During the civil war, as a in our late war with JSpnii), diar rhoea '.was od ui the m st troublesome dm a?et th army had to contend with. L uiauy instances it berame .chronic ' ad the bid soldiers : stilt pnffer from it. Mr. Davi.l Taylor," of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa , -one 4 f these. He vjsts (3h amber amH Colic, Cholera ;.r,l Dirrboea iiDtedy and says he never found ... ... i i . jmytbmg tnat woom give mm fruch auick relief. It , is for sale fry M. L. Mari & Co.. Drimgist NOTICE! Effective September 1st, 1899, all freight not promptly removed Irom the custody of the Railway Company will be subject to the following charges for storage : AH package freight not re moved by owners from the cus tody of the Railway Company within forty-eight hours, not in cluding Sundays or legal holi days, computed from 12.00 noon of the day following the date of the arrival, shall thereafter be subject to a charge for storage each day or fraction of a day that such consignments may re-, main in custody of the Railway Company as follows: In less than car load quantities 1 cent per 100 pounds per day, with minimum charge of 5 cents i or any one package or lot for one consignee, but not more , i r.-t rr J -C , man $.uu per uay iur any . oii , i i j. e consignment 1 not m excess oi a car load. . GOWAN DUSENBURY, Agent Southern Ry. uieannness In a Barber Shop is necessary and is ex pected by our class : : of TRADE : : We satisfy our trade by giving to them clean and satis factory WORK ': : : : T.J. BROWN, PROPRIETOR Winter is Coming I ALREADY HAVE ON HAND, THREE CARS OF Jellico Col And have ten more car loads on the way. It is time for you to lay in a 5upply for the winter, isn't it? I also haye on hand the belt of antracite coal. J. A. C. Blackwelder, West Depot St. at Store. &'Phone 68. BICYCLES Repaired' Promptly and Satisfac- J.1 TV ' A T . .. Lion eruaranxeea. FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables in stock at E. L. LI PES IN BRICK ROW. notice- I have purchased of the Con cord Electric I.i.;ht Co. all the supplies used in connection -with lightning. All parties needing Lamps or Repairs will v una tnem at my shop next to Corl's livery stable. "isr-E. honish; SO YEARS' . V f EXPERIENCE Trade Marks t V Xf cnpvDir.ure A . Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly- ascertain our opinion free whether an SSTJfi;1??8 Prbably patentable. Communica- p ,rfj AL VYii . uae u' uuaHODookon Patents, ent free. Oldest itSM: .wniuncc, witnout ciifire, in the .- .Mlentino journal. Terms W Si i rn . A PRELIMINARY TRIAL. (Continued from first page.) Soon he heard one of them say "let's have a rucus but we must kill some time before we get there." Also said fj we'll have to raise a rucus to get the bully. " Didn't hear Richardson say one word.. He and Jim loalks one Sunday heard the negro, Tom Carr, while talking about a negro, Wooten, . being .arrested for stealing a watermelon say "that's all right some day he'll try to arrest me and I'll either arrest him or he'll arrest me. " This was referring to Mr; Kerns. - Jim Foalks .testified that the statement made about Mr. Kerns bythis negro, Carr, was true. -Prom evidence brought out it was necessary of course to hold the negroes for two reasons for their own trial and as wit nesses in case the third negro is caught. They were taken back to jail. For Over Fiity Years Mrs. Winaiow's Soothing Syrap he been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teet hing, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays allpaiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, 'It will relieve the poor little sufferer imroedintelv. Bold by druggists io every part of the world. Twenty -five eente a bottle. Be sHre and aak for "Hrs. Wioslows Sooth- hue 8?rap," and take no other kind Villainy Honored. The bodies of seven of the rebels who got killed in the John Brown raid, at the time when that afterward Yankee canonized insurgent and law -breaker was done up, were dug up and re-buried last Wednes day. They were put away this time in the same cemetery where John Brown's body lies a-mould-ering in the grave. Bishop Pot ter made pious and patriotic fuss, respectively over these outlaws at the burying. Charlotte Ob server. 1 s ' HOW'S THIS? We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not by cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Wft the undersigned, have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him: perfectly reliable in all business transac tions and financially able, to carry out any obligations made by their firm. - West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, ' roledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts directly upon the blood and hucoup surface of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimo nials freel A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT, . Mr. W. ;A. Hines of Manchester, la., writing of His almost miraculous escape from death, saye: ;V 'Exposure after measles induced serious liing trouble, which, ended in Consumption. I , had frequent hemorrhages .'and coughed night and day. -All my doctors said I jriust soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New 1 Discovery for Consump tion, which completely , cured' me. . I would not be without it even ii it cost S5.00. a bottle. Hnndrfids !--, v AW on my recommendation and all &ay it tiftvpr fails t.n Anr HTK-rrkof rr. .1 - - ; -v.4v-4.iu.wcm, iiCBt. UUU Lung troubles." Eegular size 50c ' and $1.00 Trial bottles free at FetzersDru Store. . , i AJNTJJJU Tt bUV 100,000 TTt A "V rr -w nr-v v jr vov-iiuu,ouiau Uo" Miyjiea at tne loundry at; once, for 'wmco we win pay a fair price- No burnt iron wanted, aietf. - ' Concord Foukbry . H-Tory woman reeir Dr. iiltft- t tr. nJ:'. COMMISSIONERS MEET The Jurors for the October Term of Court Drawn Reports of Road Snper Yisors -Extra Cost to the County This Month.