No. 36 12 33 34 62 44 44 ( 4 44 t( 44 44 4 I (C ArrlTAl uf Trains, j Thf foil j wing cbmagvj of schedule took 3r.ejt JunelS, im. I NORTHBOUND. . 8 arrives at 5.52 a m, 4i 10 00 am, 7-09 p m, 8,51 p.m. (flag) 9.45 p m, j 2.00 a m (IreiVi t) SOUTHBOUND. : No. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag?) 11 " " 11 23 a m, , u 7 " " 8.51 p m, " 35 " " 9.20 p'in. (flag) '33 u 7.19 am, M 61 " 849 a m, (freight) Noc35t when running ahead,, ot.No. 7, is flagged if necessary for through travel south of TLnarlottey and is stopped for passengers, arriving from Lynchburg or beyond,. ;; . No;.- 36 stops regularly ; , for passengers fpr 'Salisbury High. Point, Greensboro Reidsville, Datiyilie and principal etations between Danville and Washington. ...No. 37 stops for.' pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to . take on pas- cAnfTftrfi for rffrillar KTrmrnncr nlonoa south of Ne wells. No. 38 stops lo let off passengers, from regular stopping places, south of Newells and to" uieon passengers iur regiuar stopping pjaces, Lynchburg or beyond. '.: .'; . -.r:: Nos.; .33 and, 34, stop at 'Concord for -h seurcrs to or from the C, C..&A. Lvisipn uharlotte to Augusta and other points in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida; reached through Columbia -or Augusta,- ; . .. : , Nos. 7. 8, 11 and 13 are the local trains itui connect, at Salisbury with trains of V . JN . J. Division. , ;.: : -v , TELEPHONEKO. 71 (FOUXOED 1842. Si Miss Mary Archey has returned home after - spending several months with her relatives at Al bemarle, Spencer, and near China Grove. . '" Mr. Thomas M Denninsr and wife, of Durham, arrived here Tuesday night. Mr. Denning will have charge of -the spinning iu m uuen muis. : Mrs. Chas. B Miller. Mrs. Jas. P Cook, and Miss Marv Hendrix. U-T xt.; t . - ' uj. mis piace,went as delegates to. the Woman's Missionary conven tion vat Charlotte. v ; '- iMr?rJdsr:V 4 Sutton, who fori several years has. been, attending: scno.oi .at thexollesre r at Mt.i Pleasant, . will center, school at Roanoke college thisTy ear v Mt. Pleasant sent quite a good delegation to v Charlotte to the Woman's Missionary convention, j There.twere. ?ten .oft .them.' xThey will return homeiPriday evening. ; Mr: f c:Wils5 lias gone to Gastonia where he takes .charge as superintendent -of a cotton mill there. Mr.Wilson's family ,will remain 'here for- some time National Encaiapinent A. R.y Phila-! delphi Pa., ept, 4-0; 1899; On account of the above the Southern Railway will sell tick ets y to : Philadelphia at ; rate of $15.05 for round .trip. .Tickets on sale Sept. 1, 2, 3; limited re turning Sept. 12, but an exten sion ; of final limit maybe ob tained until Sept. 30th by depos iting ticket with joint agent: at Philadelphia between Sept. 5 th and ,9th, . both : . dates inclusive, and on payment of a fee of fifty cents. Tickets - iron-clad - and mited to: continuous, passage in jDOith:iireotibn&: r Fob furthein- formation Pullman reservations, etc-, 'apply. to vi; . -r G0WAN DUSENBURY, .: ' ... Agent. "SING" THEIR OTVTC' PRAISE. tr TAT Of1" ers. competition and retail deal- oil the funeral PIANOS. knell of CHEAP when tested on In every case a sax.e merits. . , r yeiy Piano warranted and will last a i lifetime. r few Pianos have such a reputation for 1 tone and durability. . acts which , alii do'Mnot' realize, but which make the ST 1 E FF Pre- f .Phone 196. H JLV1. SflEFF Fine Tuning. : Chas. Piar.o K. nufacturer, F.c',ory Branch Wareroom, T:o.213N. Tryon St , Charlotte,N.O. C. H. WIIiMOTHi Mariafeer. Dr. S If Montgomery returned from Albemarle v Tuesday - where he paia..; a. professional visit to; Mr; Aardn-Heathcock. He