' V. -V V ArrlTal off Trains The following change of schedule took effect Junel2, 1890. . v NORTHBOUND. ffo. 8 arrives at 5-52 a m, " "10 00 am, "12 u u 7-09 p m, 33 " M 8.51 p m, (flag) w 34 t9.45 p m, 6a " "VOOam (lren.it) SOUTHBOUND. fo. 37 arrives -at -8 49 a m, (flag) 11 44 44 11 23am, 7 "l " 8.51pm, 35 9.20 pm, (flag) 33 . 7.19 a ui ' -31 " 44 8-49 a m, '(freight) No. So. when running ahead of No. 7, "gflagged if necessary for through travel 4outL of l- harlotte, and is stopped for li&&2iigers arriving from Lynchburg or ievond. No. 30 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point, Greensboro, Reidsville, Danville and principal stations between Danyille and iV'isliington. No. 37 stops for pas- eiicrs coming from Lynchburg' or joints beyond, and to take on pas- sciigers for regular stopping places south of Newells. No. 38 stops to let oil passengers from regular stoDDin places south of Newells and to take on sisseugers for regular stopping pJaces, Lyuchburg or beyond. .Nos. 33 and 34 stop at Concord for -rseugera to or from the C. C. & A. . jjivi aion Ohariotto to Augusta and other points in South Carolina. Georgia Aid Florida, reached through Columbia, or Augusta. Nos. .27, 8, 11 and 12 are the local trains .v& connect at Salisbury with tlftins. oi . v vvuiii is aiwavs given you at Brown's bar W shop. Dr. J, A Tyson, of Nnrwnnrl spent Monday night here. He and Mr. Coltrane lotto tee day before purchasing Concord Has a Strike. A strike took place today (Tuesday) on our streets but no one need fear any trouble. Eight negroes who were ; working , on the street abovef-the St. Cloud TELEPHONE NO. i 1S42. mac hinery for the Norwood ' where the macadam is be- mui. FOR SALE A new WIippW & Wilson sewing machine with five drawers, just from the fac tory. Call at this office and eet 1 nrst class . machine on easy rms. tf. Two new clerks have been a dded at Yorke. Wadsworth fe Co. 's. They are Luther Winecoff, of near here, and Natharripl Smith, of No. 3 township. f Mr. W J) Anthony has gone to TT . -I ' ' ,1 i Harris ourg, wnere he goes to use the paint brush on Mr. Mark Morrison's cfine new resi dence. It will take him about three weeks. LOST White and liver colored Pointer bitch three years old. Answers to the name of ''Slip A liberal reward wyu. be given for her recovery, Leave St. Cloud hptelv W. A. Foil. Herbert Bost, who has been employed by the Cannon & Fet zer Co., has secured a position in the bleachery. Henry Winecoff has his position with the delivery wagon. - Summer Underwear. ing taken up laid down their picks and walked away. They were getting 65 cents per day and struck with the hope of ; getting 75 cents. The Little Child Dead. - r On Monday evening about 7 o'clock in Salisbury, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom John son, of Salisbury, died. The lit tle child has been sick some time. Mrs. Ed. Hall ' who is a sister of Mrs. Johnson, attended the funeral. We invested heavily gained a doint for you by so doing. Q,u en tity is a factor in bringing down '-'-'' prices. We are going to -close out a lot of "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." tj Atiiggec- competition and retail deal U ers. oil the funeral PIANOS. knell of CHEAP n every case a sale I merits. when tested on fyerv Piano warranted and will last a lifetime. Opening Enrollment of tiraded Schools. The following report of the opening enrollment of the graded shools has been furnished us : Boys ... . . . . , . 216 Girls. ... ..... ........ : 217 Still Active in the Philippines. Another thrilling aet of bravery is reported from Manila OH the 2nd inst. Four hundred robbers worfe fortified in a moun tain strong-hold on the island of Negros; Our troops hacl charge up a very steep encline, while the enemy fired upon them and rolled heavy boulders down on them. They carried the works, killing 21 of the enemy with the slight injury to'a few Americans, though the American forces were greatly inferior in numbers. The Filipinos attacked An geles, bringing into action two Kruff guns, but failed to dislodge Col. Smith's command. YOU i MISS IT. "j-;vr Pianos have such a reputation for 1 tone and durability. .t nets which all do not' realize, but wh;ch make the ST1 EFF pre I eminent. Fine Tuning. .... . . .'Phone .196. Chas. M. Stieff, Piano Manufacturer, Jnltimore, Aid. Factory Branch. AVareroom, - Total. . . . 433 The enrollment at the colored school is Boys. 44 ' Girls... ., .64 Total. 108 The Market Has Changed Back. Six weeks ago Mr. H A Grae- rxnn ber sold his beef market to Mr. Frank Freeze, of No. 3 town- No. 213 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, N.C. ship. The market didn't look C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. right without Mr. Graeber around it and Mr. Freeze didn't Miss Mayfield Cole left Mon- feel right in it, so the market has Jay for school at the Greensboro crone back into its originial iemaie seminary. hands. Mr. Graeber has his ad. Morris Caldwell, of Poplar elsewhere for your reading. font, has returned to school at i-' Ul Ml l I 1,11 il .. . m . . J . 