price $4.00 Per Tear. CONCOK D, N. a, MON DA V, SEPTEMBE R 10, 1899. WILL-EDWARDS CAPTURED. Single Copy 5 Cents NEWSPAPER TROUBLES. A LAND DEAL. The Officer at Clover Arrests Him After J MooresTille's W eekly Newspaper In Bad Mr. Jas. Morrison to More Into Their Shape Mr. Deaton, the Last Pur chaser, Is Forbidden to Proceed Any Further. The Mooresville correspon dent t the Charlotte "Observer Receiving the Circular Landed Safely Behind the Bars In Charlotte's Jail j Waived Examination W ill Plead Not Guilty. For almost one week Will Ed- f-r reiterates as-follows, the life tho time of the killing of Police- o Mooresville's weekly news- man Kerns, kept out of the paper: -hands of the law, but he ven- j The RecordTimos pubnshed turea too iar ana went to a place , at tis placej has a hard where the eyes of a diligent ofii- ; to exist. In April 1899, IT. L cer were. On Saturday the Moore, now of Lexington, ' sold policeman at Clover, a small his good will and subscription list to a Mr. Ivy, of South Caro- Town-A Pitiable Case for a Young Man To Take Textile Courses. Written for The: Standard. Pioneer Mills, Sept. 9 Jas. P Morrison . has bought the J C Barnhardt residence and will' soon move to town. Charles E Barnhardt and Roy Morrison leave in a few days fori PERSONAL POINTERS. Dm inp the civil war, as well as 7 rru .r,- ... '? ODr late war with Pin, diar- ii nere today. .'t Walter Linton, of Salisbury, spent yesterday here. Mr. T L Ross, of China , Grove, spent yesterday here. Mr. Robt. Duval came home from Charlotte Saturday night to spend Sunday. troublesome had to coDteud with. -. y--i ,T t I . jl. Jill -L li.UllU, ULIO time -t o" w Ke from Kahn, is here today. that college. a textile course m A young man near Pioneer Man Mr. W G Boshamer is liis agent here. Mr. W A Foil, who is' now place near the State line, re ceived the circular offering a re ward for the capture of the ne gro. It was but a short while until the officer could have been seen opening a door and calling upon Edwards to throw up his hands. At 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon he was arrested and the news sent here at once. The negro was brought to Charlotte Sunday morning by direction of Sheriff Peck and. is now in Charlotte's jail in - safe keeping Sheriff Peck and Mayor Means both went to Char lotte Sunday and talked to Edwards-,'" Mr. W S "Whitener, of Clover, was the officer that arrested the negro; He was captured a few miles on this side of the State-line. Edwards expressed himself .Sunday' as desirous of waiving examination. He also expressed himself as not wanting to come to Concord as he fears trouble if broughheret. He will at the com ing term of court plead not guilty and does not in his talk crimi nate either one of the negroes here. He boarded a 'freight train the night of the shpoting and rode -in. a box car to Gas tonia. . He. says he heard the shooting as he ' was ' running Confesses that he had at the time a 32-calibre pistol but had disposed of it since that time. He was cautioned, of course,' be forehand that ' he 5 need" answer no questions asked him there in the jail unless he wanted to do so. He told them that-he did not care to tell to whom he sold his pistol. There is now no doubt that the Will Edwards our officers wanted is captured and let the court have a just and fair trial of the case and find who is the guilty party that the penalty for such an offence can be meted ; out. The description as contained in the circular was a good one and since he is captured Mayor Means says that every one of the named scars can be found. Since he has waived examina tion he will stay in jail in Char lotte until our .court, which opens on the 16th of next month. lina, but before Mr. Ivy could or a neighboring young girl was did get out but one issue the wonderfully infatuated with him paper fell into the hands of a and was certain Mills, who Is commonly called j staying at Mr. Martin Boger's at Bud '' conceived the' idea thatIFlowes spent yesterday here on ms way to unanotte. Mrs. C L-T Fisher and chil- f TU,."l4-4- . j: she wanted to ' w , Y a - 7 u"mS - - tori a v a,r, .Inn. A PhnA's rm tlioir Mr. Nealon, of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. marry himv Tke more he pon- return to Charlotte, after visiting JNealon held possession tor three aere i the ma;ter tne more im- m Mt. Pleasant months and sold out the sub- pressed he ! became. Without said vouns lady one of the most diseases the armv la manv instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, GreiiH county, Ph., is od& of these. He nses Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy and says he Lever found anything that - would eive him such quick relief. It U tor saler by M. L. Marsh & Co.. Druggist THING ITS NEW IS That NO CURE. NO PAY. is, the way all druggists sell scnption list and good will to a consulting said young Mr. Jones, of Charlotte. Mr. he purchased " the necessary .; GroYe' Tasieless Chili Tonic for chills t i-.u . T..i. io n.AA v,-ail(3 Malaria. It is simnly Iron and uuues neiu in reins lor auuui Qainine a tasteless form. Children one month and sold the subscrip- girl's residence to apprise her ot eove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan X " 1 i. 3 'II i TkT . TT 1 n J nrVinvi n l- i-v -v-n-v -4 J. J. 1VJO, UUO. liou iisl una gooa win lo ivir. n uei guuu lur.t.uuo, wucu jiv-- . , , P Deaton, of Concord. ;Mrceeded -to clean'-him' up in'-first- 'Deaton' took charge the firtr; of class style, informing him that the week and has gotten out one of all the : fools issue. He is now 'forbidden by