The following change of schedule took . AUVVt31A uas oegun selections. IT T U jcct Junei2, 1899. improvements on his resi- Hfl hnldB mnRh who hnMR hi 1 1 m HI Pr rBOlPTOT'PlJ NOUTRROFNn uence. iwijijijijijuiwA liiva yy VWll e Kill f-J-nl fl ervn V Oct ri i , , v'.utuu uao iHLui riR.n nnmo m i . after :STifiTr,o. ci aZZZZ i0 aav siop worrying Mr. Tnm TW; v Am?ig the most danger of ' ' i. HI ! I VV III! I II . ' here some Ha.v w edSed t0ls are cutting remarks, ttt. "L j working inNorfnll? ' " ' i Put vour mind in von r work YV C VBB WU V iiy giilUtiU. a w .. . - i I ,-. , -.. " I .. : -. . , .. - - - Mr. Sol . Levy has returned 1 and th.n ?OUT work will come to : vnnr mirm i Faith puts us into the boat of - , V 7 " AU1 J u u UJ UOlUg. IC&UH.X. - salvation;, bukbeing in, we must use the oars. Ex. I 4"T 4"TT Id Q "Po rtf AH "Uw-w rtiv r r3 No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, " 36 " "10 00 a m, " 12 t - " 7-09 p m, " 38 14 8.51 p m, (flag) "34 41 44 9.45 pm, 4 62 44 44 2.00 a m (lrei t) SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8 49 a m, flas) " 11 44 44 11 23 a m, V 44 7 44 8.51 p m, "35 44 9.20 p m, (flag) ? 33 !' 7.19 am, 849 a m, (freight) from Athens,. Ga., after . spend- our mind- - Work has stopped on a number No. 35. when mnniner ahead of NV 7 of Our TlAW linncoc in " " - w w I MhVShJ 1X1 J 1 I M I III - is flawed if necessary for through travel aramint. of orar.;f,r p i, v I south of charlotte, and is etODued for " j unumuw. passengers arriving from Lynchburg or Mrs. Ann Pink! who for some Bids Wanted For, Lumber. heyond. No. 36 stops regularly for timhWn J' it l passengers for Salisbury, High Point, time been .unwell, has been oreensooro, ieiasvuie, Uanyille and 4X1 w v cw tw tuw oi mr. w U principal stations between Danyille and Anthony. . , . Washington.. No. 37 stops for pas sengers coming from Lynchburg or Work is gradually progressing points beyond, and to take on pas- on Mr. R K Black's cottage on sengers for regular stopping places Qio. nn4. south of Ne wells; No. 38 stops to let PrinS street. The roof has .off passengers from regular stopping been put on. places south of Newells and to take on , , 0 , passengers for regular stopping places, Mrs. otubbs and children, who Lynchburg or beyond. have been visiting at Mr. R H division Charlotte to Augusta and Dvllie .v-.-. V : ,;. . other points in South Carolina, Georgia . : and Florida, reached through "Columbia Miss Fannie Leslie has ac- or Augusta : - " - cepted a nositinn Asr'RfAnncrrsi.riioT Nos. 7, 8, It and 12 are the local trains and tvpewriter Tn'A nfffpa of and connect at Salisbury with tratns of ??Jr Be,e of iiii. uao. ?t vJ-iii.vll ??- V. N. !. Division. TELEEHONE KU. 71. 2FOUNOED 1842.; Cabarrus wants about 11,000 feet of oak and pine lumber for Driage over itocKy muer. TIV1PPQ .TP All son. r.hairmnTi of HmiTi. PX"- ty Commissioners, will receive! bids for it. . Tfte soothincr and healincr prop- a lot of , rj - - r i erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, irs pleasant taste and prompt and permauent cures have made it a great favorite with the people everywhere. