroom. iNo. 213 N. TryonSt.Charlotte,N.C. r C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. -V M . If you want to be pleased, go - to -Brown's barber shop. Robert Young, who is attend ?nng school at China Grove, spent v iSanday atvhome. Mr. AWm, Propst, of No. 5 t6wnship, says that he had a ' nice rain Sunday afternoon in his part of the county. The weather bureau is doing : all it can to give us rg.in. It to -day prophecies showers tonight - nana tomorrow. "Jao. P. Allison offers for sale " a splendid milch cow very gen- -Miss Xiaura Leslie has gone to '-Albemarle to spend a while at the home of her brother, Mr. Jno. Leslie. Messrs. Jas. Young and -Fred Ddell returned home Sunday night from Bynum, where they wisuea xneir mena, Mr. unas. Hislop. " A COLT FOR SALE Call on J" JP. Allison, if you want a young, gentle horse two and a ialf years old. 'Go to the Concord bakery for your Sunday bread, cakes, buns, -doughnuts and excellent cream puifs. W. T. Johnson, Prop. '.Phone 122. Mr. W. R. Harris has gone to Misenheimer's springs to spend a week for hJs 'health. His fam ily is visiting in Montgomery county. FOR SALE 600 pounds of : home-made lard; at 9 cents by the can. About 400 pounds of hams at 13 cents per pound at Fenix Flour Millr Rev. Cochrane Preston and family, who for the past while fcave been boarding at Mrs. Hen derson's, have moved into Dr. N. D. Fetzer's house on South Main street. This move is only tempo rary as a manse will be erected later. Miss Kate Nicholson, who is taking a vacation, will , not re sume her place m the Cannon & Fetzer store until next week, Dr. W. H. Lilly, and wife and Miss . Lizzie Montgomery have returned home from Rocky River springs, after spending a few weeks. Miss Stella Moore has i re turned to Norwood after spend ing several months at Forest HiU at the home of Mr. J no. Mclnnis, Sr. Miss Grace Brown has re turned home after spending sev eral wee'ks at China Grove and at the home of Capt. Jake Fisher near China Grove. Sheriff J. M. Monroe, of Salis bury, spent today (Monday) here. He brought a negro named Levi Partee to Sheriff Peck. The ne gro is wanted for larceny. A number" of young folks are spending today at the home of Mr. Fred Glass, at Glass. They took advantage of a fine dinner at the hands of Mrs. Glass. We call the - attention of our readers to the ad. of the Concord Bakery and Cream and j Fruit Parlor, Wm. T. Johnson, propri etor, which appears m today's issue in another column. Z was a success in attendance and also financially. More persons attended fhan could "be , readily accommodated. , Mr. Will Foil, proprietor of the Arlington hotel ; m Charlotte, spent Sunday at the home of Mrfl Martin Boger near Flowes. His wife and boy are staying at Roaring Gap, where he is also conducting a hotel. Dr. Charles D. Mclver, presi dent of the State Normal and In dustrial college, will address the public at Smithfield school-house in No. 1 township, on Friday the! 28th, inst. There will probably be other speakers present to fill a good programme for an educa tional rally. . Every lover of edu cation is invited, to attend. NUMBERED WITH THE DEAD. CO COnir CS5cn DON'T YOU MISS IT. nnn St 7 tzp MONEY LOST Nice shades have been added to the windows of the city hall. On one window in, large .letters are the words "Mayor's 'Office," and on the other "Chief Police." Mrs. N. F. Yorke, who had the misfortune to sprain her an kle one day last week at Misen heimer's springs, has returned home. She is now able to walk some. In noting the cotton stalk of Mr. P. M. Faggart's, the figures are transposed and should be read 84 bolls, blooms and squares, instead of 48, which would be rather common to note. Remember, J. A-. Furr's wri ting school class meets Tuesday night, 25th, at 7:30 o'clock, and the mathematical class on Wednesday night at 7:30, a.t For est Hill, over Furr's store. Mr. Jas. Hartsell, who is trav eling passenger agent for the Coast line, spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. J: L. Hartsell. He is a brother of Miss Laura Hartsell, who has been here. William Safrit Passed Away Saturday A Good ftan of 69 Years. Mr. William W. Safrit, of No. 6 township',. died last Saturday and was buried on Sunday even ing at St. John's church. Mr. Safrit had, attained the age of 69 years, though active and j aparehtlyalgih "but little; ' For about a monHi,-however, he had battled with disease and yielded as above stated. He leaves a wife " and two sons and three daughters; 1 He was a good man and we dol Lost monev is seldom found. Money put into good Furniture not remember to have ever heard is never lost. ANOTHER THING. An ounce of satisfaction is aught' against him that was not worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every piece of Furni attributable.to unfavorable finan ture. every Carpet, every BIIOJCSTOyE -that we sell. We are , , dial environments" ' , . headquarters for Window Shades, Curtain - Poles, Clocks, Easles dup.tftd hv his. najsitor. "Rev. S. D. I Htm?! pt a trrvin np atj. tkt Are able to furnish on short no Steffay, whaspoke in high terms tice anything in our line. No charge for Funeral Car. 'Phone 9; 01 eulogy pihe aeceasea. SEE THE Yankee Watch FOR dcd AT visiting w. c; Correll Just Received One Oar Load ot Mrs. Mollie Elliott and chU dren went to Statesville Saturday night. They went to attend the big picnic at Mooresvile in the '"i-vi wuu va. U1J.U X-fVUX ILiJLLX KJLJX11J.QO Orphanage. A lady of our city has a shade tree that she wishes to kill trunk, branch and root so dead that sprouts may never haunt her as the harbinger of flower de struction. Wiirsome one give us all an absolute and quick agency through The Standard. Old Hickory Wagons at Ritch i e H ard ware Co. Next to the Backet Store. G. W. Patterson :' can please voa with . . . 1 ' NICE LEMONS, Fresh Batter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chipped Jjeef, Canned Corn. Tomatoes, and Peaches Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Cheese, UracKers, Lard, Hams, Pic nic Hams, Breakfast Strips, Green aDd Parched Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, Flonr, Molasses, Salt, Yinegar, Snuff, Tobacco. Rice, Potash, Spices, boctlea Pickles, Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also carry Rope, Crockery, Glass-ware, Wooden-ware, nryuooas, Shoes Hats, Tinware Etc. Etc We close our store at8.15 dur- ins the summer months. We de- liyer gooas unui o p. m. bl m 1 Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with tbe , assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we wilP be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS! TO CUSTOMERS. - - - , - - - Capital ani Surjiliis - -flOO. D. B OOLTBA.NE, Chashier, T. M. Odelii. President. M. L. Brown & BRo.: LIVERY, FEED AND SALE. STABLES "'4 Just in rear oi St. Cloud Hotel. Oir nibuses meet all passenger trainr. Outtita ot all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable price?. Horses and muUe always on baud Poland Cina Hrijs. , tt