Actional ncautpinenl tr. A, 14., l'tiila-! a white traM'-Weaneiaay : jii. ti a n icna effect Juneia, N0KTBQTJN9 No. 8 arrives t m, 12 . . 7b& p4oi ... No. 87 siriv&VW AH?-- .-. ttfn..A?., . iBtei'to PhiladelDliia at rate of; t&:tx v ... ' IfilS.OS forountt1 tnr. -Tickets 7The negro jarrested at:Sqqt- j on isale' Septal, 3; limiiied ma JNecic tnought to be John turning Sept. 12. but an exten SiSS m invested Heayily--gamea a itingrticket with jcnnfgentuatK -v- . ?- .:. : r laeip beeen,.Sepj, . ;&8i Rim: PlLJi II II IT II 1TT1 pionroef &&e wrderer of ConstaV 14 S? pleased, ? .? ?;tlv jne-negro wanted. 'iMmmmmn SWPfif ryou so doing. No. S5.hnTunninfr hCharbtH Wis stopped for mj y'-'SSSk. f 1 TT Tfi CI' ffl fif AT 1T1 hviP .assengeraWving from LynoEbnrg,pr PrQfrip XlTry1 IS ISLpJipT JLII pripgfljlg Beyond, fco. WiWgl ' . : " Dasaenffi-ror Salisbury fl $r$ - -Agent. OreetjsbbrcK ReidsTiUe. Danville , and prftfltfpal stations between.DanvlIetid een?SmmK 7rom YelibuWTr L0-Wteap4 liver colored ' . - : ... NOTICE! nointB baypna, na to take on tms- bitcti. Answors ' to th' nanho I TiWMti KVvrr lot 1RQ0 Mn?.e" t??J?8fepp Pe? :''Siip off passengers from regnlar Vtopping Sivn ftJv??7-: fY fronilthe custody of the Railway QI places south of J?erells and to take on t St. .Cloud hotel. ' Company will. .be subject . to the .. . - iasseuprH iuc reKxr bioppibs pjaces, . w.a. oil. followinfiT charges for storage : Lynchburg or beyond. , ' : . -.,.. . . 4 ah i r.. . Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for Miss Bertha. Stubbs returned All package freight not re- y sseners to or f roin the C. 0. & A. WftHnAsdnv Avoni' ''Scwi rf moved by.owners from the cus- i;ivision-Charlptte .to Augasta-and in to Kftr hnrnA :t ' Abwillo tody of the RaUway Company .otuer pomis m ooutn uaroiuia, Georgia 7 av7 iT , VT"T, ' I within fortv-eiffht hours not, in- nd Florida, reached through Columbia B. C. She wdlvbe here a whilel i t! ? ftr Auiru9ta. ; ; i - -vfth at Mr) R TT ftHlfi eluding Sundays .or legal hoh- Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains 1 - - - r v . : ' I days, computed from 12.00 noon ftud connect at Salisbury with trains of . FOR SALE A hew Wheeler of the day following the date of & ; Wilson -sewing machine with 1 the arrival, shall . thereafter be five drawers'! just from the fac-J subject to a charge for storage tory. ;;;7Callat this ofiice and get each day or fraction of a day a first .class machine oh easy that such cohsignments may re terms. . .''r ' : tf. main in custody of the Railway j Nine "persons, at least, will Company follows: take advantage of the cheap In less than car lod quantities rates to fPliiladelphia tomorrow. 1 ?nt Pe.r 100 Vovn&s per day, Some wiU leve tomorrow morn- with minimum charge of 5 cents ihg and'somfe will' leave tomor- for an OI?e package or lot f6r rownitrht - ' one consignee, but not more tuciu 5x.w pwr uay lur any one down prices. We close out W. N. a Division. TELEPHQNS NO. 71; focnd:d 1842. : mimmw S1NG: THEIR OWN PltAlSE.M S 1 ktaer competition and retail deal- Mr. Thies and wife have ers. f ew returned. to Haile GoldMine, S. C.!. - after, spefting some " time in oil the funeral knell of CHEAP the county. Mrs. Thies' sister, rio. MissLmie Shinn, accompanied 11 every case a sUiE when tested on them home, p .; ' Agent Dusenjbury requests that very Tiano warranted and will last a all who are going to Philadelphia t lifetime. tomorrow niht and desira Pull- Pianos have such a reputation for man berths reserved, will apply, tone anddurability. . . to him before tomorrow noon. j- which make the STIEFF pre- Ella Gray, a colored, girl, is 1 eminent. : 7 " confined in- jail on 1 account of Fine Tuning." 'Phone 196. failure to give bond until court Ptt 'a'o ' 1T Q 1171717 for stealing several articles from . Uniib. 1V1. O ilier, a negro Wontan: Piano Manufacturer, m ' . BHiumore. Md; The Syrians, who for several ;,,,try Branch Wareroom, months ha ve been living here K o. 213 N. Tryon St.,Charlotte,N.C. ?nd w mae daily rounds sell- . K. WILMOTH, Manager. lo . nhitta'c fevftr v.- 1 consignment not in excess of a carload. GOWAN DUSENBURY, Agent Southern Ry. THE BEST PBESfJRIPTION FOR CHILLS anct t ever ia a Jbottle ci Grove's Taste less OhiUjTosio. ' Never fails to cure; Xben ,-why experiment' with- worthless imitations J 'Price' 50 cents. Your money' back if it fails to cure. OclLlblclCLUry VVUllV 1 WDI , r-Uo nnA Too Par,. given you at Browns barber n6n' returned ,home Wednesday uop night from Yadkin county. Mr. The small child of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Jarrett 'accompanied them .1 X Lomax, of Cannonville. died home. Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Mangum, former editor of Mr. Craige Griffin, of Marsh- the defunct Success jahd Adver- ville, has been visiting-his tiser," wiffi which many are ac- brother, Dr. B L Griffin. quainted, has started a religious Mr. Ed. Henderson, who has paper under the name of the Ep- ! oen living near Poplar Tent, worth Reveille. ' as moved to Charlotte. Miss Edith Schubert and Pearl Va-. J L Hartsell has returned Tix home after spending week at J t'hAenX Misenheimer's springs. ing' their . relatives for four Alvon Watson will attend months'. ' They ' have returned school at the A & M college the here to live with their father, who is now engineer at the Can- Miss Addie Strieker has re- .AtiA oe ' tKnxr turned home from Laurel Springs where she visited her You, assume , no risk when you sister, Mrs. Daughton. buy ChamWrir?s Cofic, Cholera Mr th HnnkR familv have and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. Jj! gone to Salisbury td live. Irpb- Marsh CbViir refund your ably Mr. Cook will go in cither money if .you -are not satisfied business than mill work while after using it." Itf is everywhere. . . - ... . '' !:.. living m Salisbury. ' r DON'T YOU MISS IT. nneri : : i T-i t 1 rt-t t- . T-i H 44 Yankee Watch Q FOR . $ AT ft W. C. CorrelFs NOTICE! S v T- rf-i 1 11 T 1 jonn uaiaweii, a negro uoy, plaints and th0 only one-that was tried bef ore layor .Means ia:irf Tfc ia nlant aaa iA m-oXA' cwia never lail&r:.: H lft pieasani, sae : - rJ7 n ua - ; a, -w and reliable. voiy &iuctxjL iiti. u .JVjr vaa. admitted to be tie4 -most -aacoessT fureMWjnstfbrr street. It was5 a simple assault r rffg tU'(ttf nHhreeT dollars2. vvuwah, .m j; and it cost John Marriage license has, been is sued to- W R Herriri ! attd KMiss Bell'e tiinkeri BdW paitielrve Frtiit and m Luis mace, luips juiu&oi aa ic&u wwu. r . daughtlr of MrV-Motolfeer; MT'SS? SST W P LeGrande, '." familiarly . ..,Ph6nlBlNo..l22. Wednesdav niffhfc:or;-W " ton, where that team playfe1 him Subscribers to the Concord in ; three games, after wliich he Telephone Co. will please add the returns to school at the Bingham following to their lists: . : school. Billy has numbers of 1 135--Concordr Co.tt6n Seed Oil admirers here and all regretted Mill.7" v: :H,It A h rit : ' M- ; : to see him leave us.!- ' r 73- a Caldwell & Stickley. . . I have purchased of the Con cord Electric Light Co. all the supplies ' UsedJin tsonneetion with lightning. All : parties needing Lamps or Bepairs will find themrat' niy shopneit5 Oprl's liyery stable. ! pnosB T7I HAT J-TVTTO TT 104: i. iUUlVlQXX. 110 IW flHD TEAR! Is the laundry hard on -your goods Some are. M" -Examine , ? your 'goods f a carefullr.when vou send them to us ad when" yoif receive them back again and an will ; Tfind 4hat' we sew up many a Iript mend many button' hole,; pat-aew neck bands Ton: shirts not top badly wy trto .roloag the ttse ofrdur linen-, j One iris jnot ? test 4-Qfteh damags has, been? -doiie. inv previous TftttBrin and we cet-the blame:' Give ns vnnr steadv natronaee and We twill cmarantee voul linea. to last longer than wheadoae,aViasnx .: otter laundries, j ? 1: J. and I,.-' : --m-if. . ptJE WORKS phone "No. 2 (30OQ3OC3: If a girl's in love THAT'S HER BUSINESS, If a man's in love THAT'S HIS BUSINESS, If thev marry THEN IT'S OUR BUSINESS TO SEBLr ' I jTHEM THE FINEST 2ZZZ&IXIJO' Furnitere,. Floor Coverings and China Ware IN - THIS - CITY - FOR - THE - LEAST - MONEY. 1 1 G o To G W PATTERSON . RooJUSaU . Presb Better on Ice, : QuaKexdat 0 ' : Hbminy, .c :v?Ohfpped Beefr .? Canned (f Toiuatoea, Sbd BalstoPbMdre Starch mat Fioar.olasae Salt, VineffdryshfiSt'Tbbadr Rice, t ' P6lsh.,t itfeS bottled ' Pieties." waiuitt rawaers indytliii the Gr6cery uxa iineLW alio 'cariyr -j f close bur store at 8.15 qur ing. ttewnwr,m 6 'de liver g90& uuul 6 p. cu T H 15 Cooeord National BedI. . .. ' . . ' " Offers the business public a reliable, per- manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instrrtlon.- : We solicit yonr patronage nth the assurance of honorable treatment 'and 3ne Wpreciation of your patronajte. litre-can serve you any time we will be glad tb have you come and see us. i'i'UTTmtSAAT. AflCOMMOliAONSl "rf-.u mBCdJLTiCiNE, ChtotEer, Jest in rear of St. Cloud HdieJ. Qm ntbriBesmee kllpaiaeniPaiar. Outfits -6f ill -? kihds"-lurfah omptly and at reasonable Vrtce-. HOrcea and males alvaya onbanit or sale. - Breeders of .horouhbrbc pAlsrtd OKroa Hw ' 1; - 9