- : . ' ' - - . . At the meeting of the county commissioners Monday Messrs. H W Ludwisr, C M B Goodnight, C A Sherwood, R A Brown and J C Furgeson were appointed commissioners ,for Buffalo creek. , Coroner Lentz's bUl of , $30.40 was ordered to be paid. This was for the iriquest held out near Harrisburg oyer an un knownN negro that was killed one night by the train. Five dollars was paid to an old man named W R Barrett, who has been staying at the county home. This was to pay his way to Jackson's springs. , A bill of 26 was presented against the county for the ser vices of twenty-six men as guards Sunday night oh account of the disturbance in our streets, caused by the killing ot Police man .Kerns. . The following names were drawn from the jury box to serve at the next term of court which is in October: D S Foil, Paul A Hahn, C W Litaker (No. 11) J C Clmo, Jas. W, Taylor, D T Litak er, Jas. R White, . D L Barringer, Jno. D Barrier, . H W Black welder. J P Morrison, L A Tal birt, C L Smith, J M W Alex ander, A E Furr, J D Green, M F Teeter, C M Sappenfield, W A Castor, Jno. K Patterson, M, L Kizer, R L Hartsell, J L Hud son, C E Sides, W C Houston, G A Patterson, W D Foil, C P Fields, R C Harris, V Y Suther, I H Beatty, D A ;Kluttz, Wiley M Barringer, J G White, H S Barnhardt and P C Earnhardt. - - NO CURE. NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell Grove'fl Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children 80ve it. Adnlta refer it to bitter, nan leatinR Tonics Price. 50o. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is envied by all poor dyspeptic, whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. ' Bids Receivable for the Location of Xorth Carolina College. The; committee whose names are subjoined was appointed by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Carolina at its conven tion1 held at Salisbury, May 1899, to receive bids for the future lo cation pf North Carolina College, and in persuance of its commis sion, makes announcement as follows: Bids for the location of North Carolina College will be received and in due time. . and in erood faith , will be ref erredf or final decision to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Caro lina, if filed with - the chairman of this committee on or before the 15th day of November, 1899. The committee hereby reserves for the said Synod the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids will be considered, however, carefully and in the light of the future welfare of the college. ' , This college is under the special care of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of North Caro lina and wherever located will command her loyal support, and the community securing the lo cation may reasonably presume uponjthe Synod's hearty co-oper ation m securing the highest efficiency of the titution. Robt. C. Holland, ' - . 1 Chairman. - Chas. B. Miller. G::o. r ninl)IIIIHHKHWnuHmWunHHIHUluinwwwHi. similatir uWoodflodBeguto- ticssandHsstGonfains ndthcr OpiumIorpluiie not IftaaL IvotNabootig. Pumpkm Sfd j4lx.Senna Seed. , Apcrfect Remedy far Constipa tion: Sour Stoinaeb.Diarrboea, Vbnn3onvulsions Jcverish? I tiess aridLass OF SLEEB KW tOHR. EXACT COPSTOF WRAsBPZBi MANUFACTURING COLlP'i -f-M- MASUriCTIIKEIlS OF H FINE Ginghams, Sheeting, gs AND Outing Cloths -o- ) ; DEALER IN General Merchjardise buVers of - COUNTRY BRODUCE of all kind. .O; Four-foot. Wood always Wanted .-Best Price for same. io. We inyite an inspection of all the goods - , wemanufactnre ; Sill! iiiii ill 1 nlftllll-ll TIT""' I ' 1 'rHmiinn,,-! riantwa ODELL Plaids Salt Ba . . f i. CJcDcord N". o- 1n flYrv For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought TMC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. outherp Jx aiiway SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JUNE THE l.TH, 1899. This condensed schedule is pub lished , as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public : Trains leave Concord N. C 5.52 A. M. No 8, daily, for Bich mond; connects at Greensboro for Raleigli and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for Asheville, Elnoxyille and points West. 7. 19 A.M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Cars between New York and Aiken, S. C, New York and Tampa, Ela., and Norfolk to Charlotte. j . 8;49 A. M. No. 37, daily, Was ington and Southwestern limited for Atlanta,VBirminghanv Memphis, MonU gomery,, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Throuerh Pullman sleenAr Naw York to 1 New. Orleans and New York to Memphis, Joining car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. . 10:00 A. M.-No. 30, daily, for Wash ington, .Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawing room buffet sleeper, New Orleans to iNew lork; Miama, Jacksonville to New York: Pullman-tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Mondays and Thursdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Souti.. Solid train, Bich mond to Atlanta. 7:09 P. M. No. 12, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. 8;51 P. M. -No 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville. to Charlotte, N. C. 18: 51P.M. No 38, dailv, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash- t"6 uu an pojnia iorin. Xlirouj;" Pullman car. Memphis to New York; New Orleans to. New York. Also carries vestibuled coach and diniog car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. .v ? 9.20 P. M No; 5, daily, f oi Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullman geeper.New York to New Orleans. New York to Jacksonville and Charlotte to Atlanta. Also Pullnan to irist car Washington to San Francisco, via New Orleans Wednesday and. S&inr Jay. 9.45 P. M.Nn ??4. Aorr a New York and Florida Express, carries Pull-, man Sleeping Cars between Aiken, C and New Y"nrlc. TnmTm "Flo nr.d New York and Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries sleepers Charlotte to. Norfclk V' 4 Greensboro , First sections local freight train's carrv mssensrers only to points where t.hp.v Rtnn flncor It6 schedule. . . Third Vice-Pres. anoLGen'l. Mr.n. ; Washinsrton, n l Bears the . Signatui fiw -I II W Tiie LW 1,,l,u j XP You Have j Always Bought. ;i((nMlF fill I J ohn M. Gulp,. Traffic Manager, r .... - Washington, P. C W. A. Turk, Gen'l. Pass. Agent, Washington, P. C. owan Dasenbery, Local A?ent, " Concora N. ; If

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