tt tt ArrlTal of Traiu, The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1899. NORTHBOUND. No, 8 arrives at 5 52, a m, 36 " " 10 00 a m, 12 u " 7-09 pm, 33 " 8.51 p m, (flasr) 34 4 " 9.45 pm, 62 " " 2.00 a m (irenu t) SOUTHBOUND. tNo. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, (flag) "11 " "1123 a m, " 7 ,c " 8.51p-m, M 35 " 9.2UKm, (flag) 33 4 M 7.19 ui,. " 61 " " 8 49 a m, (freight) No. 35. when running: ahead of No. 7, -i8 flagged if necessary for through travel south of Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for --Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Beidsville, Danyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No. 37 stops for pas sengers commg from .Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let off passengers from regular stopping places south of Newells and to take on passengers for -regular stopping places, Lynchburg or bevond. ; Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for passengers to or from the C. C. & A. Division Charlotte tov Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, -reached through Columbia or Augusta Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains - and connect at Salisbury with trains of W. N. C. Division. 71. BOUNDED 1842. S I "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." " tagger competition and retail deal ers. oil the funeral PIANOS. knell of CHEAP Satisfactory work is always Fine Penmanship. ' ' Book-keeping at the Bingham Miss Sallie Castor has srone to School, Orange county, near Kings Mountain to spend two or Mebane, is taught by a leading three weeks. graduate of the Zanerian Pen V ' - j Art College of Columbus, Ohio. iiiu. jrtJtjitjr ana ivnss Mrs. Willie Cress, Of Rockwell, are visiting at Mr. N F Yorke's. Miss Minnie Temnleton. of Mooresville, arrived here Thurs day to visit at Mr. Joel Reed's. Miss Mattie Lindsay, of Mat thews, has arrived here to spend some time at Mr. Jno. B. Caldwell's. Register Johnson and his corps of assistants have finished , the work on the tax lists. It took three men about five weeks to do the work. FOUND Dark-brown saddle mare. Two scars on fore legs as from barbed wire. Jas. Ashbey. Glass, Aug. 24. Miss Ludara Van . Poole, of Rowan county, after visiting Mrs. Jno. A Blackwelder in f our county, has gone to Charlotte to Spend a week or two. Mr.' Brevard Harris has re turned home from Dunmore, Pa. after spending two weeks. Mrs. Harris and child will not return before the latter part of October. Hubbard Rose, of Pinson, Tenn., is visiting his father, Dr. L R Rose, at Mt. Pleasant. This is Mr. Rose's first visit since he left home twelve years ago. His little son is with him. n every case a sale merits. f f f very Piano warranted lifetime. and will last a ew Pianos have such a reputation for tone and durability. acts which all do not realize, but which make the STIEFF pre eminent. r : - Pine Tuning . . . Phone 196 . Ch as. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, Baltimore. Md. factory Branch Wareroom. No. 213 N. Tryon St.,Charlotte,N.C. CL H. WILMOTH, Manager. Work has been resumed at the bleachery after a week's rest. Twenty Years Ago. 1 'Pinafore" was raging. j Telephones were novelty, John Kelly ruled Tammany. "Baby Mine" was prevalent. Dennis Kearney was rampant. Sitting Bull was a "big injun." Canrpanini was the great tenor. Loan exhibitions were in vogue. Adelaide Neilson was playing Juliet. , . Six-day walking matches was a craze. England was fighting Afghans and Zulus. Edward Hanlon was champion oarsman; Briton Beach race-course was opened. " Kaiser William celebrated his golden wedding. General Grant was finishing a tour of the world. Prince Ijouis jn apoieon was . . .A. slam by Zulus. Every band -played the "Fati- v a. v nitza march." George S. Knight was playing "Otto, a German." "Wot d'yer say?" was the slang phrase of the day. The great! Brooklyn Bridge was nearmg completion. The United b taxes army was fighting with Ute Indians. Tennyson completed and pub Used "The Lover's Tale," Leadyille was two years old and had 20,000 inhabitants. Robert J. Burdette made the Burlington Hawkeye famous. Zola's "L'Assommoir" had just shocked the reading world. Millionaire A. T. Stewart's body was, stolen for ransom. resh Bread. Cakes, Buns. DoughnutsH arow,siip.p.AftlAH Marshal Mc on l&nT WmJoh KX" Mahon as president of France. 'Phone No. 122. "The Mulligan Guards Ball" - was Tvrnducfid bv Harrmsrton & tfauic iiivnu ituu iTimaiu iiucsuaivt iTa4- '1 JLXCU1 u. mL.l-V I lueiriiumcs. 