Price $-4.00 Per Year. A BURGLARY. Some Person Enters Mr. J. W. Furr's Store at Cannon ville and Robs Him of Some Cash and Goods. - . m. . X - - "has been some person in Con cord visiting houses at night, heretof ore only prowling about .residences but Friday night the night thief got in his work at Mr. J WFurr's store at Cannon - ville on West Depot street. The door, was opened with an axe from a. neighbor's house. After getting in he helped him self to goods to the amount of $15- or 18. 'He also broke open the combination money drawer, robbing it of $3 or $4 and leaving the drawer under one corner of the store.' The thief has not been captured. .-' v A Reckless Bicycle Rider. On Friday afternoon some un known bicycle rider ran over Bays, the six-year-old son of Dr. Sam Montgomery. The boy was not badly hurt but was bruised somewhat. The rider did not stop when he struck, the little fellow but passed; hurriedly oh. This kind of bicycling is danger ous not only to the one that happens to be in front of the wheel but to the rider ior if the latter is caught he will suffer for his recklessness. Just, such reckless riders as that one '". Fri day afternoon causes ordinances to be passed prohibiting others f rom riding on the pavements in some parts of -the town, and will later very probably necessitate bells and lanterns . on every wheel. Mr. Dayyanlt to Move Soon. "In another week or two Mr. W A Day vault and wife will move from Concord to Elmwood, where Mr. Dayyault will be en gaged in the lumber business. It is probable that they will return here after Mr. Day vault has tmished his work there. Mr. Frank Pharr will .occupy the house where Mr. Day vault now lives. .. . , He Has Gone to the Springs. Chief of Police .Harris has for months been in bad health and many days when he is oh the streets he feels scarcely able to serve but goes on until he is bound to go to bed. He has gone to Misen heimer's springs to spend a week or two, hoping to improve. At Epworth Church Tomorrow. At the close of the service to morrow morning the conference will be held at Epworth church. Tomorrow afternoon ;k at 4 o'clock the young people,, will eet for the purpose of organizing an Epworth League. Death In a Silo. At Wausau, Mich. tHree patients in the .county asylum were. working : in a silD.: The vai uumu acia eaa overcome i i ' 1 mcm auu iney-aiea oeiore tney could be helped out. One of the' rescuers came near losing his iifeaisdvt ..11 CURE 'A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. J!fnPtoftmd money if it fails to enuin has L. B. Q ?n eachtablet. CONCORD, N. Points of Difference Between jir. Cleve-J IathI nrwl W' HFf TTitiIot' " ! We often hear people who have not( forgiven ex-President Cleveland of his sin against sil- ver express a regret that a man with his common sense raid cour- age of convictions is not now President. It is generally be lieved that if such a man were President we would not have a foolish and expensive war upon our hands. Mr. McKinley is like Clay in the hands, of the politi- : cians, and they made him make war when there was no need for it. The politicians were like - clay in the hands of Mr. Cleve- Mi".6 - when the foolish and misplaced' enthusiasm of certain politicians threatened to raring about a rup-1 ture with Spam. This difference J.I.- j 1 il j 3 L m ine metai mai presiaenxs are made of is important in tithes like this. .Nothing ever presented, P.Wfilnnrt thaf. , fovi fv, he was afraid to tackle without tne aayice oi politicians, ana nei generally , came out on toptpres-.,.. ident McKinley has been adyised;fw . , ' almost out of his wits, andis-A) -rbr. -and Mrs. M; L ; Stevens ing roundly abused by some Of, fill, arrive in our city tonight tne very politicians wnose aa- he has taken. There ds nothing so necessary in thB.inaGrove,, spenttoday, yntht make-up of a president as con, victionsof hisownandcourasroto carrv thorn out regardless of the advice of politicians, and not? in recent years have we had a prsiV dent lacking more in these essen tials than Mr. McKinley. Samp son Democrat. Missionary Meeting