Catarrh IJLKAIfHlNO AMU 11ISALIAU cvnn ran CAT R ARK Elfs Great Bali Itaiy ami ricaiant to tin. Contains no In jurloui Drug, fa quick ly utmorvtil. Given rf- luf tit OltC. It CPMIH ami rttli thS Nftlttl '" COLD"! HEAD ' IfmU unci protect tU mtmbrana, restore the ftetmri o( taatt and hum II. Lara alie joc at Drug oht or by mull: TrUI l ioc by mill. IJlY BKOTlliCKS, ,f Warrtn 8trV Ntw York. Cleanliness III a Barbor Shop h nocosBary and is ox poctod by our class : : of trade : : Wo satiafy our trado by giviup to thorn CLEAN and Katls factory wouk : : :.: j. drown; PUOPKIETOU Winter is Coming. I ALREADY HAVE ON. HAND THREE CARS OF Jellico Coal And havo ton more oat lpnds on the way It is time for you to Uy in a mipw for ibo winter, isn't it? I also hayo on hand tho 1 of antraoito ooal. J.A.C. Btackwetdcfl West Depot St. at Store. faTThonolM. Bl C YCLES Ropaircd Promptly and Satisfac tion Guaranteed.' FRESH FRUITS And Vegetables in stock at E. L. LI PES . IN BRICK ROW, NOTICE ! I havo imroliased of tho Con cont Electric Lislit Co. all the supplies used in connection frith lihtninjr. All parties needing Lamps or HepairA will ftnd them at my shop next to Corl's liyery stable ToT E."McNISH. vfclMf 50 YEARS 7VEXPERIENCE D Trade Marks DCSIQNS Copyrights Ac VitcWr a$crtin our oplnton fro hLher an Anron ending a sketch and dwcrlptlon may tktt ttrtctlf confidential, llandtvwk on hunu rnt rre. uideet axreucy for curtne natcnta. Qwisi MOtk, without ciuuvo, in th iatnt taxrn tnrounh Munn A Co. recrr lUtfta Scientific Jfnierican. A handsomely Uhastra!d wwtlr.' I-anrt rir rulatlon of any clenude rurnat, Twma, 13 a yoars f vur montha, L SoKI cy all wwdealcT. wUIIIISCo.38""" Hew York Ml Illf SI5I1D10D I month 35c. 1.00. 2.00. 1 year 4.00. mm Mt1vO( tMt1 Why UttYO the 8Utd t Suporintondent Mobano has written to tho Suporintondent of public instruction in Pennsyl vania to rocommend some good grtvdMato f rom the Indian school in that State to tako a position among the Croatan Indians in Eoboson county. The instrnc tlons ' the Croatans nave thiis rocoivod has not boon satisfac tory ; If; the, uporihterident wishes an ' Indian toachor ho possibly might have found one among tho Cheroccs ol our State. The Ohorokeos have liad an excellent school in Jackson county for a number of years, an some of, thoso educated there ougjit to fill tho requirements of the super intendent. Raleigh Post. ,V .. ., ' ..7 .oiiWi ;v To acoommbdate thoi who are partial to the "unb of atom zers in roprietorf prepare Cream Balm in iqnid form, which nill be known as Ely liquid Cream Balm. Price ipcludintr the spraying tube U 75 y filBi bruits or by mail. The liquid form embodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed, by th&ttaemlfnmo anrjrdoM Uotdry rip mfCretldfi;VuVchafige a natural and healthy character Ely Brothers, The Iowans Cominj? Home. Tho Iowa Regiment is the last of , o volunteer - regimens in rolleVed to c6mew'hoirio. -It has dono service all thrpugh the campaign and did .not lavo a man j killed on the fiold.r Nino of the regiment died from wounds. Soventy five members have re inlisted in the service- V A LIFE AtfD DEATH FIGHT, Mr. W. A. Hlnes of Manchester, Ia.f writing of his almost mirapnlous escape from death, says:1 'Extosura . after",.. measles induced serious lnnsr trouble, vnicn enaea in-consumption. JL had f rnnTIATif hatYtnhnrvoo and, AAnrvhnfi I night and day. All my doctors naid I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. Kins New-Discovery for Consump tion, which, completely "cared nio; I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my reoommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles.' Regular size 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Fotzers Drug Store Dreyfus' Destiny in Doubt. The Dreyf us trial 'seems again to bo