.1$ , Jr.: Price $4.00 Per Year. CONCOllD, K C, FRi DA 4 SEPTEMBER 8, 1899, Single Copy 5 Ce?ita I I - if 4 A W(J EFFORT BEING MADE. jitters Containing the Description and i 'tiee of Reward Being Sent by Mayor f Means Throughout Our State and a of Will Edwards, It has been a busy time in Mayor Means' department since they commenced mailing their two thousand letters to all of the towns in North Carolina, and the principal places in a number of other States, giving the, full description and the amount of reward for the safe delivery of Will Edwards, the negro yet wanted. on the charge of murder of Policeman Kerns. ' The following description of the negro, Mose Edwards, alias Will Edwards, has been sent out: "He is about 27 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, weighs about 165 pounds, parched coffee color, high forehead. Has the fol lowing marks: 'On front of head about inch back of where the hair begins, a small spot made by a pistol ball. Iu muscle of right arm several small scars made' fjy shot gun. A pistol ball passing through right forearm left a scar about midway between elbow and wrist where it entered in front and a scar near the elbow where it passed out behind. Had on, when he . fled, reddish ' brown trousers, brown, cpatn arrow brim black hat with a broad: band, yellow leather belt leather watch guard, imitation gold watch with gilt nearly worn off , black gaiters, nearly new. - - Extends His Theological Course. .. The Lutheran ' Visitor says that Rev Rob,t. L Patterson;' for five years pastor, of St. vlames Lutheran ;church, tJniph" Bridge, Md.,- has resigned to close nis la- bors there the nrst Kunaay mi October. - He will ainSt tlie General Council TheolQical Seminary for . two? 2rs.;This takes the surprise iTom oir Mt. Pleasant correspondent's notice that Mrs. '.Pattersonwill teach in Mont Amoena Seminary next year. v , . . At the Baptist Church On account of the rainr last night the crowd was quite small. The meeting will continue until the 17th. Mr. H A WolfsoHn will lead the singing 4 and the preaching will be done by the pastor, Rev. B Lacy Hoge. All ministers and members . of other churches ate Invited to come and T in -f V c mfiTiT! on1 m1 1 sineers arn invited to come intnoue.J'wu."1BU ll O CMOlIt ' Hie eneirr - -. he Cotton Has Begun to Come In. I The time for Cotton w- to crowd 'our fttroets is ndt 'lib off. Alreaoy the wagons coice nere each tlav bringing several bales, 0i Thursday Cotffon Weigher kropst had thirty-three bales on .The fcbTernor Offers a Reward. There is now $225 reward on Will 0 Edwards, the -third negro wanted in the trial for the mur der of Policeman Kerns. Gov. Russell has offered a reward of 200 j v.. offers a $25 reward. Thought It Was Edwards. Mr. H G Miller, of Franklin, ' hired a negro man Wednesday , curing cne aay Mr. Miner, ; !by stories told by the stransrer : j j li. . -i . - - 1 -.,1 t X. . j aixxu. uv auuiuus, conciuaea v.o 1, i - t- that he was the murderer of Po- . liceman Kerns at Concord. He had ah officer come for the ne- u. --. I i a . i a i A1 gxu, uui no proveu to De tne wrong man. Salisbury Sun. Dr. Costner to Locate Here. U A few weeks ago it will be re membered that, Dr. T.F Costner and wife, of Lincolnton, were visiting here. His visit here was of a prospective nature, and he has since decided to locate here in his profession. He will arrive in October. Two Cases Against Fallen Women. threw off her bonnet and yelled to Charlotte this morning to There was a very sad scene in out '.'Bless Jesus and Major sPen(i the afternoon, the court house last Monday. A Stedman!" This she repeated as "; ' Mr. Luther Hartsell re fallen woman, taken 'for her evil fast as she could in a histerical ! turned home this morning from u I, ...v' , . , , home in the country to answer, ior ner crime, cpmmiuea wua a court room set up a titter, m man of another race. On the stantly stopped by Judge Browii. woman's face was written her; character. That woman had once been a pure and