Monday Afternoon; : The Woman's Foreign Mis;r sionary Society of the Flr.sU Presbyterian' church will meet at- the manse with Mrs. W. C. Alex ander pn next Mpyj Septem ber 4th, at 5 o'clock in the even? ing;- ; 'i-y'r . The Young Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society is hereby most cordially invited to be pres xxu T" 1- ticipate mithe exercises of ,th evening., , , ' - ; : ' Bv order of thb President, i. i ' Mrs. D. B. Morrison. Will Meet Here in October. The Convocation of Charlotte will be held, in All Saints Epis copal church here on October 2nd and 3rd, conducted by Dean Osbourne, of Charlotte. A num: ber of the clergy and laity will attend. Senses Deeply Stirred The Burlington News, in ,tell- ing the awWl steryt Andyc. jfiaams agaiiisu .tixo .ntuxc t-jcai oicr aaugnrer oi -mi, j. xuw r r, adds . V ' A uWe are opposed, to lynch IfwV v but we say 1 with thej light beJfov us that a brute so inhuman ought; tb3haVdeerf "killed: just likS v dog wquI have been if he ;jaSi; f Qtiticl trying to take the life bf v . little innocent childi and wejkv - clare that this negro brute ought ! to" have been killed by the first mau wiiu tamo -Aiux auu, w e with all Christian forbear- ance. The soothing heklMpifif ernes. .noi ;unain ueram js v"Ku 1 ? Remedy, its pleasant iafeta and prompt hd-U pett&atjent X .enrea have made it a great favorite with I th'eetfpld tevOryttheM. Foi sale ! by M. L. Marsh & Oo Diuggists C, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER YELLOW FEVER AGAIN. K Infected, Yellow lever has broken out "at Key wist. The latest report is 17 vSome deaths have ' .. .... mi. . t-j : occurred, me j-si&uu. i& wm- pletely cut off by quarantine. There is ho great uneasiness at Jacksonville about it In New Orleans an autopsy ! showed that one Mr. Udoipn died there of the malady on last Thursday. :. . 6 ') One fatal case has occurred at yincennes. This was a late ar- rival from Cuba. ; PERSONAL ".POINTERS. tthc tI . afternoon in Charlotte: . 0 . . ... ister Mrsr M L BrowH : v rMr enaerson, oi ; , ; 1 1 J rMiss Xila Stafford, of Harris- "burg, is visiting the Misses Sims. & mr. vv uoues, euuor oi vy.. - -i'irom Asheville. - ' - Miss Lollie Graebr, ot near "llsa . anss i'annio Luppara weni, Tington this mornmg to spend, several day s. : . Mr. Sol Levy: ; and family, left this morning v to spend sev eral days in Athens, Ga. L xir-tMiss Daisy ' and John Bar rier went to Salisbury this morn ing tp spend several days. .. . . -rMiss liena Barringer, of Mt. Pleasant, is spending several days with Miss Kate Lentz. -Rev. C L TiFisher and fam ily passed through here today on their way to Mt. Pleasant. -Mrs, R Lee Carry of Rock Hill, arrived here this morning. She is visiting at Mr. M- E Cas tor's. ' . Mrs. Ransom Gray, of Char lotte, arrived here this morning ;send Sunday at Mr. L D ipend Sunday .Duval's. . Mrs. Malcolm - Arnold, of Washington, who has been visit ing at Rev. J D Arnold's, left this morning. ' Messrs. Geo. L Patterson and'R L Keesler went to Char lotte this morning, to take in the minstrel tonight. ',v ; ; THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is envied by all poor dyspeptic, whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such .should , know that Dr. King's Xew Life . Pills, tjhe wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy. -"'srives a regular bodily habit that inn res perfect f ,r t r. ES 1 - ? AT Mi lift IE ClJl U I N it 2, 1899. With the Churches Tomorrow. Rev. Paul Barringer, of Mt. Pleasant will preach at Trinity Reformed church tomorrow morning, Rev. T. W. Smith, the pastor will hold, regular services at Epworth M. E. church tomor row. The pastor, Rev. G. B. Miller, will hold regular services tomor row morning and tomorrow night at ; St. James Lutheran church. Rev. W, B. Ohey will hold services at St. Andrews Luth eran church tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. There will be regular services at the First Presbyterian; church tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. The Jaour for holding the evening service has been changed