MY STAND A JOHN D. BARRIER and SON,: Editors and Proprietors. . 'FI( E IK THE 9fOitKIS BUILDING 1HE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by riea. Rates of Subscription uiii year , ....... .$4 00 8i mmos. . Thre months "On month 7. . ......... 2 00 1.00 .35 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a ?ar-pige, eight-column paper. It has fc larger circulation in Cabarrus than any otheripaper. Price $1.00 per annum in Advance. r Advertising Rates : t Terms for regular advertisements .caade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Concord, N. C, Aug. 5. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. A special from Greensboro of the 4th to the Charlotte Observer .says: "This is the fourth and last day of the gala vreek. The po lice make the somewhat remark able report that during the fes tivities of the week not a single . arrest has been made for drunk enness or disorderly conduct. We will not attempt to assign the cause of so unusual a record, but will, call attention to the fact that Oreensboro now has, instead of nine bar-rooms, one dispensary in which rio treating or drinking is allowed, and which closes at sun -down. The public can draw its own conclusions." This is truly hard to beat and confirms what we have heard from other sources that the dis pensary has effected a moral 1 revolution in Greensboro. There are two better ways than to have "bar rooms. A Washington Dispatch says it is most probable that Secre tary Root will increase Gen. Otis' force to 40,000 available troops. Gen. Miles, it seems, is to figure a little more in the affairs of which he is the head than he has been permitted to do during our late military oper ations. And why not if he is to hold the rank and draw the pay of the ranking officer ? The authorities of the Penn sylvania railroad have finally iixed upon a system of pension ing their employes. At the age of 70 retire ment is required and 30 years of continued service en titles one to retirement even though not 70 years old. It will take a fund of $300,000 per an num to effect it. This looks like corporations have souls after all or that they see their interests in a way that will abundantly supply the lack of souls so f ar as others are concerned. The Busy are the Happy. "The Tunoccupied are alway un happy. It is the very wealthy and the very poor who are rest less, miserable, criminal, sinful. It is not necessarily so. We all irnow, among those in the deep est poverty, there are those,. iWhose lives are governed by the ihighest ideals. Poverty does not "inake all men gross and brutish. Again, many of the noblest of -the , world's noblemen,, like the -rich young man who came to Christ, are to be found among .those who have great posses sions. . JBut in these two conditions -"there are the greatest tempta tions, and the strongest ; influ ences to' lead away from truth and right. Therefore, as poverty is undesirable, so also great riches are not to be coveted. As vepray daily to be delivered from teniptations, so we should strive to free ourselves from the temptations , which surround the exceedingly poor, and remember ito be glad that we need not meet Ai5iose which' come with great wealth. Ex. COAST TOWNS WIPED OUT. The Florida Storm More Serious Than First Reported. . A dispatch from ;Eiyer Junc tion, Ma. , of the , 4 th!says : tfThe" most disastrous .cyclone That ever visited this section of Florida completely annihilated narrahP p . -Mcvmtvre ana La nark Inn, south of here. Wednes day. At Carrabelle. only nine houses remain of a once beauti-, ftil and prosperous town. ConV munications from : the mayor state that 200 families are with out homes or .shelter and many are completely destitute. Of Mclntyre,. only two mm v Doners mark the site of the i town. Jua nark Inn, the famous summer resort, was blown into the Gulf. The Carrabelle, Tallahassee & Georgia Railroad is washed away for a distance of thirty miles. A passenger train was blown from the trade more man 100 yards and many passengers were injured, but their names were not obtainable." Four hundred.thousand feet of lumber and 50,000 barrels of rosin were swept from the wharves and thirteen of the fif teen vessels in the bay lie high out on the land. The loss of life is not yet as certamea. jtf'iiteen men were seen fishing on a little island just before the storm. Nothing is known of them since. The dispatch further says : "Three pilot boats and steam ers Iola and Capitolia, and 40 boats under 20 tons were lost. Six lumber lighters, loaded, are scone. Not one of the entire fleet can be saved. 