re ports the patient - somewhat, better. . TJie Cabarrus. County Sunday school convention will be held tomorrow at Mt. Gilead church in No. 5 township. - Quite a number contemplate attending from this place." ' LOST White and liver colored bitch; Answers, ,-to the name 4 'Slip. " A liberal reward will be given for her recovery. Leave at btr Cloud hotel. v iT?' W. A. Foil. ; The four year old child of Mr and Mrs. Deberry Lefier, wh6 live on East Depot street, died at an early hour today (Wednesday), The remains were interred ,in the old Lu tlrali 'cemetery. - J FOR SALE A new Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine with five drawers, just from the fac tury. vaii au mis omuts auu geij a first class machine on easy! terms. &v.v tfi NOTICE! Effective September 1st, 1889, all freight notpromptly removed fromrthe-custody of the Railway Company will be sub j ect the following charges for storage:. ' All1 package freight not re moved by owners from the cus tody of the Railway Company within forty-eight hours, not m binding , Sundays or legal holi days, . computed from 12.00 noon of the day following the date of the. arrival, shall thereafter be subject to a charge for storage each dav or fraction of a dav that such consignments may re main in custody of the Railway Company as follows: - In less than car load quantities 1 cent per 100 pounds per d?y, with minimum charge of 5 cents for anv one -package or lot for one consignee, but not more than 1.00 per day for any one consignment not in excess of a car load. GOWAN DUSENBURY, Agent Southern Ry . The' condition of ' Frank -d! dington is gradually improving Satisfactory work is alway iiven you at Brown's harber! shop: ; .. ... : - The Concord institute will open on Monday, Se ptember the Jasper Stone is making prep ai'iitions to open a photograph ir. T H Cook family con i-Le moving -to Salisbury w iauor part of this week. -itev. Paul Barrmger,' of Mt : ... t, .will preach at 1--;:u3d churcli next morning. v "i- s ummer Underweafi We invested heavily gained a (Joint for you by so doing. Q,uan tity is a factor in bringing down prices. We are, going to clo se out a lot of 1ST DON'T YOU MISS IT. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle cf Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure ; Then, "why experiment with worthless imitations? Price - 50 cents. , Your' money back if it fails to cure. r SEE THE ,j Yankee Watch Trinity Sunday v The last news coming from Enoch ville is to the effect-that Pro$ BtU BlaDkrCyho-is -atl7 th thBovint of H'eathrwith tvtihov fever is still living. Each after -j noon he becomes worse buti rallies sligHtiyv Mr. 1 J VC Mathes' family! arrived here Tuesday night f rorq Durham. They are at - present stoppitig at th'e St:-Cloud .hotel j Temporarily they will soon move into a house at Cannon ville until Mr. Duval vacates his place. Concord oakery, Fruit and ii - Parlor. FOR AT w Correll Fresh Bread. Cakes, Buns; Dou&hhuts, etc., Creams, Fruits andCaudies always on hand. Wm, T. J ohnson. Prop. 'Phone No. 122. NOTICE 111,.; j 1 hi sou's circus is heading Wc.y. ic will be in this -part i)t Or. QfA lr-v --hn 1 5th ..of September. . Quite a number of persons contemplate attending Al. G field's ministrel in Charlotte Saturday night. Tom Croweil, who is employed at the Fenb: roller mill, has re turned to his home at Mt. Pleas ant. Ho is not well. : Miss Bertha Stubbs, who has been spending several weeks ; at Mr. R H Griffin's, has returned to Abbeville, S. C. . Prof. Wilson, who during the coming session will teach-in . the Concord Kigh School i will .arrive here tomorrow from- Gatewood. Prof. C S Coler requests