. t nA 11 "XT SWARUiGENPATTERSON.J I i Wo of Chi" Grove's Most Popular YoDBg Folks TTed-A New Methoalrti Church-rersonau s v 1V Written for Tae otonaaro. . China Grove, Sept. 7. DeWitt crinfiren and Katv Ethel Pat- erson were united. hnnds of matrimony Marks E'L chnrW p. m. by Kev. Kopert Ju Fatter sod, brother, otb.p bride, assMted by Rev. J Q Wrtz. Th attend- ants were Misses ueuian ana Pauline Thom of this pHce, alld Miss Alma Shirey4 of Mx: ginia, Messrs. Arthur, Patterson and Tom KOss, of this place, Messrs. Hart and Blalock, of Norwood, and Edgar (aither, of Salisbury. Miss Myrtle Patter T son, sister of. the. brides played the march. Her escort- was Mr Duval, of this place. ' TJie church Vas decorated " with cottbn" arid ferns. A g4te made of cottori was opened by Master Bernard Patterson - arid- his little niece j Louise Miller, for the procession. After the ceremony; the happy; couple returned to the home of the bride to prepare; to leave ; orL the 7.32 train for Baftimore to spend eight or ten days. Several of the attendants accompanied them as far' as Salisbury.. " The bride received a number of hand some presents. " ; ; ; ; - ' ; ; This ceremony was the joining of two of China Grove's most popular young folks two who have the admiration and good wishes of our place. Mr. Ed. Patterson, our - local freight conductor, who has been o-t for some time on the sick list is back at his post.again., Rev. Stallings, of the Baptist church, will conduct a meeting here, beginning Friday night in the old academy building. , Work on the new' Methodist church is progressing rapidly. Mr. J V Sutton, of Salisbury, spent yesterday here. Mr. John Julian, of Salisbury, as here yesterday. , ' The new cotton mill to be erected at High Point, two miles Uouth of China Grove, seems to be a living thing. There is con siderable work being done on the grounds cutting and sawing lumber for the wood part of the building. A babv ffirl arrived at the home of Mr. W G Patterson last . o night, Mr, Gus is all smiles this morning, The Colored Teams Playing Our baseball season has closed and now the colored team has opened with a series of games ith the Charlotte Quicksteps. They played a game yesterday resulting in our Lone Stars be ins defeated in a score of 16 to 8. I They try it again this afternoon and probably would have played bet- foi67 hadrandStand support. Small-Pox In Rowan. The Salisbury correspondent to the Raleigh Post says there is a family of negroes Hying eight miles west of Salisbury that has small-pox. They are isolated and guarded so that no fear of a spread is entertained.- price $4.w x or J wr Baptist Chnrch. U T"u? goou crowa was at tne n last mgw to - Wuxx x mo ODI- son ana A b Northcott The on foe duties of the church of the M. E. church, presided at the organ.: The solos, Mr. Wolfsohn were excellent; u ecegajn:tonightpt 8 P- u. this is sufficient ; guaranty ;tha inied to have -paiJ-e : brake wm be nxsclassv:;-, vyjih tb xideiotL theJ flight. Thej ttr. H. M. Barrow On Itills. V" iyi The Louisburg Times.qpntaiis au interview 01 consmeraoie Jength and merit w:th Mr., H. yw? in; general and m Concord to Pa?rV 'After po,ntmgut-!jbad. tne manr advantages Mrr 3ar-r0i' tto ; A, : . . . L v , . 7- - , i ,.