TAHOARD JOHN D. BARRIER and SON, Editors aud Proprietors. CFFICE IN Tfl MOltRIS BUILDING lliti STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by lies. Bates of Subscription : On' ear . ... ...$4.00 fcu- ontba. . ........ . . . 2 00 Three months ....... 1.00 One month . ...... . . Single copy. .......... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other;paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance.' Advertising Eates : Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Concord, N. C, Sept. 11. DREYFUS DECLARED GUILTY. The great trial at Rennes end ed Saturday and the court at 5:02 o'clock p. m., rendered a verdict of guilty. The court stood 5 to 2. It announced that some extenu ating circumstances had been found anu the sentence would be ten years imprisonment instead -of for life, as was the verdict in 1894. Breyfus will not be sent back to jjevil's Island but it is said will be sent to Port Corteo on the Island of Corsica: It is even suggested that the verdict may be ameliorated with the construction that the ten years of detention is the sum of the punishment intended and that the five years solitary im prisonment is equal in degree of punishment to the ten of confine ment and that the ends of French justice are already met. Thus the prsident is expected to par don him at an early day, proba bly within two weeks. The innocence, of the prisoner is as clearly established in the tmblic mind as if the court had so declared. It is to some degree sothing to thnsA whn ViavA hAmv intArAstorl in this case purely from a hu manitarian sense to know that torturing punishment is not to be continued. , To those desirious of seeing right vindicated, justice trium- the people of one of the earth's most historic nations;; it is a grievous disappointment. There can be no doubt that false pride for the French, army reconciles many of the French people to a great wrong and a sacrifice of one man, a hated Jew, rather than to admit what has been clearly demonstrated, that among (trie French army officers integri ,.ty may be found absolutely tiTsrantiBtgr. - - - It isprobably a fact, as strong ly inlickSd that if the destiny of the accused had been left to a popular vote the result would not have been different, but, so much the worse. Jf8rt&e French nation. The . prisoner; aqtf gtrM Drey-vfus-had-undergoneHhl1 gnock of anticipated adversity and when the verdict jcanie- -were sejf restrained. Twenty-OnQiQhe J&ot3 I Fi F It is now learned that twenty - rfOne of ,ther isomers in theTState penitentiary were dhto: fhe T)lot . to -escape-jat. the same time that the " seven men v'esxiarfed: 1 last month. The firing of the guards made it too hot and fourteen "did not make the break. APPRECIABLE WORDS BY ESTEEM ED EXCHANGES. Some mention has been made in the press of another afternoon paper in Concord. We think the people there would secure the best results by more liberally patronizing The Standard, the present afternoon paper there, and enabling it to grow with the town. There is not room for two and The Standard should not be turned down after weath ering the long years when that town could not support even one paper. Raleigh Press-Visitor. ' The' Concord people must be of' an interesting variety. An instructive fable might be found ed upon the. action taken by some of them yesterday. , They have an ably conducted little daily, which has been struggling for years to build up the town, and incidentally to place itself upon a prosporous footing, and now the business of Concord have subscribed to a yearly ad vertising contract for the pur pose of establishing a paper which shall take the press dis patches. And it never occurred to them, seemingly, that the publisher of the paper they al ready have would be more than flad to enlarge it, and take the ispatches. Daily Reporter, Statesville. - ROOM FOR OUR INSANE. Dr. Murphy has procured a called meeting of the State board of charties for. Tuesday, the 19th, at Morganton, to make provis ions for enlarging the capacities of the hospital to care for the insane. There .are many jails in the State containing these un fortunates, where little hope of improvement can be entertained. Whatever be the burden of finan ces just now upon the State this is- a matter on which we pride our civilization and it is to be hoped the way will be found. We should never lack room for our insane where they can be cured if curable and cared for by the professionally skilled when not curable... MR. CALDWELL GONE ABROAD. The Sunday's .Charlotte Ob server says: "Mr. J. P. Calwell, editor of The Observer, sailed from New York -Thursday on the North German Lloyd steamer Konegin Luise for Europe to take a short vacation of rest and recreation." . This produces ,m us a feeling of mingled pleasure and regret. Standing, as he does, on the very highest tier of journalism in the State we regret to be without his fluent pen even for a season, while we are glad for him to en joy whatever there is in surcease from labor and reinvigoration from change of scenes and cares. DOCKER Y HAS A BAD CASE. The Dockery vs. Belamy con test for a seat in Congress from the sixth district is down to the point that former does not claim that he is elected but claims that Bellamy is not either. The latter, though has a majority of 5,839 vots and the vote of the district was wltriihS of the total of 1896. Reside the : election machinery was in the hands of Mr. Belamy 's opponents f Mr.'Dpckery seems &"-have a.badreasei! Yl. .X 1. X V - I , TTt 1 tTeadneMatOfipea in 20 minutes toy Dr. tides' Vain Pnxs. "One cent a dose." 4 THe Durham county commis sioners have abandoned the sys tem ,of