v' ... V It ft m mmm .if . tea sk? t. v- - ' - I ' ' . J' if k r Pr5i!O$4.00 Per far. OONcbil D, Ni' G., . T HURS DA X , A CG U ST 3 1 , 1S99. Sincle Cppv 5 Cents is? , ... " .. ' - T i UOF. I5LACK BEAD. j After. Eiiseriiig Hopee&sIy for Seyeral i Ihiys Willi TyphGitl Eerer He Takes His Last Ilreatli Wednesday Nigrht-- Hemaihs Taken tof Leasyille.M Si C, Tor Unrial; i t On Wednesday mglit ' at ock Prof. C H Black, prini 1U of the Enoch ville High Siool, breathed his last. ' - For : hre weeks he . has been -sick with typhoid fever and the last week of his sickness indicated that doath was not far off. Every afternoon he would almost give way but would rally, but on Wednesday night he closed his eyes in death. v . Prof. Black came tp Enoch ville from South , Carolina. He was a graduate in the class of '98 at Roanoke college and was a schoolmate of Billy "Wedding ton, of this place. During his stay in Enochville of one session and the be ginning of another he had met with success and had endeared himself to his pupils and the community. ' The funeral services were held at 3 o'clock in jthe afternoon today (Thursday) at St.'. Enoch's church by Rev. V R tickley. The remains will be Jtaken to China Grove ' this evening : and .put. on the train to be taken his home at Leasville, S. C. to Mr. W. C. CorrellPnrehascs. Mr. W C Correll. who some time ago sold his property on East Corbin 'street to Sheriff Peck, has closed his trade for property on South Main street between the homes of Mr. Victor Blackwelder and Mrs. Emma Wright. The land, with a front of sixty feet, was purchased from.Mr. Blackwelder and Mr, Elam King. Mr. Correll will not on the account of the scar city of lumber commence build ing before next year some time. In the meantime he will have the front cut down on a level with 1 1 ie street. They Have Clone to Itlaxtoa. Mrs. D B Patterson, wife of 1 1 1 e man Patterson who wrs -d-mik on the streets of Charlotte with -his two little children, did not -after setting oit ?of trouble tiiere return to wnt to Tvlaxton. tjhis place but After reaching there he sent nls- wife some inonev and she. with her three little children, lefit here Yv'ednes (iay night bound for that" - place. On the face of the mother, as she caressed her little loved ones, could be depicted the . sad lite she is living vdth a husband who with the exception of what time -he lived here wTas continual ly intoxicated. , 7 . Mr. Holland Thompson Here. Concord still lays claim on Mi Holland Thompson, who formerly was principal of the Concord High School. He ar rived here this morning to spend probably a week. He comes not only for pleasure but for good. Numbers of former patrons de sired to have his counsel as to their children, and hence he asks us to state that he will be at the St. Cloud hotel tomorrow from 10 a. m, to 1 o'clock, ., when he will be glad to advise with any of his old pupils who expect to enter college. Mr. Corl Loses a Horse. ' Our liveryman, Mr. M j Corl, had the misfortune Wednesday of losing a horse. This was the death of ' 'Peacock, " the gray horse known by numbers here. It was a gentle family horse"' and was a good animal. OUR CGUNTY ' HOME. Tvfo Deaths 0u There-Several Others In Bad Healtli-Tlie Old Man from, Montgomery Ccunty Bead. i feuTjerintenciGiit JSaDD. oi .4he ' um Vv edneadav there tA counfv'hom e. ' "i s'lrert rteBvtli?se ' -"bdin a serious cse v ' J. 1 ' Hi. .l ( : t i j : - 1 .-' ' ; tv , X , i i - - , " , uu-ys luuiimg; axiei: .me wants ojiaiuoati qeiweeju uere i our indigent quartered with him. r,isburg where nuinbers of rail--He now has twenty-eight to road, hands are working. By keep a vigilant eye over and ; some means a fill gave way.. The several are in ' very bad health, dirt cam;e 4i hurling down too Geo. Plunkett,' a n'egro from this quickly for a negro, named Tom place, who has dropsy, is in a Neely to get out of its way. bad condition, as is also a white About five feet of ground was man named Barrett from this piled on top of him and it was place. ; . v . some time before he could be V The old man, Lindsay Hursey, taken out. from Montgomery county, who They unearthed him, however, was taken up here on the streets but none too soon. He was uh and whose mind was somewhat conscious when they rescued deranged was buried on Sun- him, but 7 our informant stated day, the , 28th. This man had that he was recovering gradually been in the asylum during the from his