- ,K viw.:stor. He was pound over . to Jtv vv oa.AU. Ai ..no , LJ.au. tsuii-iio Ml S old home.nj,w;n;.:&;vdt; otlWhich . he is uoncora ior aoouii 224 nours ne wquiq nou neea to argue m iavor of cotton manufacture. Has a Crowd of Boarders. :aiie boarders these days as you could well -expect a house of those rates to have, and to take into consideration that his board is unsonciLeu. nib mvwuiuiy A& . tt: i- z three negro women, three white men and seven : negroes. k The prospect are tuat nib luuuib . that his will be about lull until time ior court. Scoundrel Shoots Into a Train. The Greensboro ; telegram of the 6th says: When the eastbound passenger train , which leaves here at 8 :10 o'clock a. m.', was burning the wind about a mile below Mebane yesterday morning, two car win dOWs one each in the first and isecond class cars were suddenly crashed to pieces and small par ticles of glass were sent flying in every direction m the cars taa -1 College opened-today with succession, from the outside. ; 146 students. The dormitories At one of the broken windows are said to be about full. Twenty Mrs. General W B Pender, of five out of 171 failed to pass the Tarboro, was sitting and the' vo bullet passed but a lew mcnes' ifrom her face.r .Her lap'wasfm - ed with broken glass. The second bullet went through a gentleman's hat, almost scrap- ing his head. There is no clue to tne perpe- trator of the -crime, though the , Southern, assisted by the police authorities at Mebane and near-j by towns, is doinfe all. in its. dower to bring the guilty scoun- j drel to justice. . It was not his fault that his .dastardly work did not result in .a double murder and if caught he will be roughly handled GliUjBiuus JNHiw Comes from Dr. D, B. Cargrile,. of tYefofElecL liters bfs c JM?!' jsrower of scrofnla, which had caused Y,nr rfroof flnffoMTICr ffr VearS. 1 leiTlble sores would break out on her head and j face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is exoeUent." This shows that Bitters is the best blood purifier Known. It?s the supreme remedy .for eczema. tetU lTSeum,-ulcers, boils and run- tetter, sail rue uui, .-,... .;v.,w. - mng sores, x hp.res- and bowels . PJt hWS:" lion, Duiitio wo er cents. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. CONCORD, N.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 1899. F.nr Cptnred Bat ReieU 0n a freight train today (Thursday) four foreigners were found in : a car. Nothine was dpne for a whUeuntU Policemen M& Jd' u of futo 'cU ; -JL no weapon -on their" persons, Rnt. wKnVi ,aW wo rWtirni th&. tbgu French ink&d." ot'-BngHshiV Xn- effort was. mato.to, undelretand thm PYere released. , ' Taken tii: raigned boforo tho Mayor.s' couri Isaac ocoi. a negro,, , was ar-; today (Thursday) on'archarge of iet&m liquofin tho back lot, .Cann(ji Mzer CoV's su- j. . "M . t l j e now iii iail It Wm the Cake.- The: Favette Mo:." Democrat-4; You will agree wi wnen you read, the following ; "The horrible news comes : from Free State that a vounsr " man. climbed a . cornstalk' last Monday to see how the ears were getting along, and now the corn ig growing up faster " than he can climb down. ; Three men have undertook to cut down the stalk, but owing to its rapid growth it is feared that they will not suc ceed in time to prevent the young man's death by starvation. He is subsisting on raw corn and he has already thrown down four bushels of cobs. It is now thought that his supply is almost ex hausted." . Good Opening of the A. & M. Coilee. The Agricultural and Mechani- 5wo ' have to be turned away. There is no preparatory de- i partment W the college now and . wU ei4lH- - - of a fine body of students. - Deaf Mute Killed on the Track, Ben Pendergrast, a deaf mute, .villed bv the train near Le . . ,,OTr tt0 , noir Wednesday. He was walk- try re rn f.lio trnrVlr and though at) iproaching the train seemed to be lnnkinf? downwards and was The stnir.k and instantly kiUed. 'ine train was moving slowly when it struck him and the body was not mutilated. HE FOOLED THE SUHGEONS. All doctors told Renick Hamilton j of bww"wui -"tr" ' die unless a costly operation was per, formed; but be cured himselT with hve oxea 0f Buckleys Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best SS in the World.