1 tt : t 1 tt T 5v,l jame iirown is tne name 01 tne Episode" was a new book. L 1 A 1 1 1 I woman iouna to nave Deen Dru- r t .nr;iiac pQmiQ wrm tally muraereanear tne v ictor the Newmarket handicap in Eng TtTii. rr : Ui n- I lOllUi w imam x ruesaaie is tne negro who has been arrested and con LOST White andliver colored bitch. Answers to the name "Slip." A liberal reward will be given for her recovery. Leave when tested on at St. Cloud hotel. W. A. Foil. Summer Underwear, We invested heavily gained a r doint for you by so doing. Quan tity is a factor in bringing down prices. We are going to close out a lot of MS COnir? CGn DON'T YOU HISS IT. Concord Bakery, Fruit and Cream - Parlor. and. tzer II "The Banker's Daughter" was running at tne union square, Mr. J L Hartsell has gone to fined in jail, charged with the i Misenheimer's springs to spend crime. There seems to be no . . . rrrr ' . , iorimf oTriHonPo nf his miiit. Tt .George Eliot's "Impressions of s a p.fl,sfi nf mm had faith and Aumaiua om.ii nu. juo George Richmond has returned a n vi 0 mnrHoT for th Qak nf been published. Kansas- City 1 . .1 d-wa. " w I . - nome alter spending a week at Uarmo Tho arfias latA btar. Lenoir with ins sister, Mrs. G L f rom Greensboro, whence the be- IV I 1 A I I -m traved woman followed a bad A First-Class Course In Latin ana lireeK 9 And winter wear, you should be thinking about now, while we are selling our superb stock at such bargain prices. You can buy a "Wilton, Moquette, Axmin ister, Symrna or Tapestry at prices that will surprise you, and in all the newest designs and color effects. Housewives should take ad vantage of this sale. Another shipment of Side Boards just received. Our guarantee reads this way : We ask. it a favor to us to RETURN ANYTHING UNSATISFAC TORY. ; Is that sufficient ? Barnhardt. Miss Bernice Pharr, daughter of Mr. Frank Pharr, will attend school at Salem female seminary uib commsr session. man to her death. A Credit to Asheville. The Professor of Latin and Greek in the Bingham School, Orange countv, near Mebane, is Mr. .Emit U. Uudger, one 01 a distinguished graduate of the Xl.5llt5 V 1XXO O XXlVfOU uiumioiuc. i uniVHISlLV Ul JUltll VOilUlUia, it is now very probable tnat vounsr men stood at the head. 01 and is an accomrjhshed teacher. tv-t t ti i -r-r . .-,1 y, 0 , , TT 1 . r ml. o. r ranK irnarr win aiscon- the soonomore class at tne uni- tuiue running tne morris nouse versitv 01 JNortn uaronna last nnRE a oold IN ONE DAY UiOU ViX VOVViUCX. SfcJbblUxl. 1V11. VTUUgei, UC1U1C gv- , , T.000 "R-rrkTYrk OniniriA TlAts. The Ladies Aid Society of l?S me umverMjy, w. - ,u draerista refund money ifitfailato -cr;n - r ir i,t, -iii aent at tne isingnam ocnooi, rr t , t . J in r-" 1 1 1 1 j iu hold a lawn party on the factory Orange county, near Mebane. 1 1 r-n t 1 i . . ---MBBi iawn next luesaay nignt. Vjmisht in thft Barn- 0 -TVXi A T" 1 J - Jl I - uviisses -AQuie iratterson ana on Tnursdav nient a nesrro, Nellie Trice returned Thursday Garfield Huff, was caught in War- alter soendmsr some time out at rpn Hnlpman's ham. The nesrro FURNITURE : and : UNDERTAKING. enre. aoo. xne eenmn nas on each tablet. Mr. Wm, Propst.'s in No. 5 town- snip. The stockholder's of the Lip- pards& Shealy mill will meet to night. Mr. Geo. B Hiss of Charlotte, will come over this evening to attend the meeting. was arrested and after trial before Mayor Means, was bound over to court. He went to jail in de fault of a bondsman. BRAVE MEN FALL Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women, ani all feel the results in loss of SEE THE ii. b. q. efsssa ( in I O os GW PATTERSON JSrOTIOE! Miss Patti Adams, of Monroe, lias arrivednere to visit ner tu poisons m tbe blood, sister rnrs. . vv V uston.. ne baakache, nervousness, headache will attend school at the Concord d tired listleB8 ran.down feel High School the coming session. . Bat thereV no need to leel The result of the game will be like that. Listen to J. W. Gard-i bulletined at the St. Cloud hotel ner,' Idaville, Ind. He says: this evening as fast as there are "Electric Bitters are just the tning any developments. This is done for a man wnen he is all run gratuitously by the Bell Tele- down, and don't care whether he phone Co. lives or dies. It did more to give FOR SALE A new Wheeler me new strength and good appe- & Wilson sewing machine with tite than ary thing I could take, five drawers, jiist from' the fac- I can now eat anything and have tory. Call at this office and get a new lease on life." Only 50 a first class machine " on easy cents, at P. B. Fetzer's Drag .terms. tf . I Store. - Every bottle guaranteed. Yankee Watch FOR ' - FOR Bock, Salt. . : Fresb Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, Chipped Beef, Canned Cora. Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch OracKera, Lard, name, rranes, : Breakfast Strips, Green and Parched Coif ee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, Flour, Molasses, Salt, Vinegar; Snuff, Tobacco, Rice, Potash, Spices, bottled Pickles, Washing Powders and anything in the Grocery line. We also carry Tione. Crockery, Glass-ware, I r - n a. : pjnnds of old castiroa scrip, de- Shoes Hats, TiD-ware Etc. Mo uvereaaufce loonary ai We close our store at 8.15 dur- which we will pay a fair price. No . " nntfip We de- burnt iron wanted, nig the summer months. Wede- aietf, . Concord FouNDEt Oo. liver goods untu o p. w. AT w. c. Correll X have move J uy shop into .G G. Richmond's place where I keep on hand Pipe Fitting, Hose, Engine and Boiler Trimming, Packinp. Cylinder Oil, etc. E. HoNXSH. 1 UKO id Mid Bank Offero the business public a reliable, per manent, conseryatiye and accommodat ing banking instution. Wejblicit vour patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appieciation of your patronage. If we can scire you any time we will be glad to have you come and see us. UBERAL AC0OMMODATIONS3 TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital and Surrlus - - $70000. D. B Coltbane, Ohashier, J. M. Odelii. President, '

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