4 touuiuuu uiuniug fiiuvaii Mr, Jno. Adirie and wife have The Dreyfus trial should be one to Misenheimer's springs to . tn a lnRft nT1fl .ipaiinns - are tnau tne r itjiiuu guviumeuu liss Cora Lentz has secured a ffta,rs SOme serious trouble at its position m the millinery store oi l , o -h in VI Ivic 1 nnmn XA I o vn ti H or I " ) J U XA XA J. V XXITIAAIXAVX i "I V s - nearness xo rtennes wim a view David Caldwell is limping with n heinp- available. The trial a sore foot. A sharp inch-and-1 T , ' 04s nrv vv a-half chisel dropped on it. T lil 11-5 hUUUBil Cil LI UXSOll. (ilXJ.KjKJ UU Irs. Robinson, of Charlotte, is visitinsr her Darents. Mrv ana , . - i Mrs flPPMi lnr Wt. Tp- lin testimony uearing luau nnt cfvof the accused. It is believed that trx. t... JL he will prove a fraud, , but may to Durham to attend school at trial. Trinity college. FOR RENT. Three or four plats of land for farming purposes within and7 around town. Ap: ply to Joel Reed. Train Dashes Through a Trolley Car. At Gloucester, Pa., on Sunday evening a train struck a trolley car at tke crossing, cutting it in to two parts as with a carving knife. One lady was crushed and killed while several persons were more or less hurt. - Many jumped a.nd received shocks but w it seems little snort 01 a miracie that no more were killed. Delay Not Fou Delay Is Dangerous ! You have been thinkiner about taking out a Policy of Life In surance. Yes, 1 and for the benefit of yourself and loved ones you will take an Accident Policy. Mr. W. D. Shubert, machinist at Cannon Manufacturing Co. and Mr. F. B. Haydock, ma chinist at the Bleachery, have both been injured recently, and' both promptly received 'their weekly indemnity. Go to see them they were insured by me. You can find me in my office every evening during the week i from 8 to 9 o'clock. Office in Postoffice Building. Jno. A. Sims, f Insurance Agent. Tea Table 1 Topics AMONG THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN NICELY FURNISHED HOMES GENERALLY TURNS to the BEAUTY, EXCELLENCE and low PRICES OF "OUR , FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERING'S .att BUCK'S STOVES ail RANGES. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. w- Fine line of COFFINS and CASKETS i I'l Phone No. 122. Concord oakery, . Fruit and Cream - Parlor. Mr. M fi PViillina a,nr1 Miss Fresh Bread. Calces. Buns, Doughnuts, Louise Johnson, both of Cannon- etc.. Creams. Fraita 'Md Candies always -I fi -l : I UJU imUUa " - Mr vine, vvt5i uiaixiuu ouiiuuiy wvtju.- mg by Rev. J l) Arnold. Mr. Will White, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. F A AJtihibald, left Monday evening ior his home in Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Neal Henderson, of Mooresville. is clerkinsr in the Morris hardware store. He is a brother-in-law of Mr. Zeb Mor ns. Deberry Fisher, clerk at the St. Cloud hotel, has returned to his home at Mt. Plp.asant to spend a week or two. He is not 'veil. be I HAVE PURCHASED The Market of Mr. Freeze and will again , ready to serve you with IS IE2 IS Saturday morning. I again solicit part of your patronage H. A. GRAEBER. 0 XJOOOOOCDCOOCXji KX"bOOGOOOCf. 5Sa Go To S3 Sept.1. 1899.. SEE THE Yankee r FOR AT G W.PATTERSON Rock 8alt ' Fresh Butter on Ice, Quaker Oats, Hominy, ChiDDed Beef . ' WSLttfl Canned Cora. ; Tomatoes, , ana reacnes. Soda, Baking Powders, Starch OracKera, Lard, ilams, une8, Breakfast Strips, Green and ParcHed Coffee, Tea, Sugar. Soap, Peas, Meal, Corn, Shipstuff, Oats, Oil, Flo ur. Molasses, Salt, Vinegar, Snuff, Tobacco, Bice, fotasn, opices, potueu Pickles, - W ashing Powders and anything in the (Grocery line. - We also carry Rope, . Crockery , Glass-ware,, Woodenware, iiry wooas, Shoes Hats, Tinware Etc. Etc nxu Correirs We close our store at 8.15 dur ing the summer months. We de liver goods until o p. m. as Offero the business public a reliable, per ' manent, conservative and accommodat ing banking instution. We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. If we can serve you any time we will be glad to haye you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS!! TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - Capital an! SutdIus - - $70000.: JM. Odeui. President. M. L. Brown & BRa LIVERY, FEED AND SALE , STABLES, Just in rear of S;. Cloud Hotel. Odd nibopea meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds furniahec promptly and at reasonable pricef . Hortstd a ad mules always on banc or Raid. B readers of horoughbrecf Headache cq weuralafa cur&i UiLES' PAIN I v

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