virtuous girl, but from her face was gone exery . mark of beauty, every trace oi promptly brought out by her at feminine loveliness and .grace torney ... and she - escaped. A. fallen woman I Her cheeks i Greensboro Record. " and lips bearing the - impress of her sin, her very soul lust-scar -j red. Has earth a picture more pitiableJbhan a woman fallen from angelic heights of spu rtty,r virtue and all that makes womani hood lovely, and beautiful ? IPoorj sinful woman, she is justly made to suffer ; before -thle tribunal of justice for her crimes. I : fearing ttxe -charges Lagaihst the woman of whom we write wj weijit in 1 imagination to another court. An unveiled, disKeveled; terror-stricken adulteress. fresH from the agony of detection, wad dragged by a'niob; into th holjr emple and was set before the udge. ; There' .flagrant guilt ind Stainless purity met. . There a w ful crimeand perfect merywerd brOugtVface to face. The mob J . m 4-)- " T . r o i o on1 4-.ViX UUWnUUCU XIAO. iUUDOO U4. ; v v' 4. a u iu v i were quouted by tho hard- rd,1fCdm- Tdf The ptophet of Caliilee stood -rr rfw - ' ing up frombis Stooping posture, " " " i . iJ !-- ! : t: wnip lasnes on ineir consciences. "Let him that is without 6l! anr toTntfi unon tne crrouna. a 7 - , , . -1 symbol that the thinihus wriv !1? W y . ; . . i,.v i added to the others. Allot which tea m the a mishlbe obh ated and forgotten, and then, ri5j -. . i nt. hand savs'lho. fitetSS5i 3 U,B l.iu ia fWAii. iwajusw - iuuoou wivi the prisoner and silen and, shameful, they made ttiofe'Vill bt there by the first week m way out of that presence. "IM ; November. J mm mat i muiuu v6 you, first cast tne stone x f Ah, if that withering: sentence could fall upon someone courts - . fully scarce -about those places as they were about tne tempie m the long ago. Monroe Enquirer. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOK CHILLS and fever is a bottle cr uxove xu - - ipua chill Tonic. Never fails to cure, ie8 VJUiu xuu-. . . ... -.uLi.B -. . . m m r- . w m -. mi . . -. A-MAimnTiT. -Villi Hiuiuieoo imitations? rncts w ? Major Stcdman's Power -as a Lawyer. , Wednesday afternoon a negro woman was tried inscourt for re- i . . . , ' w: , . ceivmg stolen goois, Knowing them to have been! stolen, her t.: -i it i ' 1 . . J iius oana naving oeen convictea . J. of the offence. . U -1 Major Stedman appeared for her and made a diost capital , . - ) . mi - i ic i - rm speecn ueiore inej jury. u evidence was somewhat against her, but counsel had the law on , . . , - , , .;- , ne mdue l that the jury .yrap,- out only a - few minutes, returning with a . verdict of not cruilty. The woman was then discharged. ; - - She came out of the prison dock and made for the door. As soon as she saw daylight , and perfect freedom just ahead of her, she -i, 14. . . v sight, while the .negroes in the Tt was n, -nrottv p.lnso shavf - Tn fact most of the spectators thought she was guilty, but the law bearing on the case was What a Tale of Suffering. - During the storm pf August 15th the Norwegian bark, Drot avaslwre,cked-felow Charleston, The crew, one after another per ished. Three succeeded in get ting on a raft and floated about till the two survivors were picked up August 31st. The intelligent one , says that for .want of fbod tney cast lots wnicn snouia uie f or the other -two. . The one on whom the lot was cast was killed and his blood was sucked from his veins. Soon one ofthe.wo became a raving; SiartiacnctY 6ii chunks tof sh , from hi ' cbmr panion before tywererescued. 7 HJlIenium Not Hei?e Yet.- -Thexramber ' crimes com mitted?in thisvitate ? within.M - V - , , All-i past week have been unusually , faa beefl an unu. Isual numW of &imial faults , -. -. .i! . . nr three' instances the crime of ,x i at hand savs the States ' , . - Ill ... I. -i.J. !-i :l kiiill ic LVtl '. V. TnLnSpOrtauon is vnarircu. PS ais?v . No ReTolttttn iu Venezuela. . The rewrted late insurrection- J ... outbteak'in Venezuela was Itpr6bably arose from tru The Benbow to be EebuilU . The Benbow hotel property ihas been sold and the work of rebuilding is to begin at an early . . .