'Five unidentified bodies were recovered today, supposed to be sailors. Tug boats have gone from here to the scene of the wreckage, and all possible aid is being given. Fifty destitute sailors were brought here today and are being cared for. A mass- meeting of citizens is being held herei tonight and all possible aid will be given the Carrabelle des titute. One million dollars will not cover the loss. The insurance is small. What We Go to Church For. We go to church to worship God; and His attributes include all that is noble in life, all that is hopeful in death, and all that is beautiful in thousrht or nature; What a man worships determines wnat ne is. To sincerely adore ana appreciate goodness, wis dom, -power. Dure loveliness and intelligence, as exhibited in the character of the Christ of the Bible, is to be inspired with the highest thoughts and become a partaker m an increasing meas ure of that grand divine nature. We go to church to reform evil. to secure strength in our weak ness, to revive our hoDe. to ob tain comfort in grief, to elevate our thinking, to purify and in tensify our feelings, to preserve ana restore our nealth, to in crease our knowledge, to arouso our love for all that is good, to make our home more sweet, to make society more brotherly and peaceiui, to get rest from care, to be better fitted for business, to secure enthusiasm for heroic deeds, and to find happiness. i -Liaaies Home Journal. Chairman Jones Will Resign. The rumor that Senator Jones will surely .resign the chairman ship of the National Democratic Executive committee is renewed. He has suffered from heart dis ease, though is feeling no symp toms of it just now. For Over Fl'ty Tears Mr. W lixitv ttodttt'iri ivru p tins t?r-n . uaca .rfor over fif ty j?ttXH by 'sithipnV 'yf 'jiotbCTS for their child :rr; vrhjle teetjbiicg; h rfect anc oesa. It -?ootne3 the cnild, softens the gnma, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ib the. best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor litjUeBufferer, -immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye seats a bottle. Be sere ana ask for "Mra. Winslows Sooth ing 8yrap," and take no other kind Trials of a Fourth Class Postmaster. A freckled-faced girl stopped at i the postofiice and yelled out: "Anything for ;any of the Murphys?" " . ! "No, there is not. "Ay thing for Jane. Murphy?" "Nothing." "Anything for Ann Murphy?" "No." "Anything for Tom Murphy?" "No." "Anything for Bob Murphy?" "No, not a bit." . 1 'Anything for Terry Mur, pny?" "No, nor for Pat Murpliy, nor Dennis Murphy, nor Fete Mur phy, nor Paul Murphy, nor for anv Murohvr-dead, living, un born, native or foreign, civilized, or uncivilized, savage or bar barous, male or female, black or white, naturalized or otherwise. No; there is positively nothing for anv of the Murphys, either individually, jointly, severally, now and forever, one and insep arable." The girl looked at the post master in astonishment, and said: "Please to look if there is any thing for Clarence Murphy?" Exchange. Tne soothing and healing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures have ui'ide it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For -salu by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggists. TASTELESS $0-0 IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE BO cte. ' " ; d. A T i i Tiro VT- -to imnt - Parts Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo. vuvtvujvu r v MOsm -car, AJJ LA.'wUca O OROVE'S TASTELKoS CHILL TONIC .ana hav yefience of 14 years, in the drag business, fcav. never sold an article that pave such universal satL- HtvMt cm jwiu auuw. luun truly. Ml dealers guarantee . Grpyea. - Taste Icea (Jhill ronio to cure chills, fever and malaria in all ltd foruij? mmu nnnnii! nuniii unnuLnn dulllul. Ml. PLEASANT, N. C, Instruction Thorough, Location Heal thful, Expenses 'Moderate. Next Session Begins August 30th,. 1899. For Catalogue and other inf or - mation addross, Tlijbi PRESIDENT. 35c. 1.00. 6 2.00. year 4.00.! WANTED Tt hav 100,U00 poucda of old cast-iron scrap, de- nverna at the founTdry at oacu;for which wo fill pay a fair price, No brnt iron wanted. alCcf, Concord FnnsmRv nn n - : ' a ? IfTffc. nniirnr I month : - avas pyn 1 H I B eases ijj 5 K TQ 1 MUST IKE HOME . - .... . - ?; - STREETS AND SHOPS, iTHEH Buy yoar boy e have a Combination Board on whicfrthey can play 10 BIFF ERE IT Archareha, Grokinole, Ditch Car rom, Four Pocket Carrom, Ten Pins or Bowling Alley, Cocked Hat, Checkers, Backgammon, Chess and Walk Around Carrom. We Sell this BOARD for We also have an assortment of n-ames from $1.38 down. Respectfully, T If you are not a subscriber to J t The Standard 4 T now Is the time to subscribe. X ; .... . .. ? STAR 1 t ls published, every 5 . cepted) and delivered at your door for only 10c per week or 35c per month THE STANDAR prints home and of interest to our readers and to make it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people -fi Give us a trial when you your next order for Job Work. 5 If you want to buy any thins J you can oall for it through? t The Standard. 4- X HUE , i'v f mm. mi i T1Y W lL UliVE SIX DAYS. some nice Games. MIES . D. J. Bostian. t !t If you have anything: to sell & you can make it known through I the Standard. 4 : 4 HH"5'H day Sunday ex- other news that is V make :t . - . Work ready when promised 4 Advertising 'rates Jin J I The Standard j. made known on application, a wv r. L-