Arrival of Tritins. The following change of -schedule took .etfect Junel2, 1899. v v r :r 1 NOKTHBOUND. CNo. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m. .1 38 "10 00 a in, 12 34 6tf 4 (4 7pm, , 8.51 pin, (flag) 9.45 p m, y; ;t. 2.00 a m (lreifij t) 4 c southbou; : No. 37 'arrives at 8 "49 a m, 'flag) " 1.1 " ,V 1128 an. ; 8.51 pin; 35 61 " 9.2o pin, (flag) " 719 am, -. : A ? No. 35. wheiTrunriing ahead of No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of C harlotte, arid is stopped. ,fdf, passengers arriving from Lyncfobjar;br beyond. No. 3H stops regularly for passengers fdr Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, -Heidsville, DanyiUe 'SHU princi palpations lttweeh!l)anville'ahct Washington. "No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from J-ynehburg or points beyond, and to take oh-' pas sengers' for regular, stopping places south of Newells.'s ftfo.8 stops to let off passengers "from regular stopping places south of Newellsiand to take on passengers for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or beyond. Nxs. 33 aud 34 stop Goncord for v;isengers to or from the'C. C. & Af Di visio'nC bar lot to to Augusta an d other pprnts in South Carolina Georgia aud Florida, reached throiighGolumbia orAngusta: r , ; ;v ' Nos. 7, 811 and 12 are the local trains ana connect at Sbalisourv with trains M W. Nl O. Division. - trUm PHONE WO. 71. FUUxMlED 1842. n "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." Styles 51 and '52'.' our NEW . styles, are rronounced tUe finest MEDIUM-SIZED UPB1GPT PIANOS "ever produced. The price is no more than ia usually paid for a medium-grade, or more lika lv a "Thump-box." Catalogue lor the asking. . Pine Tuning. 'Phone 196 Chas. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore, 91 tl. Factory Branch Warefoom, No. 213 N. Tryon St.,Charlotte,N.C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. - - If you want to be pleased, go to Brown's barber shop. Mrs. Ross McConnell returned home Friday night from High Point. The temperature reached 97 degrees Friday afternoon about 4 o'lock. , Mrs. D. J. Bostian has re iurned home after spending some time at Hickory. FOUND Some money near the postoffice. Owner call on J. M. Burrage. V Morrison King returned home Briday evening after spending several weeks at Davidson. Mrs. Will Johnson returned home Friday night after spend ing several days at High Point. Frank McGraw, who is recov . ering from a s pell of sickness, lias gone to rMisenheimer's springs to spend a week. Mr. Chas. E. Boger has re turned to his home at Flowes, after spending some time at Mt. Holly with his brother, Rev. W. J. Boger. Mrs. C. L. Miller has returned to her home in Davidson countv. after spending a few days with ner lather, Mr. Frank Pharr. Miss Nettie Pharr accompanied her home. Greensboro has had her gala week and Concord will have her gala day of social enjoyment next 1 uesday, the 8th, after the elec tion of officers for Camp 212 U. C. Vs. and also of Barrinsrer's company of the First North Car olina Cavalry. Mr. M. P. Williams, who for several weeks has been here and in Mt. Pleasant, selling the sani tary cooking ware, made at Zanesville, O., has gone toMon roe. Quite a large amount of it has been sold here and the pur chasers evidenced their appre- ciation of it by their 1 numerous orders. I 3 Lr'iH 'Mm i' . I. "v i - mm- Miss Bessie, Campbell is spend-1 ing a -week Mz; fM. J. Free- iaaA-.?:v. -. . ' - "Bxtra fine -California reaches ana oananas. Concord Bakery. phhne 122 I Miss Adah 'Craven will assist in the choir at the Central Meth odist church tomorrow. Miss J ane Iserihbur. who stavs at Mr. -Lacy -Dick's, has gone to ; j-vyyvoixj. WUUUy LO VlSlb ner mother. I , Mr.. Ed. Castor,- Of High Point, .arrived here sFrida'y night. He is very unwell and as threatened with 'fever. ;We are sorrv'tb know that Mr J. M'Foil, i Whoorwo or three want these qualities and the suc weeltslhas been' uriwell, is con- ce -s they bring use Dr. ;Kings nnett to HIS oea. i ' : " Miss AdaJiolmeshas returned to-her home near , Lexinsrton after, spendih cr some f iihe with Mrs. Dusenhury. Mrs. Vance has returned to! Clinton, S. D., after spending several weeks here .' with her, mother, Mrs JohU56n, on North of ... ' Two trainbeaters were tried ' - i m before "Mayor 'Means -this morn- mg. One succeeded m paying xne amount -Que, "anattieotner will :very probablv iero to the: Chain gang. Ifye latter one was causht byr tHe conductor and nut I inne nanas oj -an pmcer. . ! Priiit hritf y 1 r i - Ooncord oakery Fresh Breacir Oakes, Buns. Doughnuts, etc., Creams, Fruits and Candies always I I 1 Wi. T ' T,....- Wil uouu. tfiM.. A. UUnfliSUfl. X lUP. I noneJNo.:UJ. ssiifstinrv tins thft SniWfisl The Salisbury correspondent to the Charlotte Observer of the om says . . I 4 'We&nesday'sWashingtonPost contains fan interestrninterview witn ur. nomas j. r- eatnersiou- baugh, ot wasiiington 3ity, nvno. has made a special stuay 01 xne history of the John'Brown raid i. T .V S1!! tells howlhey came to be turned o tto rv, after which he loses trace ot . . - A. . . them. It may be interesting to know that a larere number of these ugly weapons are now in the possession, of different citi zens of Salisbury.