& The first Qf January is trie utJr . , - a,A n tito Vkoli otto n nnpn t hfi i.iimh t. uvjj.iv x v w -hotel. PERSONAL POINTERS. Luke Johnson, of Mecklen uuik uuuuiv. was uere vesL.eru.av afternoon .. Mrs: Jpssp Smith nnn nancrh- -TT -r . p: I ter, of New London, are visiting L td;i- at;k' ; .? ci mi . x xya lotJiiiitJiiii t;x a. ; Lester Cartland of Greens- uuro, son oi ur. j r. jaruana, who formerly lived here, is here today. ' ' " T . , . T'. Rev. J C Davis went to High Point this mnrnincr TTo will fill his . appointment in Lexington Sunday: ' ; " -Mr. Climax, K L Craven went to near Greensboro, this morning to visit his mother, who - is now 86 years old. j Miss Bertha Stubbs, who is "visiting at Mr. R H Griffin's, went Albemarle. He informs us that ! a negro is being tried for life there today for killing another nesrro. c Mr. Jake S tire wait, who had j been at home for three months : wrestling with a case of typhoid fever, returned to Albemarle, Stanly county, Wednesday to re sume his work in the cotton mill tnere. ile nas fully recovered his health. States ville Mascot. CURE A COLD IN-" QNE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 5o. The grenuin : has It, B. Q ro aoh tablet. - f ; .V EBDfZ Mil A mi Line- .ii . .? . rmmi MSiffinier is Ended, The Harvest is Past. f - E TO FURNITURE BUY- - Everybody and their BELL, HARRIS & CO. is the place to buy it aAd don't you forget it. Car lots, spot cash and the best factories in the United States at our command gives a and the best factories in the United States at our command gives us a long le Frames made We Are Strictly in it for Business BELL,. HARRIS 4 GOffifiH. I 1 Mr. Deaton the Editor. Mr. H P Deaton left here some days ago for Mooresville where he went to. probably take charge of the Mooresvile Record-Times, in place of the former editor, Mr. 3V A Jones. From the. Mooresville correspondence to the Charlotte Observer we see that the trade has been made and Mr. Deaton is now the editor. Assassinated at the Supper Table. Columbia, S. C Sept. 7. Al bert Swigart was assassinated last night while at the supper table at his home in Lexington county. The. assassin ap proached the house in the dark, put the barrel of a shotgun through the window blind' and shot Swigart in the head. Sev eral months ago Swigart killed a neighbor in self-defense and was recently acquitted. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. T), B. C-rgile, of Washita, I T. He writes: "Four bot tles of.Electric Bitters has cured jMs. BreVer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffer it) g for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors coald give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." This shows that thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. I Ju ifSi ?u 1? tetter, salt rneum, ulcers, boils and run- mng sores. It stimulates lwer, kidneys ana poweis, expels poisons, neip aiges- tion, builds up the strength. Only 5& f cents. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store. , The Kansas City Star saysr " A 'gift that was not included in the published list of wedding pre sents received by a newly mar ried Missouri " couple was a re ceipt ;f or 10 years' back subscrip tion due from the groom to one of the neighboring county papers, the generous contribution of the big-hearted publisher." You aB8ume no rik when you bnv Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera ind Diarrhoea Remedy. . M. Iu Marsh & Co. will refund your money if von at uot satisfied after using it. It i; everywhere admitted to be the most success ful remedy in use for bowel com plaints: and the only one that nbw fails. It ia pleas in t, safe and reliable. Grip makes one side, treaty and restless. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nemae brings rest. is now at ; HAND. kinsfolk know that seU, on short notice. mone7 oacK u wub