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Dniggists. We are going to close out CSxCQ A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE saved Daughters life. I . ... :t . A weekly newspaper conducted 1 f am the mother of eieht child-! by a colored mansWiU soon come ren and have had a great deal of ionn nere. its omce is upstairs experience with medicines. Last AU : iciuuuryuuuing. summer my little daughter had Mrs R LfiA fWnH n-hiiHron the dysentery in its worst form. who have been spending a week We thoaeht she would die. I at Mr. M Mj Castor's, have ffono to I iea eferyining x couia iuhik ui. Kings'MQuniai . I saw Jby an. advertisement in par t -I. ' v" I paper mail uuauiugiiaiu d vuuu, John Goodman, who for quite Chnl era - and Diarrnoea Remedy a Ions while? has been in the com 1 r 0 v.;v.i HERE'S YODRCHANOE. ; 3n JZfi Pvea tope one oi ine very oesi CO ISI V sa.inifQ: ad "SIG THEIR. OWN PRAISE." . . . -M-M-i-M-H-.. DON'T YOU AMISS IT. We bftv Seven Naanres and One r?; v meaiCine8v W9 ever naQ- m IU6 tvA.. m. Ill PA.fMtl CAIIllltlAa r - - ' " ' V ::l SIS W.t "SS pBi&hop Cheshire, of Ealeigh, Ufe.; a m,oW.HeTety house. It saved my little daught- 9o.oo aidk;;Li Shipped from the Faeterj, and win will be here on Tuesday and I mot her to knowwhat an excellent -- ifruniewSS Wednesday, : 3rd and 4th of next medfeiS itHia:X Known it at u Take First and Second Choice d month write quick, they won; last long. r - in the Haines Brothert v mwm Uav5 Boardaan & Gray Y . duuuu tx- Aci I x . a i nr nr ri HeinekamjD; : r ;75.00 uigtuu, wuu vibnj mrs. m SEi JlaM5 DW, 1 Bacon & Bayen tojo Dusenbury here, has talrftnlr vv-1 iTerm, ?t(4h,9d 5 per fflSt SSMof? aMhf-i'Tl-riT.. A ST. IVTim i utnera oeing repairea ana we can wuk i a i win nHAierSF f-- mersville. . Fine Tunine and BepaiHn H . T I krv Ptt k c " r'QrriTt?T?T? T ine uaaies' missionary societyjr"' -'UHAOi T iiiri t r of ho First Psbyterian church 1 , For Delay Is Dangerous ! . .Piano Manufjrttprer - W meet on next Monaay alter- , j , iiimore,l5xd, ; , , Willie Richmon i . You have been, thinking about Factory Branch Warerooxn, ie : ; rime enmona v , - taking ontaEolicjr. ok LiFB.: to . No.2i3N.TrVon:st.ichlotte. The game of baseball between suaANCE ,te;Miqrfte Ithe colored teami T3AT A' r""C" rA D 1 wf i1- '4 score Thursdav in our favor. to I ones you "will take an AccldePJ ; 4 .... . J'ftriypf! " Table . ODICS AMONG THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN NICELY FURNIgHEP. HOMES GENERALIjY TURNffto tneIOTt;, EXUJfiLii-iiiiiN.uw ana low PRICES OF 01 FOBlIMBEELOOB CaVERniGS mi BUCK'S STOY Mi-.EAMfiES. mers. nUoriAif. Vioc arv ' rftvna-nApr ahinismaae ine result 01 m iwu i m mr. w .u, ouuwrt, iut;mmBu ;i ! ,. i w . .v, Roi o- iaW - f a , ft wftvft.!. Jb.UxC oaAjXa A. new wneeierit Rt at.A K ftachflrv., have W r , .ft,nfi vfiia s:.. J , u , i-J w . L-rrT.: -r- Mr. M D - Schubert and-Chu-; a first "class machine on easyK. Ai,mkWQT.n w m ( jgsstii? 