- They .were sent here Upon the evacuation of Harper's Ferry by the Confeder ate forces, and being stored - at the headquarters of Gen. Brad- ley T. Johnson, Confederate commandent, escaped the burn ing which General Stoneman gave the arsenal, prison and all other property belonging to the Confederate government upon taking Salisbury in 1865. THE BEST PBESOBIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price " 50 cents. Tour money back if it fails to cure. A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. I am the mother of eight child ren and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the 'i dysentery m its' worst form. We thought she Would die. I tried everything I could think of. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that ChamberJiaiii4s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was j highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at - once. It proved to be one of the very best medicineR we ever Had in the house. It saved my little daught er's life, I am anxious for - every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxietv and my little daughter much 'cuff Bring. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Bur dick, i Liberty; R. I. For Sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. They have a new revolution as to names in Tennessee. A paper says: - "A gjrl named plain 'Ma- rJ' at h,er birth, dropped the 'r' ;T. XV V "V" r Miss 'May.' As . she began to shine in social way, she changed y to e7 ana signed her letters 'Mae.' About one year ago she was married, and now she has dropped the ; 'e' i and it is j ast plain ,'Ma.' That's evolution.' Burlington News. ' m , m ETSMATr.Tr's ipoxt tt?.rvt? Was the result of his splendid health. Indoraitablp will and tremendous energy are not ifound where stomach .-liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. if you ovv ajue xms. jluv uevuiuu every power of brain and body. Onlv9fin at.TiVi . . .. First Tramp (in the road) - VVhy don't you go m.' The dog s all right. Don't you see him wagging his tail ? Second Tramp Yes, and he's growlin' at the same time. I r r? lue T e u v X dunno which end to believe. Tit-Bits. You assume no rink buy Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Itemed v. M. L MflrKh : Cl( will rftfn rf vnnr money if you ' are not satisfied Tf c vavxr ixrYt 010 admitted to be the most success ful remedy ; in D6e for bowel com- plaints and the ;onlv one that Jjibver fails. It -is pleasant, safe rana reuaoie. F. G. Hart paid a farmer, Pri day, $21.50 for one two-horse I aq rl r KKo --. "hie nnrrf 4- put farmers in good heart. Hen- dersonville Times. HOWS THIS ? , Wa offer ono hundred dollars reward for anv caee of catarrh thafc caQ not by cured by" Hall's Catarrh Cure. F Cheney & Co., Props., TnlftHn Ohin We the undersigned, have known x J uneney tor tue last 10 yek, and believe' ' hu, perfectly : U1 , , n - ul . Itions and financially able to carry nut ortr rnn a otinnc mono hv thmr r. J 6 ' firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding', Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 76o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials free. SEE THE Yankee Watch for; HoD)0 AT W. C. Gorrell's ' Is the laundry hard on your goods ? Some are. Examine your goods as carefully when you send them to us as when you receive them bacK again ana von will find that we sew up many a rip, mend many a button hole, put new neck bands5 on shirts not too badly worn (when requested), and in many ways ; try b prolong the use of your linen, vne inai is j tcou uneu damasre has been done in previous laundering and we get the blame. Give us vour stead v patronage and we wil guarantee your linen to last longer than when done at many otner launanes. ! and DCJE WORKS 'Phone No. 2J I II ID TEAR ! C D 1 Summei- We invested heavily gained a doint for you by so doing. Gtuan tity is a factor in bringing down prices. are a lot of DON'T YOU MISS IT. EXPERT Only corroborates pubiic opinion that our stock is fresher, cleaner and better than any in the city. We take a pride m clean, up-to-season goods, and at sell ing them for the Smallest Possible Margin. OUR MOTTO Underbuy, undersell. Strive not to equal but to excell. With the proper amount of pluck, hustle and Low Prices has placed us in the front rank. . If there is anything you want in Furniture, House Furnishings or a Buck Stovejit will pay you well to see MM Furniturb and Undertaking. QO To G W P ATTERSON FOR Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, - Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Corn, Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch Cheese, Crackers, Lard, Hams, Pic nic Hams, Breakfast Strips, Green aud Parched Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstnff, Oats, Oil, Flour, Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snnff, Tobacco, Rice, Potash, Spices, boctled Pickles, Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also carry Rope, Crockery, Glassware, Woodenware, Dry Goods, Shoes Bats, Tinvware Etc. Etc We close our store at 8.15 dur ing the summer months. We de liver goods until 6 p. Jr. unoerwear. -going to close out 'Phone No. 9. l fafii Mial Bank Offers the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. ; We solicit vour paticnige with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve yon any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. LIJBEUAL ACCOMMODATIONSg TOCaSTOMEKe. . . . Capital anil Surplus - - $70 000. 1. B CoiiTBANE, Chashier, J. M. Odell. President, MJL.BROWN & fiRo. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, Jest in rear ol St. Clond Hotel. Orrr nibusea meet 11 pas-eager traior Outfits oi all kinds furnished procrfptly arid at reasonable price . Horses and mule 'always on ha d Or Eale. Breeders . borou.hbrec Poland OHin a Hrt:?. u. TESTIMONY .