impromptu burial. past. As no relatives could be found his hodv -wr.,a interred with I the paupers out at the county j home. Bridge, is here today. Sam Tally, a young negro, xt o Ti WQO Mr. Dan F Summev, of from No. 2 township, who wasChaTlnttp . h r r admitted to the' home only a few . weeks ago, died at an early hour Prof . J F Brown, of Con today (Thursday). He Had con-! verse college, spent yesterday onmrTinyi t A Tar-Heeler's Big Job. There are giants in these days and North Carolina helps to rear them, according. to the following from a Durham newsman: "Mr. Edger K bmoot, a son oi secured a five million dollar gov ernment contract in Mexico. It is for the construction of harbor works at Manzanillo, on the Pa cific coast, and consists, of a breakwater to shelter the port from the west, the direction from which rolls in the whole sweep of the Pacific ocean; a wall or dike parallel to the seashore; the deepening of the harbor to eight and a half meters by dredges; a canal to introduce and circulate fresh sea wrater in the northern part of the Cuyutlan lagoon, and a dike to separate this part from the salt deposit in the southern part of the lagoon; the drainage of the San Pedrito lagoon by a canal; wharves at such points as the goverment may designate; and such addi tional minor works as may be agreed upon or found to be nec essary hereafter. The whole work is to be completed wTithin four years from the time the con tract is, started upon. The exact amount of Mr. Smoot's contract is $5, 732, 750." - It is said that Mr. ' Smoot has had much experience in harbor works,'- his last contract having been at Galveston, Texas. He is a member of the American So ciety of Civil Engineers, and possesses the fullest confidence of the M exican government. A Handsome Present to BeGiVeH Him. This evening about 7 o'clock when the day hands come off of duty and before the night hands take charge at the Cannon mills, a handsome silver! set will be given ?to Mr. L D Duval by the operatives of the mill. It will be ia surprise to Mr. Duval when all of them assemble about the office' when he is laying down the reins of the mills and in this way show the high appreciation andesteem" they "have for him. , T&E APPETITE OF A GOAT. - 5ls : envied ;by - all poor dyspeptics ?hose Stomach and Liver are out of order. . All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver-Remedy, gives a regular bodily habit that insureB perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. , A Xearo Is iiurie4 'Five" Feet' livi OrouMHeVas Taken Out Bdt Was Uncou scions. . . came neai ma nar PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr in white nf Afill v . Wilbur "VV Jones, of Raleigh, is here todav in the interest of the Raleigh Post. Mr. Oliver King and mother, Mrs. Adelaide King, of Lincoln countv. are Visitinfir at Mr. D P Day vault's today. -Rev. , Thompson and daugh ter, Miss Mary Thompson, w,ent to Charlotte this morning. Miss Thompson goes on account of her eyes. Rev. Chas. B Miller went to Charlotte this morning. He dez livered an address this mo rning before the Children's Missionary society. Mrs. Jno. Allison and Miss Margaret Allison wTent to Salis bury, this morning to visit at Mr. Kerr Craige's. They will return home tomorrow night. Miss Agnes Cook, of Mount Pleasant, returned here this morning from Gastonia, aiter visiting her sister, Mrs. W J Bo s-er. She is stopping at P Cook's. (f TV,fv jas. T Miss -Willie Cress, of Rock well, who has been spending some time here with her relatives, has gone to Charlotte to visit for sev eral days. She returns home from there. ... Mr. W" S Wilson, of Gate wood, who will be the assistant teacher in the Concord High School, arrived here this morn ing. Mr. WilcoTi is a young man, and a graduate of our Uni versity. We heciitily Mr. -Wilson to our town -eicome OF AT I 1 A tee famy CAKES j re T-Vf aiseworthy Work. : During: the ,past , vacation rm: provemehts have been 1 made " in the central graded school1 build ing m several particulais,v thei principal, one being the changing qf still another wall whereby four looms can now be changed into one largriopm" when neces sary. A few pecessary too coccimi more ' desks are ! for the - coming I There is something most wTorthy of notice as to the graded school building this year, for which the small boy deserves much praise. r It can only be ex plained when we opine that the love of the boy Jfor his school