shrouded in. doubt as to its outcome - . j - Labori is trying very liard to get the Gernian aiid the . Italian nations to givo thoir testimony, which would settle tlioc -whole question as to who sold the se crets, but this is environed in delicacy that makes it : doubtful whether this evidence can be had. Tho end of the trial is Supposed to bo a week off yet. : HOWS THIS ? We offer one hundred dollars toward for any caee of catarrh that can not by cured by HalPs Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., v Toledo, Ohio. Wo Uio undersigned, havo known F J Cheney for tho last 15 years, and, bolievo him perfectly reliablo in all business tranBac tion and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. ' Wst vTrnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HalFs Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, aots directly upon tho Wood and mucous surface ol tho sVsteia. Price 76c per bottle. Sold all ilrnwista TrtefJ.x. nLvls free. Ventured Too Far. Some idea of tho dangers and indescribable horrors that await men more bravo and, enterpris ing that cautions in their ven tures beyond the sun's, gentle, but potent rays can be conceived from 'the f ollowlng spatcW of tho 6th from Seattle: c ' 5 I j "Otto Thews,' qii Primrose, Iowa, who lias ' litriVed here from Copper Rifer, 'Alaska, brings iiows cottrirmirig, the re portpd deaths of BeVeU members of the ' Scientiflb rpsjpecting Company, orw ;Yck ?he deaii are: Irnhardt, Miller, Alletmnl Schuiti etet fe'iegel, utner and BaumgaHenl George Hooker, another mem ber, of the party, got out alive, but, is )?adjy crkjd ithtyy, which carried away, the majority of his cpmp&niqns; ' feauflarten went out- hunting and was never soon agpn. ' T?f e most adectinig case was that of Butner, wlic Was driven insane by , his riiigs. His weak companions had to strap him down, but even then thejr could not restrain him. One morning, Thew.3, whose camp was near, found Butner sitting out in tfte snow with his clothes and , hat off. The thermometer was 45 degrees below zero. But ner was taken inside, but he died in a few hours. , r , ., i Thews also brings a gruesome story in connection with the find ing of the remains of a jeweler, named Smith, who perished last November on Valdez - glacier. Every exposed portion of 'the body had been eaten by. ravens. CURE? NO PAY. . That is the way all drngists sell Grove Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Qninine :n; a' tasteless form. -Children sove it. Adnlta , refer it to bitter rtiaii leatina Tonics I- Price. 50c. J 1 Tr: Paid Very Well. : Bibb county (Gar) f ariner 4 A vfiT1t n,nnprmint. nf tVm -nnst ' nf A' sowing, cvlti vating and reaping ten acres of wheat,-which he ascertained to be $57.67. Ho pro duced 180 bushels of ; wheat, which he sold at 75 cents per bushel, making $135. In addi tion, he sold three tons of straw for $24, making his gross receipts $159, and leaving a net profit' on the ten acres of $101.38. 1 r : THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. . Is . envied by all roor. i dyspeptic, whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the;: wonderful Stcmach and Liver Remedy, gives a regular bodily habit that instfies perfect health and great energy. Cnly 25c. at Fetzer's Drug Store. v. Children Too Practical. : The Philadelphia Times tells a t story of some "Sunday school children who had- studied the crucifiction tlie Sunday before and concluded to- demonstrate their ideas by - selecting oiie"" of their mates, a little fiveear-oH"girl, and actually nailing h ereto a tree. Her screams brought aid that found a nail driven through one finger. The result ' it Ys feared may be serious. ; ; Doling the ciyil war,s well as in our late war with Spain, diar rhoea was one. - . of the most troublesome diseases. the army had to contend with In many instances it became cHrShic and the old soldiers still suffer from it Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene county, Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he ncTer found anything that would .give him such quick relief. it is for sale by M. Ix Marsh !b Co.. Druggist I ... i , m iii - - i. - -.