3 ,, t j ur-? j -t. j A ' if - z: jmt. ii i-V I 1 a I 7 r-fTi :n'r:, dren have moyea mto Mrs. UOie'ST terms". resid ence. on Spring street ftSl f v. ?J r Chas. Smart has gdne senheimei-'s springs ' to s about a week. He is - very well. ."H arn - .V tnr wpta ii n sn rftd b v T jvi mmv. ?Vl vnA 1T1 YY1TT rflRrCI'l ! ? 1 : MrMicnl anoVaugfiter, ey eveyenin during, ,the week W toev tp Mii :HfeSas5Stni Mchel -wh6-haye W x ,2 to,. spend fbeen;visiting at Mr. PinkMisen- : Office pstofliceOBuilding; ;U .vf j Mitchell Clark, a young: from Forest Hill, is working in; i . - - -i; i-.Aii , e., tip f n Tn i n ro . ctnrA .. rT I iravftii I Brothers.'-,;; fe k m- --r rm KAnnnrn- inn i in rim I III I 1 6M- 1 'n aKery r Mr. A E Lentz has returned F- .: ! :v.' ihTMt ana " :rhome from- a VsmessV trm'lo TTo -rl av V New York for D PDayauli& V ttZ - .--j AtArJnrnrmtaahdOandaei always nc.: rV: on hand;,; ? Wm. T. Johnson Prop. SEE -THE ; ; , Yankee -. ? ;PhoneNol22. "'4 " books completed! ; ' Up tbThtirs; w ; day evening ;two ; rCei:;ia ANT-ter buy 100,( been tornoyt. vi. ,mi Djnnds oi old ? Cast-iron sbrap. ( 000 de- Miss Carrie mite and Harold WQCD we .will pay a iair proc CoNcdntf FbuNDBY Co. . "vr Corroll who haw 'hft'enr visitiner here, havergone to! NewellsTon burnt ir6riuted.f FOR RENT.Thf ee or;f our I HAVE PURCHASED plats of land for farming purposes wiimn ana arouna town. pi a: rvr iarKei eral days here with his. parents! i . ; reddy to serve you with has gone to Greensboro "qre 11 i?i-a -r- Mr.- W A Foil; ''Who has-been . Raturdav morning:. I again advertising for a lost dog in' this :;T. ,ir riatronaffe paper, informs ui thaf '1! sollclt M01' tound it. It was hear Foil's mill U A RA FRFR -li.'Vft ft'M .;!ii.!);.e w. a. . t . -. aw . . a ' QuakeSatSfa?Hi Hominy, f . Chipped Beef, H ' C anned Coip 7 Z Tomatoes; 'and "Peaches. ' Soda Baking Powders; Starch tl OracKefei Lard, Ham, Prunes; ! :-Uiii Breakfast Strips,5 r i?-ti Green and Parched. Cotfeer Tea; Sugai:v S3af PeasV Meal, Ooriti tShipstuff, Oats, Oil, x70LUOil Oivpa, muh-v' Pickles, i W ashing : Powders aiidL' anytMpg: theVt9rpcery ' line. "We also carry n Rope, Crockery HGlassN ware, Woodenir are, Dry Goods, Shoes flAts Tinware Etc. Etc AT 1L r Jt J We closcour store a$ 8.15 dnr- GrArfAirc ins the summer months. We de . VPI;I CJll i Uyer : goods ntil 6 pm: OffeftnebufeihesspubliaarKableper- msnenW conservative and accocjnioaAt in binkinff instutlo Vp; ::':--? ,Ve solicit your patxooage with- the assurance of honorable treatment and. die pDreciationo your ,paronae.5 It we can serve yon any xune we wju be glad to have you come and see us.' LIBERAL AOOOMMODATIONSj TO CUSTOMERS. - - - - - - Capital anlMns - - $10000. J. M. Odell. President. MrL- BROWN & BRO; LIVERY. FEED AND 8ALE STABLES, Just in rear of St Cloud Ho i. Ou - nibanes meet all pa enger imtn . Outnts of all lucds fur men promptly and at rer eoaable j.rice . Horsee and mules tlwaya on banc or pale. Breeders of noroughbrer Poland C Ki ne Hkck. . .r ..V

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