building has become greater and his unruly' and wreckless ways are laid aside for something more profitable to him and less expensive to the graded school board. It is the breaking of window glasses to which we allude. Almost every year there are about seventy-five or eighty window glasses to put in before the school opens. Last year there were 126 new ones put in just before school opened. Mr. Coltrane has visited the building expecting to count the full num ber and found not one. It is well if our boys continue in their good ways thus. They are Being Ousted. Mayor Means has for the last while been keeping an eye on a crowd of negro women about our town whose presence is not I desired by this or any other town. The gang has 'been broken into and it is thought that it will end in their leaving town being imprisoned. One oi the crowd, Laura Melchor, was put in jail several days ago for fighting, and Wednesday night Mag Plunkett was sent to jail. Two others, seeing their danger of being within the clutches of the law, have left; town as will also one or twTo more probably. Let our execu tive department continue in this work. Miss Kate Morrison and her friend, Miss Penick, went to Pioneer Mills yesterday afternoon to spend about a week with their cousin, Miss Elsie Morrison, who was visiting here. NO CURE, NO PAT. r I TV. 4- l.Vs tvt nil Avr rrrri eta en I f Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills a .tvt,. Tf iD 0r,i,r TrrtT1 arl It is simply Iron and tasteless form. Children ts refer it to bitter, nan- Quinine in a leatino Tonics Price. 50c. One STRIKE, (.And you have made a safe hit and straight for the It BELL, HARRIS & CO. Where vou can find EVERYTHING you need in the house keep in" line from the CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. Our three -II oors are crowded to the doors with goods bought before the advance and we bought them to SELL and we are going to S E L L them, SEE IF WE DON'T. Do you need any of our kind of stuff ? If you Ar, erUro ,is n. pall. Don't foreet our Star Leader and Iron King Cook Stoves they Bake the Cake. Our Lisk Anti-Rust Tinware fnii, f tnwri "Rvorv niece Warranted. Call and see us, we will do you good. ? ELL The Cotton Basinet Ihinsg the- Year. As we are, now about to start om. another cotton vear, Cotton 4 Weigher 'Propct, has added h is t6tals of the past year ?,nd com- inezices wun new t pages, jbvery bale that is -weighed is numbered and the name:oi .the purchaser is j also noted. - He found that from" the first day of September, 1898 to the Sist day August,' 1 899, mere were 15,524 bales weighed. Following is the number pur chased by our different cotton buvers: D PtDayvault & Bro. . 7,323" Cannon & Fetzer Co 6,424 Jno. P Allison 1,501 G W Patterson 141 Lippards & Shealy 120 Kmdley Mfg. Co 15 Total.... :.15,524 The amount bought bv Messrs. D P Dayvauld & Bro. and Mr. Jno. P Allison, a total of 8,824 bales, was consumed in the Odell mills, while the 0,424 bales purchased by the Cannon & Fet zer Co. were consumed in the Cannon mills, while the other cotton mills are known by the names of the purchasers above. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of nia almost miraculous escape from death, says: ."Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and conghed night and day. All my doctors taid I must soon die. Then, I bgan to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if -it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and ail say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular sige 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Store.1-. ' Capt. Barnes Bead. Capt. Barnes, who was way laid and shot on Tuesday even ing, near Wilson, died next day and Joseph . Jefferson, a white tenant of his, has been arrested for the crime. The evidence against him seems quite, conclu sive and the coroner's inquest finds him guilty. He is in Ral eigh jail in mortal fear of lynch ing. i HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. All doctors told Renick Hnmilton, of West Jefferson, O, after ,-uiTenng 18 months from Rectal Fistuhv hn would' die unJ ess a costly operation was per- formed; but he cured with boxes of Buckleo s IrMctt Salve, the ' ooes 01 buhmbu r , k -finrest Pile cuie on Larjb, an ga vein the L- cer and the beet tits a box. I Sold at Fetzer 8 DruJ? blore Two i rvii a home run, provided you make Furniture House of . ARRIS 1 GOIPffl f! i 1 1 1' i; I