-i-...iwiii rnu irtnA Tab nave AItrits ' in uso tor oxer, SOt yeart "nJ h' " " X-hi M contains neltocr,ficm, lipiThwoyiipr; otipriartbotfc enbstance' ''licim. dttiraxitce. It des troys t?orm m allaP l?im!r&& MJmmtomxi and ina ThelMicn EaYe Always Bought DELL no ran mmm 44. mam i?r a ct tJttEjas of M- FIKE Ginghams, S Salt Bag AND Outing ClpthSi -r-O- DEALER IN. General Herchacdise 1 . . . . -i- M. JT. BUYERS OF ' COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind. o. F onr-foot Wood always Wanted. Best Plaids heetiii - Price fox Eame. - ' .0. -i... We invite an ippection of ai the goods vem artn factnre ... ill Miii!j? (jo, Concord N. a m Booorht and vmch has bon ha bqr the signature of made under his per- mm wmm ALWAYS uver Qfci; rears. t '-if outhctn -.- dilway lK EPPEQT JULY THE 16TH, 1899.' ; rThis condensea schedule is pub lished as "information, and is subject to change wjthout notice tp.the public: .; v Trains leave Conoror'ir. C.--" Si2 A. M. No -. 8, daUy, r for Kich mond; connects at 4-Ureiensboro for Raleigh and Goldabprov;' at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for "Washington and' points Norths at A.Salisbury for Asheville, Knoxyille and points West. . 7. 19 A. M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pullman Sleep ing Cars between New York and Au gusta, New Yorfc and Tampa; Fla., and Norfolk to Charlotte. ' 8;49 A. M. No: 37, daily, Wash ington and - Southwestern limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Mont gomery , Mobile and" New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest.. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car; vestibnled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. 10:00 Al M.No, 36, daily, for Wash; ington, Richmond, - Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pullman drawiu? room buffet sleeper. New Orleans to New cxk; Jacksonville to New York: Pullman tourist cars from San Francisco via New Orleans and South er u Pacific Sundays and "Wednesdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points Soutn. Solid train, Bich mond to Atlanta. 7:09;P. M.No. 13, daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raleigh. Norfolk, and All points North. 8;51 P. Ml N6 7, daily, ' from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma. Raleigh, -Greensboro 'Knoxvilie and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. --8: 51 P. M. No 33, dauV, Washinsrton and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all points North. Through Pullman car; Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibnled coach and Amr car. Close connection at Greensboro with sleeper for Norfolk. ; P. M. No. 35, daily, for Atlanta and 'New: Orleans, carries Pullrnan sjeeper New York to New Orleans. New York to J acksonville and . Charlotte to Atlanta; dinning car. - Also PnlLsan tonrisVcar Washington to San Francis cqvia New Orleans Tuesday and Frr days. E. M. No. 34, daily, the Nef York iand Florida Express, carries P' man Sleeping Cars between Ausmsta and New York. Tampa, Fla, and e York and Charlotte to Richmond. Car ries sleepers Charlotte; to Norfolk Greensboro.. First sections of regular through or local freight trains cany passengsrs only to points where they stop accordm? to schedule. Franks. Gannon; Third Tiee-Pres. snd C1ptiL Man. mm . .r -Washington, D. C. John M. Culp, TraSo Manager, Washington, P. C. W. A. Turk, Gtn'L Pass. Agent, Washington, P C Gowan Daseabery, Local Agent, Concord,