heard of, he was In the absence, of Register J ohnson, Clerk Cook gives the I j 1 'a. i r she had ever:oa,tA1 LO ine witness wno tesnnes " i as to the age of the feminine con the biggest. U0- & DOG COLLAR ITS Chalmers Sims, who has been Nealon. of Georgia, from going In the meantime said young any further, Iclaiming that he man's friends - had assembled to (Mr. Nealon) has the whole affair witness the ceremony. ' You can spending a week here with his in his own hands. We must con-' imagine the surprise. The parents, has returned to Raleigh. fess that we do not know just young man. is out of his money how the matter stands,' but we for license but is richer in ex do know that Mr. J W McKenzie, perience. ; r ' of Salisbury, is the real owner Bye:bye-Bud-bye bye boy of the outfit and that he has : 7ou much haPPiness- i , ., , iw- iw , t Ana ever somucn joy, leased it to Mr.. HP Deaton, of The next. girl you wni . ... Concord. Mr. Nealon has writ- j Please consult her wishes, - . ten to all advertisers forbidding ( See if she vill keep; the house in :- order J l" And also wash the dishes. . them to pay any money to the present editor. , . The probability is that Mr. Deaton will continue to publish the paper. We should have stated that T Li Moore sold good will and subscription of The Record only,' as Mr. Nealon bought good, will , and subscrip tion list of The Times soon after making the purchase from Mr; Moore 'or Mr I Ivy. ;:; It seems thai' good -will; and subscription lists are salable property in our town." ' ' at Ferer Record at Key West. The Jyellow fever "record Key West to the 9th inst. is said to be 135A cases' and r 10 deaths. This is a fraction jover ' 7 per cent of fatalities thus, ;far or one death to about 14 .cases. 7 THE APPETITE OF A GOAT. Is envied by all poor., dyspeptic, whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Eemedy , i ves a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at J'etzer's Drug Store, - - A Fresh Li in1 OF Used His Lantern On Him. ,: .tiastSaturdayiiight Zin Crump and Sain Ury, two colored, per sons whose faces are familiar in tbmr nrlr about the deoot, had! The Jewish Day of Atonement. some words that were not of a. . , , , , . , loving nature. It reached the On last week the Jews closed . 7- wnTlf aJ weapon: and seized upon the idea AT Our Cotton Market Is Good. Concord's merchants pay good prices for cotton and the farm ers of this and adjoining count ies know and appreciate the fact. From other counties ' already we have received a good amount of cotton. We notice that Char lotte was last Saturday pacing 6.15 when that same article was bringing 6.25 here. " - their business houses here on ac count of their New Years day. On Thursday of this . week they close also, this being the Day of Atonement. From Wednesday evening at sunset to Thursday . . - - in i 11. . -v . V-x r ATT evening at me same uuui .. Langdon Smith Tcry sick. take nothing into their mouth j Sunday evening Langdon nothing to eat or drink. Despite g, son of Rev.T W Smith, the dryness in the throat they re- had a in. He seemed not to ris. FOR WOMEN. THEY ARE ALL THE RAGE. WE HAVE THEM IN BROWN and BLACK SEAL AT 48 and 75 CENTS, LARGE LINE OF Belt BuckIes,Brooches - - and ; Beauty Pins. ALL NEW DESIGNS. TO MORROW WE WILL OPEN UP SOME NEW GOLF PLAID ail! and H LvParks &.s of using his lantern. The blow- took effect on" Sam's arm but . didn't hurt him scarcely. Mayor i Means imposed a fine of fifty cents and the cost on Zin Crump, frain from taking even a drink be sick until this morning be of water. We have several f ol-! tween 8 and 9 o'clock he became lowers of this faith here who will ' very sick and has been very sick follow iheir relieious rites this ever since. It was a congestive chill. His condition is tnougnt ; TJie Summer is Ended, The Haryest is Past. THE TIME TO BUY FURNITURE IS NOW AT HAND. week. j to be slightly better - this, after noon. - ' : Drowned in the WrightsYille Surt i William H Wade,' of Richmond, . A.&M. College Fall. . was drowned in the Wrightsville ' . The A. & M. College lacks surf last Saturday. He had se-: domitory room for its students, cured an interest in the Wilming- President Winston is burdened ton gas works and intended to to' d'spose of the students. Those Of zl years ol age can room in the city as also those younger who can be placed with" relatives in the city. become a citizen. Tne soothing and healing prop erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and t 1 nermanent cures The Circuses of John "Robinson ,ara. maAt it. a orreat favori ana Wallace will both bo in our j the people everywhere. For sale cure. 25c. The grennin h otate in a few -wlrc kir t ivrv, n.r "nmcfrists. on each tablet. Everybody and their kinsfolk know that BELL, HARRIS & CO. is the place to buy it and don't you forget it. Car lots, spot cash and the best factories in the United States at our command gives I us a long lead in LOW PRICES. We have bought to sell we sell,' see if we don't. Have you seen oiir line of Pictures just innoth- iinr like it ever shown in'Concord. Prices range from 25c to 2.50. Don't miss the sight. Just the thing for Bridal, Birthday or any other kind of Presents. New line of moulding just in. Picture Frames made on short notice. We Are Strictly in it for Business CUBE A COIiD IN ONE DAT prompt ana permcii Take Laxative Bromo Qainine Tablets, have made it a great favorite witn , AU druggists refund money if it fails to re. 25o. Tne genuin nas Jj. u. BELL. HARRIS COMPAHY. fjj ill. XJ JiAtJ-AD" no "J

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