- Ss! cents a box. , QM of FM,7pt's "Drno- Store Sold at a etzer s urun store. x PERSONAL POINTERS. -rSteele, the hatter,, is here to- v Mr. Jas. a Heilig, of Salis bury, is here. - 1 -; Dr. D J Satterfield returned rJphh. Miller went down to Albemarle this xnornin --Mis's Fannie 'LiDoard re turned from xingtorr Wednes day. ' ' ;i-.-,i:;-.:-v.i'i C?4rRey,. Chas, BLMUler returned Wprnin. irqnr itpw i it -Misa Esther Gook went- to ;0harl6tte. tlii& morning to - spend awniie. r-rHorace Barrier." of. Mount -rMr. Joseph Wilson, v of Union, S, OK spent lastight atonal orders e can also look for Mr, Elam King - ; r Iphenomallv wnr i,. Esq. C A Pitts returned J rrr w"Ao myAUiu6 . . -ru. uoi marie and Misehheimer's springs v Dr. M L Stevens returned here this morning, after, attend ing the marriage yesterday evcji ing at China Grove. ' V. "'. ; ' Mr. E V Patterson,, ot Winston-Salem, who has : been the guest of his friend, Mr... Frank Rogers, left this moraing.rt Mrs. J O King, of Lincoln county, "and Mrs. G W Pressly, t A., r ,L . V A01 U1XX w ' Mrs., b Duffey, ,6f. Vir ginia, spent today with - Miss Nannie Cannon. Mrs. DufTey was formerly Miss May Pegram, of Charlotte. ' OF AT ores T) S Iff nu M .Vt ji s. Tile Summer is Ended, The Harvest is Past. ! THE TIME TO FURNITURE BUY Everybody and their kinsfolk know that BELL, HARRIS & CO. j . - 1 , is me piace to puy it ? us a long lead in LOW PRICES, t see if we don't. inl? like it ever shown in Concord. Prices range from 25c to $2. 50. Don't miss ;the ,s,ght. -.Jprt the , other kind of Presents. Now Frames made We Are Strictly W.U.. ARRIS $ CO Single Copy 6 Cents; ; : TOtat Hicks Says. Hicks, the weather man, says: ''September is the month in which the season shifts to oppo- sit45M of bur Uttle i .terrestrial sphere and one must look for. hgreat and violent acyiiy among... 4tne elemental forces The first rm Iripd for September lies between the 2nd andt 7th. . Dur Ing the 'fir st: part of the, period, a rmrwaye. will move, out from i6 wesfeRart, Qftthe conjti- nent, and it dependslnpon either ntinental.or; equatorial-storms 'fre1?'y,will.: be fol vedv by warm r or cooler weather. : The gobe; will pass through a magnetic crisis from aboutath 1 to .15 this H1 M ecialf perturbation; there will be 'maghetic and elec trical phenpnenaofl t pf . the -nqr- Meteorological -perturbation touching 17th, 18th and i 9th. Se vere and ngerpus;:equinbctial storms- not improbable. Look for sudden change to cooler. Re actionary ' storm period; ; 22nd; mariced storm' condition, 20th to ;24th, and dangerous gales prob able, on land and sea. . Storm pe ribd likely, about 27thvto 29th."- : 'It will be noted that the first storm period; from the 2nd to the 7th, has not; quite, hit the mark.; . :- i'' THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR and fever is a bottle c Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic, Never; toils to cure ; Then why experiment with worthless imitation ? Price 50 ; cents." Your money back if it fails to cnr f , The average "man's tastes' , al ways remain a : short distance ahead of his .income. Press Visitor.,- '.f . . " v"-r " ' ; a68unre -no' rivk when tou buy Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M. L: Marsh & Co will refund your money if you 8 iTr5 satisfied after using it. It is everywhere admitted to be the moRt iaaccess ful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only, one that nover fails and reliable. unp ir.Mil( Grip makes one sick, weary and resfless. es' Restorative Nrvirc brings rest. IS NOW AT HAND. a l lul L alL - Wq have bought to ell we sell, thing for lme of ir Bridal, Birthday or any moulding just in . Picture j on short notice. in it for Busing MPAKY