that aU graded school teachers meet at the control building on Satur day, Sept. 2nd, at 2 o'clock p? m.: Miss Lollie Graeber, ' of near hma Grove, represented Ebe nezor church at the Woman's Mis sionary convention at Charlotte. Would Not Suffer-So Again for Fifty Times the Price. I awoke -'List' night with severe pains in my stomacn. I d ever felt so badly in all my life. . When I came dowmto'-work this 'morning I felt so weak I could hardly worki I went to Miller &, Mc Curdy's drug store and they1' re commended Chamberlain's Colic,; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.5 It worked Jike magic and one dose fixed me all right. It cer-j tainly is ihe. nest, thing I ever1 used for stomach trouble. 1 shall n ot be without it in. my home hereafter:' 'for11! " shduld not" care to endure the sutTericgs of las nieht asain. tor fifty times it trice. G H Wilson, Liyeryman,' Burgettstown; 'Washington Co., Jfa. ,Xhis remedy,r isfor;sale byj M L Marsh & Co., draggist. I have purchased of the Con cord Electric Light Co. all the supplies used in connectfon .with lightning. All parties needing-' Lamps or Eepaixs will i find Ithemifafe my shop next' to ! Coil's liyery stable. - J ' ' C t :; 'HOI nnen I, v- nil. MOOOQOOOCg san THAT'S HER BUSINESS, If a rnan'sih love. I", - THAT'S his . business, If they marry fK THEN IT S OUR BUSlJNUJSSTU Sl , . ,. i IAthem the PETazsB; :Si ;;h Dtj Furhitre, Floor Coverings 7t andiChina Ware IN - THIS - CITY - FOR - THE - LEAST - MONEY. 'PHO' I04. E. McNISH. Is the laundry hard on your goods ? Some are. Examine" your, goods as carefully when you send them to us as whan you xeceive them back again and von: will .rind -T that. we sew up weny a rip, mend many "a bntton Qole, put new shirts inot A too badlv ynxm iC when 1 requested), anddn. many 1 ways itry iq proious iuo use vl jruur linen. Une trial is ,noi . a xesi. . .uiieu V!ftTOftd; has been done ! in previous laundering and we get the blamei Give us your steady patronage and we will guarahtee your, ineir to last longer than when done at many other. laundries. ? CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25q. GChe genuin. . has L. B. Q n eaohatablet. " " ; fill:. Efll.1 LIliY and DgE WORKS ,1 'Phone N X X X Go To G W P ATTERSON - FOK Rock Salt Fresh Batter on Ice, ? Quaker Oats, Hominy, . - -chipped tseei, Canoed Corn.- Tomatoes, and Peaches. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch t OracKera, Lard, Hama. Prunes, Breakfast Strips, ' Green and Parched .Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Soap, Peas, Meal, Oornv'Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, ' Flour, -Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snuff, Tobacco, Rice, Potashi Spices, bottled Pickles. Washing :' .Powders .and'-anything in Jhe. Grocery -iineJ We also ca"rry ; Rope; Crockery1, Gflassware, - -Woodenware, DryGoods, Shoes Bats Tinware5Etc. Etc We close )iir store at' 8.15 dur ing the fiummermbntbsi We de-j Uyer goodsnptU 6 v . iil Bank Offera the business public a reliable, per manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. tlf we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. , LIBKRAL ACCOMMODATIONS2 TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - ' Capital knfi Snrplns - - $10000. , . rs. '1-B Coltbane, Chashier, 1 J. M. 6det.' President. : M. L. BROWN & BRo. . . . 'LIVERY, FEED AND SALE 4 CP A "DT ifa J ust in rear ot St. Cloud Hotel. On oibuses meet all pasa.ngs rair., Outfits oO .aU kics., fur promptly and at reaapnablt' iricnr Hoies ar in u -p alV u j on i a a J or SIP' BroftdM of -ta)Voof?iibrr Pn! arid Oi rVH "

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