tsfo'srjQh jthebain gang? ) 11. o ( 4 A Great Day at the Baptist Church. Written for The Standard. Yesterday at the Baptist church witnessed a great day in Z?'on. The crowds that attend ed were immense. I' v V ; The first service was at Sun day, school when quite a number professed conversion. At the 11 o'clock service the church was well filled and the pastor preach ed a powerful' sermon on the "Man with a withered heart," drawing lessons that were to lead men to the Savior. At the 't - evening service the church was packed to overflowing; Many could not get in the house. The singing by the choir and congregation was grand. Never in the history" of the city has bet ter singing been heard. Mr. Wolfsohn knows how to make folks sing. The people catch the enthusiasm .from him and find themselves sinking as never before. -" The solos by Mr. Wolfsohn were rendered in such a way as to lead people to think of their soul's salvation. ,.He has a fine voice " and no better has been heard in Goncord. Before the meeting closes it isexpected that many will be converted. Twenty-eight were converted yesterday. Meetings are held at 9.30 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Everybody in vited. ' A Negro Caught In the Back Yard. Shortly after 3 o'clock Sunday morning a negro, named Dolph Fisher, came to the back door of Mr. M JJFreeman's residence and wanted admittance. From his language one could tell that he was either drunk or lost. From the negro's tale that he told Mr. Freeman it 1 seems that he had been very drunk and was sobering up when he found him self in. this backyard at the porch. He sobered up rapidly when Mr. Freeman stepped out before him. Nightwatchman .Carroll respond ed to the call and escorted him to jail to await a trial. He twas-airaigiied before Mayor Means for trespass. He has teen sent to, the chaia gang to work out his costs. He will be there for thirty days. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR and fevez ia a bottle 'tt Grove's Taste less Ohill Tonic, fferer fail to cure; Then hy exwrfmeot, itht worthless imitations? " ' Price 60 1 cents. Your money lack if it fails toonxe, t Bishop Cheshire's Father Dead. The Rev. Dr. Joseph B Ches hire, the father of Bishop Ches hire, of Raleigh, died in Tarboro last Saturday at the age of 84 years. ... - ",",r ' . in) 3 Dry Goods Depart in e hi Linen, colored Crash, for 5c. a yard, worth 10c. Printed Marsaiiles at 12c. Duck, Plain White, solid col ored and Printed. . Calico 3c up. Yard wide Percale at 20. and 25 cents per pound. Light colored Outing 5 & 7jc. Bargains in Towels. ' Hosiery. Two job lots of Samples of Gent's fine Sox, lot No.l, pliin and fancy colors, at loo wuith 20 to 25c. Fancy colored and black Lisle at 18c worth 25 to 50c. The best lino of Men's and La dies Hosiery on the market for 10 cents. Notions. Crochet Cotton, 4o per spool, Silk (short measure) at 5c. Turk ey Bed Cotton, 20c per dozan spools. Embroidery Silks, filo, outlining, rope and twisted at 3c per skein, worth 5 cents. Also gold embroidery thread at 3c per skein. Embroidery Hoops 5c. Bone Drs Stays 3- R, Hooks and Ps 10c box un Thread 3e per rdooL 8 2c per dozen, Brass Pia? -ic 1118 paper and 25c per pound T? Pins Ic, Ruboer" lined 1)7 Shields 10c, Moarning Pins U 5 5c per box, Alumnium Hair V 5c dozen, Ssde Combs 5 and 10 8 Pompadour 10c, coarse and tooth Dressing Combs 4 to 25e Stationary. Jobs in Box Paper at less than coit to produce. 25c boxes f0 15c and 10c ones for 5c. Paper at 10c per pound. pencil Erasers lc, Typewriter dooc. Car bon Paper for typewriter use 3 sheets for 5c, Typewriter paper at 3 ounces for-5c. Fancy Crepe Paper for Lamp Shades Gc un Toilet Paper 2 rolls for 10c. ink and Mucilage 3c, Shoe Bkckin? lc up, Tan do. 5c, Black Dressing 5 to 15c, Wood Tooth Picks 4c per 1.000. Genfs Furnishings, "Boston Garters 18c, Drawers Supporters 3o per pair, Silk Bosom Shirts 48o. Glass Ware 5c up. Crockery andTinware up stairs. D. J. Bostian ri iff ifc ill It ft 4. II you are not a subscriber to f he Standard i lit. aow la the time to subscribe Hi ll i Qli-Ti tIf you. have anything t sell I , ; - i . -J---., i.-, i; - .- . :i . i you can make it known through The Standard, t 111 sn mm A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED DAUGHTERS LIFE. 1 am the mother of eight child ren and have hada great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer C mv ittio daughter had tbe dysentery in its worst form. We thought su would die. I tried evrytlt't I could think of. I saw h nit auvtrfcisement in our paper tuat Chamberlaiu s Coliq, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had it? the house. It saved my little daught er's life. I am anxious for every mother to kno w what an excellent mediciDe it is. Had known it nt first it (would have saved maa great dal of anxietv aDd my little daughter much suffering. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo., F. Bur dick, LibertVj K. I. For Sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist. is publisHed every day Simday ex cepted) and delivered at your door v for only 10c. per week or 35c per month .... ....... . THE STANDARD prints home and other news that is of interest to oiir readers and to m,ake it grow better we must have the pat ronage of the people. . . . .. . ..... Gi ve us a trial when you make your next or der for.............. Job H-j.5.M5.4.M5.,. Xlf you want to uy any thhur f you can call for it through The Standard. I 4 , Work Work ready when promised. a Advertisins rates in inana i I -- The Standard made known " on applies1011 ......4.1t.lt.4...t.,jA4'i"Hri

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