from 8 to 7.30 o'clock. ! There will be regular services at the Baptist church tomorrow morning and night by the pastor, Kev B. JUacy JtLoge. Subject for 11 a. m "Deliverance." "Sub ject for 7.45 p. m., "Backslid- mg Rev. J D Arnold will preach . at Forest Hill Methodist church tomorrow morning. Tomor- row night Rev. J Y Allison will preacn Regular services both tomor row morning and night at Cen tral M. E. church by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Thompson. .The Rector, Rev.' J C Davis,, - r"- V Sainte'. Episcopal, 'ch row morning-at 11, o'clock and - A 1JPE :ANtJ" tBA!TH FIGHT, Mr. "W. . HMefsof MancJxesteri; Iaf wiitiner .of his almost -miraculous escape from "death, ' ayeV ' "Bxposdrd J after measles induced iserigus;; lung, Rouble, wnicii enaea in vonsumpuon. x naa freauent hemorrhaffes and cottfihed iiigjht and day. All my doctors said I must soon cue. Then i oegau to use Dr. King's Kew Discovery for Consump tion, which completely cured -me. I would not be without it even if ; it cost S5.00 a bottle. Hundreds-have nsed it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to . cure '.Throat, Chest and Luug troubles.", Hegular size 00c and $1.00 - Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Stoic. . ' h ;, . ; . Sheriff Peck is again able to be HE FOOLED THE SURGEONS. ' All doctors fold Kenick Hamilton, of West J efferson, O , After. suffenng;48 months from Bectal Fistula, ,he rwould die uhJessa costly operation 'as, per formed; buthe cued himself wlth five l?oxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure ;on Earth, and the best Salve in ;thei?World. - 25 r cents a box. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store." ; ' One STRIKE, And you have made a safe hit and straight for the BELL, HARRIS k ?here vou can find -jsiYKi riuvt F"u iwSSthfe CRABLE -TO THE GRAVE. 7, Our three floors and we bought them-to SEI, and we are gomtoS El. Whem qFF tp WE don, D6 you need any of our kind of stuff r 11 you doivulw :Dont forgtW Star; Leader and Iron King CooTltothey Bake ihCake. , Our iisk Anti-Rust x Tmare is the tal of the town: u Every.piece Warranted. Call and see us, we will do ou good. ' ; ' BIMI Single Copy 5 Cents Complimentary to Our .Superintendent In speaking of the institute work in Athene, O., the Athens Gazette has the following to say of Prof. C S Coler, of our Igraaea Schools nere, who ! one -of the foremost, i was' the work: "Prof. C S Coler, whd will be remembered by many of the older teachers of the county, is in charge of the work is psychol ogy physiology and geography. Prof. Coler graduated from the Ohio University in 1881, and was for a time engaged as a tutor in his alma mater. He has had many years experience in insti tute, as well as public school work, and is thoroughly in touch with the teachers in their differ ent lines of work. He is listened to with close attention, and much good will evidently result from, his work. The first evening session was held Wednesday and - was taken up with a lecture by Prof. Coler on "Horace Mann." Notwith standing the character of the weather the hall was filled, and all listened with the closest at tention to the speaker as he paid tribute to 'the irreat friend of the common schools and one of America's greatest educators'." Two Deaths In One Family. Faith, August 31. The f amily of J T Wyatt, of Faith in Rowan county has been sorely stricken. On the fifth of August his wife died and on the eighteenth his tnother died. He is now left alone'. His wife was the oldest daughter of the late E E Phillips and was a large woman, weigh ing 250 pounds. ' r ' ;:jro!T Over fiUy lean Mrs. ; Winiiow'i Soothing yro j fea been ? used for v-.oU;,fiy years by millionii of mother & f oi iheir ciiilu repjWyieteetniniVX prot euc cese. It ecotfces tij';biiM, softens itiennrs, allay? iUm, .cures' Vmd colic, 'kud i th- t. i:.eT for Diarrhoea, It : th ;'cor little' eafferer. mm -t'.v-i! e;v ?t!d by draggista in fvr and ask for ' Mrs ?'rtrJl. Sooth ingJrnp' and no o'wr Kind Two STRIKES a home run, provided you make Furniture House of S r COiPffl CO